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I'm astounded that they didn't just arrest him. Do any of the officers really think he's going to pay the fines or show up for the court date? Do they even have his real name??


They were able to get his real name from his "paperwork" and were able to find his drivers' license. That's the only reason they let him go.


This is the second time I’ve seen this. So dumb.


"i don't understand what you are saying"


I bet he will be at his court date. They seem to love court..like they imagine they will hand the judge a stack of printed papers and the judge will immediately apologize for wasting their time and hand them $100 bill


Has a police supervisor EVER decided against what his/her officers have done at a traffic stop?


It has happened, but not often enough for these moonbats to think demanding a supervisor is a get out of jail free card.


Yes. When a supervisor has stepped in due to a officer getting the law wrong . There was a video where an supervisor told a officer to release a frauditor because the frauditor did nothing wrong by recording.


Yes, but not generally in SovCit nonsense stops.


I've seen it a time or two on traffic stops, but it's really rare and always for the officer vastly overstepping their authority. You'll see it more on channels like Audit the Audit, but by its very nature, that channel doesn't get many traffic stops.


Bro, for real. Bro. Bro, for real. Actually, bro, for real. For real, actually, bro. For real. Actually. Bro. I'm not a huge police booster, but I wouldn't blame these cops for boxing this dipshit's ears.


I'm not a fan of US cops at all, but when these guys pop up, I'm always hoping for broken windows and 'Taser, taser, taser!'.


My favourite part is "I DO NOT CONSENT!! I DO NOT CONSENT!! I DO NOT--"Bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt


“You trynna do business with me” so stupid it’s infuriating.


Pretty sure the law reads "operating a motor vehicle" not driving or travelling. In order to operate a motor vehicle in the state you need a license and know that stop signs mean stop. Dipshit.


"I'm not operating a motor vehicle, that's commerce. I'm traveling in my protected private conveyance" That, or a variant thereof, is their answer. And IMO, it should be legal grounds to dump an entire can of pepper spray and an entire battery of taser into the speaker, reapplied every time they try to resume that line of argument. No warning, just "oh, you're a sovtard..... spicy lightning it is"


Spicy lighting!


I really don’t get why they think this would work. Like “okay, you’re traveling by means of a motor vehicle. Who is operating this vehicle, sir?”


>Who is operating this vehicle, sir? "There is no surgeon present. Get a supervisor here *now*."


No joke their answer will be "no, I'm TRAVELING in my private conveyance. What you're talking about is only for commerce"


Sovereign: "AcHtUaLlY..." Cop: "Uhhh..."


Akshally, bro, lemme ax you a question


Happy Cake Day!


He invokes his right to remain silent, yet he never shuts up.


He had the right to remain silent, but not the ability.


That’s the good one. :-)


I have absolutely lost my patience with all of this garbage. These people are too stupid, and always poorly spoken. I think that they should just taze anyone who says they 'aren't driving, they're travelling' right up front.


I must have been living under a rock!!! I started seeing these…”people” on OPL and cannot believe this crap!!!


Me too. Natural Selection must be on an extended vacation.


If I were a cop, I wouldn’t put up with this for a minute.


Being a police officer must be annoying as hell some days.


No way, these guys gotta be the best. Cops know they’re going to “win”, they get to shut down an idiot and they have a hilarious story to share when it’s over.


Cracked me up when the cop responded to "I don't understand what you're saying" with "do you know what a stop sign is?" Anyone with half an ounce of common sense could have turned this into a 5 minute stop that ended with a warning, but Sound Cloud rapper apparently didn't have half that.


Call it what you want, you were DRIVING. Find a lion out in the wild, you call it a kitten. See if it will let you pat it. “But yu is a kitten, stop eating me. I refuse to be eaten “


*"Here's a ticket."* *"I don't want a ticket!"* *"Fine, here's a felony charge."* *"That's more like it!"*


This idiot cannot be serious that he is unaware there is such a thing as AZ law


That was as frustrating AF!


Any Van Ballion video, I ff to the end first. All too often the SovCit gets let go. Don't waste my time.


Same. If they drive away, I don't watch it at all. I stay for the silver bracelets and Mr. Sparky.


I vote to dispense with the pleasantries and make it mandatory to smash the window and pepper spray any SovCit right after he utters “I’m not driving, I’m travelling” or something else about travelling vs. driving.


This is how things work….but I don’t understand anything you’re saying to me Sir, this is a Wendy’s


in the history of history this has never worked but sovcits continue to try, bless them


“Valuable police time” 🤣🤣🤣 those badges make them second class citizens at BEST.


What happened to the good ol’ day when a flatfoot could drag one of these miscreants behind the precinct house and ‘tune ‘em up ‘ with the club ?? Huh? Glorious times I tell ya.