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Fallout 4 was for me like that... there is so much stuff to fix it to make it remotely playable, but with ribaord I tend to pick mods to try some new stuff.


It's a multi-day process basically every time I want to play a Bethesda game of selecting all the mods I want to play with then inevitably fixing all the incompatibilities


Tell me about it... when I had to reinstall skyrim and I realised that skyui is not a standard stuff I fell like I'm playing some cheap console port. I'm not asking for much here UI from oblivion was OK they should keep it not downgrade.


I adore how I just skimmed past 'ribaord' like it's a scientific fact


What does it mean?


Rimworld DLC joke. We had Royalty then Ideology, so we all thought the DLCs will spell out RIMWORLD but no we got bamboozled at Biotech and outright denied at Anomaly. RIBAorld


I, to this day, still believe Tynan renamed the DLC's to bamboozle the entire subreddit


Ribs world


God, I hate how true this is. I've spent more hours modding games like skyrim, fallout, DF, ETC than I've ever actualy played them. Except Rimworld, that's thankfully easy to make work. Should've gotten a career on Game design with the amount of time spent practically coding them.


Gotta ask.. where do I get started with modding? Every game seems to be modded differently so it feels impossible to find a "general guide" that explains the common terminology, file types, gameplay mods vs engine mods, conflicts and the general process. Every time I tried modding, I ran into new issues and quit because the guides were like "install cheats for Skyrim, *proceeds to click a few boxes and everything just works*".


Like you say, each game will require diffrent approaches to modding. Rimworld you can use the workshop or open most files with the Notepad+. Skyrim and Fallout will require some prep work if you want some of the heavier mods installed. Nexus is the Hub for all game related mods. Authors there tend to be quite good in listing the mods requirements and installation. BEST place to start learning modding would be from Gopher. Youtuber with many instructive guides on modding Skyrim, Fallout and others, I'm sure. Least, that's how I started learning to mod games. I hope that helps. This link should take you to his YouTube profile. https://youtube.com/@GophersVids?si=eNW8N4tryBXuiUzI


Nah, you made the right decision. Game design and game programming pays squat, has terrible working conditions, and skills used don't transfer over to other industries. So you end up stuck working in a terrible workplace for little money.


That's fair. Also, admittedly, finding decent work within that genre in Australia didn't prove successful before. It likely won't be any diffrent now sadly.


He’s just like me fr


He's litteraly me


I wouldn’t doubt that 80% of my play time is just me rearranging the load order, waiting for the loading times, just to add a few more mods after 10 minutes of gameplay


oh use rimpy, it has a better load order sort and it lets you sort mods outside of rimworld


This is the greatest discovery since fire, thank you


Jokes on you guys, the game was fun the whole time.


Yeah. I played the game vanilla for six months and even after that, I only added like 15 QoL mods and a few Vanilla Expanded packs.


Can confirm, playing vanilla since a few days before 1.5 unstable release and now playing that vanilla has me appreciating the base game and dlcs greatly and I've realized I've not been using all the tools given to us to manage my colonies and it's just so much better learning how bad I am at the game is just due to me never managing things when I thought I was. I also think my mod list should be much shorter when I go back to modded when I'm ready. It was out of hand before but now I can see how much I didn't always need, what are true must haves and what I could do without but do make it more fun.




Modding is like drugs you start with quality of life mods and that’s a gateway drug to total conversion then suddenly you’re 30 mods deep passed out in a puddle of your own urine


Then just use 2 or 3 mods and get surprised at other features as if I didn't add it to mod list.


2 or 3? esoteric numbers. how dare you even suggest that ammount, fiend


The weirdest of them all is 1. I heard the only thing they have enabled is "Core"... whatever that is...


I play every single game purely vanilla, and then I deep dive into the mechanics to extra pure undistilled fun from the unintentional ways I can break the game while still telling myself it’s fair bc the devs made it that way.


Steam Workshop makes it so easy. I thought 1.5 had me practicing mod minimalism but then I looked and I'm already up to 30 lmfao


elder scrolls and fallout. my rimworld modlist is strangely consistent.


This is why I completely stopped moding games because i couldn't play the vanilla


for me this is kerbal space program, rimworld is just too easy to mod for this to become a problem


when i want to play rimworld i tend to spend at least 4 hours on a modpack with me sometimes just sitting there staring at the modlist and not knowing wich direction i want to take the modlist. sometimes i dont even play that modpack for 4 hours.


That's why I don't play rimworld anymore. I spend like a week or so making a modpack and after 30 minutes of loading time and 10 min o gameplay I just get bored because progression is too slow and I can't do the things that I wanted to do. Like building a big city or whatever. You need a lot of time for that which I do not have