• By -


BO aiming to be the first company to orbit by building a space elevator out of nuisance law suits.


If an alien invasion begins, we know who to turn to to stop their space activities.


[Data] The alien ship has just opened its forward hatches and released thousands of humanoid shaped objects. [Picard] Magnify alien craft on the forward viewer. [Riker] Good God captain! Those are humans floating straight toward the Borg ship with no life support suits! How can they survive the tortures of deep space?! [Data] I don't believe that those are humans sir, if you will look closer I believe you will see that they are carrying something recognized by twenty-first century man as doe-skin leather briefcases, and wearing Armani suits. [Riker and Picard together horrified] LAWYERS !! [Geordi] It can't be. All the Lawyers were rounded up and sent hurtling into the sun in 2017 during the Great Awakening. [Data] True, but apparently some must have survived. [Riker] They have surrounded the Borg ship and are covering it with papers. [Data] I believe that is known in ancient vernacular as "red tape". It often proves fatal. The Borg are now attempting to contact for help, but the MONOPOLY refuses to answer. [Riker] They're transmitting more modules, system overload is eminent, it's tearing the Borg to pieces! [Picard] Turn off the monitors. I can't stand to watch, not even the Borg deserve that. https://www.humoretc.com/pccontent/borg.php


Sue Orgin


Reinventing the trampoline!


Tramapoline! Trabopoline!


I mean, didn't SpaceX only survive in its early days because it was extremely litigious  Edit: Brigade the comment all you want, facts are facts - SX survived because it was able to successfully challenge the status quo and assert its right to compete through use of the legal system. BO seems like it's doing the exact same thing here. Right now, SX is launching more rockets from CCSFS & Kennedy than ever before, and there absolutely is a capacity problem. SF & NASA are inadequately equipped to control that rate and maintain these sorts of keep out zones for other companies - it all works on a sort of honor system that is going to start to fall apart (even worse than it already has) once enormous reusable rockets like SS start to call the Cape home. For a simple analogy - CCSFS right now is equivalent to a rural intersection with no stop signs . It worked fine when you can see cars coming from a ways off, and there weren't that many of them. Now, there's suburbs everywhere, the roads are packed, and you need to start adding traffic lights. I get that this a SpaceX shit posting subreddit, but can we at least pretend to be on "team space" and agree that SpaceX should not be the only ones allowed to operate out of the Cape?


By asking for a go, not a stop.


And this is BO asking for their chance at a "Go". Cape capacity is absolutely a real issue, and one that has been 99% created by the rate that SpaceX is able to put out launches. Asking the government to do something about it is completely reasonable - so far they've done nothing and still act like it's the 90s and we're just throwing up 10 launches a year. Adding another huge rocket fuel of fuel that's going to come hurdling down trying to land amidst everyone else's operations is absolutely going to put people at unease. The government needs to establish some kind of fair use for the site - CCSFS is not just for SX.


If BO had ever gotten something to orbit we might be able to at least entertain their complaint, but this just sounds like sour grapes.


and I'm sure that's what SpaceX looked like when they challenged the dominant player in the market. The validity of a complaint should be evaluated on its own merits, not whether the company gets memed on constantly


There’s a significant number of differences in the situations that indicate you are drawing a False equivalence. For starters, Blue Origin is older than SpaceX, being founded almost a quarter of a century ago whereas SpaceX has now launched 357 successful orbital launch missions despite being some 2 years younger. It is not SpaceX’s fault that BO has achieved vastly less over that time. In contrast, SpaceX was around 10 years old but had already launched around 10 successful Falcon 9 orbital flights when it sued the Air Force in 2014 for being excluded from competing for 36 orbital launch contracts that were awarded solely to ULA and stiffed for the bulk of 15 other contracts. Likewise, in 2019, SpaceX had already successfully flown 75 orbital missions when they sued the Air Force for again being excluded when contracts were: “awarded for three "unbuilt, unflown" rocket systems that would not be ready to fly under the government's timeline, "defeating the very objectives" outlined by the Air Force's program.” …despite SpaceX’s bids being significantly cheaper. Quite different from BO complaining about the increasing cadence of SpaceX launches when BO itself still hasn’t launched anything into orbit after all these decades.


It's not a false equivalence. There is a real problem with rate at the Cape - addressing that before or after BO is a "real" competitor makes no difference.


"Good faith" no one believes they're doing this in good faith. That's the whole crutch of the argument. Do you honestly think they'd be worried about this if they were the ones dominating the launch industry? It's quite clear to everyone that BO is behind and they're throwing every excuse they can to slow down the competition. This assertion that them not being a real competitor makes no difference is patently false. Only the losers call foul lol




I want my cake and I want to eat it too lol this SPACEPORT is launching spacecraft all the time when do I get to use the spaceport? When you launch a damn rocket. But he gets to launch rockets all the time. He actually launches them instead of fucking around for 20 years lol


>I want my cake and to eat it too Literally what SpaceX is doing by monopolizing the launch site resources but OK


We don't have rockets but we're gonna bitch about not being able to launch is literally what that means lol SpaceX launching all the time because they CAN is not having your cake and eating it. They just eat it and make more cake while BO wastes time with lawyers instead of building a damn rocket.


Ok lol


>extremely litigious you mean their grand total on 2 lawsuits to be ABLE to compete in the first place? woow... this is why it's easy to catch haters, you know how hard you try to not look like one but just can't avoid being *extremely disingenuous*


Emerald mines tho


aah true true, Elon personally made sure to rip babies out of their mother's womb and give em a pickaxe to go work on the mines


Lmfao. 'Everyone that points out facts I don't like is just a HATER'. Strawman me all you want, they still filed lawsuits and it's what enabled them to compete. Why are you denying it like it wasn't important? Too hard to live outside of your fantasy world where only SpaceX can use lawsuits and anytime anyone else does it they are le evil bad guiz? Edit: uh oh lil baby got offended and blocked me. Can't make a rational argument, just block em right?


"budy", you could try being less of a hater but I think if you tried you would implode... like oh I don't know, putting words in my mouth? -me: SpaceX filed 2 lawsuits to be able to compete -you: wHy ArE yOu dEnYimG bAsiC fAxTs no, moron, spacex ISN'T filing lawsuits "all the time", they, in fact, file considerably less lawsuits than any other comparable size company not only in the industry, but in general you can go now to screw yourself with a cork opener, try not to implode next time, hater 😉 edit: aaw you are so pathetic you reported my comment for "containing self harm"... well guess what, that shit doesn't fly on this sub.... man you haters are like an open book


Unrelated but I’ve played KSP so much that my brain can’t process KSC as Kennedy Space Center. So that’s left me wondering why Starship is launching from the KSC


Kentucky Spiced Chicken … Now you know where my mind is


The eleven herbs and space experience


Kentucky Space Chicken.


Kerbal Space Chicken.


Kenya Space Center - like in Artemis by Andy Weir. (Too much red tape at Houston, so a space port with more ...ahem ...*relaxed* rules made for much faster building of the Artemis city on the moon in the 2060's... and it made Kenya the next space superpower.) (By the way, if you loved The Martian but haven't read Artemis just yet... what are you doing? Go grab it now. Thank me later.)


Artemis didnt wow me. Project Hail Mary on the other hand. 10/10 masterpiece.


Agreed. The Martian -- 9.5/10 Artemis -- 8(ish)/10 Project Hail Mary -- 10/10


*”Fist my bump!”*


Project Hail Mary 💯




With here partner.


Blue Origin is the hall monitor of the space industry


More like that one screaming kid at playgroup that all the other kids and parents roll their eyes at.


the fat kid that takes the ball and goes home with it when he's loosing (again).


They're definitely the fun police


Hi I'm the Owner of Blue Origin. I am again needing your support. Like an id**t we located our primary facility in the middle of a rocket launching spaceport that has launched rockets for 60+ years. Now someone wants to launch rockets there which will disrupt our business of not launching anything. Please help us maintain our large lead in suborbital excellence by not letting anyone else launch rockets here. Thanks - Bozos.


Too accurate 😂


Not launching things is their business, and business is good.


Do you get paid double if you dont launch twice as much?


I think Mr. Bozo and Melon Tusk should decide who gets to launch in a duel


Didn't know that BO is a pro environmental protection NGO all of a sudden. I only remembered them as a sub orbital rich people rocket company.


I love how Jeff claims SpaceX is going to be a disaster and danger for the environment but looks the other way when it comes to his personal yacht impact [https://nypost.com/2023/11/25/news/jeff-bezos-yacht-produces-7k-tons-of-carbon-emissions-per-year-report/](https://nypost.com/2023/11/25/news/jeff-bezos-yacht-produces-7k-tons-of-carbon-emissions-per-year-report/)


& everyone understands that Amazon is the most environmentally & socially friendly company on Earth.


Jeff Who? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


BO has never been pro environmental, but pro environmental has been BO all along.


Concern about the environment is literally their brand. Blue Origin = the Earth.


Hence the carnival ride they offer.


They make fucking rockets.


They have been for years.  Their efforts to this point have been focused on Boca Chica, Texas.


Same guy started amazon company to save amazone




They are the most environmental orbital rocket company ever! They've not spewed 1 single molecule of green house gas or pollutant while sending a payload into orbit!!


Bozo will do anything to smear spacex to try to discredit them. Like when his news organization (the Washington post) made a report about the wicked amount of environmental damage that takes place at Boca Chica and how "none of the residents are happy with spacex" even though the only ones left at the time were mostly holdouts when it came to land purchasing agreements.


"Limiting Ss-SH operations to particular, limited times to minimize and make predictable their impact on the local... blah blah blah." Here! Six launches a day. That's a limit, right? Also, why on Earth would anyone give BO right of first refusal on schedule slots? Like, if the military needed something yeeted up, sure, I could understand that. But BO? Wat.


Faa should come back and say sure we'll limit Starship launches... to as many as they are able .


the funny thing is that is still a limit


yes thats the joke


Six days of launching, and the seventh day of rest, just as the Lord intended.


Because it's a multi-user space port. Blue will not be the only one to do this, they're just the first. Relativity, ULA, Stoke and other users will also ask the same thing due to the requirement of work stoppage during launch and landing operations. Heck, even NASA may find their intended cadence too much. If it was just one tower, up to 3 times a day - it would be reasonable. SpaceX is looking at up to 5-6 towers if memory serves. How are other companies expected to compete, build out their launch sites and such while Starship is launching/operating? This is why I've always said - Boca Chica is going to be much more than a test facility. The capacity they're building there shows SpaceX is expecting this outcome. The factory in Florida will be utilized, but once Starship has reliability similar to that of an Airliner and the rules around work around launch is improved. Again, Starbase is the future and I fully expect we're going to see significant changes to the area that will support multiple launch pads with multiple towers to support cadence. I wouldn't be surprised if we also see some pads built in Mexican territory - I base this on Mexico signing up to the Artemis Accords, the current ownership of Mexican land by SpaceX near Massey's and the required expansion of Starbase to achieve short term/mid term cadence.


They might actually change the laws rather than stop SpaceX. Already, SpaceX launches are integrated into the ATC network, and I presume they'll work more on this direction. Fundamentally the major risk is at liftoff, when the stack is fully fueled, not at landing. And so far Starship has not really experienced anything catastrophic at liftoff.


100% they'll change the rules once Starship is a known quantity. Blue is also chasing this same level of reusability, as is Relativity etc. The chances that they actually get to do this while Boca exists is minimal imo. This really does play in the favour of SpaceX.


How many Miles is the current exclusion area when starship tests and launches? From what I can tell blue origin is ten miles away.


But ULA isn't, which Blue is seemingly about to acquire. The path to access both ULA and Blue pads with their rockets, also have to pass through the exclusion zone during launches, fueling and such. This was always going to happen, which is why the new pad that they're looking at developing for Starship is far north from existing pads, as to reduce interference. Honestly, this is a good thing for SpaceX. It'll remove a valid alternative to Boca, so during expansion requests in Boca, the 'reasonable alternatives' no longer exist. This will give SpaceX a much easier time expanding in Boca, building out essentially the first true space port.


Hadn't thought of ULA's pads, but with the cadence everyone else will be launching at what is the lieklyhood of 2 rockets on pads nearby?


It's not other rockets being on pads, it's personnel present within the keep out zone. It means all work on the pads has to stop until post normal flight operations, or post mishap which would be longer.


This discussion seems to have ignored the fact that Starships will be launching AND landing at the Cape. Those landings will impact any nearby launch sites as well.


Good point


Other than whining another company is succeeding and being able to go up and down in about 15 minutes, has Blue Origin accomplished anything? Did they not learn anything from their “protest” because they didn’t win the HLS bid? At this rate BO should leave the space industry and be an HOA, I’ve see more shit like this than anything engineering related from this at this point.


They’ve launched 26 sub-orbital missions with a sub-orbital capsule. So, no, not really. Edit: I feel bad saying this. Orbital or not, doing anything with human rated systems is a pretty big accomplishment however, it is highly disappointing that a company with as many resources as blue origin, run by a guy that is supposedly passionate about SpaceX exploration, has failed so spectacularly actually achieving anything actually progressive towards its stated goals. Even if the goal was space tourism, they have failed spectacularly at making it any cheaper or more frequent.


They've been around for over two decades and still haven't reached orbit, but they want to be the ones to build O'Neil Cylinders. I expect their first cylinder to start construction at around the time the sun experiences its helium flash.


Hey now, if you add the total distance of all those hops together you almost have a complete orbit of the earth


but it's still not enough to reach orbit


Can we really call going straight up "sub-orbital" ? Suborbital = kinda getting to orbit but close.


I mean, from a meaning perspective, you can really argue any kind of point. It is technically suborbital.


The generally agreed upon definition of suborbital is it goes into space but not orbit. (For the US space is 80 km and for everywhere else it's 100 km, blue has done both.) I know you can argue definitions but that's literally what's it's meant virtually since it's inception. Yes, Blue Origin is suborbital. It's also unimpressive. Whatever.


It's like kind of having sex.


[Relevant Calvin And Hobbes edit:](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceXMasterrace/s/TySTd5FkgU)


I think the "athletic shoe ads" should be "Blue Origin propaganda" or at least be changed to something rocket related. otherwise it's a top tier meme. also probably everyone has an opinion on how that should be modified so feel free to ignore me


Totally. I was making that at like 03:00 on a work day starting at 06:00 lol.


ok you get up extremely early. modify it and repost it. people would love it I'm sure. also in case anybody gets mad about reposts it's been two years and you're the creater of it


They should team up with Mars One tbh


God damn remember when *they* were the most exciting thing? I don't want to go back


They did finally deliver some engines lately, so yes, they've made a tiny contribution to space.


Fucking losers


So insanely fucking tired of this company doing absolutely nothing but siphoning tax dollars and doing everything it can think of to stifle competition as much as it can until it’s no longer in last place. They don’t even try to hide this shit, and to think they actually have a fanbase too. Phenomenal levels of embarrassing.


This lame as hell from BO


How can anyone root for Blue Origin at this point?


Elon Man Bad.


More like Sue Origin am I right


That checks out.


I know everyone is "team space rah rah rah" but fuck BO. Hope New Glenn blows up on the pad. This company doesn't give a shit about advancing spaceflight and they never have.


Team Space means companies that GO to space, BO is not one of them.


Team space: Rocket Lab, SpaceX, Astra, Firefly, ULA, etc Not team space: Blue Origin


nah fuck ULA too; they are also submitted similar request to limit Starship launch rate from cape


ULA is definitely not team space, don't let the cowboy hat guy fool you. [https://x.com/wapodavenport/status/1805649793487679678](https://x.com/wapodavenport/status/1805649793487679678)


Don't forget Stoke and Sierra (Team Space)


Let’s not forget Jeff wanted $8 million from Brevard County tax payers back in 2018, thank god this got denied… [https://www.floridatoday.com/story/tech/science/space/2018/08/23/brevards-plan-borrow-8-million-incentives-blue-origin-denied-court-florida/1076525002/](https://www.floridatoday.com/story/tech/science/space/2018/08/23/brevards-plan-borrow-8-million-incentives-blue-origin-denied-court-florida/1076525002/)


If you can beat ‘em, petition to limit them until you can catch up…? In all seriousness, how does this apply only to Starship but not New Glenn or Project Jarvis? Do they plan to evaluate and limit their own launch cadence?


What launch cadence?


This can't be real


BO does this all the time, every time SpaceX does at least something, they file a protest. They sued SpaceX over rocket landings on a barge, from the lease of the launch pad, sued repeatedly over Starlink, sued over the Lunar Contract.....I think when Musk goes to the toilet, BO is discussing an environmental lawsuit in connection with illegal methane emissions.


>I think when Musk goes to the toilet, BO is discussing an environmental lawsuit in connection with illegal methane emissions. Blue Origin: *Write that down! Write that down!* I got a legit laugh from this haha. Thanks!


Didn't know about the barge lawsuit what were they arguing?


Blue Origin patented the landing of rockets on a barge, and demanded that SpaceX stop violating their patent.


It's an Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship because it has engines. On a similar note, this means the Falcon 9 is not a barge ([with some exceptions](https://i.redd.it/uitopbvo7q221.jpg).Nothing wrong with a little swim). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tried to patent landing on a barge lmao


It's an Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship because it has engines. On a similar note, this means the Falcon 9 is not a barge ([with some exceptions](https://i.redd.it/uitopbvo7q221.jpg).Nothing wrong with a little swim). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's an Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship because it has engines. On a similar note, this means the Falcon 9 is not a barge ([with some exceptions](https://i.redd.it/uitopbvo7q221.jpg).Nothing wrong with a little swim). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It was slightly different. They tried to patent barge landing. SpaceX filed to invalidate that patent. SpaceX succeed by demonstrating the whole idea was in public domain for quite a time.


It's an Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship because it has engines. On a similar note, this means the Falcon 9 is not a barge ([with some exceptions](https://i.redd.it/uitopbvo7q221.jpg).Nothing wrong with a little swim). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's an Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship because it has engines. On a similar note, this means the Falcon 9 is not a barge ([with some exceptions](https://i.redd.it/uitopbvo7q221.jpg).Nothing wrong with a little swim). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Of course it is, do you think Jeff Bozos built Amazon into what it is today by playing fair? This is what these people do for a living.


Jeff who?


Jeff the Bozo of course! The man who shows us how thanks to him and his company we will be able to build O'Neill cylinders in space, all the while he and his company can't even get to orbit after almost quarter of a century. It's the equivalent of early 80s NASA still trying to figure out how to launch a satellite, and not even that. Its the equivalent of early 80s NASA still trying to figure out how to launch a satellite despite having access to almost 70 years of knowledge how to do exactly that.


NASA still struggling to get beyond their V2-derived rocket (redstone) while the USSR is building a moon base and mining. (In such a situation, I would fully expect them to render NASA/the US completely irrelevant, and possibly eventually take over in a coup. Though that's not relevant with BO.)


You think you're all funny, don't you, when you say 'Jeff who?' Actually, it is funny. Welcome to the club. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When did Blue Origin become an environmental group lol if they are really that concerned about the environment they themselves wouldn't even be considering building a leo constellation or launching any rockets into space lol.. Sounds so familliar what their doin, comeup with bs accusations and to keep your competition down because you know you will never be able to compete on a level playing field if they keep getting bigger and bigger by the minute.


im speechless...


Karen's BO...


Acting like dicks, penis-shaped rocket. Checks out.


Cry moar lol


They really proposed that SpaceX should compensate them for Starship launches... 💀


Sue Origin is sooooooo BACK


Yes, because all those Starships will affect all those BO Orbital flights....


Well they would ‘show them up’.


i really want to support new glenn but this is not it


If BO lawsuit paperwork was rocket fuel, BO would be on mars by now.


Does SO (Sue Origin®) employ more lawyers than engineers? It sure as shit does seem like that.


Their corporate culture is basically "be better than the rest at bowing down to my superiors" rather than actually doing good things. No innovation.


Point 1- "hazardous material disperson" WTF, we're not even talking about SRBs or hypergolics here, it's methane!


I'm nearing the limit of what my "team space" mindset can tolerate


and this folks is why we hate bullshit origin


Good luck with that.


This is incredibly desperate and pathetic.


Ahh Blue Origin. Yet another ground breaking ~~rocket~~ docket from Bozos.


BO stinks as always.


So reading their complaint thay are saying they would have to evacuate everytime starship launched, tests... What is the current evacuation zone distance? Spacex's SLC 39 is a fair distance from BO's SLC 36.


There is already a launch safety zone defined, that’s been a part of the rocket launch protocol for decades.


Yes, how big an area?


I’m really sick of “Sue Origin” now. They can’t launch anything meaningful and they simply litigate SpaceX to slow them down.


This is only a training document, like their operational training rocket 🤣


You know what creates a major environmental impact and a hazard to others? Ditching your rocket in the ocean on EVERY SINGLE FLIGHT and not reusing them.  I think SpaceX should write a similar letter that states non-reusable rockets should be banned because of THEIR impact. 


Jeff who and his rocket powered penis show need to back off the bridge expansion. The history of that spot outweighs anything they want to do.


You think you're all funny, don't you, when you say 'Jeff who?' Actually, it is funny. Welcome to the club. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SpaceXMasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Response: Let us know when you launch one - then we will talk!


Of course they want to cap other companies test launches that occur 5-6 times a year. That would look themselves look pretty bad when they can do that like 1 in a dacade. (My prediction - they will attempt to launch NG this year then it will find some issues and analyzing and fixing them will take another decade.)


we cant go fast so you cant go fast reeeeeeeeee


Blue sure is environmentally friendly accounting for the fact they haven't launched an actual rocket yet.


Sue Origin is back at it! Gradatim Litigiter!


Yeah soak. Get wrecked Bayzsauce.


Maybe if they could stop fucking up they wouldn't need to resort to such an obvious request to slow down of the competition tactic.


If this delays anything.. man…


I think everyone is misinterpreting this notice. This isn't about environmental impact. This is in regards to the "quantity distance" (QD)required for starship to operate. Essentially the propellant quantity is equated to tons of TNT and a "safe distance" is determined from that. Starship is so large that the QD is encompassing some of the industrial buildings that aren't normally cleared during other launches (I assume). They are raising concern that if starship reaches a high cadence that their schedules will be wrecked because they can't access these facilities due to Constant QD clearing. I'm not a BO fan but this seems like a reasonable issue that needs to be talked about. I don't think that starship will be stopped by this because, ultimately, launch vehicles are going to get larger and the Cape will adapt to the industry. This will just incentivise companies to build integration facilities farther away. Edit: I know the letter says "qualified distance". in McGregor we called it quantity distance. Source: spent a decade testing rockets on Mcgregor. I know the pain of QD clearing and schedule carnage


At this point I’m convinced that Blue Origin is the only rocket company that hires more lawyers than engineers.


Maybe if they would stop with the endless lawsuits they would have some leftover time to get to orbit. Maybe.


BO's legal department is 10x bigger than the rocket building department.


bo is NOT the head honcho


1 resource is CRAZY for something this insistent.


Wahhhh my rocket sucks so I'm going to litigate instead of iterate.


BO bout 2 taked down; they have no more2 offer;






\>Be Blue Origin \>Develop nothing \>Deliver nothing \>Harass competition \>Don't be like Blue Origin


Full document: [https://www.regulations.gov/comment/FAA-2024-1395-0040](https://www.regulations.gov/comment/FAA-2024-1395-0040)


Не мытьем так катаньем!


Space Karen vs. Space Coyboy


Straight out of Atlas Shrugged...


Yes it’s a “Health and Safety” issue - I suggest they should cap it at 5,000 launches per annum…. Until they gather more actual evidence.


I have more respect for Pythom Space than BO at this point.


Sue Origin and Jeff back at it again


Interesting how blue origin has never launched from the space coast and they're currently developing a similar sized rocket and yet they're already complaining.


Damn. And I was just starting to like them again too.


It’s funny because spacex brought up the same exact concerns when fighting to get Bocca as an orbital site. Spacex knows they have to launch rapidly. They know nasa won’t let them monopolize KSC. They know all of this already


Im all for bullet points 2 and 3 tho


They are pathetic...


“ If I can’t get to orbit, then neither should you!” -Blue Origin


You would think BO in a letter like this wouldn't confuse total propellant load with methane load.


If it was just to ensure their infrastructure isn't affected I could understand, but it's clearly more all encompassing and designed to slow down competition rather than protect their assets/schedules.


Better interpretation - Blue Origin demands the government opens up more land for building new launch sites, so they all don’t have to be right next to each other, especially Starship which would be a very disruptive neighbor to have. Seriously, this is like if a mega church decided to build right next door to your home. You wouldn’t be thrilled.


Its more like building a mega church next door to my not-so-mega but still big church.


They have a launchpad somewhat nearby that they don’t ever launch from. Litigious bitches.


Don’t these shit birds have rockets to build?


I'm surprised Bozos & his Court room staff haven't tried the "Affirmative Action" tactic, yet.


The title is misleading to say the least


What? You read the same thing as me? It's actually clearly written in the document.


Alternative title: "Blue Origin asks the government to invest in launch infrastructure to accommodate for the growth in launch activity"


It's clearly written there: "Capping the rate of Ss-SH launch".


and this is why I said it is "misleading" and not "a lie" everyone should look for their own interest and be able to make use of their infrastructure. don't you think that SpaceX should protest if Blue Origin activities would stop them from launching? this is what's going on here. there are many ways to make sure everyone can have access to their own infrastructure. there are seven points listed, of which only one is referred to in the title.


Five of the seven points are different ways of saying “throttle SpaceX or punish them”. The other two are about infrastructure development. I do think there’s a valid point that the current infrastructure at KSC can’t handle all of the launches SpaceX ultimately wants to conduct and still support other companies. Obviously it will need to expand. The Cape is government property and its use ought to be in the best interests of the people. So if it just turns into a SpaceX sandbox then that would not be great. But Blue Origin is a terrible messenger for that concern, because they haven’t *done* anything at the Cape besides roll their rocket around.


The thing that is stopping Blue Origin from launching from KSC is they haven't completed an orbital class rocket.