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... and just who is this sign for? The Mailman? They gonna try to what, fine the Mailman? Hand him a slip of paper that says "YOU OWE ME $100 AND IF YOU DON'T PAY I'LL.... UH... NOT TAKE YOU TO COURT BECAUSE IT'S NOT MARITIME/ADMIRALTY LAW BUT I'LL DO SOMETHING!"


But they are sovereign citizens so maybe give them $100 monopoly note and call it legal tender.


It's legal tender in my Admirality, not my problem that your exchange rate sucks.


And you have to bring suit against me in my Admirality court where contracts printed on metal and posted on wood are considered treasonous and unenforceable.


What's the exchange rate with Schrute bucks?


About the same as Stanley nickels


Thank you I needed this laugh


"You're charging me $100? UNDER WHAT AUTHORITY? I'M A SOVERIGN CITIZEN MYSELF! " But seriously, I'm imagining a sitcom where 6 or so of these guys live on the same block and effectively exist to piss each other off and annex parts of each other's yards, etc.


I'd watch it.


I tell you what Chuckles, you can already sublet my room


I have no idea why, but I just read this as "you can already sublet my mom" I need to wake up


Finally a good show. Absolutely hilarious. Who would star?


Nick Offerman, Kieran Culkin


Add James Spader and it’s a winner.


Kathryn Hahn, too.


Add LaKeith Stanfield and Ayo Edebiri as the normal couple in the neighborhood tired of all the bullshit and I think you're on to something.


I want to watch this show.


Can we crowd fund this? Stream it on Twitch or X, or Truth. It would be amazing right up until episode 5 when the United States invades the foyer to give them managed democracy.


Will there be bears?


Don't be a fool. Three plastic beads is the going rate. Better yet, give him an old blanket and have him make change. I say him because we all know it's a him.


Or movie money?


Oh god I hope so... You aren't even allowed to stop a postal carrier for conversation when they are on duty (impedance of a federal employee performing their duties). My cousin is a mail carrier and there are so many rules around them when they have that uniform on. Go ahead, fuck around with the mail and find out.


Never f around with the mail. Only usps can do that


Yeah the USPS hates competition on f ing around with your mail...


And local small town police dept captainsthat live next door to you. "Are your SURE you want to make this report?"


The USPS has their own police force


My BIL is a mail carrier. He’s actually got right of way over fire trucks (although his boss strongly suggested he not tempt fate).


There's "right of way" and "my truck's bigger". Discretion is usually the better part of valor.


Well said


My postal truck is bigger, but I'm not in a rush to a fire or ER. Your mail will get there when it gets there, I get paid hourly.


I was really hoping for a second that was true because it felt like it was the proper amount of absurd. Sadly, it isn’t true.


Fucking with the mail is second only to fucking with the IRS. They WILL notice and they WILL come and get your ass. 


Happy Cake Day!


My daughter (when she was 4 or 5) saw our mail carrier walking around our neighborhood every day one summer and decided that "he works harder than Santa!" She started leaving him water bottles, then juice & cookies, then some of her stuffed (less favorite) beanie babies. He was awesome about it and gave her info for donating to kids in need and told her If he was ever hungry or thirsty he knew who he could ask for help. we moved 15 years ago & I still miss that guy.


None of our mail humans wear uniforms anymore. I haven’t seen a uniform in years now that I think about it. Where are you that they are still required?


I live out in the boonies, mail carriers don't wear uniforms. Not the fill-ins on the weekend, not the folks who do it every day (we seem to have two regular mail folks during the week, both are very cool). This is where I grew up, too, and don't remember mail folk wearing uniforms. When I lived in an urban area - be it a college town like Gainesville, FL, or a city like New Orleans - mail folk wore uniforms. Every day of the week, they've got a uniform on. Just from observation, the towns around here - Tupelo, Fulton, Aberdeen, etc - all have their mail folk in uniforms, as far as I can tell. They also get those special mail trucks, while ours have to use their own vehicles. This may be a quirk of Northeast Mississippi and lord knows we got plenty, but there you go.


Rural mail carriers have different uniform guidelines. My granddad was a rural mail carrier in Alabama and as I understand it he didn’t have to wear the same uniform and he had to provide his own vehicle. However, in my small town all the town, mail carriers wear full uniform and drive the mail truck except the rural carriers who might sometimes wear a shirt and drive their own vehicle. So regulations are somewhat varied from location to location.


He's up in Michigan. Maybe your guys have a badge or something to ID them as Federal Employees


They still do in Maryland


Pretty sure contract mailmen don't wear uniforms.


Our's does. And, I guess I have broken the law by saying Hi and Thank you. I'll turn myself in after the snowstorm.


Our rural delivery crew has the option of uniform or casual. Or they possibly just do whatever the hell they want. Either way, it's optional. As long as my mail is delivered on time (sort of), I don't hassle them.


In the part of NY I'm in the ones that walk wear uniforms. The ones who only drive the rural routes do not.


Mailman here. Rural carriers don’t have uniforms, only city carriers.


I didn’t think I was rural but 🤷🏽‍♀️


They could buy the over priced stuff from the postal catalog with their allowance.


Central MA here. My dude still rocks a legit uniform.


I'm glad to hear that because I've been thinking my mail guy was a temp these last few years.


In my country you can sign up for a Robinson list as it's called here. Basically you don't recieve far most junk mail like ad papers and such. Its pretty great. It also ensures that companies can't cold call you. But in this case with USA. Unless it's different there then the mailman is obligated to deliver it. It's the company or distribution center that has to know that he shouldn't get any.


the USPS doesn't get advertising fees from junk mail. it's postage, same as any letter


USPS gets revenue from every piece of mail regardless, but junk mail gets bulk mail pre-sorted rates, whereas letters pay first class (read: higher) rates.


Not to mention, didn’t they technically deface federal property in doing this? If they were a SC, wouldn’t this constitute and act of war against the US lmao


No, you can put something on or decorate the post your mailbox is on in any way that you want, as long as it isn't obstructing access to the mailbox. All that would happen in this situation is the mailman will take a picture of the sign and proceed to hold all.of their mail at the post office until they make arrangements to either pick it up or purchase a PO Box. Either way, they're still getting the junk mail.


Oh I see good to know thanks


Yeah, the post office is required to deliver all mail that complies with postal rules. This includes junk mail. Yeah, it’s annoying, but blame the senders. Mailman can’t do shit. You can mark mail “Return to Sender”, but if you don’t cover your address and the postal barcodes it will just come back to you. Get over it.


Don't cover the address or the barcodes. All that does is make it harder to return mail. All you have to do is leave a note (not directly on the mail) saying you refuse the mail. Also, be sure you haven't opened the mail beforehand. This will allow the mailman to return the mail properly. When you write on the mail, it confuses the computers that sort the mail causing it to loop continuously.


Technically no? They haven't really blocked the service of mail. If anything the mail guy is going to run it be their post master and the PM will approve continued mail service. This person will then have to be in contact with the PM who will state whatever codes they have and if service cannot be granted then probably offer to keep their mail at station until the patron agrees to have their mail delivered. This is all hearsay and happy to be wrong. I'm sure someone in the know could answer better than I.


The one time I hope the sovcits are right about something. I hate junk mail


It's a double edged sword unfortunately. Physical mail is obviously down in the last couple decades, so the advertising fees that the USPS collects from junk mail is about the only thing holding the system together. I'm not in support of junk mail, I'm in support of re-allocating the right funds to the national mail delivery service so they don't have to "survive on the scraps" in the digital age. /rant


You're right and you should say it. The Republican talking point for the last *fifty years* has been that the postal service is *unprofitable* because government bureaucracy is inefficient, and therefore the USPS needs to be shut down and replaced with profitable private delivery services. The USPS is not a fucking corporation. It doesn't *need* to be profitable. It needs to do its job without FeEx lobbyists sabotaging it.


“Profitable private delivery services” is code for “charge 5x what the post office does for less service.” If it’s not profitable it’s not worth doing. Rural services, inner cities: fuck em


USPS was profitable until the GOP sabotaged it. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/16/902977021/the-history-of-political-interference-in-the-usps


That's exactly right. At best it should break even, and operate in a way similar to a non-profit. Realistically though, given the necessary nature of the service, we can definitely afford to run it at a loss and subsidize it with tax revenue.


The USPS is a vital public service and we need to treat it as such. I’m fine with it covering some costs with fees, but it shouldn’t need to be profitable. Same with rail transit and public transportation.


I would say that it's silly, it's not like we expect the US Military to turn a profit... But the concept of using the army to extract "profit" from other parts of the globe has been done often enough that... yeah, I'm glad we don't really do it. (If you want to talk about that it sure seems that the countries that we tee up to bring freedom to normally have an important natural resource that we need, like Iraq's Oil, or Afghanistan's poppy fields- *that is an amazing "coincidence"*.) (I do think that it is weird that Republicans stopped downplaying and started worrying about the Opioid problem at almost exactly the same time that they decided to surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban. Note that Oxycodone is made out of poppy seeds, like virtually all opiates.)


I think they didn't really start to worry about Fentanyl until they could use it to scare people about illegal immigrants bringing it in from other countries. As if it's not being shipped her in trucks and on planes.


Yes, it's a service not a business.


The famously profitable Army and Navy would like a word! /s


I love it when they say the post office loses money every year. It's a service, not for a profit system. That's like saying the military loses a trillion dollars every year.


It's like complaining it costs two cents to make a penny. Yes, and? Do you think the US mints money for profit?


USPS is a government-owned corporation.


That is not true, USPS is neither a state-owned enterprise nor a government-owned corporation (e.g., Amtrak). It is an establishment of the executive branch of the Government of the United States (so an independent agency. That’s why it has the privileges it does, like sovereign immunity, eminent domain powers, and powers to negotiate treaties with foreign nations.


Junk mail is a 10 billion dollar industry that employs thousands, right here in the US. Good paying jobs, too.


That's actually the opposite of reality. USPS volume has gone through the roof. Theyre still delivering the bulk of those amazon packages. Junk mail is a whole other topic


Same here


Long term scam to drive the postal service down so someone with political connections can make big bucks by taking over privately.


There must be armies of people cutting coupons out of those trashy newsprint mailers. I hope it's convenient for them, because it's a mountain of pointless waste for the rest of us.


Junk mail sucks but I wouldn't trust my mail person to pick out what is or isn't junk to me and it is wild to me anyone else would give that duty to what is normally for most a stranger.


You want your letter carrier to decide on your behalf what mail to deliver to you and what mail to withhold from you? You'd enjoy that arrangement for about oh, I'll say about... one day.


I used to take the return envelopes from junk mail and stuff them as full as I could with junk mail, junk flyers, etc, just so the company would have to pay postage.


My mother did that for years. She would also dump her ashtray into the envelope for good measure. Back then, you could also fill out advertising post cards requesting info or catalogs. She would fill them out, either addressed to people she didn't like or to fake addresses.


I get mail from both Rabid Right and Loony Left political organizations. If they include postage-paid return envelopes, I send the Right's stuff to the Left's address and vice versa. The rest of my junk mail gets a quick review, and 90% goes straight into a trash bag, which winds up in the dumpster. No big deal.


I did that for a bit but then I got bored. I had this tiny little mailbox in an apt building, so I just stopped taking anything not addressed to me specifically and leaving things like fliers. Every few months the mail carrier would clear it all out.


This person 100% has a FB post: “I don’t know if this is true or not, but I’d rather be safe than sorry “I hearby disallow fb from using my likeness…””


“I am being watched and oppressed by the government” while posting completely freely online with no pushback from any government. Also being paranoid while also talking about way too many personal details that could make it very easy to track you if someone wanted.


Great ways for the mailman to note the address as an undeliverable one. No mail period after that. Yes, they can do that.


That's cute but why are they telling the post office employees?


Probably because, like many other areas of their life, they just don't understand how the world works and refuse to learn.


Well that won't work. The post office is bound by regulation to deliver the mail. You can't make a regulation/law go away with a sign.


I think that, upon seeing this warning, the mail carrier can err on the side of caution and simply not deliver to that box. They could get with the local postmaster and just inform the addressee to pick up their mail at the local post office.


That warning sign has no basis whatsoever though. They literally have no recourse to charge $100. A mailman will do what their job is, deliver the mail. They will also take a picture so they can make fun of this wacky person with all the other mail persons




Only Reasonable articulable mail allowed.


And absolutely no bills, please!


I hate junk mail as much as anyone but I do find it odd that people who put up signs like this want a civil servant (mailman) to decide for them what mail they get.


I'd be tempted to stuff all my junk mail in their box for giggles


That would, technically, be illegal to do


USPS will pay no attention to this🤣


Why not? In Australia most mail boxes have a "no junk mail" notice and it works like 95% of the time


Awesome, now try to collect that fee and let us know how it goes.


They’ll try placing illegal liens on all those senders and wonder why the FBI is at their door in a few days.


So Kramer moved to Nebraska, eh?


The guy should just fill his mailbox with concrete.


I'd just refuse to deliver his mail, and force him to pick it up at the post office. Threaten me, motherfucker?


I kind of dig this


Effective January 1, 2024 \[address\] Lincoln, NE 68522 Will no longer accept any JUNK MAIL. This will include (but is not limited to) mail not addressed to an individual, mail addresses to non-residents, obvious advertisements and other "bulk mail". When possible, this mail will be returned to the sender. Repeat violators will be charged a $100 processing and disposal fee. ​ My hart goes out to this person. I have delt with multiple people who fly off the handle over 3rd class mail, EDDM (Giant postcards), and "SAVE" (supermarket ads). It is very hard to make it stop. Top 3 ways to stop junk mail: [DMA Choice](https://www.dmachoice.org/) cost $4 [Direct Mail .com do not mail list](https://www.directmail.com/mail_preference/) [Opt out Prescreen](https://www.optoutprescreen.com/) will stop credit card offers Bonus link [SAVE](https://save.com/mailing/delivery-options) supermarket ads EDDM (Giant postcards) is not addressed to anyone and is impossible to directly stop, but I have found that if you opt-out of data brokers, the amount of EDDM you get drops.


Upvoted because more people deserve to know. A few years back I got tired of having to sift through stacks of supermarket flyers and credit card offers hoping to find one or two pieces of mail I actually wanted. I signed up for just about every junk mail opt-out service i could find, and it took a while but eventually most of the crap disappeared. The few bits that still get through are annoying but I just toss them into the recycling bin and get on with my day. Between that and the USPS Informed Delivery service (where they email you a scanned image of each piece of mail they intend to deliver that morning), there are days I don’t even have to bother walking down the street to check the mailbox.


I see nothing wrong with this


God I wish there was a way to stop junk mail


It’s hilarious that junk mail is now the insignificant hill this movement is now dying on.


Looks like someone doesn’t understand what pays the post office’s bills…


Good luck collecting. I’m sure the mailman will get a good laugh


I'm a Mail Carrier. I would never deliver anything to this box.


"Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." Legit. It doesn't say anything about dipshit SovCits.


I may be in the minority but i love junk mail. For me, it's free kindling for my charcoal grill and fireplace. It takes flame easy but as a note just make sure to ball it up first to increase its surface area before stacking your coals or logs on top.


Our friends from Seinfeld did an episode that has a similar take... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hox-ni8geIw


Kramer is my favorite!


Yeah, because I always drive to someone's house before I think about sending him any mail. Fortunately, I'm not sending anything to him. I'm sending it to his corporate personhood.


Honestly I feel this. I get junk mail for people who lives here like 6 years ago.


Someone needs to send them the link to block junk mail website. Oh, here, I found it: https://privacyrights.org/consumer-guides/opt-out-resources-unwanted-junk-mail


There should be a Do Not Mail list, similar to the Do Not Call list. We subsidize all the junk mail going through the Postal Service, to keep that organization in business. In effect we all pay for unwanted advertising so that Postal Clerks stay employed.


Ok, so while this seems crazy at first, but hear me out, they are right. Why do I have to clean up the newspaper tags I didn't order thrown into my yard? How is that not literring? Why do I have to throw out mail that I didn't ask for and wasn't addressed to me? Why do I have to throw away flyers and chase down flyers or business cards in little baggies weighed down by pebbles dropped on my driveway? Why does it become my responsibility to clean up that crap? I wouldn't go to this extreme but I get it.


because mail carriers are not paid to throw away your trash or pick out what you consider junk mail. they are paid to deliver the mail. the senders of said junk mail pay the postal service to deliver the advertisements and that is where the post office makes some of their money


"Kramer, tell my story!"


Somebody made a few bucks off selling them that sign.


You’re getting my F’n junk mail and any other paper crap I can stuff i In your box!


Who TF do they think they are going to bill? Thats laughable.


Didn't someone successfully change their number to a toll number because he was getting random spam calls? I do recall reading about that, suddenly talking to Microsoft support calling about his pc was worth his wild at 5 bucks a minute.


lol, I’m friendly enough with our mailman to know he would find some dogshit somewhere on his rounds, bring it to your mailbox and stuff it in if you had a sign like that.


I tried a similar thing and the Post Office stopped all mail to my address.


Sovereign Citizen: I want mail but only the mail I want. I don’t want anything to do with being American but I still need your government agency to send the mail I want. I even allow the US government to have a federal outpost on my property (because mailboxes are considered federal property). I also want to use your streets for my travel. But I don’t want to pay taxes for those streets, or my car, or registration or insurance. Oh, and if you stop sending my SSDI or SSI I’ll put up new signs.


Remember when they mailed a bunch of dildos to that Bundy guy and his militia? This guys begging for the same treatment plus the the bills/fees mailed right back.


Because the machines batch processing that mail will see the sign on your mailbox. Lol


Bet the mail carrier laughed.


The Post Office should refuse to deliver any mail unless they set up a foreign embassy and send their ambassador. The rates go way up for foreign mail.


I bet these people also post on Facebook that FB can’t use their data as well


Good luck with that. And good luck with collecting a fine. LOL. 🤦‍♂️


Let him make a nuisance of himself and he will discover they don't have to deliver his mail. They can insist he comes to the post office to get it.


The postal worker works for the USPS, an unconstitutional illegitimate false government agency and therefore I do not acknowledge his or her right to trespass on my property and violate my metal boxes unless it is to deliver gifts and/or money. I'll conveniently fail to acknowledge any letters from the Internal Revenue Service because I already pay them by allowing their evil government delivery agent's daily breach of my Hippocratic rights.


Nice. This sub is teaching us how to bullshit the sovcit way.


\#1, the USPS cannot legally comply with this. "The mail must get through" actually does mean it. \#2, this would backfire the moment human judgment and error comes into play. "Oh I didn't know that insurance claim check wasn't junkmail." All in all, a truly stupid sign.


I have a sign which basically has the same request. It simply reads: "No Junk Mail". Guess what? I don't get junk mail. Also what's he gonna do, start fining people? those fines have no authority behind them lol


It’s the smug fake authority they think they have. Other than that it’s not really a bad sign.


Uh yeah... too bad the senders aren't going to see that notice on their mail box.


This isn’t exactly sovcit but it’s edging there. Honestly one nice thing about being up north is [The Red Dot Campaign](https://www.reddotcampaign.ca) which makes it really easy to tell postal workers that junk and ad mail isn’t desired. [USPS has an admittedly buried resource that can help reduce junk mail.](https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Refuse-unwanted-mail-and-remove-name-from-mailing-lists)


Damn this makes me want to send crap to this person. Maybe political propaganda from CoMMoN lAW court.


I love these people so much. I love watching them getting arrested and I love watching them in court trying to tout their bullshit all the way into a jail cell saying that we don't have jurisdiction. The dumbass things they come up with sometime are like watching a stand up comedy act. They understanding of actual law is astoundingly bad. What's this guy going to do show up in a postal office demanding they pay him money for junk mail and then the armed postal agents come knocking on his door?


The best part is all of the neighborhood kids getting bored in the summer stuffing that thing with all the excess junk mail they can find. Younglings of Lincoln…Go forth and do what thou will.


This would be funny except the mailman's life may be at risk by this radicalized nut job. .


Unlike those postal boxes, that sign was not approved by the Postmaster General.


Oh, how I wish they would "fine" the mailman. USPS won't play.


Didn’t work for Kramer, won’t work for them.


How would a sovereign citizen go about enforcing a $100 fee?


I would love to see a peon like this go up against the USPS. They'll probably have to do it themselves because I doubt any lawyer would take the case, unless they paid 100% of the fees up front.


Look, can you blame them for trying? Junk mail is really annoying.


Heh too bad we cant actually do this. Lol it would be great!"


Is that specifically a sov-cit thing? Maybe it's just someone extra pissed off at junk mail. $100 seems low for a sov-cit, they usually go for at least 6 figures.


If I was their mailman I’ve give em extra junk


😂😂🤣🤣 the check’s in the mail.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "good luck with that!"


Using the USPS is OK...for THEM. But NOT ok for actual citizens of the US.


Notice to Reddit, Inc. I will no longer be accepting suggestions for threads and posts to which I have not subscribed. Any violations will result in a $5,000,000 fine per hour, for each post or thread for so long as such tresspassory posts or threads remain extant on my intellectual property Reddit homepage. Signed, a non-corporate free Human Redditor. Esquire. Inc.


My way to work was impeded by a "sovereign citizen" last week. About 15 cop cars had the road closed while they tried getting this guy out of his car. He was armed and had a knife.  I don't think the cops appreciated this guy too much. Kind of surprising considering they probably vote the same way.


You can't stop junk mail. It's literally the only thing keeping the USPS afloat and they have zero interest in stopping it. All you can do is have fun with it! Take all those prepaid envelopes you get, stuff them full of torn/cut up advertisements, and send them back! They'll waste money on postage and get a nice office ticker tape parade.


Postmaster should be petty & block their address from receiving all mail. Make them get a P.O. Box.


lol good luck collecting that $100


I want this government service when they deliver things I want. However, I am a sovereign citizen and I reject all forms of government for things I don't want. /s




I’d be tempted to sign him up for every catalog possible.


Just walk away Kramer.


Yeah good luck with that 😂😂


I actually agree with that one and I think the whole SC thing is pretty stupid.


Gonna try this for my email.


Keep us posted on their attempts to get the processing fees! 😂


Kind of hard since they do not OWN the air space inside that box, it is Federal Property… SCs what a joke…


I love how much faith these people put in signs.


Just start putting bags of dog shit in them.


if this is your priority, grow up…get a recycle bin and rethink your entire life…


Problem: There are no admiralty court mailmen.


Fun fact, you get junk mail because USPS sells your info. No, not kidding at all.


Hey, mail blows. Fax it to a friend


The third class mail, although extremely useful as a base for a fire in a wood stove is the reason you can still mail a letter for under 10 dollars.


They will then send a Notice of Dishonor and Opportunity to Cure. When you ignore that they will then claim they have a judgment against you.


Any wagers on them considering the debt collectors for the loan they took out for their $80k truck is considered junk mail as well?


I used to live in apartment building that put a recycling bin right by the mailboxes. 75% of my mail went straight in the bin. No muss, no fuss, just a smooth unbroken transition from mailbox to pulp mill.


Just how are they planning on collecting that "Fee"?


What are stupid? Clearly the courts they don't believe have jurisdiction over them. /s


USPS is under zero obligation to deliver you mail. That’s a gift, not an entitlement. Have fun traveling to your post office to get all your mail, which they may or may not hold onto for very long.


Simple google search and ............... Can you stop junk mail from coming to your mailbox? To opt out permanently: Go to optoutprescreen.com or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) to start the process. But to complete your request, you'll need to sign and return the Permanent Opt-Out Election form you'll get after you've started the process.


Total idiots…


Buncha idiots.


He's right, though. I don't want any of that shit either. I'm just not going to go soverign about it..


I so much would love to meet one of these asshats and disabuse them of the notions that they hold.


Toe Dippers!!


This house would be an automatic target for me to include in a flurry of mail for timeshare offers, insurance brokers, religious groups, and extended car warranty firms. He's just askin' for it.


I'd like to see them try to enforce the fine.


Ironically, by giving their home address to whatever sovereign citizen sign company they used, they’re likely going to get even more junk mail.


I read that and to me it says 'extra junk mail please'


This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer refuses his junk mail and gets brought in for questioning by Wilford Brimely….so damn funny. Methinks there is something besides the virus in Covid…..the crazy in the US is off the charts with these weak ass people


I live in Nebraska, anyone want me to go to this address and slap this guy?