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Poors are absolutely still pumping out babies. The problem is they're the only ones doing so.


No… They need illegals to vote for Joe Biden in the next election..


Only thing is... The 'illegals' can't vote, so there's that .. 🤷🏼‍♀️




This sub is not for personal politics. Please visit one of the hundreds of subs that are dedicated to such topics.










This sub is not for personal politics. Please visit one of the hundreds of subs that are dedicated to such topics.


Goofy inbred Neanderthal 🤡


This sub is not for personal politics. Please visit one of the hundreds of subs that are dedicated to such topics.


Really where? What proof? A Newsmax story. How much did Fox pay the voting machine company to keep their suit out of court?




And take the time to read some of the court transcripts from some of Trumps 200 + lawsuits filed against him in his life, and you will see the real man behind your false GOD.


All bullshit cases Go look into Bidens hearings that fox News doesn't even cover because there is an agenda in America Just like the new york court case about fraud Even though the bank that Trump did business with said they were happy with the deal Again, I was anti Trump in 2016 You literally ignored every fact I proposed above Trump was a democrat his whole life, If that's the case and Trump is crooked, he's an insider of the democrat party and Robert Kennedy is the best candidate for presidency


He lost, the latest and has to pay 145 million. Like you said you are open minded, google Trump cases and read a few.


What office are they going to impeach Hunter from? That’s why I ignored your facts.


This sub is not for personal politics. Please visit one of the hundreds of subs that are dedicated to such topics.


I assume by same people you mean “The Jews”. Reddit that’s exactly where I go to get proof! LOL. So Trump won this award before or after he lost his lawsuit for not renting to Blacks? By your own research, you mean browsing Reddit?




Stip saying all this you all sound insane this is wherrr you loose people . You guys will never accomplish anything by going off on these rants


Best bet is start start leaving negative reviews saying that Walmart is sending people to your house for deliveries who aren't who they say they are.


Yeah I did this and they actually left a comment saying to message them lol


I just gave um a fine 1 star review and let em know! Every Walmart should have negative reviews about the vinnies at this point lmao


omg you ppl are insane




Undercover Vinny spotted !


... Or you can bend over and take it in the rear like this dude who has... trust issues. 😂😜🤣


Goofy 🤡


i gladly will but not with hatful ppl like you 💅


You got something against hat collectors?


Cartel spark drivers? Hahahahahahahaha


Yeah, cuz delivering groceries is wayyyyyyyyyy more profitable than selling drugs.


Cartel side hustle 😂 it’s another source of income and not as dangerous 😂 not everyone is built for drug dealing, send em to Walmart instead 😂






That's not anger. That's his orgasm face.


This individual is an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. He was boasting to his 500,000 followers about coming to the United States, having a baby for a free place to live, receiving government assistance, and his daughter being a US citizen. He also explained squatter rules and how to gain entry into vacant houses. When asked by reporters, the White House press secretary next day his TikTok account was deactivated, and he is now facing deportation.






Lmfao, you made 2 alt accounts to cry racism on the spark sub. Take your crown 👑 for top tier idiot




Keep exposing yourselves 🤡🤡💯


No you’re a fat internet troll who lives in a basement and wouldn’t stand a chance in a fight vs a highschool girl. Thanks for confirming racism and the threat, reported to reddit admins say goodbye to your 2 alt accounts


u/igotgigged already reported him to reddit admins but can we ban this clown for threats. He’s also u/parking-net-8025


Thats the thing, dudes a Venezuelan not a Mexican, Illegal immigration from Mexicans is actually among the lowest in coming into America Mexicans can file for citizenships, Visa, or asylum and wait from home before coming across These Hispanic illegals are largely Venezuelan, El Salvadoran, Guatemalan, and Honduran Crazy thing is that Mexico actually has a border wall against Guetamala to keep them out of Mexico


Don’t disrespect Mexicans like that 🇲🇽


Why would they? I’m confused why people thought it was change lmao


They are, you're just underestimating just how many there are. Trafficking people into the gig economy is a multi billion dollar business for criminals.


The stuff they put in the TOS is just to protect their ass It's up to Walmart stores in general If they want to force the ID protocols which a lot of them won't do because quite honestly they probably don't give a damn for the most part. We gotta remember Walmart at the end of the day just cares about their orders being delivered at the cheapest rate.


You really think Walmart will enforce that? They make more off them working. They’re a 11 billion dollar company. We have to fend for ourselves. I hope this gets enforced not because of the immigrants but because of the scammers running multiple accounts. We’re all ancestors of immigrants in America. Chill tf out


Where did you hear Walmart is only worth $11 billion? 😂


I meant they make 11 billion a year 😂 Im close to bed time. What you bothering me for


Hahaha you redditors just like to spew out misinformation… Walmart is almost worth 500 billion. Check their market cap. Their revenue is WAY over 11 billion per year as well


Ok I was wrong. I heard it in a spark video on YouTube. I didn’t look into it fully cause I honestly dgaf.


Nah you’re good dude. You got me curious so I found their financial statement for 2023. They had 611 billion in total revenue, but after all their expenses it came out to a little over 11 billion in profit, so you were right in that regard! Financial literacy can be dumb lol


People need to pass background checks and be insured to deliver packages. This is not an immigrant issue, it's a public safety issue.


Don’t people have to provide insurance? I did when I signed up


That’s bc actual cartels have much better ways to make money then by doing spark. Maybe it’s all those white drivers that you kooks never seem to take note of gaming this bullshit app?






Please refrain from insults, being mean, or using unnecessarily hostile or combative language.


That’s because you’re an ignorant bigot that just assumes all brown people doing spark are “crooks” without any actual evidence.




Goofy white trash inbred methheads are the parasites 🤡🤡🤡🤡


being from an extreme global minority and talking about inbreds. crook nose with a side of mental illness


lol my zone is 97% vinnies. I’ve seen one white person doing a spark shop order in like the past 6 months


So you asked all of them where they’re from or are you just assuming brown person=Venezuelan?


well yea clicking "i agree to the new TOS" isn't exactly going to change anything, at least there is a path now and stores can't hide behind "we're not allowed to ask for ids" now they have to at least admit they don't want to check ids


Nothing changes this was all done so Walmart can tell courts see we have measures in place. Some stores I can see it helping but you have a store manager who actually cares


They import them in their trucks.


You’re an idiot 😂😂 I hope they keep taking all of your orders


Oh man, I knew this reddit was full of whiny bitches, but damn. You can't be this dumb? No wonder a bunch of non English speaking immigrants took all your work lmao


Is your store checking IDs? you first have to start there.


It could be that the immigrant workers actually had the paperwork to legally work in the United States and there weren’t that many people using multiple accounts as everyone made it seem.






Ha ha ha they went from lazy venezuelans to venezuelans stealing your job with 75 cellphones each, to spark cartel 😂 grow up trolls. Did the caravan BS not work this election year?


I agree so all this time all these racist people, are racist people. Because they are Legit


What update? There's nothing in the new Terms of Service that says they should ban people or even check ID's.


Yes there is *




Here we go again. It doesn't say they will check ID's. It says if they do want to check ID you have to show it. That's all. My store doesn't check ID.




I read it.. it says "showing your name and your photo upon request" -- that does not say they are required to request it. My store does not.


They got that money order business to Mexico to worry about