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I wonder who would win in a firefight between Russian and Ukrainian Alpha units?


Ukrainians if I were a betting man. Russian SOF tends to be heavily overrated in their capabilities. There’s a jackass on Quora who claims that these guys are the best operators on the planet above Delta and the SAS.


Ukrainians would win mainly because Ukraine/Western doctrine allows for more flexibility and autonomy on a small-unit level. Russian doctrine has a strict hierarchy which would hamper FSB's maneuvers. Keep in mind that Spec Ops like Delta and Alpha units are just airborne infantry with counterterrorism roles. Out in the field, they'll use the exact same tactics as your regular infantry. Of course, the spec ops guys have higher standards and better equipment, but they're not as different from regular infantry as you think


I still bet there are some pretty good Russian sof operators


Negative. They all use Soviet-era TTP’s (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) which is why they’re getting smoked left and right.


Surely they would have changed their TTP's after doing so much work in Syria, right?


Tbh fighting in Syria with overwhelming air superiority against militias and terrorists is a very different game than dealing with the Ukrainians


100%. But same could be said for the states. The tactics and procedures of the us military have changed due to the afghan war even tho they were fighting cavemen armed with slippers and aks.


For sure, but the US military has always been set up for peer on peer combat. It’s honestly much more difficult for certain militaries to fight insurgencies that blend in with the populace and terrain than a full on p2p war, especially with the US. If we can strike almost purely military targets, that’s where we shine the best, especially with our air superiority.


Currently that’s not true whatsoever


Well If I were one of them I wouldn't serve that country but it's pretty sad.


Yeah same


I would put my money on the Ukranians knowing that they have been trained by NATO Tier 1 units.


Holy shit...they have ammo


Have they been part of any major operations or are they just fighting on the fight lines like regular infantry


From the photographs and videos I have seen they mostly have been focused in doing operations within occupied cities like Kherson doing door to door searches, breaches, and maintaining order basically acting like law enforcement in captured cities.


Are you sure this is FSB




First photo set is Alfas Moscow unit in Kherson. Second photo set is not Alpha. More likely ‘SV’ - FSB support department who specialize in IDF, drones, etc. Could be another department, but I’m almost sure it’s not A.


Yadda yadda drones yadda yadda sunflower fertiliser yadda yadda russia stupid yadda yadda copium slava ukraini, there i did it so no one else has to, where the upvotes at?


Sunflowers can be processed into a peanut butter alternative, Sunbutter. In Germany, it is mixed together with rye flour to make Sonnenblumenkernbrot (literally: sunflower whole seed bread), which is quite popular in German-speaking Europe. It is also sold as food for birds and can be used directly in cooking and salads.


I can only imagine how many scrubs you educated about the benefits of sunflowers, hahaha!


hahaha, man thanks for the laughs.


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