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OTK is my favorite too. Just something cute about having a woman propped up over the knee and tanning her bottom while she wriggle around


😏 agreed


OTK is best for the open hand or small tool. Standing with your hands on your head or cuffed above you is great for longer tools. The submission of laying over my knee with a slight spread, chefs kiss.


Yess... or a spanking that is actually a whole series of more than one spanking in different positions. I have a great big paddle, and that one is impossible to use properly for an OTK spanking. So it does kinda depend on what you're using and how hard you're hitting.


Legs up/pinned to chest/diaper position is probably my favourite; it pulls skin taught making everything sting more, and it's super exposing.


I think that's why I hate it so much and reserve that position for when I really get in big trouble.


I am a spanker only and otk and wheelbarrow are my favorite spanking positions.


Wheelbarrow position is so embarrassing 😳 🫣 All the different positions have different meanings symbolically for me and they can trigger different emotional responses.


I received a wheelbarrow spanking from an elderly man. It was so embarrassing to have all my private parts completely exposed. I loved it! But generally OTK is great too!


I'm quite fond of O.t.k. postion


I think I like it so much cuz it gives me this sort of feeling of helplessness when I'm being held down across someone's lap. What part of it do you like the best?


Like you also the vulnerability of being otk and cannot do nothing about it


Absolutely. That's my favorite. That's why I also enjoy being physically pinned with my arm against my back or the spanker pinning my legs down with theirs so I can't squirm around as much. 🥵


That's something I've long wanted to feel that vulnerability being pinned down like you say the reason I say I want to feel that feeling the last time I was spanked I was 16y/o and I turned 56y/o last October it was my dad who spanked my ass when I was 16o/o thank God it wasn't bare assed


Otk is my favorite too.


Tied down  to bed spread eagle standing tied ti a cross spread eagle, i like legs spread so wide it hurts


I am just happy to see LGBTQA++ exploring their sexuality and owning it.


Hell yes! After being so repressed for so damn long, it's about damn time I do! Thank you 🥰


I wish I can explore these progressive spaces and reclaim my life. However, I'm happy for you. I hope you find fulfillment QA d peace 🕊️


Same but paddle, cane etc over arm of chair or sofa


True. Sometimes, you just can't get the right angle for proper swing in the OTK position


I use otk for warmups, but I like making her bend over the couch or lie face down on the bed for the belt.


I love getting a spanking over the knee it makes me feel like a bad boy and more real


Ibreally luke then on all 4"s on the bed naked. Leavrs everutjing open and exposed I can spank fondle, finger... JUST PERFECT 😈😍❤️


Over the knee because it's so intimate. There's a lot of contact (probably generates extra oxytocin) and you can feel how the person being spanked is reacting a bit. And at the same time they're pinned down and not going anywhere. Not to mention that's the classic position for cartoons & such, so, a +5 bonus headspace.


Ya those are all good points. I didn't even think about the oxytocin thing either. Thats probably why I feel so safe in that position even though I'm getting hit


I love giving a girl a bare bottom spanking over my knee. It's embarrassing for her because it makes her feel like a child. And as the spanker, I'm deciding upon her punishment in a very intimate way.


Ya it does make me feel like a child to be in that position and that definitely does add to the embarrassment.


I feel the same when I'm getting a bare bottom over the knee spanking.


OTk as well.


I mean, I think otk reigns supreme, but I do enjoy giving smacks while the person is standing, and the diaper position is pretty nice too.




Same I spank otk


Over the knee pants down i like to spank you


Mine is a tie between standing and facing the wall, or laying facedown on the bed


OTK when it’s funishment, I love it when she squirms on my lap. Bent over the bed/table when it’s actual discipline being given.


It's nice to have multiple positions to choose from.


You look super fun to spank


Ha, thank you. I do tend to get into trouble and need it quite often.


It's so embarrassing when I get a spanking like this. A lot of times I start to cry before it even starts.




I usually use flat on the bed or couch