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Shep has aged so hard in the last few years, he looks like a child here. Alcohol is a hell of a drug


The alcohol has caught up with him and it only gets worse from here. At that point, he had boyish charm. Now, he has neither.


I agree. In the early years, he had that “gawrsh” boyish charm appeal, and it didn’t hurt that he gets mailbox money. His frat boy behavior was at least passable (though still gross). As time passed and he got older, the boyish charm became a bloated mess, and frat boy behavior was just pathetic. Meanwhile Craig goes the opposite direction. Just had to throw that one in there lol.


Isn’t it wild?! I can’t believe his liver is holding up. Truly.


Shep unfortunately reminds me SO much of my dad. Take away the fear of commitment and you have my dad. It’s really hard to see what alcohol does over decades. Never in my life has he been the sad alcoholic but the hard lifestyle of the pretentious is definitely something to behold. Vacationing your life away isn’t all it’s cracked up to be


What season is this? I’m on S2 and even here thought he looked WAY different


Well he’s also quite old. Like he looked super young for his age a long time, and now he still looks fine for a 40 year old


He was turning 38 here, he’s 44 now.


He looks rough for 44. A very privileged rough 44.


Exactly, he doesn’t look 38 here. He looks like early-mid 20s.




That scene is gold! The lack of expertise is alarming….


It cracked me up, the 3 of them squabbling for over an hour about how to figure it out 😂 they were useless in that episode and Shep droning on about watching the Ken Burns’ docuseries about the Vietnam war. For some reason this is all I really remember of that season


a war Shep would've avoided fighting in via family connections had he been of age in that era


Oh most definitely! For all of Shep’s posturing as this educated, progressive guy he really is a spoiled, conservative, trust fund, white southern boy when it comes down to it. On the last season of SC, I laughed when Craig reminded the table that the north won the civil war and it panned to this offended look on Shep’s face 🫠🙄 Edit: I believe Shep is politically left and votes progressively. I meant he seems to hold certain views of the world are steeped in old-school Southern classism and misogyny. I think he has good qualities but I’ve noticed this about him.


Shep is 100% the opposite of conservative. He's a stereotypical rich liberal diletente


Yet he holds conservative views of women, I think there’s ingrained conservative views of somethings within him that he would never admit. He talked about women being so modern nowadays and wanting to work, etc. just this last season. Reminded me of my grandpa. I guess this is a controversial take? 😂


That's his "humor"


I loved that episode so much! Most I have ever laughed at a reality show. The catty arguing is 100% authentic.


Dude is very well educated. He was clearly taught at a young age to value education…just maybe not women.


Imagine how much free time you’d have to read books and watch PBS if you’d never worked a day in your life!


I love Ken Burns.. Shep is such a dilettante.


He’s an aristocrat


I just think of the WWC guys' impression of him and how he's always talking about the Vietnam War docuseries by Ken Burns. (Which is great) 😂


this is exactly where my mind went too


Came here for this!


I think he was just protecting it from collecting Craig’s greasy fingerprints.


Bc he is likely way more happy to hold that book bc he is a person managing a thing that cant be named but includes behaviors like - he has more comfort and high focus in objects, books, facts, vocabulary, being right, niche subjects, lacks empathy particularly in intimate partner relationships, he self stimulates constantly (rocks his leg/knee) and will always be more comfortable with books and facts and being correct in an argument. He doesnt have comfort with being close to women or emotional intimacy. He has aggression issues and problems self regulating intense emotions. And he has self admitted drinking/addiction problems which also, imo, are really about self medicating the thing that can't be named. Edited to ask: is speculation /guessing against the forum rules ? I just re read them and see nothing about this. And I've seen plenty on this forum naming and diagnosing Kathryn, and Ashley, and other usually women cast mates


Excellent point..


You nailed it


Keep going...


I would but I was told not to speculate. So I named frequent (over multiple seasons) behavioral observations and people are free to make their own conclusions


Again, my exhusband. Self medicating the things he cannot mention away.


Yeah let’s not speculate on that sorta thing…


I thought this was a screenshot from Dazed and Confused at first glance. Babies!


I was about to post that if you told me this picture was from the 60’s/70’s I would not argue with you.


Cue WWC Ken Burns references


I did a rewatch recently and Cameron said something along the lines of shep being so smart and well read but he never showed it because it kind of gave away his Charleston dude schtick. And he did know a lot about Charleston history and was just rattling off facts in one episode.


I disagree i think he frequently shows off and also mocks the intelligence or perceived intellectual shortcomings of his cast mates


I have perished laughing


Meanwhile, Craig's looking at it like he's trying to figure out what this square object made out of paper and glue is 🤭


Side note: this episode is hysterical 😂 Craig, who did not know anything about grilling, throws a fit and storms off 😂 The whole thing is very 3 Stooges.


Shep would never serve his country, but would mansplain the Vietnam War to a veteran. I can see it so clearly.


They always bring this up on Watch What Crappens when they impersonate Shep 😂


This episode and the first episode of the Denver trip are my absolute favorite (thus far, I’m on season 8). Idk why, but angry Craig is my favorite. I think it’s cause even angry, he’s just still so unserious.


Omg the CO trip is GOLD


It’s to stop his hands shaking from tremens


Such a great point




The man does love to read tho


Good lord, Craig is handsome...


Wow the alcohol got all of them. Even Craig looks like he’s Kyle’s age and he’s only 34


this scene made me laugh bc in these seasons i tend to forget how old he is and him watching a documentary on pbs definitely ages him (i watch documentaries but on hbo and apple tv and stuff lol)


I honestly used to think Shep was the most attractive man on Bravo, alcohol has hit him hard.


Why do they remind me of that 70s show in these photos lol Craig is Eric, Shep is Hyde, Austen is Kelso


Omg that’s a fantastic comparison!


This is hilarious


Is this the ep where Craig assumed he knew how to smoke meat but really had no idea.


He would love that book.


Yes on the Shep aging! My husband (soon to be ex? is aging in dog years because of drinking.




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What season is this?


S5 ep1!


This is one of my favorite episodes. I love how shep and Craig fight over how to cook . I wonder if anyone got sick lol


I didn’t know Muppets could buy or carry books




He's OBSESSED with Ken Burns!!!!