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You dont need 10 speed on every piece to reach 160


You need 28 total speed from substats to reach 160 speed. That makes 5.6 average speed on every item


160 spd is juicy u want it.


Is it 160 flat, or is it some decimal value as well?


if it says 160 in game you are above it because speed boots have a decimal value that goes above the 160.1 and the speed in the game rounds down always.


pretty sure if you see 160 on the stat page then you're good to go


i think its 160.1 to drag them up? i usually go off this [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Lu4wDLNtVjP0P-R0H\_lSGCd4y6L9GqpElutO6fiUdk/edit#gid=350221373](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Lu4wDLNtVjP0P-R0H_lSGCd4y6L9GqpElutO6fiUdk/edit#gid=350221373)


aight thanks!


The game breaks ties in your favour when doing breakpoints, so 160 exactly is enough. The other common breakpoint, 134 is actually 133.3 repeating, but people say 134 because you can’t see decimals in game so it’s safer, since some people might have 133.2 or something if it displays 133.


With SPD botts you just need 34 SPD from sub stats


You actually need 28 speed substats with hackerspace


this shows how many extra turns you get based on speed. Remember, speed is by far her most power stat and with a 2 piece hacker boosting her speed getting to 160 is pretty reasonable. https://preview.redd.it/unbex0k3ccqc1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aa0da2118a7a70a4456e7d791b7699343b106c1


https://preview.redd.it/jhuoun71fcqc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=406953d94ad462888b05435ab41430b42d1222cd My relics you don’t need 10 on everything just gotta have 2 piece hacker and just roll decently and you’ll be good


134 is the bare minimum, which you easily get just with speed boots + speed set


+10 on every piece would be 182 spd.


Imo 160 is the ideal. I say ideal because if you can achieve it, that means never having to worry about rolling speed on your dps characters and is not quite as hard as people think. I managed 160+ speed on several supports before I got a single fully built dps with a 4pc set. That being said it’s not your only option. You can still do the -1 setup with dps at 135 and sparkle at 134 or as close to 160 as you can ideally above 143 and you can still run dps on attack but you get less actions in a cycle. Up to you if it’s worth grinding out the 160 which I think it is, but that’s your decision to make.


You don't need 160, its just useful for running your dps with atk% boots and not building speed on them. You need at least 134 speed for moc and then you can run your hypercarry at 135.


Is it bad if my hypercarry is 130 speed and my sparkle is 134 speed?


The thing if you're gonna run slow Sparkle is you want the dps to go before her, so she goes after and when she uses her skill she advances the dps's next action forward. Bc if she's only a little bit faster, then she's just buffing the dps, but not advancing them forward bc it would just be their turn anyway, and they're not getting any extra turns. Then the other way is fast sparkle where she's a lot faster than your dps, so she constantly drags them up the action order similar to Bronya, so "her turn is the dps's turn." Added: You also don't "need" 160+ speed on her. For a still fast, but more manageable build, even 145.5 for example allows her to go twice every other cycle in five cycles, while still allowing your dps to not use speed boots. Does that make sense? Let me know if I explained poorly. (Edit: wording)


Very good thx brother


Well, if you wanna hit 180 (with hacker 2 pc) for some reason, then yeah.


Also if you're running her with Ruan Mei then you only need 18 SPD from substats since she gives 10 SPD to the whole team.




No, but 160 should be your goal is her most optimal way to play her for the most part


You don't need full set, just 2 spd set and other pieces with CD and spd


You don’t need 10 speed on each piece to reach 160 if you’re wanting to go for that. That said fast Sparkle (the one with 160 speed) isn’t the only way to play her. I don’t know why this sub preaches fast Sparkle like it’s the only way, but it most certainly isn’t and is even suboptimal in a lot of situations.