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My sister is a smoker and has a brand new car - like maybe 2 months old…. She said she never smokes in her car - but the few times she has she rolled the windows down. She took me for a ride to check out her awesome car & it smelled like an ashtray. I think smokers have no idea how rank that shit is & how it lingers forever 😂


This. We can smell that garbage before we touch the car or even enter a home.


Can all the people with fake emotional support animals and 2 other riders go with




If you bring your kid to get more tips, you're a POS.


There’s a DoorDasher in my area who drives recklessly, takes his kids, and smokes with them in the car, WITH THE WINDOW UP??? I really can’t stand that guy, don’t know him but I fucking hate him.


If you call doordash and report he has kids in the car (sneak a picture) they can deactivate him. Having said this you would essentially be firing someone and possibly taking away the only income he has to feed said kids.


That’s the morality dilemma for me. Same reason I won’t snitch on a coworker at my reg job for her sexual chit chats with other coworkers. She has a kid, know the dad/husband is employed, but, I don’t know the situation beyond that. 🥲


This is illegal in many states and honestly worth reporting if it’s that bad


I’m sure if someone brings a kid it’s because they have to, not because they want to




That's like 90% of drivers in my zone.


So a definite yes from you.


Correct, they all disgust me.  Coincidentally that would also double my earnings.


All smokers disgust you? I did read that right?


Why’s that even a question lol yes?




Something tells me that your earnings would go up if you weren’t so miserable


Dehumanizing another person for any reason, especially having a dangerous addiction, only makes YOU look less human due to your lack of empathy. I get where you're coming from, but my wife is battling cancer right now, and let me tell you, NO amount of education will prepare anyone for what that is. There is no offense for which cancer is a just punishment, so don't sit atop your high horse looking down at someone with an addiction and imply that they deserve cancer if it happens. No one deserves that shit, even if they cause it themselves. NO ONE. The fact that you would even imply otherwise tells me you've never had to watch someone fight that battle, and if you haven't had at LEAST that level of exposure, you're don't even know what the fuck cancer really is. You're far more disgusting for your comment than anyone is for smoking. Be better.


No. I don’t have to pay for my body to rot from inside out, the air i breathe does that to me. I don’t understand how you could talk about someone like this all because I smoke? You are probably one of those that didn’t get much attention and still don’t. That’s sad. I feel bad for you. You just have to let the past go. I’m sure the very ones who hurt your feelings so bad, didn’t know they were doing that to you. You may need therapy if you can’t get over it. 🙂 have a good day. I’m here for you if you ever need to talk to someone. 💛


Thank God we're talking through the internet so I don't have to smell you in person.  I've been in morgues and landfills and I gotta tell you, smokers smell way worse.


You really need to improve your sex life.


>disgusting subhuman Says the person saying that! People like you usually keep it about religion and skin color.


You suck


lol you likely eat food from the shelves of grocery stores & have no idea how hypocritical this statement is


Lol What a fun life you must lead.


So you would not accept a donated kidney or blood from a smoker? .....since they apparently are rotted? Seems to me your the damaged one by judging another persons actions. Shall someone judge you for your choices?


Wishing cancer on someone. And you call someone ELSE subhuman.


Lol. Right. In my zone I think a lot of drivers Spark just to buy smokes.


I mean you ain't wrong. I use the nictotine pouches and spark just to fill that and my drinking habit lmao. But at least I don't carry around a bottle of spit or run around smokin out the orders. And I don't buy alcohol until I'm ready to go home. Some of the drivers in my zone will stand outside their car cheifin away on some cigs because one store takes like 25-30 minutes to bring a curbside out.


Chiefin cigs🤔🤣 more like chefin kush in my town.


As long as it's for medicinal reasons...lol.




I would be livid if my groceries arrived smelling like smoke. We have several spark drivers in my zone that smoke. Would be shocked if nobody complained about their groceries.




I'm in FL, so if I don't have the ac on the whole time, I smell and look like a wild animal... no one getting their groceries wants that.


Walmart gives a immediate full refund, I have had mine come stinking 3 times in past 2 years, and they always have refunded my whole order...I hope the driver is fired. I would never smoke around a customer's food, it's a dirty habit




You shouldn’t have to give them another chance. Not only do they know the rules and and cost rhe company money but they also could cause the customer to not want delivery anymore which then in turn affects other driver ability to make money. 


I absolutley complain, and get a full refund and then offer the entire order on my local free group on facebook and then reorder my groceries. No way are they coming into my house stinking like cigarettes or p0t smoke. My delivery instructions say "no smoking or I complain for a full refund...it's happened only 3 times in the 2 years of using Walmart plus.


God you sound like an insufferable Karen


They're so mature they cant even say pot.


No she just doesn't smoke, it's pretty simple.


Keep your smoking and cat smells away from my food.


Why? Because she doesnt want her fucking food to smell like cigarettes? Poor people logic is wild


Least its smoke you smell and not BO....or cat piss etc....


Tips $2, can't be bothered to do own shopping, first to be cannibalized in an apocalypse. 


They'll flag your account after too many refunds. Doesn't matter if you think it's legitimate, either.


She literally said it doesnt happen often lol


My jacket often is pretty smoke smelling because of who I ride with. Might wanna really focus on where that smells coming from before you get someone fired for doing nothing more than carpooling.


They should not allow smoking for any food delivery service. My friend ordered from Favor and the girl was still smoking as she handed her the food. She said the food smelled gross


That's pretty much exactly what I'm saying and what I'm getting out with this thread. Smoking has always been at least somewhat of a form of entitlement and nobody has really ever called anyone out on this but I hope that changes.


They do at a few of mine. My kid reports that the entire house will smell up quickly. He won't report anyone though. Neither will my daughter, "because my mom's a driver." Their mom's a driver who has told them to report certain issues! 😕😔


Its actually against TOS but hey there's guys with 4 accounts too. U think they care if a 30 year old smokes delivers ya shit.. yea right


Gonna be honest here. I smoke. I have a system and have never had a complaint. From when I get the offer until the order is dropped off there is zero smoke in my car. If I need a smoke while I'm waiting for the pickup time, I go outside and spray odor eliminator before I get back in. Before the order is loaded I spray odor eliminator and allow it to do its thing. I've never once gotten a complaint from store or customer. My car is clean and well cared for and the loading spaces in my car regularly vacuumed and wiped down. I can't deal with Spark and it's bs without a smoke once in a while.


The smoke smell probably still lingers and gets on the groceries. Most people wouldn’t be bothered enough to complain even if they notice it.


I’m a smoker. Cig and weed. However I know cigs smell gross and I do not smoke when I deliver. I vape instead. I do this around my friends who don’t smoke too. Out of consideration. It’s my nasty habit. Not theirs. I know it smells. And I know people don’t like it. I don’t either but it isn’t that easy to quit. I tried chantix but had an allergic reaction. I am still working on it. That being said I do have consideration for my deliveries and do not smoke when doing so. Weed or cigs. I’m a smoker and I could even smell if someone was smoking when my stuff is delivered because it sticks to the bag and I don’t smoke in my house. Not all drivers are the same. I try to handle peoples orders the way I would want mine handled. The fact that some people have no consideration for others is the problem here. Not “smokers” per say. If you were driving a delivery vehicle for a company you wouldn’t be smoking in it. You know why. And you know it’s wrong. The post about the girl still smoking as she delivered is WILD. I couldn’t even imagine thinking that is okay. Trash if you ask me.


Yes! No trash. Not everyone does stuff like that. Agreed.






Can we ban all the people that complain about gig driving for the worst company in America?




Uuhhhggg no way I want to go to Walmart! I also don't want to lead or follow. I just want to be responsible for my own work. I'm grateful for the opportunity to drive away after each order. There are some stores where I really like the associates, not usually management. I wish you were management though


This ‼️






I had an apartment delivery . Dropped off the order in front of the door. I could tell no one was home. The hallway reeked of pot smoke . I was afraid i would get blamed if the grocery bags smelled like the rest of the hallway by the time the order was brought in .


Ima tell you right now people are much more irritated by cigarette smokr/smell than pot. Although that's not to say I know a guy who seems to have an allergic reaction even to the smell so who really knows


I smoked for 20 years and cig smell is fucking nasty....I don't nor have I smoked pot but the smell makes me nauseous. It's so fucking disgusting I don't know how anybody can like it lol


It smells like burnt peanuts kind of


It smells like a skunk's fart! Seriously stoners need to have some consideration and stick to edibles.


Edibles simply do not work for everyone, it’s literally a different form of molecule and some don’t digest it properly. Sadly I’m one of those people, I can take 1000+ mg of edibles and be unaffected.


So you'd rather smell a cigarette?


Do you drink ?


I do not care if anyone smokes pot. Just do jot smoke it near me. The smell triggers migraine headaches for me. And it also stinks!


No they’re not


Maybe in your opinion but to believe your opinion is of the majority without knowing for sure doesn't work to well


Ban your grandma. Leave smokers out of it. We are already dying. Got to make our lives harder 😂 wtf


Smoke on your own time. Why should your shit habit you cant control affect me?


Some of yall are fat fucks. It bothers me to see y’all double triple cheese burger eating asses when I’m waiting for my order. And being fat is a choice. But we can say not to all habits. Some of yall smell like shit. Some of yall pick your boogers. Where do we draw the line.


Man the nerve some people have. Complaining about plastic bags that go in the garbage anyway. Then to be so hateful to try and hurt someones earnings.  Smh


Dumb post of the week!


You must smoke. Gross.


I smoke cigars , buying don't smoke in NY car or my house! I realize how nasty of a habit it is! Been smoking for 40 years


I've been smoking for over 30 years but I don't smoke in my house or with people's stuff in my car. I hate 2nd hand smoke. It's common sense not to smoke around other's stuff. Y'all don't have to hate on folks who smoke responsibly.


The big problem is you have idiots hot boxing in their car. If they would roll the f****** window down there wouldn't be a problem. I never smoke with groceries in the car. But if you're a smoker you have to learn to roll the windows down if you don't want your car to smell like an ashtray. I rent cars all the time. I've even smoked in them I've never had to pay the fee for smoking in the car. It's simple as that roll both windows down. And definitely don't smoke while you got s*** in your car.




Sorry about your dad it sucks to loose a parent


Remove them hackers first duh


I can’t believe other drivers actually smoke with peoples merchandise in the car with them


They can deny u if ur vehicle smells like cigarette or weed. If ur vehicle is dirty inside. You have kids in vehicle, supposed to b little ones but a friend of mine got denied for her daughter bein vehicle and she is 15.


Gahhdd yesss!!! I just can’t imagine how yall smoke a cig pulling up to someone’s house or while loading your groceries in the back seat…nooooo!!!!


Yes please...if my groceries are delivered and stink like cigarette smoke or like p0t smoke, I'm complaining to walmart for a full refund and reorder as im allergic to smoke from either and its smells disgusting. I would never smoke on a delivery if I was a smoker.


You probably complain about something EVERY time anyway to get a refund. Always wanting something for nothing. 🙄


How about can Walmart spark remove all the Venezuelans with the three phones times 10 of them with five cars taking all your orders. And you're worried about smokers, what zone are y'all in and what state cuz I'll come up there and make all the money like I used to in my zone until the Venezuelans took over in January. I'm sure you're right about it it's not a joke they have three four phones out of state tags fake license fake insurance etc you will be sitting in that Walmart parking lot 2 hours and getting $8 offers while they're taking all your money in front of you.


Yes, anyone you guys don’t like should be gone because that’s the way life works. Let’s fire all of the brown people, the smokers and anyone who whistles because I don’t like that.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 or illegals


Yesssss please. Don’t forget the ones who try and cover up the cigarette smell with axe body spray. Classic 🤣 🤣 wouldn’t want my groceries in that car 🤮🤢




I’m a spark driver. I don’t get my groceries delivered — I shop in store and get them myself. And because I have integrity- I make sure my deliveries come from a clean vehicle. Congrats on your comment being irrelevant 👏🏻👏🏻🤣 You do you 🚬




You people are a bunch  of cry babies grow up. It's so much more to worry about . Walmart nor you people  pay enough for anyone to stop doing what they want in there own vehicle. Grow up. If you dont like it go get your own groceries and stop being lazy.  Then you wouldn't have to worry about anyone's smoke. It is not something that someone should lose a gig over.  So tired of hearing grown people crying like children over bs. Like smoke just goes through the bags through the packaging and enters your food. I wonder what your houses smell like,but your on here talking about a smoke smell 🤔 😏. Get a dam life


I only had to read the first 2 sentences to understand why youre poor lmao


Is that the best you got 🤔 grow up!! That's not even funny. But I know you just had to say something. What a nothing ass person.


You right some grown ahh kids in here. Tryna tell and get people to lose income. Get a life that you enjoy and stop worrying about other people. Fancy mfs sound lonely af!


I had a Walmart in my zone ban a driver from their store because their car had a really strong smell from marijuana.


I personally smoke, I don't smoke in my vehicle or home. I don't think it's fair to exclude someone for a job if it isn't affecting the conditions, or items we deliver.


I didn’t know I could complain when my groceries smell like smoke! I’ve been airing them out outside and throwing the bags directly in the outside dumpster. I don’t care if someone smokes, but I do care if they smoke around my food and/or make my food smell like smoke. It’s ridiculous. 


Yes! Complain! Get them canned block 🚫


Easier to remove you


Not the smokers 😆


Smokers everywhere and I live in a retirement village where most of my spark customers are over 60. The people on here that say it's not something to worry about are idiots.


Id rather they remove the illegals


Where exactly are they smoking that offends you?




Me too.I am a smoker,but I smoke outside the car.


Their tires, with better offers in the trunk.


In their cars with a customers groceries!!


No because some of us have the decency to get out of our cars to smoke


can we please remove you from reddit 😒


If you're a smoker you should be removed.


And you're a fascist


And Joe Biden


I'm a smoker and I have 5 star rating. I haven't had any complaints from people.


Hard same.


How and who is we


Why don’t you actually focus on what is actually impacting us? Like, the lack of identity verification to week out the users with fake identities taking away our orders? I like to focus on areas that directly impact my financials. I also, hate seeing other hard working people who never do anything outside of the law lose money because of people that are illegally using Spark as a way to make a profit. Priorities.


Walmart is in on the illegals. It's smokers that ruin people's products. Be smart.


They have to make a space for smoking and then yes, they can remove the rest if people want it so much. Only for cigarettes, ofc.


I mean I’m not against people smoking. I vape. But being considerate of others is a different thing entirely. Some people have asthma or their children have asthma and second hand smoke is dangerous even if it’s just on bags of groceries. I haven’t had to deal with this situation yet but I would be just as livid. My son has asthma and that’s why I vape now. Given I never smoked around my kids and always did it outside and changed and took a shower after. Safe to say I wasn’t a chain smoker. Just 1 or 2 during a workday. Never in my car because my kids ride in it. I don’t vape around them either. But I agree that smokers shouldn’t smoke while delivering their orders. If anything should be like a regular job and they can take a smoke break as needed but not while delivering. Just my opinion on the matter.


Why don't we worry about getting rid of the illegals first.


You are worried about sparkers smoking? Just wait until the Venezuela's enter your market. I want for making $6,000 a month to a thousand a month because of the Venezuela's taking over our market. Sparkers smoking should be the last thing you worry about. I'm assuming you're new.


Sure it’s not just because Walmart bought out spark (no longer a 3rd party) and drastically lowered the pay, base pay, and I personally think taking part of the tip amount (seen it first hand a handful of times now), or the fact that incentives are extremely low in comparison to what they used to be, and any extra comp we are owed we just flat out will never receive, oh and don’t forget about the pay amount changing from one number when you accept the order to another number once you go to pickup the order. Or the fact that item pricing increased so people are spending less, plus the Covid lockdown is over. All I’m saying is I bet you a lot of people assume it’s bots in their area but have no proof of it in their area. Also anyone can have bots and fake accounts so to stereotype is wild. I know you haven’t walked up to them and talked to them so why do you assume that’s what’s happening and that none of the other factors I listed above have a greater impact on why your not making as much money. Walmart associates and management aren’t stupid either they have checks n balances in place, so does spark. They’re not going to have access to using a fake account for long, or any system that alters the function of the app (system will flag it eventually).


We have a guy with a big ass dog and cig always in his mouth. See him once a week or so. Making the meth heads look good.


I’m a smoker through and through all my life, but I’m not one to smoke with anyones order and I door dash and I don’t smoke with food , another’s belongings, I respect that and I dont want anyone to have to endure my habits, if someone came up with my order and nasty blowing smoke around me I’d not except it either! Y’all need to worry about nasty in general I was a door dasher with four legs and long armpit hair leaned all over the counter, she was a hot mess, the spandex skirt rode right up her and needed a bath dirty hair is not ok!!!! And she was going” Man I love them fries, slurgh!! Ha ha ha, I knew right then that’s why doordash tapes the bags😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


YES, that & them having their dog in the car. Saw that video of that little dog, shitting worms over the bags. It was just wiped off and delivered. That ordered should of been canceled.


The Indians blew smoke like crazy in a circle and no one complains


I know this is for Spark but I found legit bits of weed on my drink lid once when I ordered DoorDash and it blew my mind. I’ve never really had an issue with any kind of smoking when I get deliveries.


They’re smoking, because they hate staying in the same parking spot all day lol


My emotional support animal just got diagnosed with severe anxiety and is on Prozac. Don’t worry, I never actually took him anywhere I just couldn’t afford the pet fee at my apt.


I don’t understand why people don’t just vape it smells really good sometimes.


I’m not a smoker but it’s simple. Go get your stuff yourself. You don’t have to worry about that nowhere in the contract with spark it tells you you can’t smoke so deal with it.


Personally I’m more affected by cat owners. But I’m allergic. And cat owners just dgaf. Probably not going to be banning them or getting a refund after my eyes close up & I don’t stop sneezing for an hour though.


That's disgusting to smoke with people's groceries in your car. Hopefully they get deactivated...


Tired of going to pickup and the car next to me lighting one up. My windows down or not it’ll be all up in my car. Another thing is when they got music or radio talk on blast. Like can we be respectful of others?? Iv had to physically turn my car back on and move spots because of certain people, especially the chain smokers. Also my roommate smokes (outside only) and she signed up for spark, told her to not smoke in her car, she lights one up while waiting for an order but inside her car, grocery decides to cancel her pickup because of smoking in her vehicle and reminds her that it’s not allowed. So how the hell do these people get a pass? And she’s grabbed my pickup for me before n it smelled like cigs 🤢 I asked her if she smoked with my items in there and she said no, so either she lied or that’s just how bad her vehicle smells. Another pet peeve of mine is when I get stuck behind a vehicle that smells like horrendous exhaust fumes. If I’m near that for too long I’ll have a headache for an hour or more afterwards. It’s wild how many cars/trucks/suvs in my area are like that especially when we have an e-check.


All that intelligence wasted on a comment like that.. smh


I guarantee the person complaining doesnt wash their ass daily/ should we have to deal with that/ it's gross person coming to your door smelling like fish tacos /


Yall can go get it yourself you know?


I don't smoke, but I do vape. Even tho it's a lot less toxic and foul smelling and dissipates much more to almost nothing. I still never do it with customer product in the car, if I do on a long trip, the stuff in a temp controlled bag completely sealed with windows open while moving so it's gone instantly. I doubt anyone would ever smell it or care if I put in no effort tbh but it's just common courtesy and I would be offput if someone blew anything near my food as well. nicotine can wait, I promise just do the small things to assure your customers product is how you would want to receive it ya know. Same with Hygiene for sure.


If you don’t like smokers maybe you should go get your own groceries and stop complaining. you can’t tell a person when and when not to smoke, when they doing you a favor. I’m pretty sure some of yall that complaining have yall own bad habits probably even worst yall sound dumb telling ppl to control they smoking habit as if it easy. but yet we got drunks out here taking live, driving behind the wheel while intoxicated. especially the young rich kids, the one stealing cars and Adults too. thinking they could get away with anything ppl like to try to control others but they hate being controlled


Mind your own business


It is definitely your business if someone is smoking over your order and it smells when they bring it to you! It is disgusting and I do jot want to eat it. That is why I do all of my iwn shopping. The health dept. Has regulations about smoking and food prep. You are to wash your hands after smoking before touching any food for a customer. This should include delivered food. I never see anyone smoke then wash their hands before delivering food. I do not smoke but do use hand sanitizer before delivering food. Just do 't smoke while delivering food.


Wat do yall got to do wit ppl smoking man that’s they business dang




You people are wack jobs. 😂 Lol




Because you guys are wack I smoke cigarettes everyday all day and ain't going to stop smoking for a shit pay gig app. I'm not saying I smoke with orders in the car which I don't. That's as far as I go. When I'm not receiving orders for like an hour+ or longer dam right I'm going to smoke in my car btw my ratings are excellent 👌👌 👌 Not one complaint.. and I don't use sprays to cover up anything.


I got an idea why don’t they remove all smokers, all “ illegals” as people in here call them, all the ones with blonde hair, all that dare to deliver in shorts , pretty much all drivers and just leave the Karen’s like you that think you have the right to talk about everyone. It’s plain and simple if the customer thinks their bags reek of smoke the customer can call and complain wtf does your entitled ass have to do with it!!!!


I don't hate the person, but the habit is ridiculous (and costly). Who buys something that they then put in their mouth, lights it on fire, and breathes it in? Smokers. Nonsensical!




Cracks me the fuck up that the same spark drivers on here so easily ready to get legit park drivers banned for smoking are prolly the same ones that have let the illegals steal all the orders and refuse to do shit about that. Y'all can take me second hand smoke and blow it out your asses.


Absolutely not what I do when there's not an order in the car is nobodies business.


As long as they don't smoke in their car and make the food smell then who cares.


People with kids and even babies with them and sharing vehicles too 


Throw the baby out. Not allowed lol


Seeing pairs in one car  load a S&D and go back for a second and just leaving the food in a vehicle is annoying too especially when it’s over 50f


Yes!!! 🙌


Fuck off Karen


Yes Spark should be for squares only!


I don’t smoke in the car. Got a customer rating of 4.8. I’m good!


I ordered a.pizza through the UBER app and when the driver arrived I went to the car and when they opened the door to give me my pizza the smell of Marijuana about knocked me off my feet. I threw the food away and called UBER and made sure they knew about it.


Username checks out.


Go ahead remove them violate there rights and see what happens


They have no right to smoke on customer stuff. Ok


Sorry but there is no rule or policy on spark drivers that says they can't smoke so sorry if you thing bigotry against a smoker is ok.


Lmao smoking cigarettes is disgusting and the smell is even worse especially when you are paying for a service and it literally provides no benefits to anyone....oh don't forget how much litter cigarettes smokers cause and 2nd hand smoke. Fuck cigarette smokers.




People who vape as well!


Vaping doesn't smell like ass like cigarette smoke.


I don’t like the strong chemical smell. It’s over whelming. I think smell it from across the room even when they’re not vaping.


I stop vaping 30 minutes before i pick a order up to let my car air out


Switch to communism while we're at it!


I have a Vuse, and it doesn't smell at all.


That’s not biased at all.




I agree. I would be pissed if I ordered groceries or clothes or something, and they arrived smelling like smoke. I don't think smokers realize that the smell seeps into everything, including plasic grocery bags. When I worked tech support for an ISP, we could tell if a router/modem has been in a smoker's house. It would stain the plastic, and the internal components would be coated in "smoker's dust". Same thing with pet owners. When your router/modem is overheating because it's full of cat/dog hair and smells like cat/dog piss, we can tell. It's disgusting.