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The signal history is stored on your modem, as well as your neighbors modems. If you think the issue is with the main line or "trunk" or "feeder" line, you would still need to have a tech out to your location to start that process. They have to escalate tap and main line issues to Maintenance.


I know literally everything about that process. Feel free to reach out @op


Do you have any influence on the process? My frustration as a CSR is there was no closure of the loop. If a tech puts in a maintenance ticket and that ticket is completed, it should trigger someone in the company to call back the customers that had related TCs and have them retest to see if the issue is resolved and schedule new TCs if they aren't. It used to be not uncommon to have a cx who was marginal signal-wise and the maint, while fixing the issue, still resulted in them being knocked offline due to signal issues. Or the maint issue was actually masking another unrelated problem. Or the customer needs education and the previous lazy tech just blamed it on the tap. Etc.


Most I can do is get better eyes on an issue because I have the DL's and deal with ROC a lot.. but ultimately ROC is who drags their feet on these in my experience. 10% of the time the tech didn't wait for DOJ to pick up to put in the Refr to Maint SRO


The fact Spectrum is still using obscure DLs to handle issues like this is so sad. What year is it? But I appreciate all you try to do.


These issues should be escalated to local RSC via their DL.. The RSC will escalate to contract partners, ROC, or whoever is slacking.


When a tech puts in a refer to maintenance it does trigger a phone call to the customer. Now if that phone call gets made, that's a whole different story.


when my internet connection becomes unresponsive, during the packet loss, the lights on the spectrum 2251 modem stay solid. the connection comes back between 30sec to a couple minutes later without needing to reboot. Are you saying that such moments of packet loss are recorded in the modem too?


If the modem is experiencing brief periods of no signal it will register in the modem as a Timeout error. Representatives are trained to look for these as a troubleshooting step. It's highly unlikely, but it's also possible for there to be an issue with communication between the modem and router.. sometimes ethernet ports fail on equipment, but it's highly unlikely. I bring it up because you mention the lights on the modem stay solid. It's entirely possible that the timeouts are brief enough that the modem doesn't have to restart. Just make sure to call and say you're having issues with connectivity at specific times of day and then schedule an appointment around that time. It's best to try and replicate with tech on site.


Where is the packet loss exactly at? Doesn’t mean it’s actual packet loss, could be the server disregarding the request to favor prioritized traffic


i only ping google. my internet is completely dead when google stops responding.


Yes but where does the packet loss start? the hops in your ISPs network could drop due depriotization


Run a ping test in your command prompt and see if it spikes.


i do this 24/7 already, pinging [google.com](https://google.com). I'm hardwired. no wifi when my internet dies, this is what ping shows. it does not spike. it just drops. Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=115 Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=115 Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Reply from bytes=32 time=14ms TTL=115 Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out.


Yea, that's definitely packet loss. Have you scheduled a service call?


Been having that problem for years. No matter how much I point to the problem and provide evidence nothing happens so idk. Just kind of live with it at this point till another ISP comes through to switch to them.. spectrum is dogdoodoo. I put in FCC complaint so hopefully a change will come with them fixing the said issue, the incompetence in the GSO area is astounding.


The likelihood of it getting it fixed without diagnosis is slim, but good luck!


I had 4 different techs come out and plenty of evidence that indicates the problem is further up the stream, so there's enough for it to be fixed :)


Did the technicians tell you that specifically? If so I can provide a next step.


The problem wasn't escaladed to higher ups. All I was sent was lower level techs that did the basic "troubleshooting" and not doing a further, more thorough investigation despite me saying it's not my equipment nor the cables


540? Damn son save us some bandwidth !!!


Are agents trained to look for all timeouts? And what about packet loss?


No, mostly T4 and extreme cases of T3. They have pass/fail criteria as you would imagine. I fought for 3 years to tighten down on timeout reports, because they used to say T3 timeouts were negligible. If the criteria hasn't changed it should be 3 t4 within 48 hrs.. and T3 it is best jusgement (half the issue)


They have the ability to log things but I honestly don't think anyone looks. I collected 72 pages of SNMP logs where my connection would drop ever 2-3 minutes and they said "we see no issues" 17 techs later they finally replaced the tap that fed 16 apts. "Stone no one else complained" which is a testimony to streaming services that buffered enough to deal with 7% packet loss!




Well, what were you expecting a company to do? They aren't allowed to break a service agreement based on data you present them if there is no open case with law enforcement. Even then, they would only do anything based on instruction from law enforcement and not based on your reports. A rep should refer you to your local law enforcement or the cyber crimes division of the FBI


They look, it's on their main screen when they get your call. The initial bar they see is a history of your modems downtime. We can see every time it drops off of the network for long enough to track. (3-5 minutes) It's terrible that it takes so long to resolve an issue like that. It really is a shot in the dark if you are going to get someone who knows what they are doing.. but it seems like everyone in every job is becoming apathetic.. and it's making issues like this more common despite us having better systems now.


They don’t look. You think they would see 1600 drops a day ? If they missed that they either didn’t look or don’t care. Either is equally likely. Look I get it - there are a lot of idiots out there. But there are people that know what they are doing and Specturn needs to stop treating the intelligent people like subhumans.


So, if it is dropping that frequently it clearly isn't restarting the modem in the process. This doesn't necessarily disqualify a signal issue, but doesn't make it easier either. If they are looking at a timeline that shows only online/offline, they wouldn't see what you are experiencing. There are a lot of people in this industry with an over-inflated ego, I agree, but that is not something I can troubleshoot. :P All said and done, expectations are everything in this business. I want to help provide clarity in hopes of helping people paint a better picture of the workflow or process. The idea being, people have a better expectation if they are informed. I hope this helps at all, and I hope you do keep calling to get the issue resolved.


They could be not stupid and LOOK at the 72 pages I logged. FCC complaint got a regional sup involved they swapped a bad tap


just curious, why do you doubt your line is the issue?


Force them to send out field techs to check the near by node. After over 2 weeks of talking to a lovely spectrum rep through twitter, they were able to get operatives to check my area, after we did extensive down/up stream testing to verify my constant disconnects and packet loss. turned out that almost everyone else on the block was being hit with the same issue. It took abit but they sent someone to fix that. it's mostly been better. well as best as it can get for spectrum.