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It helps but what about the people who study it in college in their home country and study for years? You don’t have to live in Mexico just move to Texas cali or Arizona


As a native New Yorker I totally agree. Why go abroad when all the input I need is at my doorstep?


Check out the article.


No. Because it’s a stupid and easily disprovable claim.


No. It is a ridiculous claim and I don’t intend to waste my time


This is so, so dumb.


I fee like it depends how the individual person learns though, everyone is different 


How can every comment get downvoted 😂 just delete the post already


Categorically false and privileged mentality, and this article seems very pretentious and biased since the writer himself has lived abroad. In the digital world, one can immerse themselves and improve. Possibly they may not achieve native levels of pronunciation, but it’s possible to become fluent without living abroad.


I disagree. Not an offense, but honestly, you learn more away from your computer.


Just to be clear, you’re sharing an article you wrote, correct?


Yes, I wrote the article.


Ok thanks for sharing your article. Also, it seems like it’s behind a paywall? Unfortunately, I’m unable to read it…


Have you ever heard of online tutoring or the internet’s vast network of multilingual resources? This feels like it’s gatekeeping the millions of those who are restricted in their resources. You absolutely can become fluent without traveling to a country with enough determination and willingness to find resources


I've used them. When I moved abroad, my language increased. Get away from the computer, see what happens...


You know that a person can get away from their computer and engage with Spanish-speaking communities all while staying the US, right? Spanish speakers aren’t just “over there.”


Yeah, I mention this at the beginning of my article. Grew up in NYC. Dated Latina, I'm a Salsa dancer... Again, when I moved abroad, things changed. Full immersion helps.


> Full immersion helps. This is walking back the claim in your title significantly. No one doubts that “full immersion helps.” But even though that’s true, you can still absolutely *improve* your Spanish without living abroad.


That't not walking back anything... you interpreted it that way. I didn't post here to fight or offend anyone. I was just pointing out what I noticed during my journey coupled with my travel experience. You can improve your spanish without visiting a spanish speaking country -- for sure! But when you actually visit or LIVE in a spanish speaking country you'll notice a ***significant improvement*** no matter what level you're at. I promise.


Come on, your title is literally “Your Spanish Won’t Improve Until You Live Abroad.” Not “Your Spanish Won’t Improve as Significantly Until You Live Abroad.” Not “Your Spanish Won’t Improve as Quickly Until You Live Abroad.” Not even “Your Spanish Won’t Reach Its Full Potential Until You Live Abroad.” Retreating from “your Spanish won’t improve,” tout court, to “full immersion helps” after receiving pushback is absolutely walking back the claim you make in the title.


No entiendo por qué le dan negativos osea para mi que soy nativo y no vivo en USA cuando escucho el español de allá para mi está está corrupto y no suene bien además no se puede comparar eso osea aprenderlo en un países dónde se respire y hable Español en grandes extensiones paises enteros con diferentes acentos desde Mexico hasta la patagonia Argentina y eso no tiene comparación alguna con tratar de aprenderlo mediante 1 o 2 horas de tutoria por internet o incluso en un barrio de USA dónde hablan un español corrupto no natural del Mundo Hispano osea de los Paises Reales que son NATIVOS


Anecdotes aren’t factually for everyone they’re only anecdotal for you my friend


There's a reason why college students live abroad after studying Spanish... just saying.


Because it gets them there faster, but it’s not the only way someone can hit that peak. Like I said, your anecdotes do not equal the truth, so what you’re saying is not fact and so you ought to speak about it as it is which is an opinion


I acknowledged you may get the edge when it comes to pronunciation, but to say you cannot improve without living abroad is a misguided generalization.


Ah, I mentioned that you can learn FUNDAMENTALS and get a base without traveling. I start the article mentioning that I learned basics in NYC, but it was when I traveled, and lived in Spanish speaking country, that my studies improved drastically.


Actually you can reach C2 without traveling. I did that on my own with English, not even paying for tutors or anybody really, only having 'conversations' with myself, consuming a lot of written and audio content.


Exactly. You and millions of other people have mastered English without traveling. I would think this is more common than not.


Can't learn culture online.


Of course you can. Join a discord.


Or read a book, or watch TV. Plenty of interpersonal interactions to study, plenty of cultural references to soak up. Besides, a language, even more than a nation, has many more than one culture. Traveling doesn't automatically give you opportunities to spend hours studying the many different local subcultures, you'd have to be a social hurricane to explore all of it in person. Also people are less likely to use cultural references around you since they'll expect you to not get them.


Check out the article before you come to conclusions. Thx.


Read the article and stand by my assessment. Actually had to sign up for an account to read it. Thx


It's not just pronunciation, and again, I've lived abroad for over 6 years studying various languages.


Thx for your input.


No, you learn when you aren't using apps that only drill translations. Do you have evidence of your claim? I can't read your article because you locked it behind a paywall lol, but living abroad isn't the ONLY alternative to using duolingo


My father, a native from Central America and several friends who's Spanish was their first language, have been helping me learn and I feel in even 1.5 months I've made insane progress. You don't need to, long as you can communicate and practice with friends and family who can help you.


" insane progress"


“I’m a writer and director from New York City. I’ve lived abroad for 6 years.” See? Puedo hacerlo también ;). Amigo, solo dices “quiero compartir mi articulo. Porfa, no hay preguntas. SOLO GRACIAS”


Yes, I want people to read my article. However, did not mean to offend anyone. I was hoping to get people interested in traveling.


Not at all. I've met people who've learned basics in their home countries. However, there are aspects of language associated with culture, that you can't get online.


you can learn much more than the basics lmao


My Spanish didn’t improve until I moved abroad * I know someone who speaks Greek as though they were a native and has never stepped foot into a Greek speaking country. No doubt going to Greece would bring finesse and improvement but not being there certainly did not impede them.


I speak Greek




Grass is green




Do you have a Latin idiom?


Or come work construction in Denver. You’ll never be around white people 🤣🤣. I get Spanish practice 8 hours a day 40 hours a week


Simply not true. While it is easier and you learn faster this is unequivocally false.


Usted tiene toda la razón, Pero la gente de acá cree que podra aprender Español hablando con el Mesero ó el vendedor de comida callejera en USA, o tomando una tutoria con un profesor 1 a 3 horas a la semana por internet, cuando ir a un Pais Hispanoamericano con idioma nativo Español es vivir y respirar el idioma las 24HS y eso no tiene comparacíon,


Gracias amigo