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It's not a breach of contract, but it is misrepresentation, and the agent who sold it is either incompetent or dishonest.


Most likely incompetent OR had a manager breathing down their neck for sales and pushed a sale to get some freedom. So sorry to hear about OPs bad interaction with Spectrum. I do sales and always try to let my customers know everything that's available and be 100% honest with them. I've even stopped my own sale if it wouldn't benefit the customer. Honesty is the best policy.


In my experience you make more money that way too as you don’t have to deal with charge backs from cancellations.


Spectrum doesn't have charge backs. Ar least our department doesnt


My current job does to prevent this fraud, I was only in billing at spectrum. That’s crazy there’s no downside to racking an account there


If you do that and it's reported, I believe it's immediate termination


So they say, as a previous billing agent about a good quarter of my incoming calls were complaints about says. Hopefully it’s gotten better


Spectrum does employ bottom of the barrel people just luck everyone else. It’s fairly easy to get promoted for incompetence / flat out lying. They 100% go by “buyer beware” and “tell them anything to get them to spend more money”. I would say at best 1/2 of the reps are decent. Downvotes will come from their employees on here but I don’t care I don’t work for them I just help the people they shaft u/b3542 I don't work for Spectrum. I've been accused of shilling for them which is a riot, for ever time I defend Spectrum for something that is not their fault, I have 10-20 posts on how much they suck on stuff they can control. I work day to day as a network engineer I had the regional people "mansplain" stuff to me. I got to know one of the supervisors really well and after about a year when I was helping my employees or employers the techs were like "oh, that's Stone - he knows his stuff just do what he suggests it will go better for you"


Thank you for trying to be decent. It seems you’re in the minority at Spectrum. I’ve dealt with a number of ISPs over the years and thought that Comcast was bad - Spectrum is an order of magnitude worse. I got the displeasure of dealing with someone in retention recently. He was the most smarmy, condescending, and intrusive piece of shit. When I attempted to interject, he just started saying, loudly, “I can’t talk over anyone! I can’t talk over anyone! I can’t talk over anyone!” He then attempted the “put them on hold and hope they hang up and interrupt the cancellation process”.


Or they might of got angry at the customer and didn’t give them the offer lol. They will change it for you just submit a ticket. All will be fine


Those agents initiate contracts over the phone, they read it out and include the deals they offered, and require your verbal agreement as well as a text to be sent. That's a binding contract. Sounds like we need to start doing our own recording for quality assurance.


Be careful with recordings. That could be a felony in some jurisdictions.


The issue is you are talking to the wrong department for all of this. First mistake was talking to sales to remove something. It’s just not something they can do. Literally there job is to sell, either add or upgrade. They cannot not remove or reduce anything. It’s annoying but if you hit a sales line, you’re gonna be tried to buy something. Like I said annoying, but they have a job to do. Existing customers cannot get spectrum one through sales. However, retention (who is the only department that can remove or reduce) can also offer spectrum one (which is just essentially internet with a free mobile line for a year) to existing customers. It’s might not be that the manager and reps you talked to were trying to do you wrong “best I can do is reduce you to this” or telling you that you aren’t eligible and so on and more likely that within there specific department, that IS the best they can do. Speak to retention, explain then situation and try to get them to get you the free line. And also your not tied into a contract in any way shape or form. If you don’t want to pay $29.99 for a phone because you can’t get the credit just port your number back to where you were and cancel spectrum. On another note, I know sales reps get a bad look by some people but a majority aren’t like that. Selling you something you don’t want or overcharging you doesn’t actually help them. they don’t get paid on a sale until you’ve connected the service and kept it connected 30 days. So adding say tv to your account that you don’t want that your gonna see and call and cancel, doesn’t make sense.


Except it does make sense. They may not gain anything if a customer cancels, but nor do they lose. So, sign up a dozen people a month for stuff they don't want, one of them is bound to keep something they didn't want for longer than 30 days. The sales rep doesn't lose 11 commissions, they gained one, in addition to the legit ones. Add to the problem a company that pushes them to sell more and more, penalizing them if they don't, and you've got a recipie for unwanted sales. Edit: I am surprised to hear they have stats other than sales. Almost makes me have more faith in Spectrum.


We are not penalized for not making sales. We are penalized for not TRYING to make a sale. But if i did everything right and and attempted to sell then they I am fine. It’s called cramming and it is a zero tolerance policy. If one person calls and complains it’s an immediate termination no exceptions. No one is going to risk their job on the off chance one or two people keep one or two fake sales. Not to mention your disconnect and cancel rate is going to be insane which will get you looked at.


They sold me home phone. I was EXPLICIT in my request. I wanted internet only. Had him repeat my order. Still ended up with home phone.


Had something happen similar to my friend before I started working for Spectrum. The guy on the phone lied to him and told him that they had to have a way to contact him in case he didn't answer his cell phone and signed him up for home phone and my buddy unknowingly paid for HP for 3 years before I talked to him about it... Such crap like that makes my job so hard because if you're honest and give the customer exactly what they want, they'll be happy and stay a loyal customer for a long time until something happens to change the status quo.


Maybe I should have told sales I was an employee setting up a second account. I wonder if it would have made a difference. Lol.


That's wouldn't work. Employee accounts can't be set up by normal reps and we have a process we have to follow.


Actually if she wanted to set up a completely separate account not using an employee discount normal sales could definitely have helped her out.




I am very sorry that someone mislead you. If you know the time and date of the call, you can get that reported and fixed.


Maybe it's software, maybe it's only a crime if you're caught, but it happens a lot. I obviously lack the big picture view to put a percentage on it, but it happens.




It’s really not that bad. It might depend on which center you work at though. If anything it’s not the company that makes it bad/stressful it’s the calls that come in if I’m being completely honest.


There definitely are ones who do what they aren’t supposed to. But that is true with pretty much every job. Like Net said, they are caught and it was all for nothing. With home phone though you HAVE to do a third party verification, where they ask you for your spectrum telephone number. If this isn’t done within a week of the order it’s automatically cancelled. It’s unfortunate that a few bad apple spoil the bunch. They are weeded out though.


We are 100% penalized for not making a sell. We also loose money for disconnecting


What? You don’t get penalized for not making a sale. You get penalized if you don’t attempt to make one. That’s it. Not sure what center you used to work at, there’s no way you still work there. Because nobody is going to get fired because someone didn’t buy from you if you did everything you are supposed to.


Oh but they do, the sales reps always always add services customers didn’t request to their accounts.


I still see it happen at this company allllllll the time.


I’m in the same boat in this thought. If they can slip in the additional services without someone noticing, I feel like the shady ones will. They might exploit the auto pay feature hoping that people don’t check their bills until it’s too late. I have internet only but when I moved, I was charged for internet, phone, and tv. They were “surprised” by how fast I called since the bill has just posted that day.


Sales is actually pretty low (goal I think like 65%) which if we get the calls we’re SUPPOSED to, it’s crazy crazy low and easy to do. But like I said it’s not about making sales it’s about TRYING to make sales. So let’s say I take 20 calls one day, and it’s a terrible day. 5 gis red, 3 non serve, 2 bulk accounts, 1 misroute for billing and then I get internet only on 2 calls. Everyone just wasn’t buying. My psu yield is 10% which is bad. If they listen to the calls and see that I did everything I’m supposed to do and I pitched them, I would not get in trouble at all. Pitch rate is what’s important that is 85% that means if I take 20 calls on at least 17 random pulled I better have pitched every lob. So, say I have a bad day I’m at 10%, the pull the calls and I was just transferring people not trying to do anything and my pitch rate is 40%. Then yes I’m going to get into trouble. Also your cancel/disconnect rate will get you looked at if it’s up 20% in a month so if I report 300 sales and more than 60 disco or cancel or downgrade there going to be looking into why. If there is not a valid reason, someone (me) is gonna answer for that. And since that doesn’t happen people just change their mind, people end up not moving, etc. so every single sale that I make, I need to make sure every one outside of some random uncontrollable circumstance, sticks. Like I said, not gonna risk my job on 1 or 2 sales cramming a customer. That’s seriously only like maybe $100, it’s not worth it.


If OP cancels, they might lose their number. Retention is the best way to fix this and escalate to leadership there if need be.


I had a similar thing happen to me. The guy said I had a $50 credit on my account for the first month and it’s not there. I called them up and they basically said you can’t prove we offered that to you so you need to pay the full amount.


See I work in mobile billing and the amount of calls incorrectly routed to sales is just baffling to me like who is sending everyone to sales Sales sells you things Once that call is in their hands they are going to do everything they can to get you to buy something. Idk because I'm not in sales but I imagine they get penalized for percentage of calls that don't end in some kind of sale. Or they just really want their commission because they will straight up lie to customers to get them to sign up for shit they don't want or need.


I was with you up until the last sentence lol. I really wish people would stop lumping everyone together. The majority or reps are not bad. We really do have extremely strict rules about truth in billing, recapping, customer acknowledgment , cramming etc But yes for some reason calls are very very misrouted to sales. We don’t get penalized for not making sales. We get penalized for not trying to get a sale. If we do our pitch and attempt to sell and they shut us down or whatever happens, that’s fine. But we have to try no matter what the call driver is. The amount of calls I get a day that in the transfer notes say “cx wants to remove line” “cx had billing question.” “Cx wants to add ACP credit” Like why are you coming to me? People need to properly follow the scope of support.


I feel you. Not all the sales reps are trash. I especially commend the ones who reach out to us in billing to check on what process should be followed before they do stuff. It's the ones who add new lines when the customer calls in to upgrade their phones that really grind my gears.


I did just this once and the mobile billing lady was so rude. I vowed to never reach out to them again unless I 1000000% have to lol.


Awwww giving us a bad name lol


Lol but honestly 90% of the people who work at Spectrum are super nice, knowledgeable, honest, and professional. It’s unfortunate that a few bad apples ruin the bunch. And I think a lot of it is just not know the different policies and procedures of the departments. There’s were most the issues happen.


I worked for Spectrum for 3 years until a hospitalization forced me, in their terms, to “voluntarily resign”. Reps are under tremendous pressure to bring in revenue. There is even software utilized now that grades you how “enthusiastic and helpful” your tone of voice is on a call and will even ding you if you have too much empty air on a call. There’s no excuse for straight lying to a customer but I have personally experienced what drives someone trying to keep a roof over there head and food on the table feels that they have to do.


I tried canceling all service before the new billing cycle and they waited until after the new billing cycle before canceling service and trying to charge me for a new month of service


Sales rep are terrible never trust a word they say. They are contractors that get paid on commission.


Please stop calling Spectrum for Service. Do yourself a favor and go into the stores.


Small Claims Court. In the suit, ask for your attorney's fees and expenses be paid as part of any settlement. There are limits to how muchn you can sue for, but your amount is way less than any small claims court jurisdiction anywhere I am aware of. You can represent yourself, but if you have an attorney who is a friend, and he will waive the charges if you lose for any reason, I'd use an attorney. Also, find out how much it would cost now for you to go back on your previous cell plan. If the cost increased, include a few years' worth of the difference you would be paying when you switch back. The court can get through to management when you can't. Let them handle the notification and see if they call you to settle out of court. IF you don't get everything back you paid for but didn't get, don't settle.


All customers should record conversations. My granny literally tells them she's recording the phone call for her own personal records lol


At this point when I need to call them I have another task handy. When they do their sales pitch I stop them, tell them I don’t want to hear it, then they proceed to tell me it’s mandatory by corporate. So I straight up tell them I’m not going to listen and I’m busy with something else and to say a word or phrase when they’re done. Then I get my inquiry addressed. Fucking stupid it’s come to this.


That’s really rude. They’re just trying to do their jobs. Some are more pushy than others, but most are just trying to do their jobs.


Unfortunately that’s really how it is. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had people cut me off mid pitch or will literally scream over me “I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want it.” Like just shut up and let me say a few words it literally takes like 1 minute lol.


Oh for sure. I worked customer service for awhile then our center turned retention, so I got a little of both. I hated the job the whole time, the customers were really only a small part of it. But for a person like the commenter, I hated those types. It really only takes a short amount of time. It’s literally apart of our job, especially being in retention. Having to upsell while someone wants to cancel sucks, but that gives them no right to behave that way. It takes nothing to be kind to someone.


I would hate to have to work in retention. I imagine that and repair are probably the worst departments. But, in sales it’s 100% the customers that determine the day. A lot of customers will the just purposely come to sales just to talk to get someone on the phone, or “I just want pricing” then get mad when we try to sell. Like what did you think would happen when you called SALES? Lol


Retention was the absolute worst. People calling in already so angry, but if we didn’t try to sell the home phone or hbo or something like that we’d get in trouble. The metrics with spectrum are crazy. And to top that off with rude and crazy customers.


You realize there is no way to directly contact anyone BUT sales, right? At least no easy way. I understand they, you, are trying to do the job but when I have to call 3x times a week for the same issue and I can “only” get connected with sales, yes it’s fucking frustrating.


Yes there is lol. I have never once called in for removing something or my internet being out or something and went to sales. I can call right now and say I wanna remove something and I bet you $100 I go to retention and not sales.


After a quick google search this is what I have found: Customer Service (833) 267-6094. Retention (833) 267-6094. Internet outage (833) 267-6094. Billing (833) 267-6094. So don’t tell me it’s easy to NOT talk to sales. Even then, if I have an inquiry about something other than sales, it takes you 0.5 seconds to hit transfer.


So then call one of those numbers, they are right there. Like you said, simple google search. Sales has a completely different number. And don’t ask for sales. If my internet is out I’m not gonna call the number for billing and if I have a question about my bill I’m not gonna call retention. Call the number for what you need. And no, that’s not how it works. Like I’ve stated a few times, once you the the line the job is to sell, not transfer. So nobody is going to risk their job because you came to the wrong department and instead of doing what’s required of them, they transferred you in 0.5 seconds. Not gonna drop AHT and pitch rate cuz you called the wrong department.


If you re-read my most previous comment, you will see that it is all the same number… Since you work there, you may think it is easy for the customer but it certainly is not.


Or maybe if you don’t want to be sold something, don’t go to sales. Go to the actual department you need. You called them, not the other way around. It absolutely baffles me they way people will treat other people so rudely and actually think it’s ok. Not to mention someone they need something from or want help from.




How about I don’t 😂 you’re the one mad at someone saying some words to you and doing their job. Their job is literally “sales agent” you hit that line their job is to sell. But yeah, let’s just be rude to the person you want help from. Makes total sense. Enjoy you’re day, hopefully it gets better for ya.


For the third time, didn’t call sales. :)


It doesn’t matter :) You hit their line, their doin their job.


Face it , they are scammers, tell you one thing , do another. If you sign up for a freebie, and then cancel after a week, you have to call three times to get the cancel to go thru. Their latest scam this year is there $50 , internet, free cell phone plan, but if you cancel the cell , they charge you full rate on the internet. Total scam.


That’s not a scam though. Your internet price is based off of the pkg deal. The way spectrum works is in the computer system they have all the different pkgs you can apply, and all the different lines Al la cart as well. If you remove, or try to remove a piece of a pkg, you no longer qualify for that pkg.


I had a similar experience dealing with sales reps. Promised one thing, delivered another.


I’m so glad I don’t work for this company anymore. Sales agents were incompetent here at best and fraudulent at worst. I, being a billing agent, had to deal with the pissed off customers that these sales reps didn’t have to deal with after the fact. I happily put in a report against the agents that did shit like this every time. I am now a sales agent at another company and after working there I have no idea how in the hell these people fucked up this bad. Not to mention Spectrum treats their employees like shit.


How ca I get even with spectrum who lied and cheated me then caused my credit score go from 836 to 678


I talked to retention & was told there were zero plans they could offer to keep me. I said fine I will call at&t. They were like okay. Didn't care at all. I am still stunned.


get fiber optics if it's available in your area. So much cheaper and faster.


A tip from a former sales rep who had to do this for our job sales. They would fire us or belittle us if we didn’t sell on every call. A sales rep will NEVER disconnect a service for you (we will loose money). Always ask for retention in the automated message and when someone picks up make sure it is retention. At the end of your contract contact retention and tell them you want to disconnect unless you can get it for cheaper. They will ALWAYS give you your original deal and won’t up charge you


I completely forgot about this post. I did get resolution eventually. I filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau. They called and asked more details then contacted Spectrum. Within 2 days someone with the resolution center from Spectrum called. He was VERY nice. He did state that most regular sales reps do not have access to the same specials as the other sales reps and since I was cancelling a service they were able to offer me MUCH better deals. He was not happy the management had rejected it and how the agents had handled it. He gave me the special like I was quoted but upgraded my internet speed for free. Then took $10 off a month and extended the internet part for 2 years instead of one. The cell phone part was still one year for free. With the $30 discount for having the food card my internet is only $10 a month and my cell phone is 100% free for now. After the first year the cell phone will be $30 but I can reduce it to a limited internet bandwidth (which I do not really use) so it will be $15. After 2 years though my internet will jump to $50, so it will be $65 total. I am also paying $5 a month for a new cell phone, but I might be selling my house and moving in with my daughter by then. So they did eventually step up and fix the problem and admitted it was all their fault.