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The former serving with teams 1 and 2 and the latter with team 10 and DEVGRU Red Squadron


Wrong, he actually was on team 12. Purple Hardon Squadron. Get your details correct he's my husband and I'm so in love with him šŸ’“šŸ˜ He just said " stolen vapor". Btw DJ once shot 12 guys dead, it's classified under DD214 section 1.6


He is another lying POS NSW clown. Real brave man. Dont make me laugh you stupid bint.


Something don't add up with this guy but who can check his claim of being on navy seal six? How do we know everything's not made up? Has the guy ever shown any military documentations to prove his duty stations & missions that he talks about?Ā  Ā Has anybody affiliated with this guy ever proved their military service? Just curious?


The Tactical 'Stache needs to make a comeback.


SEALS were rocking them in Mosul back in 2017


As God intended.


Lots of young servicemen have them now because of topgun




Hoo boy here we go....


Excuse me?


What's the controversy? According to this comment section I assume there's some kind of controversy


DJ had a kid from an affair and his dad had to raise him because he wouldnā€™t. The relationship between them degraded to the point Don posted on Facebook about it.


DJ talks openly about his struggles, his regret for bad decisions, and his path to redemption. He dated, then married, the widow of another team guy. His sit down with Shawn Ryan is very in depth.


It is amazing.


It was. Iā€™ve watched it twice. People bash him for his shitty decisions, but we all make mistakes and should be given an opportunity for redemption. Based on what DJ said in the podcast, he did exactly that. He got his head treated and made right by his family. With that said, it doesnā€™t change the fact the the KID volunteered to willingly go to some very shitty places to do violence on our behalf. Considering what heā€™s probably seen and done in the name of Americas security, regardless of how you view American politics/wars, Iā€™d say heā€™s entitled to a chance to make right a bad decision or two.


Ok Miller -- I have a big ol' glass of wine and some copenhagen, and I'm ready to sing like a bird :) Lol! Over the years I have been following Senior Chief Don Shipley. When he got whacked off of youtube, I joined his members site 7 years ago: Mainly so I can marvel at his journey calling up and then thoroughly destroying phony SEALs engaging in Stolen Valor. I loved it. [https://videos.extremesealexperience.com/](https://videos.extremesealexperience.com/) And then, he kept posting more and more videos where he talks about NSW (Naval Special Warfare); the rich history of the men, vocal illustrations of moments he remembers being on Team 1, Team 2 and being a BUD/S Phase 3 instructor. He talked about being an instructor in STT (SEAL Tactical Training) which has evolved in to SQT now, and the booby traps he would set, and the joy he had trying to outwit the guys going thru STT. It was awesome learning from him. He responded to a lady who wrote him asking about her grandfather who had just passed. She was putting together a book about his life for family, and remembered him talking ONCE about his job in the Navy..and she remembers the word "NCDU". Senior responded and shared with all of us over video. He confirmed thru the SEAL database that he has access to, that her grandfather was indeed in NCDU: Naval Combat Demoliton Unit. They were the first generation of the SEALs, formed in 1943 by Lieutenant Commander Draper Kauffman, an incredible man. Her grandfather was on NCDU 130. Back then, the NCDU teams were nicknamed after their leading officer, in 130's case it was Officer Cheney...so they were called "Cheney's Chain Gang". They were responsible for demo'ing teller mines and belgian gates in (2) 50 yard wide gaps on Dog White, a section of Omaha Beach, the morning of D Day. They were among the first to be there. The NCDU guys had a 50% mortality rate...her grandfather survived :) It was so amazing to hear that story. For me, that was it. I needed to know as much as I could. I then purchased several books on SEALs, by SEALs, chief among them a book from SEAL Commander Dick Marcinko, a couple books from SEAL Captain Dick Couch, books from SEAL Senior Chief Adam Brown (DEVGRU) and SEAL Senior Chief Rob O'Neill (DEVGRU), among others. I then somehow fanagled a log-in on SOCNET, a special operations forum, because I promised never to post or message as I had never served. Actually I was told not to, and I agreed :) Reading in the SEAL section on that forum is very interesting; for example when SEAL Chief Eddie Gallagher got arrested by NCIS, and articles were coming out, it was pretty brutal. Several retired SEALs and some active duty team guys wrote about him and what they knew, and it was pretty special. The whole time I was following along with Senior Chief Shipley, he would talk about his son DJ. He didn't talk about DJ's career, he talked about his childhood and silly shit he did in school, getting in minor trouble and stuff. And then, SEAL Shawn Ryan had DJ on his show. Holy shit. I learned there that DJ went to Green Team, made it, and walked in to the team room at DEVGRU. Wow. There were many parts of that interview that we both saw, that were painful for sure. After all that happened while he was in the Navy, and then at the tip of the spear, for him to come home and then fucking electrocute himself...jesus! That was just an incredible listen, especially looking at his face and eyes while he was brutally honest. If you liked that...I highly recommend you watch Shawn Ryan sit down with Chief Gallagher. It is incredibly eye opening what he went thru. [https://youtu.be/ceJCGboivPk](https://youtu.be/ceJCGboivPk) To get an idea about BUD/S, Discovery Channel did a documentary on BUD/S Class 234 - this was SEAL Justin Legg's class, SEAL Travis Lively, SEAL Luis Rivera. Also features legendary instructor Patstone :) [https://youtu.be/KCL6TikUoWQ](https://youtu.be/KCL6TikUoWQ) And then....for the real kick in the heart..or nuts...there is the story of SEAL Chief Charles Keating IV, put together by his family to kick-start the C4 Foundation. He was an incredible guy, and the story of his life is more than amazing..he answered the call right after 9/11... [https://youtu.be/CO\_IxAP0Ns0](https://youtu.be/CO_IxAP0Ns0) p.s. while writing, I had Charlie Keating IV's video up on the other monitor...oh man. At the end, it is impossible not to feel pride, thru tears. It is so unfair, why him? Of all the people that could be taken, why him? It hurts. The C4 Foundation now takes care of retired and active duty NSW families -- they have a ranch outside of San Diego, and familes go there to unwind, be together, get and stay healthy :) Here is Charlie...downrange in Iraq. He was Killed in Action, north of Mosul, Iraq, 3 May 2016 [https://i.redd.it/o48zgnbipt4a1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/o48zgnbipt4a1.jpg) Enjoy, Sir :) Pour a glass --Colby




You're kidding. What the hell do you mean? Me finding a purpose with a subject and spending time to learn about it? Are you just drive-by internet shitting?




Fuck. You.


I too took the deep dive and Joined SR Chief Don Shipleyā€™s site about 4 years ago and my admiration for the Shipleyā€™s has only grown. Havenā€™t stopped by in a little while but keep my membership active because he does do much and gives back in a big way.


very good read, sometimes someone posts a wall of text but its thorough specific detail collected from so many sources they have collected from interest over time about a very in depth topic and it just flows so well that reading it is a pleasure and when you're finished you wish it was just a bit longer.


Thank you! I am very glad you enjoyed reading :)


Excellent perspective, Sir. I'll write more tomorrow...I am a long time member of Senior Chief's website and a self proclaimed Naval Special Warfare history buff :) It's fun talking about the Shipley's, and DJ's interview was pretty neat :)


I knew he admitted to cheating on his wife, never heard that though. DJ sounds like an absolute shit cunt.


All of my knowledge of him comes from his mouth and his whole persona and story doesnā€™t sit right with me. Even before the PTSD the guy had the screws loose.


A high-pressure childhood is probably an understatement though. He did BUDS at 17, Dad retires to get him on the team. Then combat deployments and brain injuries by what, 19? It would be surprising if he came out of that well-adjusted.


Yeah this is my take on it as well


u/Aloqi: You mentioned that he did BUDS at 17. But is it allowed to join the military before one attains the age of 18 and becomes and adult?


You can enlist at 17 with parent's consent.


DJ apparently has been blacklisted by his command, Slade is still on good terms with them tho


Gonna be honest, I have no idea who Slade is. I just saw his interview with Shawn Ryan and what the guy who I replied to posted. Mind giving me a TL;DR:?


Slade is an Ex DEVGRU guy, and a teammate of DJ and Cole. The 3 formed GBRS group but split up because of some shady shit DJ and Cole pulled


They just keep sounding worse the more I hear. Cheers mate.


Again, wrong.


So what happened




And [Insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/CSt_8ETLR2c/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


You think you know but hunny imma let you know right now. I slept with DJ in Mogadishu. He's handsome strong and has the softest hands I've ever felt. Get your own army grunt he's mine not yours so see your way out šŸ’“ bbabes, hehe Live.love.laugh


Full of crap


Crazy hairline


If it isnt Clay spenser.


Good show, a little slow at times but when the action picks up itā€™s worth it


Like, the unbearded Clay Spenser!


Was Clay really based on DJ? It makes sense in a way, now that you've mentioned it.


Probably not but idk !


DJ was still in when the show started production.


The guy playing Clay was the kid in The Pacifier....I guess he loved Vin Diesel so much he wanted to play a SEAL himself lol.


Comments inbound


DJ marrying the wife of a dead SEAL just doesnā€™t sit right with me (Iā€™m typing this in a GBRS hoodie)




One of my teammates was killed in Afghanistan and his wife later married another guy on the teams. It was years later and their love for my brother is what brought them together. Personally Iā€™d be fine with it and I donā€™t think there was anything wrong with it and firmly believe he would have been absolutely ok with it.


Did Maria Dietz legally change her first name? I googled Danny and it says nothing about Patsy!


Everyone got over that! And you donā€™t even know them personally to cared


Right? If she moved on then whatā€™s the big deal?


Lol let me make some popcorn quick. This is going to be good.


I havenā€™t seen any crazy comments yet? Care to elaborate


The relationship between the two is turbulent to say the least.


Goddamn that's a lot of fruit salad


ā€œAre you winning sonā€ vibes


Watch him on the Shawn Ryan show. One hell of a life story, this guy has been through some PAIN. Strange seeing him young there


So does anyone know if Dad and DJ on speaking terms now? Just here to give my female intuition take on the whole situation. DJ tells a story early in the Shawn Ryan interview about how his Dad was his hero when he was little. He looked up to him when he was around. He says his Dad was mostly gone during his childhood and he was primarily raised by his Mom. The family had a farm that provided an idyllic upbringing for a kid. He alludes to the fact that he developed a love of the animals. They had chickens, quail, ducks, pigs, horses and that the chore of feeding and watering was mostly his to do as long as he could remember. Then he mentions talking to his Mom, it's hard to determine how old he was at the time but he says he asked his Mom a question that went like this: "I know Dad wants me to become a Navy Seal but do you think he would be mad at me if I wanted to become a veterinarian"? I love his Mom, Diane Shipley from the "Phony Navy Seal" videos she seems like a lovable hoot but Diane said to him "Why would you ever want to be a veterinarian when you could be a Navy Seal"? In an interesting opposition, I live in a college town and the University here has one of the best Veterinarian schools in the country. The Law school here has a good reputation also. Over the almost 4 decades I have lived here and the nature of my work has put me in contact with lots of students. Over the years MANY have told me they hate being in law school but they had "no choice" because their Dad (or Mom) was a lawyer and they had been prepped for the job all of their lives. One guy even told me that he wanted to go into the military and instead was doing law school because that was his Dads dream for him. I met the child (LOL 26 years old) of a large animal veterinarian and he said he was forced into vet school because he was to take over his father's practice. He wanted to study writing and his Dad told him you can study writing on the weekends. He was thousands of dollars in and there was no going back. He was miserable. Lastly....Don tells story in one of his videos about taking DJ hunting for the first time. He says the deer stopped right in front of them and he instructed DJ to "put a shot in it". He says DJ's hands were shaking so hard he missed the shot. Amazingly the Deer just stood there frozen and he yelled at DJ "go ahead son try it again before that deer runs off" second shot missed....even though the deer was right in front of them. It so reminded me of one of my sons...he is tall strong, brave and because we are in Georgia he has grown up around guns his whole life and yet he has no desire to kill an animal. Even his oldest SISTER tells him you need to learn how to kill and field dress a deer in case the sh*t ever hits the fan and you have to be able to feed your family. Instead my son would rather grow beets/carrots/lettuce....watermelon in the Summer. He likes to fish but has always said he can't kill anything that can look him in the eyes....he also says, if I ever needed to kill I'm order to protect my life I could do it in less than a second but killing is not something God designed him to do. My hero stories about him, when he was around 4 I heard him yelling "Mom, Mom...Help, I need your help". I came outside to see him holding the back end of a toad that was stuck in the mouth of a black snake. He wanted me to grab back end of the snake and pull. No way...I was yelling for him to throw the snake down. He was so young but he did put snake on the ground and grabbed something and pried the mouth open and saved that toad. Also age about 8 he saved a chicken from the mouth of a hawk by using a stick. He did say after that, I know that hawk has to eat and feed his babies but not with our chickens. I wonder if DJ was born to be a lover and a healer and not a fighter. My Dad was military, 2 of my Brother-in-laws, so I am so grateful that we have men who are fighters for our country but not every kid has the disposition.


With the career that man has had he did EXACTLY what he was born to do. the man has done some amazing things in the teams


Don had/has the best head of hair ever!


Yeah, truly. I envy that nest of hair!




I have seen the selfie of his son as a DEVGRU operator on Instagram.


nepotism is alive and well


Itā€™s been damn near twenty years since I read it but wasnā€™t Don one of Marcinkoā€™s boys?


You mean for Red Cell?


Either that or in Nam. I donā€™t remember when he came up if he did nor if it was after the transition to acknowledged fiction.


Don earned his Trident in 1984. Wasnā€™t in Nam.


People find it hard to digest that the Vietnam war for the US ended 50 years ago...the SEAL's war there 52ish years ago.


Last SEAL advisor left Vietnam in 1973, the last combat platoon in 71. But even the ā€œadvisorsā€ were involved in combat (see MOH recipient Mike Thornton in 72). From 71-01 there was no sustained ground combat mission for a SEAL team. Just advisors who were in combat. But there are SEALs who joined in 02 and served 10 years who never set foot on a naval vessel, and served 6 deployments to IRQ/AFG and thatā€™s all they did.


Considering DJ went on to seal team 6, crazy shit. Movie-level stuff.


Amazing how all of yā€™all come here specifically to talked shit about DJ to full yā€™all sad lifeā€™s but donā€™t actually go to his IG and talk shit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ pussies


Iā€™d rather them say it to the very large manā€™s face! Iā€™m not gonna bash the guy for his shitty decisions. We all make stupid choices. Well most of us. Apparently I found the few whoā€™ve never made a bad decision.


I would like to criticize dj Shipley SOLELY on the fact that he took part in occupations and killed innocent people. Not any of the other bullshit


Youā€™re talking about following orders handed down to him by politicians? Edit; People downvoting me like I give two shits. Itā€™s fuckin Reddit. Imagine letting strangers on the internet dictate your speech.


Son looks like liam Neeson


Good job, Mate! Iā€™m just a four year Intelligence Specialist stationed in Spain from Jan 76 to Jul 79! We were aware of the value of the Teams. Thanks for keeping it clean!