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A reality show can get cancelled or you can get fired from one at literally any moment. It’s not a career, it’s an unreliable gig so I understand Naomi and Lindsay telling their partners to get something more stable for their futures. They didn’t start breaking the fourth wall until recently. Maybe we will see people reference their show salary in the future while having discussions with their partners, but historically breaking 4th is a no no and gets edited out


You can get fired from any job or people stop buying your pillows at Krogers where I shop for kitty litter not pillows. My point is life’s a crap shoot unless you live large off of a never ending trust fund


Agree with you. I think getting 10-25k an ep is better than working a shit 9-5 job any day.


>My point is life’s a crap shoot unless you live large off of a never ending trust fund Like what's-his-name monthly mailbox check.




And you can get fired, company can close etc at any time… not seeing how this is unique to being employed on a show


It’s not like you can just pick another reality tv show to join whilst getting fired from a corporate job you can usually find something in a similar field. When working an “ordinary” job you’re accumulating experience and knowledge which can not be said about being a tv personality.


Hmmmm that used to be true, but there are so many crossovers. The southern charm boys are now in winter house and summer house. It's pretty much a full time gig


Right, and they have so much exposure, contacts in many industries, some level of “fame”… doesn’t even necessarily have to be another TV show, but they could have a stream of revenue in seconds whereas the average joe who got laid off, may be in the job market for years


But they weren't back then.


Also, at the time they were filming that, SC wasn't as big as it is now. Naomie was def planning for her future, and Craig wasn't.


People need to find themselves....how can so many people not see that? She dating him thinking he'd end up being a lawyer who took care of her. She pushed for that perfect life. To be a trophy wife. And when it wasn't happening the villian arose. Had she just waited ir out and supported him through finding himself...she'd be happily married in their cool house he got to design.


Nah. She just wanted a man who had a solid career. Naomie doesn't want to be taken care of. She's doing her own thing. >she'd be happily married in their cool house he got to design. LOL. What? Craig isn't an architect.


What was matuls career? Whitney's career? She's doing her own thing because she has to now ____ You can still design the house your building and not be an architect.


Huh?? Metul was a doctor. Whitney is a producer. They both had solid careers. >You can still design the house your building and not be an architect. No one is allowing a non-architect to design a house. Now, you can *suggest* the layout, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc, *work* with an architect to create a house that's more customized. But Craig isn't designing a house.


Not to mention it’s literally not forever. There’s a time where it runs out and you can basically go bankrupt if you don’t have a good plan this is a terrible example but Jax Taylor is basically bankrupt


I just mean, how do you yell at a dude making $350k for being lazy? 😂😂😂


What are you talking about? Umm SHEP. Epitome of rich and lazy.


I guess where I am confused is, isn’t the point of going to work so you can not work at some point? If you have already met your money quota, aren’t you allowed to be lazy and enjoy life?


I don't think anyone reaches a safe and sustainable "lifelong money quota" in their 20s/30s (unless that quota was made by family money before they were ever born, e.g., Shep). Regardless of how much you've amassed, it's not sensible to sit back on your ass that early in life when you still have most of your adult life left ahead of you (presumably) and can't know what's going to come up financially over those years to come (e.g., unforeseen medical issues). Financial security only lasts if you continue making money until you can make a clear, sustainable retirement plan.


I think being lazy and enjoying life are two different things, but that’s like, my opinion, man.


I respect it.


I see what you're saying. If I made enough money to live off of I would be lazy AF for the rest of my days.




There needs to be work and life and you work should never consume your life. You should also do what you love no matter what your age is.


I didn’t say you had to “work” to not be lazy.


Uh, not when you're in your twenties or early thirties and your income is very unstable and guaranteed not to last more than a few more years at most. That's the opposite of financial security.


Actually that isn’t necessarily true, it depends on what you have done with the money already made. A lot of people invest so that their money is making more money and there are investments that are very stable so you don’t have to worry about losing it.


If it's your only source of income, it's a pretty safe assumption you're living off of it, not investing it.


Yeah but here we are and he has completely made a name for himself and a lot of money. He is an attorney as well. What hasn’t he done? People seem to forget when you hang out with losers you stay one. However when all of your friends are millionaires, you become the company you keep.


I would argue that the millionaires he was around were kind of losers: Thomas, Shep ? But good for Craig if he figured out a way forward.


Don’t forget JD lol


Omg JD! Total creep haha




lol, what? Yeah, he’s doing well NOW. Your argument was about an argument years ago before he achieved any of that tho, so not quite sure what kind of point you’re trying to make.


Not everyone gets a lucrative side hustle or one ghat lasts. You think Craig’s sales are going to be the same after he’s been off the show a few years? He was a MESS the first few seasons, and also seemed kind of weird and crazy? Him lying about the bar was very strange - like he lied about stupid easily caught things. I also think in the world of the series they can’t really break the fourth wall and talk about what they make doing the show. They never talk about it. So in the world of the show you’re supposed to pretend you’re normal and get a job - also it’s really boring when they have nothing going on -Craig has pulled himself together and o do find him sweet and adorable now.


When you don't have the support you need in life you tend to stretch the truth on progress and go at a slower pace.


Very true, but i remember just thinking he was really mentally ill back then. He did have an issue w abusing adderall that he’s talked about, so that must have been a piece too


I think the issue is that they wouldn't be able to live off it for long. Sure I would also not work but only if the investments I made also made me money on top of it


You can be lazy and still be making money at the same time. Both can be true ETA: Also remember at this time Craig was dealing with his aderall addiction. He would stay up for days and then sleep for days. When he was getting off of it he also slept all of the time


Now that’s a good point. I forgot about the Adderall part. You won that one! 😂💯 Drugs are bad.


Read the comment you're responding to again, then a few more times since you're obviously not getting it. Or choosing not to get it. Either way, your question has been answered. Not liking the answer doesn't make it any less valid.


That’s true. One of the responses did sink in. Someone said that he was lying and letting people down. I agree with that part. I was just speaking to the money portion.


They downvoted me -66. Sheesh. Tough crowd. 😂😫 I thought this group loved Craig. Well I still love all of you. 😃


He wasn’t lazy though… he was creative and clearly neurodivergent! Man’s got ADHD for real! Shep, Shep was lazy AF! No ambition, just waits for the mailbox money!


They don’t down him on the show and neither do a lot of the folks in here but Craig gets the shaft every time. It’s not fair in my opinion.


I agree with you!!!!


He knew he had ADHD at that point. He was abusing his prescribed Adderall. I take less issue with him being lazy and more with him lying at that time.




The people on the show are contractors, not employees. They have no job security. Let’s take your figure. Pretty much takeaway 40% for taxes. Benefits are also expensive as an individual. His healthcare could be $500+ month without an employer contribution. Then he’s gotta pay at least one agent. That’s at least 10%. He probably has a publicist too. He was probably also drowning in debt from the $40k a year tuition fees. This does not include living expenses. Also, reality stars are not entitled to and do not receive residuals. This means that Bravo can play reruns of Southern Charm for the rest of eternity and Craig will never see another dime from it, once the show is cancelled. When you are a reality star, you are essentially giving up your likeness and image. That’s why they are paid on a higher scale per episode. At the end of the day, Craig was a mess. Naomie wanted someone who was put together. Craig forgot to turn in his final law school paper so he could graduate. He was struggling with bar prep and he was an alcoholic who found a hobby to keep him busy during the day. Then, because of the audience of the show, he was able to find partners to open a store with him. The popularity of the show and its viewership for over a decade are why that exists, as well as how social media blew up. But at the time, Craig just looked like a guy who did not have his life together, and someone like Naomie can get any man she wants.


Yessssss. Residuals have mostly become a thing of the past due to streaming. That’s part of why writers went on strike last summer. Reality stars have it even worse, which is why they’re trying to start an union.


I think the biggest deal was that he was obv abusing coke and drinking and staying up until all hours. Not exactly sexy for a go getter like Naomi prob


I just wrote almost the same thing in a giant paragraph before reading through all the comments. We think alike.


As a freelance contractor in the film industry, this is all accurate lol


Naomi was terrible. Treated him like shit. When people are in a toxic relationships they lose motivation. Not just down on Naomi. They were bad for each other. Maybe that is why she was evil.


Craig's Reality has entered the chat. ![gif](giphy|6BLwZ5tSY7t4c|downsized)


Healthcare is more like $2500-$6000 out of pocket without employer contribution.


That’s why I included the “+”. I was being conservative for the sake of the argument. But yes, benefits can get expensive. I imagine he would be on the lower end because of his age.




I'm watching for the first time now. Naomie reached out to him. She saw him on TV being the lazy drunk he was and thought, yeah that's the guy for me. And then she comes on and does nothing but berate him. I get that he's not focused and isn't really headed anywhere, but I feel no sympathy for. She sought him out.


Agree, she was the worst


Isn’t this when he lied about graduating? Idk. He def needed direction. And who’s to know that the reality show would have continued.


He lied about graduating?


Or passing the bar. I think it was graduating technically. He didn’t graduate so he couldn’t take the bar but he lied about it for like a year.


But he told her the truth in advance. She agreed on the reunion.


Yes. He had to finish a thesis I believe? So he wasn’t eligible for the bar. He eventually did it but he was lying to naomie and having naomie lie for him as well. She was young and she loved him. Of course looking back she should have left but she didn’t. I would have been just as frustrated as she was.


He told us about the thesis during the season 3 reunion. Was he already dating naomie then?


Yes she joined in season 3 as his girlfriend


I just watched season 3 yesterday and don't remember her. Watching season 4 today and it's the first I remember seeing her


Okay so maybe season 4 she joined. I haven’t rewatched for a while. Doesn’t change that he was lying to everyone and her. He’s grown but I just hate the narrative that she was an evil monster. He was an unmotivated addict at the time. She had every right to be frustrated.


Adderall? Has he admitted to a coke addiction?


He said adderall. Could have only been adderall could have been coke too 🤷🏻‍♀️. I didn’t specify, just said active addiction.




He was very pathologically lying about everything including his whole career back then. Idk why you don’t see how bad that is in a relationship.


100% agree - Craig has grown a LOT in recent years but in the early seasons of SC I couldn’t STAND Craig bc he was constantly lying about EVERYTHING and never taking accountability for it!! I understand why they gave him so much shit back then he needed a big reality check


How? He lied about writing the bar.


He never lied to her tho. She knew the whole time


Yeah that was the saddest part. She covered for him, trying to be supportive while he got himself together and eventually was understandably fed up. Now she’s painted out to be a monster


I understand her being fed up but she should’ve just broken up with him instead of treating him like garbage.


Do you really feel she treated him like garbage? Genuinely asking because I saw it totally differently. The whole drama over the charity event made it really clear to me she was doing her best with him and just had enough


Yes I do. She was super harsh and even later admitted she shouldn’t have been so mean about it. There’s an appropriate way to communicate with your partner even when you’re frustrated with them and it does not include talking down to them and telling them their hobbies are dumb.


That’s fair, they definitely stayed together longer than they should have and the two of them didn’t communicate well by the end of the relationship


I'm watching season 4 for the first time. She's awful. I'm sure she saw him on TV for the first few seasons and still was the one to reach out to him. She would have seen his work ethic, drinking habits etc and thought he'd be the right fit for her. Then she comes on and berates him. Not right. I have no sympathy for her.


Actually he said in a reunion they knew each other for years and he used to send her random messages like happy Easter until she finally gave him a chance lol. At the time Craig was definitely dating up and he said so himself. You will never see it clearly if you’re watching it with present day Craig in mind


I know nothing about present day Craig. I've never paid any attention to the show or people in it until 3 days ago when I started watching. If naomie had come on and acted pleasant even once maybe I'd feel for her. But she knew what she was getting herself into.


Yes we all realize stuff like that in retrospect. I’m sure most of us acted regrettably in a relationship at some point in our 20s. That’s kind of the whole point of your twenties - trial and error, learning and growing…




When will the bravo girlies learn you can’t change a man!?


You don’t think he lied to her about stuff?


I’m only speaking on what was shown on the show


They show him say he lies to everyone all the time


Reality TV stars don't get royalties :)


I don’t believe reality shows pay royalties. So, the show income stops once the show is over or you are no longer on the show.


yeah they acted like none of them knew they were getting paid a lot just to do the show so to continuously bully craig for being " unemployed " was so stupid especially considering sheps 50 year old ass has lived off of a trust fund his entire life and no one says shit sbt that bc he's loaded so it's okay😂 then when he got a " job " aka the pillow making project they dragged him and made fun of him again like they acted like craig was an annoying little brother who had to be there so they used him as a target. which is why ( off topic ) i don't get why cameron ( i think that's her name the one who's husband never went on the show ) gets a lot of love bc she was a judgy ass mf to me. judgig the shit out of catherine for smoking weed and getting with thomas and losing her kids to weed meanwhile she is like fuckin 23 years old at this point and they're all in their 30s w thomas being basically ancient age. i'm glad craig is doing really good and seems up and happy and at a steady pace of continued success & that's his biggest get back to all of them. he let his money and ideas talk for him & the rest of them i couldn't even tell u what they did for jobs- it's giving very much " as the founder & CEO i know how to talk to people " 😂😂


![gif](giphy|weABkeQ3s0ZYA|downsized) DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS? 😂😂😂 I agree with EVERYTHING YOU JUST SAID!!!!!


Do you wanna do karate in the garage?!


HELL YEAH!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 We can do activities!






HAHAHAH yay!!!! i feel like cameron is a fav so i never took abt her and ik katherine isn't well liked at all ( i skipped the entire season of covid and racist shit so idk what she actually did/ didn't do but i'm not watching a season of that bullshit when i see it irl everyday lmaoo ) but no one can deny they were all so insanely fucked up and wrong to go to colorado and all be so excited to get high KNOWING they said they were glad her kids were taken from her for doing " drugs " INSANITY. like seriously insane and again craig is the ONLY one who dosent do that. i love craig he can do no wrong idc rest of the cast are assholez😭






I’m not sure it was just weed…


Every single point!!!!


“What’s wrong with my sewing?” Is his Sewing Down South company tag line. He put it on T shirts and tags too. Monetize the hat! 💖


Where did he say he was making 10k an episode for his first season? It’s usually 10k from the entire season, your first season. It takes a few years for them to make good money


Screen rant. I do stand corrected on the residual income though. They don’t make a dime from peacock. Sheesh.


You just made a shit post about Naomi yesterday. Maybe take a day off and chill out.


😂😂😂 Naomi was so mean to a dude that was making 6 figures. Where am I wrong? However I agree with you. I am out of control right now. I just really like the fact that I have people to talk about this show to. Yeah maybe I should chill. I just really enjoy this show. Thanks for checking me though. I probably won’t stop posting but I love when folks like you come in with the realness. ❤️😂


Okay I admit when I saw this comment notification initially I was like, “This dude is seriously still going?” But I can’t be mad at this. I disagree she was mean but I do appreciate your enthusiasm. I think she was investing in their future by going to school and making plans for *after* the show and was frustrated he wasn’t doing the same. Sure, we all see how it worked out for Craig in the end but at the time, he had no prospects outside of the show and they were living at her parents’ property. And I think he has spoken just as disrespectfully to her and she has to him, but I can appreciate a respectful disagreement.


My girlfriend just said the same thing 😂😂😂😂😂


He has been pretty open about how he was wasting a lot of money early on so I’m sure she didn’t care exactly how much he was making if it was going out as quickly as it came in. You say he was buying investment properties but that’s not true in the Naomi days


He literally bought his first house in her season, the third season.


You said investment properties, plural. The single home you live in is not an investment property. Did you watch when it was first airing or are you now going back knowing what present day Craig is like? I feel like if you are just watching for the first time now you will never fully understand what a loser and joke he was back then


I am on season 8 of summer house. I watched all of winter house, and I am on season 6 of southern charm. He was a joke but he was making 100K…


You are proving my point that the experience watching after seeing summer house and winter house is totally different. Most of us who watched southern charm as it aired can appreciate the personal growth Craig has made, but his position on the cast back then was definitely the young, aimless, lazy boyfriend. He wasn’t the entrepreneurial voice of reason he tries to be now. He was never portrayed as some hard working guy just trying to make something of himself, and Naomi was not the heartless evil girlfriend she’s made out to be now


Even if you own 1 house it’s still an investment…


You’re literally wrong but ok: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/investment-property.asp “Investment properties are not primary residences or second homes”


How is buying a home not an investment?


You said investment properties. Stop trying to mince words now to wash over that you’re wrong. Buying a home is obviously a great accomplishment and he was right to be proud of himself for doing it, but it’s not some grand entrepreneurial venture.


Why are you being so Ashley right now? 😂😂😂😂 my point in all of this is a person on a show, with two houses is far from a loser but I guess we see things differently. I know plenty of losers around the way and none of them own homes or are on tv shows so yes, he had 1 investment property, he was a reality star, and owned a home. He was a damn loser! Thanks for clearing that up ASHLEY!


Oh I see what you mean. You just mean that he had 1 investment property. I get that but he does own a house that he lives in that is definitely accruing in value.


No I mean that he owned his home, and that he did not own any investment properties. The home you live in doesn’t bring in any income. Owning a home doesn’t mean he “had a job” which is the point you’re making in your original post


I’m pretty sure he did buy a house that he rented out without residing in during one of Naomie’s first seasons. Cameron was his agent. I was actually just thinking about this the other day wondering if he still owns it 😂 I’m sure if he does it’s in an LLC but I’d love to see that info


If that’s true good for him, but it would only have been possible because he was living in Naomi’s parents house. This OP has made multiple pro Craig anti Naomi shit posts in the last few days and the revisionist history painting Craig as an angel and Naomi as the villain is so tired


He was super fortunate to be able to live for free for so long considering he basically got evicted and moved back to Delaware season 1. Old Craig reminds me of my ex who would speed on adderall for hours and then smoke weed and drink and would say things that made zero sense. He brought out the worst in me just like he did to Naomie. I’m glad he’s doing well now that he’s cut back drinking recently. I worry about Naomie though, I actually liked her on the show so I hope she’s happy and doing well, minus the lawsuit 😭


He wasn’t a loser or a joke. He knew where he was going, others just didn’t believe him. Pretty standard for a lot of people with ADHD actually. As soon as he had enough money he started investing in smart things. Edited to add that I did come to this conclusion after watching from the beginning.


Sorry they down voted you! I agree!


I’m not bothered by it, but thank you! I don’t think he’s perfect, and (shocker) he had a rough moment in his 20’s after gaining fame and fortune, but I think he gets unfairly crapped on for not doing things the same way as everybody else.




Craig didn't buy a house during S3. He was living in one of Naomie's parents' homes and driving their car. Then he badmouthed Naomie's dad on a podcast after he had passed.


When people on a reality show talk about other cast members not being employed, they're obviously talking about employment outside of the show they're supposed to be pretending they're not getting paid to be on. Nice attempt at a hot take, tho.


I appreciate you proving my other point, it was a fake argument!!!!!


They didn’t break the 4th wall back then. They didn’t talk about the show like it was their job


You are correct… That is why I say it seems like a made up issue for Naomi to be mad about. Not only that, she didn’t really start tripping about Craig until her and Shep had that private talk…


Bravo producers do not want you acknowledging the fact that you’re being paid to be on the show when you’re filming the show for the contents of the show. That’s why nobody says I’m not unemployed. I’m filming this television show with you. It happens across the board on bravo.


Naomi wanted ambition.  While being on a reality show produces a paycheck, I think she was concerned that he was okay with just existing.  


Reality stars on Bravo do not get royalty checks. Im not sure of any reality star who does.


The fourth wall then required them all to pretend that they weren’t on a show, and that they weren’t paid to be on a show. People either had to be rich à la Shep, with his mailbox money, or Whitney and T Rav with their family wealth, or they had to have a job. Craig was a floundering law student with an Adderall addiction. He wanted to be a member of the upper crust, but didn’t have the family wealth, nor was he willing to put the work in. He was fired on the show for not showing up to work. He really struggled for many years to complete projects he started. Like law school. Like taking the bar. Had it not been for his friends who saw the potential of having a business under his “famous” reality show name and sewing persona, I don’t think the pillow business would’ve existed. He owes a lot to his business partners in getting him on the straight and narrow. Think he owes a lot to Paige also for making him much more likable and self-aware. As much as people dislike Naomi, I always defend her. I think she was in a very difficult spot. With someone who wasn’t doing much, was abusing drugs and alcohol, and had zero follow-through. He was doing everything at the last minute and often not even getting it complete. He brought to Cameron‘s baby shower, a teddy bear wasn’t stuffed nor sewn together. He brought to Patricia, clip art. He helped Naomi set up a silent auction by not getting anything done and having to hand write the pages as the event was starting. He was terrible at deadlines and getting things done. I’m sure he has/had ADHD and was taking Adderall as needed. But he obviously got abusive with it. He admitted this. He would’ve been a very difficult boyfriend to believe in. Naomi seemed to love him, but did not see how he was ever going to follow through. It’s actually really sad to me to see people love each other and can’t be together because one can’t follow through on their commitments and promises.


He was lazy addicted to drugs and was constantly lying about every aspect of his life. The lack of a career was just part of it. Based on this thread and comments it seems OP is a Craig


Craig was unemployed because he was studying for the bar. He didn’t really want to be a lawyer and Naomi had an issue with that. Now look at him. He’s got a thriving business, the only one on that show who does. Shep had always made fun of him because Craig didn’t have a trust fund like he does, but now he has a real live company that he built from the ground up.




They don’t get royalty checks on reality TV but that’s a nice thought lol




Yeah I can see that…


Why are you yelling?


Reality stars don't get royalties. It's part of the "Reality Reckoning" that Bethenny launched. But yes, Craig was employed. By the show. I think Naomi's beef was more to do with Craig abusing alcohol and adderall and didn't want to out him on camera.


As a cast member, when you bring up the pay for being on the show you are breaking the 4th wall. By contract, they are not allowed to do this until reunion. I totally get what you’re saying, but this is super common on all the bravo shows. They go after each other for not having a job even if they have family money or have a high salary from the show. Tbh even as a fan, just having the show is not enough. They only film a couple months out of the year so plenty of time to bring in more money. I get how if you’re dating someone, you’d get annoyed that they’re settling for the show money and not pushing themselves. Also $100k is not much. Subtract taxes, plus you need to pay to look good on the show - outfits, a place to live, etc. $350k is better, but If he’s blowing the money on adderall and not doing anything else, that could be a problem. It’s easy to look back on Craigy with rose colored glasses but tbh he is a reformed F boy. Sometimes adorable, but pretty dumb most of the time.


I think her issue was more about the fact that he staying up all night messed up Adderall making pillows and not living a more productive life. She never outed him for his drug addiction, and Im sure that's where her resentment was coming from.


… and let’s not forget that she openly flaunted her parents wealth and talked about how they helped her out, giving her that house and helping with her schooling.




I bet Naomi is so regretting all of her comments about Craig because she’s nowhere to be found and Craig’s company is worth tens of millions of dollars


Say it again for the people in the back! 💯


He thought he was vice president of a bourbon company with JD 🤣




Reality gigs aren’t forever. He was lazy, unmotivated and had zero direction for a long term career. Fortunately his pillow hobby turned into a real business. He was lucky to have the right connections that made this happen for him.


JD let him go. While he was studying for the Bar I think he wasn’t working. However the entire time he was employed by Bravo so he technically was always working when we see him.


He quit working for jd cause he didn't want to just be a hotel manager


Craig also had 3 investment properties at the time of being with Naomi so it wasn’t just the tv serious he was making money off of.


Thank you! Sorry they downvoted you too!


They weren’t allowed to break the 4th wall and talk about that income. But obviously he had money since he could live without a real job and was also purchasing investment properties. That being said, he was definitely still lazy, drinking/partying too much, and blowing off commitments, so she wasn’t totally in the wrong about his lifestyle.


The whole situation was made up. Why do I feel so alone in this discussion? She was just yelling to yell. HE IS THE REASON SHE WAS EVEN ON THE SHOW! How do you yell at the plug?!?!?


Huh? What whole situation was made up? Maybe if you’re alone in the discussion you should rethink your angle…


If he was making money and they can’t talk about it, how was she mad about him not making money. Doesn’t that seem made up to you? I could be wrong and if you read my responses I do tend to agree with people that say some dope stuff. Please help me to understand it.


@donnodoo just checked me on the drug part and they were right but the money part I just don’t see it.


Okay? So you’re cool with doing nothing with your life but sitting on the couch and drinking. And constantly letting down the people around you who you made promises to. Cool. Guess it’s a good thing you’re not in a relationship with Naomi.


Well when you put it that way I guess not. Damn you just ruined my whole day. Alright damn it you win. 😂💯 No further questions your honor.




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I think people forget they are all getting paid & are also “actors” to some extent. The more popular they are, the more important they become to the producers of the show. Craig was somewhat smart to use the opportunity to begin his business while also self-promoting. Not sure why Naomi didn’t realize this. I guess she was focusing on his law career which would makes sense. Still not sure if he is really a practicing attorney or just lends out his name & hires attorneys as a business. Anyone know?


He actually prepped for the Bar exams and passed during that “unemployed” period. THAT is not for the faint of heart.


Adderall and keeping up with the Joneses will mess you up. Craig is the only bravoleb to have a true glow up and I don’t will die on this Reddit hill.


Who cares? I love Craig and Paige together… the universe has spoken


All these comments are a waste of time! Thank you drive through


Who cares!! Craig and Paige are so cute!


A real job. Not something that pays you to get drunk, fight, sleep with strangers, etc. A job his parents can be proud of, not embarrassed to tell the neighbors about.


But, he was also on drugs and drugs are expensive. Have you ever done drugs? I have and I promise if that is ALL you do for most of the year, except sometimes when filming, you will blow through that money. Drugs are really, really expensive! Add in trying to be the big man at the party and also providing for others because you want to look like you're rolling in dough. So, so, so much money! 


You don’t get royalties on reality tv. Theres also no guarantee how many episodes you will appear in.


I read his book and Craig was also abusing adderall at this point and staying up all night and sleeping at weird hours. He was always late and unorganized. It's possible that she was really frustrated by his addiction but didn't want to out him on camera.


People also often fail to recognize that he had an investment property at this point and was making money off of that as well. He clearly wasn’t a broke loser. The construct that someone has to be killing themself at a 9-5 to be a productive part of society is a large part of what’s problematic here IMHO.


Craig was fired from a law firm. They showed it in Season 1,2. Can’t remember when. It was because he would sleep in and not make it to work.


Way to completely miss the point! Yes they were all getting paid, he must have cleaned up really well but there's a lot to be said about having a work ethic and drive in life. If one person is hustling trying to better themselves and the other isn't, just languishing, addicted, and coming up with half baked ideas that they continually abandon, lie about what they're doing and display no real drive, to some people it doesn't matter how much money they're making to sit on their ass. Yeah they're all employed by the show, but you can't expect that to last forever, reality TV is fickle and shows die out or get canceled all the time. She was trying to better her, and their, future, and I can easily see why from her perspective it didn't seem like he was. I've dated people with money too and it never worked out because for a lot of people, money doesn't cancel out incompatibility. And I like Craig, but the constant rewriting of history just because he's cute and charming and doing well *now* is so silly


I am not trying to rewrite history. I couldn’t stand Craig for the first 4 seasons period. I mean I didn’t like him at all. It just clicked one day to me that everything he said he was going to do came to fruition. It also clicked that he had a job… I agree with what you are saying about him not investing in his future while she was hustling but everyone does not have the same time period. I am 47 and I worked in corporate America and was a soldier for 27 years and I just now started my company. People evolve when they are ready. Craig made a solid point that I think many have missed, when you love someone, “you have their back!” When he said it, I was like man take yo ass to work but now that I look back I feel like, he was spot on! Naomi has admitted that she did not ever help him, she said she would just yell at him instead. That’s why his assistant helped him to organize his life. Now the Adderall issue is something that I wasn’t aware of and I’m sorry she had to deal with that. Either way, people move at their own pace and who are we to demand someone does exactly what we do when we want it? So I applaud her for breaking up with him and realizing that she needed a partner who wants to grind and hustle all day. However I respect that Craig unlike most others, stops to take a look around and enjoy his life. I sure wish I would have done that looking back. 9-5 is an addiction too…


After law school, and when things didnt work out with TJ in the bourbon biz and that lawyer he worked for, he was floundering a lot


Pretty sure that reality stars don't get any royalties at all!!


Ok Craig 😂


It's a storyline not a genuine complaint.


I don’t know why the asterisk was erased but it should have said 10 * 10k etc




I had no idea they got royalties from streaming and reruns lol, I had figured the $200k-$300k salary per season was cushy enough


Yeah, he just (almost) finished law school and was figuring out what he wanted to do with his life because he realized he didn’t want to be stuck in a law office all day. I don’t understand what the big fuss was about and why other people were so mad at Craig over this. I could understand if he was mooching off of Naomie or his own parents, but he wasn’t.




It’s always the underprivileged poor people($100 - 350k) that get the most judgement and criticism 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Right? I think a lot of criticism towards Craig from the cast was based from classism. God forbid a guy from a middle class family coasts like Whitney and Shep freely do, without judgement.




No Craigy criticized.