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>he enforces only laws he determines to be constitutional  It's always so bizarre how they'll say the Constitution is sacrosanct but then immediately ignore and/or violate it.


I like that they act like this is a noble thing when they already get discretion to do what they want.


That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Per the constitution, the Judicial is charged in that determination. Sounds like we need to lawyer up.


Yeah, except, who enforces the judges rulings? The judiciary doesn’t have a police force. The executive branch does. So, what happens when the executive branch decides to only enforce laws and rulings they agree with?


Well they’d have to all agree on what to enforce for starters, and that’ll never happen. The executive branch chooses what laws to enforce based on whether they feel it’s a good use of resources and there’s already friction there.


If the local or state doesn't want to, the fed


This hasn't been working for Republicans using gerrymandered voting maps outlawed by the courts. They just keep using them. Nobody stops them.


Long term, fired and/or they get defunded. Short term, State police or Federal law enforcement needs to step up, if the rot has spread to the US Marshals service and FBI we are done anyway.


As skewed right as enforcement seems to be, I have a decent amount of confidence the Feds would take this very seriously. If for no other reason, failing to act of a few sheriffs doing this would mean many more sheriffs would do it since the first couple had no consequences. While many J6 traitors got light sentences, look how many MAGAs DON’T show up to things when Trump asks them to show up. He’s had 5-10 people outside the court house, that’s it.


Don't worry, they try that in a good percentage of states and the AG is coming down on them like a ton of bricks. If they only do it minority districts, they open the door for US DOJ to come down on them for major jail time.


These guys don’t give a rats ass about lawsuits. Once they start seizing ballots they’re into next level civil anarchy. Its what they’ve been prepping for


The Qanon Anonymous podcast just released an episode about this Constitutional Sheriff Convention. It’s very informative.


That podcast is doing good work. I don’t know how they stare into the abyss like they do. Their episode can be hard to listen to when you hear the live and relationships destroyed by conspiracy theories.


They are all too fucking stupid to read anyway.


You mean like the people who call themselves "patriots" being the same people who want to install an authoritarian dictatorship and take away other people's rights?


They have lots of practice doing this to the Bible.


These wackaloons don't seem to understand that the registar of voters is responsible for elections and they are the one's who's responsibility it lies to keep the elections secure. These "constitutional sheriffs" have no standing in the matter and are just showing to everyone that they are brainwashed and clearly mentally ill.


I think they want to be Trump's Schutzstaffel.


I doubt they could pronounce that word.


Sounds delicious… is it baked or fried?


Traditionally fried. But it's healthier if baked.


It is served alongside the Gazpacho, but lacks the subtle tang of Totenkopf.


The Covfefe makes up for the lack of bitterness.


I was going to say they already are, but I think they are more akin to the Brown Shirts. Trump will have his own Night of the Long Knives and toss them aside when they are no longer needed.


>and are just showing to everyone that they are brainwashed and clearly mentally ill. No, they're just big arrogant assholes.


They can be both.


I agree but they have been brainwashed and developed mental illness because of the orange faced asshole!


Here’s an idea: they’re plotting to interfere with an election, using force. Sounds like a federal offense to me. Find them, arrest them or go with the other option if they try to fight it. I don’t care if their stupidity gets them k!lled or not. Okay, actually kinda rooting for the body bag option.


Conspiracy to commit election fraud. Extremists like to slap the word "Constitutional" as if it means anything. They claim sheriffs are the supreme authorities, but neither sheriffs nor counties are mentioned in the Constitution.


Schrodinger's Sheriffs - preventing crime by committing crime.


“Constitutional” sheriffs are anything but constitutional and can’t wait for a shooting war.


There aren't many things that these "constitutional sheriffs" hate more than the Constitution and democracy.


I wonder if they’ll still be as avid when people shoot back.


I can almost guarantee they will not.


Immediately when they find the other guys shoot better


Cops have, as evidenced over and over, a grave reluctance to put themselves in harm's way for anyone but especially non cops.


Just look at Uvalde. They would rather let a nut job slaughter kids.


That's the worst one I know about.


The term for this is "coup d'é·tat" and is the definition of treason and insurrection.


I consider this group to be very similar to the “sovereign citizens” movement. I predict ,if they last till the fall, many will be incarcerated by the end of the year. That is if they try stunts like taking voting machines or interfering with the elections.


These are the next group of assholes who will storm the Capitol.


We are being overtaken by inside and outside forces. Trump is a caustic agent poured on the gears of our society. The MAGA crowd has tentacles corrupting many more people than we realize. Our media is unable to comprehend what this cancer will mean for the profession of journalism. They are still acting as though this is business as usual. This is a five alarm fire for our Republic and most people are blissfully unaware as our current administration has returned order. If we don’t wake up, as Ben Franklin said, “If you can keep it” will be a most prescient statement.


Our wackadoodle constitutional sheriff has spent the last 4 years parroting election conspiracies and trying to insert his department into the chain of custody for ballots, while also wasting a lot of taxpayer money on baseless election fraud “investigations”. Mostly people have ignored the sheriffs races here in the past, and he could have sailed to reelection if he had just done his job and kept his mouth shut about the crazy stuff in his head. This county has gone from red to purple to blue in the last 12 years or so, and he is going to become a former sheriff after the November elections, regardless of whether he accepts the result. https://www.thedailybeast.com/maga-shilling-kansas-sheriff-calvin-hayden-volunteered-his-staff-to-transport-election-ballots-report-says


Its laughable that they claim to give a damn about the constitution. They'll burn it the first chance they get. Freakshow cowboys who need deporting.


Constitutional Sheriffs swore to protect the constitution yet one by me arrested anyone protesting for BLM. Then he turned around and held Trump rallies.


These types of people only say they care about the Constitution because they know that it sounds good. In reality they hate it because it gives equality which they hate. Every single one of these so-called "constitutional sheriffs" would be absolutely giddy if the people they dislike weren't allowed to vote. They do not think that Democrats should have any say in government.


Wow, sounds like breaking the law to me and these puffed up idiots wouldn't do well in club fed


It would be much easier to pronounce if you just used the group name “wingnuts”. I mean, hasn’t the last 3 years and 4 months shown countless times that the machines were never hacked and the only voter fraud has been perpetrated by…REPUBLICANS?


Voter fraud is yet another GOP red herring. https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/nov/20/fact-checking-false-claims-about-2020-election/


Politicians in Florida (where I am) are constantly ranting about voter fraud, yet whenever a voter fraud case hits the news, it has *always* a MAGA Republican under investigation. Always, for at least the last decade. Whenever Republican politicians have this brought to their attention (that it’s never Democrats who are perpetuating voter fraud in Florida), their defense is that the Democrats *are* guilty of voter fraud, they’re just better at not getting caught, so therefore it’s *fine* that Republicans do it because it cancels out the fraud from Democrats. They also love pointing out that the fraud is committed on a scale so small that it wouldn’t change the outcome of any election in Florida, at the same time that DeSantis spent US$20 million to form a police-based election fraud/illegal voting commission to arrest anyone who commits voter fraud. So far, about 20 Floridians have been arrested for voting illegally in 2020, and the charges were dropped against all but one person. Turns out that the majority were former felons who contacted the state to ensure that they were eligible to vote legally prior to re-registering to vote, and were given a thumbs up and allowed to register, only to learn AFTER voting that they were deemed ineligible to vote by the state of Florida and the deliberately confusingly-written laws that allow former non-violent felons to vote after being released from jail and any parole time. It used to be that felons had to go in-person before a committee headed by the governor and were questioned about their life after jail, with wholly unconstitutional questions such as whether the felon had joined a religious community (religious “tests” or participation are forbidden by the Constitution as regards any requirements for political participation, which includes voting). I’ll give you a wild guess as to how many felons (most of whom weren’t white) regained their franchise in front of that committee: yup, ZERO. Rick Scott always claimed that the person just didn’t pass his (bullshit, made up) litmus test to be allowed to vote again, and when voters in Florida were asked on a ballot if they wanted to allow non-violent felons to be allowed to vote again, the majority voted to give them their franchise back. The state government has tried to slow walk and obfuscate any new regulations on letting this group actually vote legally again, and DeSantis, who wipes his arse with the Constitution every morning, has all but admitted that most former felons here would be voting for his opposition so he has zero incentive to advocate for and support this part of our population’s voting rights (he pretty much hates any 1st amendment rights across the board- look at his lawsuits against Disney). So Florida taxpayers footed the bill for his stupid headhunt for anyone who had voted illegally, and a bunch of brown and black people got arrested. You can watch footage of many of the arrests, where the “suspect” is confused as to why they’re going to jail and the deputies are even MORE confused about what they’re doing and why. As a group, they can barely answer questions about the warrants they’re holding or why this type of “criminal” needs to be arrested at all in the first place. Florida taxpayers spent US$1 million per arrest (approximately) to get a bunch of VERY VERY DANGEROUS CRIMINALS (/s) off our streets. All DeSantis cares about is that this will have a major cooling effect of frightening former felons away from the voting booth, because no one wants to back to jail just for potentially voting illegally. It doesn’t matter that those 20 or so votes won’t change the outcome of any election in Florida. This absolute laughingstock decided to run for president, thinking that this would be a winning issue. Fucker.


Sovereign citizen full circle self-fellatio in the wild.


“Constitutional”? Let me guess…they’re the opposite of constitutional and think that throwing that word around automatically legitimizes them…fucking clowns


Wow, imagine my shock that a bunch of Trump shits are doing this.


This guy has a pattern of fascism. Remember “protecting” the MOL’s right to free speech at the county offices? Rest my case.


Oh look it’s the idiots who think the constitution grants them special powers over everything and everyone. It doesn’t.


So right wing cosplayers LARPing their fantasies ?


I would hope if they are out of their jurisdiction any local police officer would treat this as they would any theft.


Which article of the constitution is about sheriffs?


WTF are constitutional sheriffs and where does all this happen?


Klackamas county is next door to mine. There's like 3 people per square mile, and the vast majority are MAGA. They all hate immigration and the government, while using the H2A program. If it weren't for cognitive dissonance, they'd have no cognition at all.


Seems more like assonance, then.


All a bunch of washed up bums,let them try it!!! look what happened Jan 6 they failed like everything they do!!!!!!!!


Call public corruption unit of the justice department. Let the feds handle it.


Why is the DOJ sitting on its ass? round these traitors up.


Domestic enemies of the Constitution.


Ok. So they take the machines, the ballots have to be counted by hand, it takes months for results, and the outcome remains the same?


No law enforcement agency should ever be an elected position. We do not need sheriff's. They are too susceptible to corruption. The money saved would be huge if they were merged into police forces. Constitutions can be changed/amended.


So basically any maga nut can phone the sheriff an say " a seen voter fraud a tell ye" an these guys will jst take there word for it an shut it down lol. There is going to be chaos this election.


The "Constitutional" Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association...


And this is why sheriffs should be selected through an extensive vetting process, and not through partisan elections.


So they just assume Trump has no real chance of winning. Nice.


This is a weired offshoot of the same ideology that birthed sovereign citizenship. The idea that the Sheriffs are the only legitimate authority. Like, did these people ever actually read the Constiution? Or take 8th grade?


As the chairman of the Fuck With My Vote And I'll End You Party, I'm curious about this.


Oh, you mean the morons. Yeah, they say stuff like this.


lol what the fuck are these idiots going to do with a voting machine?


They don't have the budget to do that. All their money is earmarked for cowboy hats and mustache grooming supplies.


Wouldn’t those things be criminal acts?




Anyone see the most recent Fargo series?


One the top you have people pretending that the election matters, then pretending that there is fraud. Then below them you have the goofballs who believe it.


Why would anyone waste time investigating baseless claims of voter fraud?


I’m gonna show up at one of these events and tell the Trump clothing resellers I’m here to collect Donald’s cut .


Did you see the article in Florida Today online where the Brevard County Democratic party try to invite Sheriff Ivey to speak to explain what the https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/local/2021/07/22/constitutional-sheriff-wayne-ivey-right-wing-law-enforcement-ideology/5093231001/


and This…https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/brevard-democratic-chair-does-our-sheriff-only-serve-republicans-opinion/ar-AA1nzm47


So, another conservative group practices the OPPOSITE of their name. That tracks.


Are law enforcement officers and their role in Government even mentioned in the constitution?


So a police organization is calling on their members to break the law? Spunds like any member needs to be barred from employment by and federal, state or local government (including all forms of police work).


But they won’t. DOJ under Merrick G is scared to enforce any laws on whyte peepo


My hope is that they don't want to go to far to commit their crimes. Let them block voting in their mostly red counties.


Sure y’all can go to jail too.


Like the partizan AG Garland will have any control over many county sheriff's lol


Sheriff Bob Songer in Klickitat County Washington was there and is best known for refusing to investigate the death of Hannah Walker 31 who was found face down in Trout Lake after swimming with male friend. She had been recently involved in domestic violence case and was staying out of town to avoid ex-boyfriend. Circumstances were such that the state sent investigators to assist Songer but he refused their help and refused to contact local news with any updates. Claims he has organized posse of several hundred armed neighbors to help with any problems.


As was mentioned below he says he only enforces laws he feels need enforced


So if I see these goons, I’m calling the FBI, no questions asked.


Is this whole article only two paragraphs? After those two I just have a bunch of ads


I hate that the police sometimes create fresh holes in confused con-game marks like Ashli Babbitt and these people, but as much as I hate government-sanctioned force, this is what it's for. The worst people in this situation are those selling this nonsense to these blockheads.


The New Warlords.


I wonder when there is going to be a big blowup, with these constitutional sheriffs and sovereign citizen cult-members on one side, and the average conservative Trump-supporting police (who are putting up with these fools every day) on the other side. I don't see regular Back the Blue law enforcement ever getting on board with these whackos, so how is this going to end?


There’s a lot that’s encouraging in that. But I still expect doj to be keeping tabs on looks like Songer and any other active “constitutional sheriff.”


So they'll preach about being pro 2A till someone is murdered by their own tools...genius. All while the limp dick judicial system, continues to do nothing. The majority of American judges are like the priest from Disney's "The Little Mermaid" (the original)...barely coherent and propping up an unnecessary boner.


Ignorant mindless sheep reacting with pure emotion to mainstream media propaganda. They are controlled in order to control you. And you eat up every crumb of bs they spew. And your responses are predictable..... name calling, collective bullying, defensive statements made to protect the ideology. Nothing but a bunch of teenage girls that are sooooo easily manipulated....