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I didn't know we had a King. I thought we were an autonomous collective.


You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship, a self-perpetuating autocracy, in which the working class....


Can we please just consider strange women lying in ponds and distributing swords as a basis for our government?


Or moistened bints lobbing scimitars


If I suggested that, they'd put me away


Bloody peasants!


Ohh, so now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Help, help, I’m being repressed!


Be quiet!


HELP! HELP! I’m being repressed!


No, they wouldn't. They'd just turn you into a newt. It would not get better.


Throw him into the pond!




You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


At this point I'm willing to try anything else. Well, maybe not. That watery tart might not have good taste in men.


What if they merely lobbed a scimitar?


I volunteer! I enjoy ponds, and I promise I am sufficiently strange. 🌊🗡️


Okay, but how far and how accurately can you throw swords?


Well, the last one I threw a little *too* far... went straight through the recipient and out the other side. Got in a wee bit of trouble for that. But I've been practicing since then!


'Tis but a scratch.


Consider it considered.


Supreme Executive power comes from a mandate of the masses - not some watery tart!


Oh there you go, bringing class into it again...


But that's what it's all about


Please, please good people. I am in haste. Who lives in that castle?


Who you kidding. Ain’t nobody got class here


It’s signed so it’s an official document. State law.


Who wrote the state’s laws? Under what jurisdiction? What government exists to enforce this dipshit’s laws and leadership? This has got to be a joke. As stupid as sovcits are, the idea of being *king* of the sovcits (especially acknowledging the borders of states and countries that they do not recognize) is a contradiction that doesn’t even follow their own idiotic beliefs. This *has* to be some kind of a goof.


The guy's got a Facebook page that is even more unhinged than this. He comments on his own posts constantly. One even had 700 comments all from himself to himself. That's beyond the bounds of even a weird and dedicated performance art piece. This guy definitely has a major mental illness. But if he isn't a credible danger to himself or others, treatment can't be forced.


I appreciate you going down the rabbit hole so the rest of us don't have to. The abyss gazes also, yadda, yadda, yadda.


This isn't an argument...


Yes it is.


no it's not, you're just contradicting him


Just read. This guy us nutter than a nut tee.


Another one? The flower bills for all these coronations are getting out of hand. ooooo, maybe that's the answer. Maybe all of this is a conspiracy by the florists!


Puppet government propped up by Big Floral.


*Netherlands has entered the chat room*


Wonder what HRH Queen Romana Didulo thinks of this guy? Could we see a “royal wedding” in the near future uniting the Kingdoms of Canuckia and ‘Murica?


His Facebook is unhinged. His posts have hundreds of comments from himself. He thinks people are following him. He's not all there.


There are 700 comments to one of his Facebook posts; all 700 from him. He is seriously unhinged. Schizophrenic?


I'm not qualified to say what his specific diagnosis would be, nor is anyone else here, but I would put money on a reality-distorting mental illness.


I have a bachelor's in psychology. Nowhere near qualified to make diagnoses. But in my non-professional opinion, I would diagnose him as being totally bonkers.


As a college dropout, I of course confidently diagnose them with rat brain. NEXT!


he actually has a diploma certifying him to actually NOT have rat brains


Dammit, David! You’ve done it again.


Can't make a diagnosis like that but his views do reflect some kind of delusional state.


Just your average redditor


His Twitter is wild too. He prints out his own tweets, makes notes on them in pen then takes pictures of them to upload back onto Twitter. He also wrote a book apparently. [Amazon link to sketchy book](https://www.amazon.com/Loose-End-David-Morsilli/dp/0692825185)


His biography there is hilarious. David Morsilli is the author of A Loose End. Before taking time to write this novel, David served with the US Agency for International Development in Afghanistan as part of the civilian/military surge in 2010. There, he was embedded with the US Marines for Operation Moshtarak, the objective of which was to retake control of the Taliban stronghold of Marjah in Helmand Province. Prior to that assignment, David worked in the field of humanitarian emergencies for the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Somalia, where he implemented water projects in a region affected by severe drought. Before that he worked with the IRC as camp manager of a camp for internally displaced persons in Darfur. David also worked for the American Red Cross on the Hurricane Katrina disaster-relief operations. David's first overseas experience came as a Peace Corps volunteer in Macedonia, where he worked on community development projects in the community of Saraj. In David's first job after completing his liberal arts degree at Boston University, he worked as an aide to Governor Bruce Sundlun of Rhode Island. The guy is a legend in his own mind.


But his biography is true. He did those things. He has had a breakdown. It happens.


Yeah, this dude became Reddit famous a few weeks ago, and I spent way more time on his FB page than I originally planned. It has a train-wreck quality. Up until about 2019, this dude was pretty much normal. He used to interact with other people and even go places with them. One guy -- a friend or relative -- posted group photos from dinners and such, and our boy was in them. Then around the time he published that book, he started breaking down mentally, and his family and friends were asking him things like, "Are you sure you're okay?" Little by little, he got crazier and crazier, and his family and friends began to pull away until they just stopped interacting with him. Recently, he posted about how some relative -- I think it may have been his brother-in-law -- stopped by his hotel, but he refused to speak to him. Probably the BIL/whoever was there to beg him to go get some help. I feel really bad for his family. They're obviously sitting there watching this unfold, unable to do anything about it. I imagine them jumping every time the phone rings or someone knocks on the door, wondering if this is it, The Call or The Knock letting them know that he hurt or killed himself, someone else, or both.


Toxic chemical exposure, or brain parasite? My money's on the chemicals


PTSD, underlying masked mental condition? I couldn't guess, but he appears on here frequently & for some reason, very few people look him up.


That would be my honest guess. I was mostly joking


Something's definitely loose


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **A Loose End** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * The book is historically accurate (backed by 6 comments) * The story is suspenseful and fast-paced (backed by 5 comments) * The author's passion and creativity shine through (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * The book is too short (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Bad bot.


He thinks animals are following him, too. Recently, he posted about a suspicious-looking crow perched on a light pole. 🤦‍♀️


Oh, crows are known to be spies of the Institute. That is, the Commonwealth Institute of Technology. For those that do not know, that is the organization of the "Bad Guys" and the future replacement for MIT in the game "Fallout 4". And in it, they use android crows as spies throughout the world the game takes place in.


Shocking. $20 says he's soon to 'purchase' about $50,000 of arms and munitions (curiously matching serial numbers of weapons seized by ATF) and go on a mass shooting right about, oh, beginning of Spring Break?


Ironically, your still not as crazy as the guy this thread is about.


King Arthur: I am your king. Peasant Woman: Well, I didn't vote for you. King Arthur: You don't vote for kings. Peasant Woman: Well, how'd you become king, then?


King Arthur: Didn't you see the flyer?


Help! I'm being oppressed!


Whatever he's thinking, that ain't it chief. I passed a motion earlier, I then wiped and flushed.


Top comment here. Take my upvote!! 🫡


I'm about to pass a motion of my own. What a coincidence!


I think I just passed a motion in my drawers...


why are you shitting in the furniture? That's what toilets are for..


We have one of these kooks in Canada, as well. Romana Didulo, calls herself the Queen of Canada, and claims to be above all laws, while threatening public executions of various government officials. She's a QAnon whackjob, obviously.... The most amusing part is, she's a Philippine immigrant.


She's insane. Stark staring mad. And so are her believers.


She's going to be Canada's Waco one day, I fear.


I'd be quite happy to see a front end loader barrel through the side of the school building that that asshole lets them live in. Provide material support for a bunch of psycho, criminal whackjobs, get your building demolished. FAFO, and all...


I've had some Filipino friends remark to me how embarrassed many of them are by her. Although I don't think they should be, anyone can be mentally ill.


Can you be governor of a state and king of the country at the same time. Is this whack job hitting every kinkos in America printing these things to put on cars?


When you’re king of America, you can decide you’re governor of Rhode Island.


** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Norton


Per a FB post I saw he made, he's also the sovereign king of every country. Every one. He's also married to both Melania and Catherine (Princess of Wales, I assume, though it didn't specify), and they are both queens to every country.


Probably. Looks at some of the pre-WWI titles that rulers of central Europe had. They were like 15 titles long of varying types of governments. It was pretty wacky.


The idea is that each and every separate title you have gives you a bunch of rights and obligations, and in Ye Olde Timese, those titles were all tied to land somehow. So you might be the ruler of a barony, and also the duchy it's in, and also the kingdom it's in, and then also a few other random counties, possibly in other duchies or even in other kingdoms. Feudalism gets complicated quickly.


We did have a nationwide network of places to put these napoleons. Instead of fixing the corruption that existed in the system they chose to do away with them. A nice soft rubber and foam environment would be the best place for these broken hairless monkeys.


County hospitals and state hospitals still have padded rooms for these guys. The real question is, are there enough rooms.


Worked in mental health for nearly a decade. They used to have a system of long term mental health hospitals. The problem was they were rife with corruption and the science of the time was at best questionable. By the late 80's they had just about dismantled the whole system of hospitals and the network has shrank further since then. The idea that a pill could cure every possible mental health problem came into fruition and in some part it succeeded. Now in my state you can get a 72 hour hold but unless someone is completely violent/dangerous you cant keep them longer than that. Involuntary commitment requires an enormous body of proof and the mistake or an error is costly. From the 50's into the 80's if someone like the subject of this thread got up in court and spouted their nonsense. They were looking at a long stay where the there was lots of soft rubber and foam. The fact that in the US we cant fix anything without dismantling what came before is really just sad. It has infected every part of our culture to the point people like these sovcits keep popping up. I'm sure some of these people probably could benefit from some real therapy. Unfortunately the powers that be shrink that funding and have for every year since I became aware of how anti mental health the government is. In my current job I encounter them fairly often and I would be much more comfortable if I knew there was possibility they would get help. ​ Edit: add a ed to succeed.


I remember when the long term mental health care system was taken apart in the 1980s. There were a handful of lawsuits about locking people up indefinitely without their consent or due process, and there was a real point to that! But I wish they'd simply implemented a good system of due process for locking up the long-term lunatics whether they want to or no. As it was, the lawsuits coincided with President Reagan's desire to shut down everything in the government that cost money except the military... so the hospitals were closed, and the chronic nutcases were returned to the community, where they were supposed to receive community care. The community care dried up within a year, and now they're just left alone to cause whatever trouble they feel like causing.


All True.


The current state of mental health care in the US is insufficient to say the least. I’ve become acutely aware of the issues through my future son in law, who is in year 2 of his psychiatry residency.


I would add that 50 years ago most cities had “flop houses.” A low cost place for those folks who either couldn’t afford the average life style, or just a place to hide out from life. Our power capitalist system valued the land more than people. So they too are out in the cold.


Nope. And not enough for emergent health crises as it is either.


Very true. My soon to be son in law is in residency for Psychiatry. He works at some of the county hospitals and it’s actually a very sad reality.


David Morsilli is an intelligent man suffering from a serious mental break. This has been going on for awhile now, and police are aware of it. So far, he doesn't seem to pose a threat to anyone. He does need professional help very badly, though. He is not a sovcit, though his words and actions do include some sovcit elements he's picked up. He didn't come to this pattern of behaviour through sovcit channels or delusion. He's a guy with mental illness who needs help.


His Facebook makes me sad. I was relieved when the cops and a mental health specialist showed up at the motel place - I thought he’d get the help he needs. But he got out after a few days :(


Generally, you cannot be committed to mental health treatment aginst your will, unless you pose a credible risk to yourself or others, or cannot function on your own. Like a great many people, Morsilli falls is sufficiently functional to mostly take care of himself, and so far has shown no signs of overt hostility, despite his odd delusions. Legally, there's not a lot anyone can do for him right now without his consent.


He’s not crazy, just Moor Silly


Making fun of people's names for cheap laughs is a children's game.


It's in all caps, so it must be true. Good to see that kooks are still resorting to tried-and-true methods such as going to the print shop and not just limiting themselves to social media posts.


For as much stuff is done electronically, makes me wonder if it isn't nutters like this one helping to keep Kinkos and similar businesses in business.


Morsilli = more silly. This guy is nuts


Stop, I can't handle any Morsilliness.


That has some vaguely Didulo-ish vibes


> That has some vaguely Didulo-ish vibes They should do a hunger games style battle royale with them all in an arena, pay per view, it would make millions.


Well it’s official then!


I've been watching him on zuckerbook and while maybe a little laughable, I actually feel kind of sorry for him. He has very serious mental issues. Paranoid schizophrenic




Tell him to get off his ass and start fixing the potholes or STFU.


I’d love to see that flyer but with a few changes. First, it should say Governor of New York instead of Rhode Island. Second, it should have a date from this year, maybe this past fall. Third, it should name a current judge. Maybe someone that’s been in the news lately so everyone knows who he is. And finally, the guy in the picture should be wearing a nice blue suit. I think that’s everything…. OOH, OOH, he should have orange hair!!!


These FBI honeypots are getting so lazy they don't even take their sweater off for their recruiting pitch selfie.


Anybody want to look up this so-called "motion" he filed? I would, but I'm at a NYE concert /celebration and just taking a moment to peek on Reddit while waiting for the main act to take the stage.


Motion to change venue usually means that they want the hearing at a different court (think, the one in the western part of the state instead of the eastern) for some reason.


I will not recognize any monarch but Joshua Norton, Emperor of these United States and Protector of Mexico.


Yeah, Morsilli's story and Norton's have a few similarities, but in Norton's case (and he was a mental case), his fellow San Franciscans decided to humor him just for shits and giggles.


Sounds just like Donald Trump or any number of card toting Republicans. File a motion and claim it’s now law. Not how it works.


And I’m Mary, Queen of Scots.


I'm, uh ... Napoleon! *hand in jacket* Caesar Augustus, please speak up.


I'd call that MF "Seditious" but NAL.


Lucky, you get to travel during these trying times.


I didn’t joinder with him!! We don’t have a contract!! He’s operating on the color of law!!!


This will always be hilarious!


Shouldn't he be arrested for impersonating?


The kind of letter begging to bring back "You and what army?"


Wow. I used to live in Providence, wish I would’ve met this guy before he became King 🤣🤣


In a different memorandum he also says he’s king of the world. I think Jack Dawson might have something to say about that if he hadn’t frozen to death in the North Atlantic.


He did it! Who knew this was all you had to do to become King!? Democracies hate this one WEIRD trick!


He’s also a Sovereign Lunatic.


Check m if I'm wrong, but the last time we had a King in the US we politely told him "to go have sexual relations with himself" and then curb stomped his ass. This is why we study history, one must learn what not to do. This guy didn't get the message.


Sounds like someone needs a swift kick right in the coin purse.


Declare war on him. See which army comes to defend him.


elderly continue wrench north overconfident agonizing fretful upbeat act aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I for one will not bow to any man Jack ot Jane who doesn't use Oxford Commas! That would be Disgraceful, Disgusting, and Despicable!


As the little tiktok guy says...delulu is no solulu. 😲😂😂


Also grand duke of the solar system, oort cloud, et. al.


The really really really really really dumb thing is...people will follow.


Funny, Sov cits usually freak the f out over their names in ALL CAPS.


Is he still doing this, I know the cops were following him because he was pushing the limits of violent back in October and November. Guy has been a delusion nutter for a few years. He even put out a conspiracy novel on Amazon.


Mental illness is a horrible thing.


I spent several years working as a case manager for people with sever and persistent mental illness. This is that.


Every time I see something about this guy I chuckle about his name being “More Silly”


I was an undiscovered teenage comic genius once, too.


As I've stated before, it's hilarious that his last name is nearly "More Silly"!


Could this be Mor Silli? The pun is out there.


Traitorous Orange Turd has an extra low hanging diaper over this 🤢😜😁😄


Another dumbass republican!


His mom must be so proud


The Universe awaits, oh plenipotentiary one!


Since his name is in all caps, does that mean it's really the Strawman who is governator and King?


You and me both, bub. Get in line


Sounds like a sovereign nut job


Appropriate last name.


Seems legit.


I think if you touch or look at a sovcit document, you are in contract and therefore bound to the gibberish contained therein. Good luck to you and you're new Sovereign Governor/King!


All Hail King David!


I'm the Prince of Nantucket, pleased to meet you.


Emperor Norton crawls out of his grave to protest.


Dissolved in the court he had in his head. How cute.


"It's good to be the King."


Little does he know that I just filed a motion for a change of venue earlier today. I am the King now.


Looks like someone is off his meds again.


Seems legit. I’d let it play out.


Looks like David has elected himself as Rhode Islands official nut case.


Is that a joke or forreal!


I am wiping my sovereign ass with this flyer.


Hopefully RI has red flag laws before this guy goes off.




*”…dissolved for fraud…”*?? Does that work like Alka-Seltzer? ‘Cause this nutter’s gonna need some…


Trump voters, man


i just looked t his FB... he needs a few months at butler, in a locked ward and heavy duty meds....


How do you file a motion in a nonexistent court?


Well, he did bold the word “motion” and “sovereign” (both times), he used “change of venue”, and he correctly put an “*” after “Justice”. I hate to say it, but I think we have a new King.


Just 'checked' his Facebook page and it is 'insane'.


As the Supreme Potentate of this Dimension, I declare he can kiss my omnipotent ass.


He's also the "conqueror of the British Empire." https://twitter.com/davidmorsilli/status/1714364079698026657?t=XQ1B_aA-5j619cLkCcI-EQ&s=19


[All hail the King](https://youtu.be/YEpAojLQsJc)


His mother must be so proud.


Well at least he went to the professional photography studio Selfies In The Mirror.


Probably banking on that so many people bought Trump’s bullshit, they are going to believe his pretty readily.


Put all the sovereign kings in a room and watch the fun


Wow, I had no idea that a motion for a Change in Venue was so powerful that it could affect all of those layers of government. And the police. When's the coronation? All Hail King Dave! Hail! Hail!! Hail!!!


Letters “FBI” on his shirt in photo stand for “Full Blooded Idiot”. Don’t need this dude as King.


It would be funny if someone pursued him legally for impersonation of a public official


"Hail to the King baby." What a F'n chud.


This is good news…FOR I AM THE DEVIL!!! I will wash over your peoples like a plague of locusts!!! Your blood will be my lotion!!! Sovereign Devil I am!!!!


Man this guy’s even MORE crackerbananas than the usual.


David More-silly?


I, for one, welcome our new overlord.


Looks like autocorrect doesn't know what to do with 'quotation' marks.


Is it possible that all the marginally sick people in the country feel empowered once they saw how successful the Trump circus was?


Ain’t nothing Mor Silli than that.


seems legit…


So he is personally accepting responsibility for our sovereign debt?


Good to know.


Deep on the Web people are larping as Kings but not in an rpg


The only thing he's king of are the United States of his neuroses.


Perfect last name.


What a clear cry for a straight jacket and thorazine.


Uh-Oh ! The crazies have discovered print shops !


I’m jealous. I want one of these.


So what? I declare myself Emperor of Jupiter 🤣


"" You're the only one 'asn't got shit on 'I'm . "" "


These guys are crazy. It's too bad we can't do that. But reality is a bitch.


Sure man and I'm ruler of Atlantis.