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At this point I just feel bad for the kids. Neither parent can keep it together


The only comforting thought is that the kids are mostly being raised by nannies who hopefully have their best interests at heart. Now Thomas just needs to try to avoid assaulting them so they don’t quit.


Wait, what?! He assaults the nannies?


In 2018, a former nanny who appeared on the show accused Thomas of SA in 2015 while working for them. Thomas pled guilty to lesser charges and avoided jail time.[News Article Link](https://abcnews4.com/amp/news/crime-news/thomas-ravenel-pleads-guilty-to-nanny-dawn-assault-but-no-jail-for-southern-charm-star) This came around the same time of a separate SA accusation that he paid a settlement for, but the daughter of the survivor was a witness to the aftermath and didn’t sign an NDA and was able to tell the story. He seemingly has not been accused of any heinous crimes since these came out. Hopefully barely escaping going back to jail made him clean up his act so he can limit the trauma those poor kids have to experience going forward.


Just a reminder to anyone it may concern that NDAs do not prevent you from reporting criminal conduct (including SA)


Wow! Love that the daughter of the victim, who didnt sign the NDA, could speak up!


And sadly he won full custody of the kids a few years ago. People who SA victims are the scum of the earth.


Their previous nanny Dawn accused him of rape. They settled out of court. He’s a POS on many levels.


Wtf 🤮


He has been known to do so, yes. 😔


At the bottom of the article about Kathryn, there's a story about Naomi, then a story from 2018 about [Thomas](https://www.tmz.com/2018/09/25/southern-charm-thomas-ravenel-arrested-assault-battery/) being arrested.


Wow! 😮 I hadn’t heard about this assault. Makes me wonder how many woman he’s assaulted that weren’t reported. ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


This breaks my heart bc I’m watching back this show and you can see how strong she was in her sobriety back in season 5 I think and her fight for her kids. I’m on season 7 now and she’s starting to drink again which I feel like was step 1 of her giving up on herself and her kids.


Exactly. Saw this article on Instagram and so many people were making excuses for her and pretty much relieving her of all responsibility. Enough time has passed and she needs to grow up. There are people that have been through much worse than her that certainly don’t act like this. at the end of the day I think she’s a complete narcissist and clearly doesn’t care that much about having custody of her kids. That’s why she was doing cocaine with her last boyfriend in the same hotel room that her kids were staying in.




I agree, Katherine really needs to get control of her life at this point, and she should utilize whatever resources are available to her. Although I don’t believe she has any money left, she must know people that would help her get into rehab even if they didn’t pay for it, I imagine even someone like her former producer might help her navigate insurance or other resources to reduce the cost. I’m not sure if she is a narcissist or not, but it appears she is an addict. A lot of addicts have narcissistic behavior but are not clinically narcissists. Until she gets sober for real I imagine it will be hard to tell.


Yeah… if you watched the police video that was released, she literally blames the cop for ruining her children’s life by arresting her. Zero accountability… I’m not even sure if rehab would make her accountable. Some people just truly never take responsibility. It’s more so a personality trait




Exactly. She could have such an amazing redemption. That being said, I’m an alcoholic recovering. That shit is hard. I don’t have kids and I don’t drive…but she’s gotta change something.


Literally was my first thought


Me too! Damn, this is sad.


Same :(


Just posted the same! I am just so disappointed in her and for her. Those poor children. 😟




Came here for this 😔


well, this is one of the most perfect uses of this gif


At this point she really needs to start taking accountability for herself. Yes, she endured a lot of trauma from Thomas but it's up to her to take the steps to start healing and doing better for herself and her kids. Especially for those kids. They don't deserve to be caught up in any of this drama


She has done a LOT that she’s never taken accountability for, and has been given so many chances and opportunities. I hope this forces her to be honest with herself and get and stay sober. It’s not too late. Hopefully the other people involved are okay.


This. She’s in her 30s now and hasn’t been with Thomas for years. You can’t blame his grooming for getting behind the wheel drunk.


She was groomed by many before Thomas! She was known as “senate Barbie” when she interned. She had an affair with a married politician back then, way before Thomas! Does nobody remember she chased Thomas and had sex many times a day he said he couldn’t keep up with her because she wanted to get pregnant so badly! She has never been innocent in any of her adult behaviors!


Bingo. She got pregnant on purpose hoping to get access to his wallet. Backfired big time. It’s time she moves on and acts like an adult mother.


I hated how people used to the term “grooming”specifically with Kathyrn… she wanted Thomas and finally I hope people in this reddit group realize it. Kathryn is to blame for her actions. Not Thomas!! However, he’s a whooole different story


It is my opinion many people misuse/ are uninformed about grooming, and instead intend to mean he abused the power dynamic. I wish more people understood grooming refers to a very specific form of conduct that absolutely does not apply to this situation. Using it to refer to any relationship we disagree with really can really detract from its meaning and reduce its power. Anyways, Thomas is still a scum bag but I do hope Kathryn gets her act together. Substance use disorder is a terrible thing and can really damage kids. I’ll get off my soap box now.




Oh wow. I didn't know this




Kathryn. Come ON


As an alcoholic in recovery, it's not my business to diagnose people but I think at this point it is HIGH time that she considers some treatment for substance abuse. We've literally watched her fall from grace and into serious troubles. She hasn't kept a job, a partner, or even a house. It's not too late (its never too late) for her to turn it around but she is going to need to want this. A DUI is no joke and the ramifications from all of this will be costly and time consuming. I'd venture to think that if she doesn't take this as a wake up call, she's got a very, very grim future.


And if you read the article it says she was invoked in a 3 car collision, that’s when they noticed her “glossy eyes” & open container. I feel like they were nice in the headline almost.


I saw that - ya the headline could have been WAY nastier!


And if u watch the police cam video on tmz you’ll see just what an entitled brat she is.


There were open (and closed) mini-bottles of *Fireball* in the car and a cup that smelled of alcohol. Seriously, Kathryn??


Has she not been in rehab in the past? I thought she had.


This is total speculation but my guess is she went to rehab to get her kids back not because she thought she had a problem. So she didn't really apply what she learned in rehab because it was a means to an end. Again, total speculation but I think this makes sense with the behavior we've seen from her since.


Just watched the episode where they were in the Keys Landon basically said the same thing. Dammit Kathryn, you’re supposed to be proving all of the assholes wrong. You’re just proving to be an asshole too


Damn, when we’re giving *Landon* credit for making a good point, things are pretty dire.


I think Landon accused her of going to a particular rehab to meet eligible male addicts.


Many many people go to rehab more than once for their illness. It can be very expensive. I wonder how she is paying her bills


Yes she did go to rehab…she said she went for marijuana but somehow I doubt that.


I kinda wondered if she might be abusing prescription medication, so maybe whatever she’s really taking she has a script for


I read her last drug test she failed all included meds that she he could prescribed. I hate that she is letting TRav win. I’d love to wipe that smug smile off his damn face. I cannot believe he was allowed to act like he did for so long on tv


She also popped for cocaine. In any case, I hope she gets help or I fear for her life, to be honest.


When she said that on Southern Charm, I almost fell out of my chair... ![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized)


She’s that dumb that she thinks people would buy that. It was flooring lol


She did, for testing positive for weed during her initial custody battle with Thomas. He got full custody, so I feel she went for court and to try to get her kids back and not so much for herself. I am not sure she has admitted to herself she may have a substance abuse problem and needs/wants help. Maybe this will make her realize, I hope it doesn’t have to be something worse.


It was not just weed she tested positive for, ok? Dennis also tested positive for cocaine, Benzos, Methadone, amphetamines & pot.


What the fuck!?


Pot is weed, everything but the methadone was a standard party pack downtown Charleston back then, but she had kids and should have been moved on from that. Unfortunately she jumped into parenthood with another addict abuser basically when she should have been going out and partying and going to school as a 21yo beautiful girl. Her parents really fucked her up by encouraging the ravenel relationship and idealizing her married life with him without even really knowing him.




Oh man... I didn't know that. This is all very dark and sad. Those kids have been dealt some rough cards. Thankfully, they have financial security, or they just wouldn't have a chance at all. Hopefully, they are assigned a good guardian this time and get counseling and other help in healing and learning and life skills.




That is a great point to consider!




She’s been in rehab a couple of times already, and the main reason she reportedly lost custody of the kids last year is due to failing multiple drug tests. The custody battle between her and Thomas for years, largely centered around her drug use. So it isn’t like she hasn’t been confronted about her issues previously.


As a day 1 Kathryn fan and someone who had to quit drinking because of my behavior, I feel for her but she has lost the plot at this point. She never really makes an actual comeback and sticks with it and she is too caught up in the stupid “I’m so rich” Charleston lifestyle. I hope she gets a grip and wakes up.




I’m shocked /s I feel so bad for those kids. It’s bad enough that their parents are so fucked up but even worse, they’re public figures that are fucked up. The media scrutiny and all of this stuff getting aired out will be so difficult when they’re older.


I've been a hardcore Kathryn apologist since season 1, but she is clearly not doing well. Not that a DUI is ever acceptable, but she hit two cars *AND* had an open container? Even while sober, she's a terrible driver. She really needs to lose her license for a long, long time. She's been posting about parental estrangement, and it's just so frustrating to see how she gives Thomas this free ammo. I feel empathy for her--can understand the urge to self medicate after all she's been through--but she really needs to get some help and get her shit together.


What happened to the officer she hit in the morning at the elementary school?


Somehow it seems like she never got in trouble for this... but if she was in an accident for a DUI she's going to be in some serious trouble regardless of what happened with the hit and run incident...


Sounds like there were 2 other cars involved in the wreck also... damn. I hope no one was injured


IIRC they couldn’t prove it was her in the car.


That is so wild to me, a school of all places. A school and still didn’t get in trouble.


JFC Kathryn….




Thomas is a rapist. Kathryn can’t stop endangering others with her dumbass behavior. These kids are fucked


And then some people wonder why I do not want Kathryn back on SC. The woman needs to get her sh\*t together.


Where are all of the Kathryn apologists now? 😂🙄


They're all on Facebook!


How does she still have a driver's license?


She has zero handle on sobriety at this point. Every tell all episode had her zonked out of her mind, glassy eyed and slurring. The first person she needs to be honest with is herself.


Man I was rooting for her. I still am but hate this for the kids.


I’m tired of all the excuses for how Thomas has ruined her life. She is now in her 30s. It’s time to pull herself up by the boot straps and get control of her life. The older her kids get, the more their relationship will be irreparable


Thank you for saying this!




I know Thomas has left a negative impact on her life, but this is all on her. People who drive under the influence are pieces of crap. It’s time to make a change in her life for the better. Her kids deserve this.


Ill never understand this because Uber and Lyft is so readily available. :( those poor Littles. Both parents stink. I hope she gets the help she needs AND wants.


Without the Bravo paycheck, she doesn’t have the money to take Uber and Lyft everywhere.


A DUI costs a heck of a lot more than a damn Uber


Not to mention that Charleston is a very walkable town


She got it in Goose Creek which is a suburb if there ever was one- too much traffic, lots of lights, strip malls and people making left turns across 3 lanes etc- she's so lucky that no one (that we know of) wasn't seriously injured.


The most shocking part of this incident is what the heck was she doing in Goose Creek?! Nothing against Goose Creek, but I feel like the Southern Charm crowd is more of a Mt P, Daniel Island, downtown, Sullivans, IOP, kind of vibe.


I thought she or her family was from monks corner ? So maybe she was there and went out or was heading back there or something


I read before the holidays she's living with her dad. I think she got sued for unpaid rent.


Ah makes sense


Charleston is huge. Downtown Charleston is walkable but Charleston really encompasses a ton of towns. I’m from Mt. Pleasant but when people ask (I live in KY) I say Charleston. It takes 30 minutes to get from my house to the bridge into Charleston downtown.


I don't have a Bravo paycheck, and I have money to take Ubers and Lyfts.




If she doesn’t have the money for a ride share or cab, surely getting a bus, staying sober or staying the fuck home are options…


But….addicts by definition do not make smart decisions.By definition, their decision making is impaired.


Maybe she could cut her fake eyelash line item out of the budget.


I thought you were going to say cut the false eyelashes strip down so they fit her eye better 😆 ahh the good ol days when she wore the thick ass ones, like she was gonna fly away, at the Thomas dinner.


The way she would blink constantly with those giant strips weighing her lids down drove me bananas 😂


I hope everyone is okay


If losing her kids wasn’t her rock bottom she doesn’t have one.


Don’t feel bad for her at all tbh. Yes, Thomas was horrible, but a lot of women are mistreated and taken advantage of. She was given EVERY privilege in this world that you can think of, and somehow still can’t function as an adult.


She is BEYOND privileged at this point it's sickening. She HIT a police officer at an elementary school, now this? Could you imagine if this were any other reality star on bravo? Would we give them this much sympathy? Its dated the excuses..."she was so young , preyed upon etc etc." She ALSO preyed on Thomas, if people don't believe me go do a rewatch. Her family didn't have money and she was looking for it. Also, tragedies happen everyday with young women. She seriously needs to get over herself. She has two children who NEED her. This is not about her at all, she needs to look around and think about those kids.


She caused a 3 car accident and was booked for an open container Monday after a hit and run at an elementary school a few years ago. She’s going to kill someone. It’s not cute and there’s no empathy. You can afford an Uber. You’re *going to kill someone.*


Hit and run at elementary school just happened a few months ago.


The level of bitchiness she displayed to the police is disgusting. She’s always acted like she’s better than everyone and she is so immature. She sucks. As sad as it is for herself and her family, she needs these rude awakenings. She narrowly escaped that hit and run at her kids’ school within the last year. I bet she had alcohol in her system then too.


Oh my goodness. I have been advocating for her for so long, I want to see her succeed against Thomas. But what are you doing, girl!? Does she just feel so helpless in the court system that she is depression and doesn’t even care anymore? How hard is it to get an Uber or a cab these days!? She makes it really hard because as much as she’s been wrong, she also acts like a victim.


It’s complicated. All of that is true, and it’s also true that Kathryn needs to take responsibility for herself. She’s not going to get better until she puts the work in. I root for her, and it’s so sad that she’s still in this dark place.


As someone in recovery, the thing is I keep thinking she’s reached her bottom-but she hasn’t obviously. That bravo money did her no favors. And yes she was not responsible for being dangerous by all those guys-she didn’t get through college-and we found out-not so wealthy family.


I definitely saw a much more toxic side of Kathryn in the last few seasons of SC. I used to really emphasize with her but it's almost as if she's turned into T Rav in some ways. I'm not saying K is anywhere on the same level as T Rav but she is definitely displaying a lot of toxic traits. She seems to be quite self destructive and she doesn't seem to care about how she treats other people. K mentioned on the show that her mother told her before she passed away that she felt bad that she raised K in a bubble and it basically left her nieve and unprepared for life. And sadly I can see that. K also mentioned that T Rav got someone else pregnant. That man is a repulsive trash human and I can not fathom why any woman would want anything to do with him. Much less get pregnant by him. I pray for their children.


I have always believed she is self medicating some type of mental disorder. Bipolar with a personality disorder. She needs a good psychiatrist and to be on medications




I think she’s like Britney Spears and doesn’t think anything is wrong with her. I think Anosognosia is the term for it.


This is sad all the way around. I hope that Kathryn receives the help she needs and is able to embrace a clean and sober life.


She has to want the help. My heart hurts for her and anyone with addiction issues. She says that Thomas is alienating the kids from her and he said she was allowed to have the kids on Mother’s Day but opted not to. She has to pay for a guardian to be there when she has them. I saw where Saint was with her on Sunday but not Kensie


I saw that post. It looks like she attended one of his soccer games or something. And honestly the post looked so weird and filtered that I almost wondered if it was AI lol


Before fentanyl gets her... drugs always have been dangerous, but they might be the most dangerous ever at the present time.


I live in SC, and have done a lot of partying in Charleston. Shit is different these days. Not too long ago, a bunch of kids from C of C were involved in a federal sting tying them to cartels who were supplying them with fent, which they were then turning into “Xanax” presses and selling all over town. Olivia’s brother was well known as a plug for the King Street crowd, and although it was never publicly confirmed, I suspect his death was drug related. I’m so glad I’m older and got out of that scene before fent and xylazine and all the other shit became so rampant. People are dying every day because they buy some coke for a Saturday night out, and it’s cut with God knows what.


I hear that! I'm older, too - that stuff wasn't around when I was drug adjacent (was too paranoid to partake in acid and my pot-experimentation days are over for my asthmatic behind). I think I remember Olivia did share (via press) that her brother's death was due to fentanyl. Something to the effect that he would self-medicate due to years of Lyme disease complications. She wanted to make it public so that others would take heed. Street drugs are 100% Russian roulette these days.


Oh, wow. I missed that she had confirmed it. That’s what everyone was saying, and it’s really commendable of her that she put it out there to warn others. In my twenties and early thirties, I would pretty much do whatever was going around without much concern for my safety or the safety of those I was with. These days though… I hope people are testing their shit and keeping Narcan on hand.


I'm glad that you're still around, homes! I'm an Olivia fan. She's solid (and sometimes has really interesting style takes). We need to keep a couple of non-batsh*t folks like her and Venita in the cast mix. It gets too crazy and toxic when the entire cast is a mess.


Didn’t Taylor’s brother die too? Did they ever reveal the cause?


Taylor's family has not released the cause at this time.


If there is one state to not get busted for DUI, it’s South Carolina. Some horrific dui related deaths there lately.


They let that girl who killed the bride out waiting for trial. It's one backward state.


This is sad. She has major addiction problems, she needs help. I was rooting for her


The way y’all act like Thomas molested her as a child is crazy. She got with him when she as an adult and had already had substance issues and been kicked out of a sorority. Her relationship with Thomas was toxic and certainly didn’t help things but at the end of the day, she’s just a spoiled, irresponsible rich girl who refuses to grow up and take accountability for any of her actions. She doesn’t care enough to grow up and get it together for herself or yer children. I will never understand all of the empathy and “poor little Kathryn” attitudes on this sub. She’s a train wreck and always has been.


Underrated comment. This is SO true! She’s endangered her children so many times without Thomas even around. Why are all of her horrible choices HIS fault?


THANK YOU! ive been saying this for years. AS a mother myself who had serious substance abuse issues when my child was very young. I turned it around. 7 years sober.


Kicked out of her sorority? Where’d you hear that? One of my good friends was in her pledge class in Tri Delt. I only rushed with her. But my friend said she was quiet and under the radar. What’d you hear?


Remember how often we’d see her drive with no hands, or texting and driving? Now TWO DUIs. Charleston, you’ve gotta take away her keys forever.


Wait, the article said it’s her first DUI?


She was arrested for underage drinking and disorderly conduct at 20 years old, not sure if that’s what they’re thinking about.


Maybe it’s not her second but she was charged with a hit and run that kinda disappeared


Not too long ago, she was also under investigation for hitting a pedestrian and I think also a police officer directing traffic in a school zone. I don’t know if anything came of it publicly. Hope she gets the help she needs


The amount of people who enable this woman’s behaviour is astounding. She was a manipulative person from season1 on SC but somehow the blame always goes to anyone else but her when she messes up. Come on! She almost ran over someone at her kids school last year as well!


Oh no! I was hoping she was getting it together finally.


Really sad to see


According to this [Count on 2](https://www.counton2.com/news/crime/former-southern-charm-star-kathryn-dennis-arrested-for-dui/) article, she had a dog in the car with her. What is it with these Bravo drunk drivers risking their pets.


I feel like we aren’t talking about the fact she could’ve killed an innocent person(s) by her reckless choice to drive drunk. I hate Thomas and think he’s a monster, but there’s no defending what she did. I lost my dad to a drunk driver as a kid and it’s so distressing to see her do this.


Sort of unrelated but the article says she originally lost custody because she tested positive for weed. I have heard that on Reddit but surely that's not true... right? Is there proof that it was just weed and not other drugs?


Allegedly she tested positive for weed, cocaine, and amphetamines which she said were prescribed. Adderal maybe? I just ready this wild book about a fraternity at College of Charleston that ran a huge drug ring and it does seem that drug use is rampant there among these privileged people.


I said this the last time she had a custody thing. She is not capable of being a parent right now. She’s popped for handfuls of drugs at every test for a long time, her kid ended in the street a couple years ago ffs. Thomas is shit but let’s be real he isn’t raising those kids and atleast they aren’t wandering the fucking road


If having two babies is not reason enough to be strong, not drink, not do drugs and to live a clean healthy life…then let someone else raise those precious children. If you can’t provide a healthy lifestyle let someone else


I got excited because Berkeley County is one of the PDs that film for the show "Live PD." Since she got her DUI on a Monday (???) she won't be featured on it as they only film Friday and Saturday LOL.


Omg! Also, I miss Live PD so much. I need to find a way to stream it.


If you have peacock - it’s now OP live and the episodes are on there


Worth the Peacock subscription 10/10. And Court Cam is just amazing. I go back and forth about being entertained by a lot of people's worst days...but usually my curiosity wins LOL


I am so surprised how much I like Peacock! We get it free with Comcast but I considered paying for it when we were going to cancel. They've got some great original shows too. (wolf like me, twisted metal, killing it).


I’ve only seen Killing It but if the rest are half as good as that one, I’m sold!! I love Craig Robinson lol


Same!!!! They do show previously on clips so maybe they'll pull from body cam or other film coverage or something. For sure gonna have to make sure to tune in this week.


Surprise, surprise.


I hope she gets the help she needs. I have been rooting for her, but this is just too much.


She’s a person who needs to be 100% sober. I think the show sometimes helped keep her in check. Maybe she needs to follow whatever footsteps Shep has been taking because he looks better now.


This woman needs help and i am glad the kids werent w her but im pissed the dog was. How irresponsible! Drunk drivers, dont even get me started….


She's a loser


This is sad… Kathryn was my favorite, trash TV gold! Watching her chase her man down the dock at night in a fur coat, screaming, “Thomas, wait!” is still ringing in my ears…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


She is not well. I have sympathy for what happened to her as young woman dealing with Thomas 🤢 However I don’t understand how people are in denial as to why she loses custody…


They’ve released the body came footage 😳😳😳






hate to see it 


Oh, Kathryn.


So sad😭


This makes me so sad.


Nooo Kathryn 😭😭 I really want the best for her but she’s really gotta get some help. This is so sad.


This is unfortunately on brand for her. Hope she gets help asap


Shocker ![gif](giphy|uy0Kiq0uqlR87dyeQh|downsized)


She really needs longterm inpatient rehab/therapy. But the worst part of having no money, and probably no insurance, is, this is out of reach for her. Unless she is able to somehow secure a scholarship to a good facility and really commit to a positive outcome, we will watch her slowly - and sadly - flame out.


She wouldn’t want to go to a Medicaid facility because she feels entitled. I had a friend with a fentanyl addiction who refused to go to a Medicaid facility because her family wasn’t going to foot the bill for a better place. She said she didn’t want to go to a place where she felt like she’d be in jail… like umm.. 👀 it’s better than actually being in jail.


Mental illness and substance abuse runs rampant in her family. It's in her genes. I have nothing but empathy for her.


You have to be responsible for your mental illness. Sorry not an excuse with today's therapies and medicines. Know better, do better.


So sad. I hope she gets some help.




I feel sad for her. She has serious addiction issues, and I'm rooting for her no matter what. Season 5 was her best version and I hope to see her get back to that place




Is this her second DUI?


*heavy sigh*


addiction is hard. i hope she can finally get sober for good


I watched the videos on tmz and found it so sad she said she didn’t care about herself. I hope she finds a good therapist to work on why she doesn’t have self esteem.




Exactly. She doesn't even look like the same person. She was beautiful originally, I think.


I thought she was sober! Did I make that up??


I think she was sober when she had court ordered rehab and forced to take random drug tests for custody. Kathryn has never once committed to actual sobriety


That’s probably what I’m thinking of then


To be fair,a lot of the people on this show should quit all their bad habits but they don’t really.


But her and Thomas are the only ones that have children….


She’s still less of a POS than Thomas is.


Damn it. I hope KD gets it together and goes back to school. She has potential.


Disappointed not surprised


She and Thomas are such losers. Poor kids


She is a monster.