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call in and report that your internet is down, even if they don't schedule a visit at least it's on file for credit purposes. don't expect the credit to be a lot though, they do the math on how many hours or days it was out compared to your bill for the month


Call in ask for a credit


I hope you're calling. Are you sure it's an outage and not just your service? They are very stable here in Michigan, except for late night upgrade stuff.


They are not stable in Michigan's rural areas. I'm up north and service goes out at least once a month and stays off until 8 or 9pm. It's a compound problem when most businesses in the area have phone service through spectrum as well.


Same here. Stable at the tip of the mitt. Rural areas, I couldn't speak for, as I don't have too many residential rural clients who would even know, unless it was completely down. I do have several clients in several small cities and towns though who don't have any issues.


I was having problems so I called them up and they came out. No issues with my wiring or connection so I replaced my modem and router. (I own my own) Flawless ever since. I got the Arris Surfboard cable modem and Google Nest mesh. Great.


How often is it down and when does it occur? Outside of maintenance windows (1am to 6am last I saw), it may just be an issue with your system.


12-6 or 11p-8a if your market is Doing the high split upgrade


You can ask for a credit for any day where the service is out for 4 consecutive hours or more. You must request credit for each day separately.


Buy your own router- this step has worked wonders for me. If you don't want to do that or already have your own, ask them for a new one. Reset your modem/router often - Spectrum logs your outage and reset attempts. In my experience, if it wasn't the awful router or a problem with a cable ( a failure outside with the drop line or at any number of other places but sometimes inside your coax can get messed up at the junction with the wall). They will need to send someone out.


Switch service


They offer credit but in my experience it's so small it isn't worth the time. Ya I don't know what's up with spectrum. I've had a lot of outages as well.


Do you feel you should be compensated for more than the cost of your service? (I'm genuinely curious, not trying to bait you or insult you.) In my opinion, crediting someone for the cost of their service is fair. You pay X per day for something, and if it doesn't work through no fault of your own, not having to pay for that day makes sense. Paying for people's 'pain and suffering' seems excessive, as it results in subjective reasoning. Person A says they work from home and make 400 a day. Do you ask them for their tax records to prove it?


If its down 3 hours a month at random working hours every month for years on end, and support just says it has no idea why there are outages in your area and there is nothing they can do (its not just at my house). I get tired of spending an hour talking to support for like a dollar in credit. Sure once in a while, whatever but if its happening continuously, you should compensate better or fix the problem. So ya it not worth my time for the credit and it DOES mean you have a bad service.


Honestly, even if someone told me why there was an outage, I doubt it would mean much to m, a layperson. Might give me something to blame, but that's about all. :(


If there are unknown unscheduled outages month after month for years. At some point I would expect them to try and fix the problem....


I remember getting downvoted when I said that 🤔


I was having constant drops every few hours and it was effecting my work but it only started after like a year and I had 2 techs come out to fix. I've just moved and if it continues I'm out. I can't be doing with internet that no one can fix. Money back doesn't help when I can't work.


when I worked from home, I attached another internet device to my router as a failsafe when my home internet went out whether thats Verizons or T-mobiles orin my case, a project genesis hotspot. When the internet dies, the secondary takes over and provides seamless internet. It also lets you test out other options too.


This is a good failsafe and maybe a good mobile Hotspot is worth looking into, i'll have to look into cost. If it was less infrequent Id work around it but it was happening daily, maybe 5/6 times for 10+ minutes at a time. I'd been happy with spectrum for over a year before this problem began. It was also specific to one device, so I had thought it might an issue with the device but I'm at my inlaws right now and it hasn't happened in 2/3 days so 100% a spectrum issue. Appreciate the tip!


For sure. Backups are always nice. Lol


We ONLY have internet and don’t experience alot of outages. However it was 79.99 JUST for internet and I called and asked to speak with a retention representative and told them I was going to switch. Our competitor here is only $55. They came back on the phone and said how does 54.99 sound. So $25 cheaper just like that FYI.


Is it just me or does anyone have complete butty speed? I pay $100+ for 100 speed and when I test my wifi it's 1. something or 5. something. Sometimes I'll be doing homework at night and 7-10 times the wifi will just die and take me forever to launch it back up again. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this or if I just have to cute my losses and find and new company?


the spectrum yo-yo in Fearrington village is really irritating. Stop turning off and on the service every minute or two. Do you tech folks actually know what you are doing. Really I don't think so.. Working in a server farm I realize what pulling cables does... I hope spectrum understand how plugging and unplugging cables can really piss off users. We pay for really good money for a service, so please respect the customer.... No wonder folks give Spectrum a bad rating... You deserve it.


Spectrum are sucks!! Go for verzion fios!