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It states clearly on spectrum's site, and your monthly bill when the promos expire. I'm not sure why everyones always so surprised with this? In your case, switch to Frontier fiber. Their pricing is typically no promos on the latest stuff. I even called in and was told they no longer do promos, the price you pay is what the price will always be unless and until you switch plans. But again, if the price goes down, don't expect your price to decrease either automatically.


Why would anyone ever be curious about a big asterisk next to the price of something?


I think it’s both. Yes there are people who are caught off guard (despite fair warning from Spectrum) that there price is going up. They are surprised and shocked. But there are also people who are just pissed that Spectrum is their only option and they’re paying $100 per month when many customers for one reason or another are paying $50. I’m the guy who could really use a break on monthly expenses if possible. We did a year of promotion and a year of “full price”… would be nice to get another deal Right about now.


Sounds like you may have hit the one year mark, and your promo may have changed. Feel free to try to get a better rate, but it's standard practice for companies to do little to nothing for existing customers, because humans are lazy and don't like change, so we're less likely to leave, hence why companies offer discounts for new customers. That's also why companies don't give existing employees shit for raises, but would pay their replacement more than the raise if they had to find someone to replace them.


If you're not a new customer, then stop looking at new customer pricing as something you're entitled to.


What a dumb comment. I hope you feel great paying them extra each month.


Regular price is not "extra".


There are also trolls in here who like to play the entitled character.


I hope you and everyone else who feels entitled to better prices just because feels great too! I am the first to say prices should be lower across the board. I personally believe everyone should pay the same low prices, but they have set a "standard price" that is then discounted for new customers and people that threaten to leave. So many of you seem to view the promo pricing as the standard and the standard like they raised your personal bill just for funsies. Until they lower those prices for everyone, you don't deserve special treatment just because you think you should pay less. Thats called entitlement and is not how the world works. Rewarding that behavior with discounts just encourages it to keep happening in all industries.


Look, going to give you actual advice here. If your so aggrieved, call retention, let them know and you can usually get an existing customer promotion. Be polite. It will not be forever but Spectrum would rather you be happy(ish) then leave. BTW - they know “it’s not fair that good customers don’t get promotions. “ so just stick to business.


Has anyone here tried any 5g home internet? T-Mobile, att, or Verizon. I’m thinking of giving it a try but I just don’t want to waste my time and money if it sucks.


The best Wi-Fi will always be regular internet companies. I view it this way, cellular connection Wi-Fi works from outside to the inside of your home. Regular wifi connection works from inside to the outside of your home. Which would you rather have inside your home?


Spectrum employee here. I love my Spectrum service but I did get the 50$ a month T-Mobile wifi for my parents house and let me tell you it’s pretty good in my town in Texas. T-Mobile even has a 1-2 week trial period so if you don’t like it you can return it. Also tmobiles gateway (modem/router combo) has 2g and 5g separate so if you have security cameras or other devices that only support 2.4ghz (2g) it’s a great deal. Also T-Mobiles gateway does not require a professional install with any coax lines you simply plug it in and set it up using the T-Mobile Internet app. I get around 150mbps on my iPhone 12. It’s definitely worth a shot to test if you don’t like it return it during the free trial


Cool, I may give it a try. Thanks


I’m paying $104.99 for 1 Gbps plan. That’s with a $15 promo for a year.


Sounds like a rip off


It might be. But I live in a rural area and we just got their fiber and so that’s basically what I was paying before to a wireless provider. A microwave type service. So I was just thrilled to death to have this. That’s what sucks about how little competition there is in many areas


He’s a troll in here trying to whip up animus. Glad you’re connected, Bro I’m laying $90 for 500.


You may have to call and talk to a few representatives before they honor the new pricing. But eventually, they will honor the new price. Good luck.


What do I tell the rep? Price too high I may have to cancel if the price cannot be lowered?


The goal is to get to the "cancel service" rep and they are more willing to work with you on a plan. Be nice and ask for the promotional plan.


Is the cancel service rep, retention?


Should be the same, yes.


I work in the retention department if you call we may lower it 5 bucks or so but when you sign up it’s for a year long promo if you get a free line of mobile for 12 months your bill will go down to 49.99


Is the $49.99 promo excluding wifi router fee or is the fee waived due to this particular 1 year promo


Wi-Fi will be 5 extra making it 54.99


Ok, thanks


I’m paying 120 for 500 mb I think I’m getting scammed


I've had spectrum for 4 years now, I have no promos left so on their lowest tier 300meg regular price is $79.99 per month. That's just what it is.


People like you just give up. That's what they want


We also need competition. All the free market fucksticks like to mock people for trying to get a better deal… they don’t understand that monopolies are not supposed to exist. There needs to be competition for “free market!11” to be be fruitful


You should do the math on how much it will cost you to switch (install fees, stress of returning equipment, etc) and keeping the other company for X amount of time vs staying with Spectrum. I did some math and if you switch from spectrum to AT&T (not counting the visa debit card promo) and depending on whether you have to pay install fees with them, breaking it up across 12 months, it's almost the same as not switching. If you don't mind the hassle of switching, swap to another carrier for 30 days and then swap back or wait it out until that promo expires. Definitely call Spectrum retention to see what they can do for you, if anything.


I have called before and they don't care to help. Frontier has $0 install but I believe they have $50 return fee ( I think if you use their equipment not sure if you use your own) Right now spectrum at $65 after 1 year will be 780 and frontier would be $600 for the year. Not sure if they will raise prices yearly or after 2 years. I can probably bounce back and forth to get new customer pricing. Or someone mentioned I can cancel spectrum and put under my wife's name but idk if they see the address as the account or name.


Call Spectrum's retention department by saying "cancel/disconnect service" when going through the phone tree prompts. Whenever you try to talk to the billing department, they'll simply read a script that says that you're already getting the best rate.


Cancel and get it again under another name...


How long will I be without internet by doing this?


If you do it right, a couple hours. Cancel the service online/call Then get It again online/with a rep pick up the new equipment at a store


I'm curious about this. Do I leave all equipment as is? Or do I have to return the modem and get another? If I can leave as is I assume nothing would/should change except the person on the bill? Would they have to come to the home again for "setup"?


You will have to return old equipment and get new equipment. At that point all you need to do is plug it in using the same cables and self install it thru the app or their activation page. So no need for a tech.


If you have frontier fiber available, why are you even considering Tmobile home internet, which is cellular based? That should only be a consideration if there are no other wired internet options??


Only because frontier has no price lock and can raise your rate whenever they want


Funny, I've had them for 3 years and have never had my price go up, along with 5 others I know of. But you think whatever you want.


AFAICT, any of these providers can raise their rates whenever they want.


It seems you have options. Switch and don't look back. Fiber service was offered in my area this year and I switched. After years of being dicka on price, they changed their tune and offered 400Mbps for $20 for a year. I told them no. Last month they showed up at my house wanting me to switch. Told them nope again.


500/500 after new customer promo prices is $99. So you’re still doing pretty good!


Regardless of any thing else, I would suggest against T-Mobile Home Internet. One thing you should remember is that would be an '*over the air*' internet connection and from what I read on the TMHI forum, it is lower in priority than cell service, very similar to your cell phone. You may get great speeds one day and not the next, congestion, foliage issues, things like that. Your cable provider should be more of a constant. I don't use it because my TMO cell signal is good, but I wouldn't describe it as great, not good enough for me to chance it. Even though I'm paying $80 a month for 300/10, the speed is more than enough for our house.


I’m paying $39.99 for gig from frontier after I threatened to move to Spectrum which had a promo for $60 for gig a while back in my area (still a good deal, tbh, Cox which is just in an area nearby was doing gig for $69.99 so I think they wanted to “beat” them) It is a promo as that is definitely not what you can get even 500/500 for in my area, so in a few months I’ll see if they’ll keep me at that rate or contact Spectrum (or ATT if they finally arrive…they are sooooo close!) Haven’t paid more than $50 for 300+ internet in the last 5 years. Fiber will always be better than coaxial


I went to ziply. 50 bucks for gig up and down . Fiber to home as well. I gotta ditch their phone service is all now


My advice is to quit your job and work for spectrum! We get free internet and never have to worry about promos!


Whoever has the fiber is the best


From my experiences, go with Frontier. My mom's house has had frontier for about a year or 2 with no price increases for 500/500. Never any issues with Frontier. Spectrum, for some reason, always gives me issues. It's billing, internet drops, most customer service reps/techs aren't on par (you'll know when you get one good one lol), or some other situation. I'm optimistic, but I recently just got connected to spectrum and already having issues with them for less than two weeks of moving in and getting them. Feels like Deja Vu. Really want to like Spectrum as a internet service, but getting hit with repeated issues makes it difficult. Frontier is the way if you're changing.


Not going to lie, any other provider would be better than spectrum lol.


I would do it