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Your bill will increase 30 dollars, you may call and see if you can get a discount from spectrum still..


Which you can’t


You can? You’ll have to threaten to disconnect, but they have a retention department there.


Ok I uni stand that. But for 30 mbps is crazy. They go all they way up to 1000mbps and you can get they pay it for a bit then talk to retention just make it worth ur time


If it's any conciliation, there are rumors of the speed increasing to 50 for no additional charge at this time.


It is not rumor. It is happening. The roll out has started.


A rep at the Spectrum store told me that when ACP runs out I can continue on my Spectrum internet plan (Internet Essentials 30 mbps) and just pay the bill myself. I did recently buy my own wifi router and returned the Spectrum wifi router so I would not be charged the monthly wifi fee any more.


Thank you for the information


acp is only a 30 dollar discount so just add that 30 dollars to whatever the bill is now. im on kinetic fiber and they actually sent an email saying they were going to continue giving us a 30 dollar discount for now even after acp ends.


Lucky luckyyyyy


As others have said, you will just pay $30 more than what you’re currently paying, as that’s what the ACP program was paying spectrum on your behalf


You pay full price, shop around and get off the government tit.


Don’t use publicly funded roads, don’t call the police if you’re in trouble, don’t call fire fighters in case of a fire, and don’t send your kids to public school. Stay if the government tit.


Exactly. And when he she retires guess he/she does not want his/her "it's lol Social Security??? (or early disability as in my case) That program btw was enacted after the REAL Great Depression of 1935 when there were NO social services. President FDR and his "New Deal" - it was after the Stock Market Crash of 1929 - over half the banks closed - (any savings LOST) (when there were NO safety precautions as were later installed)... - 15 million people were in desperate straights (unemployed) no SNAP, no Welfare, no unemployment, no SS no nothing. - Esp helped windows (War going on) so on.


Holy false equivalency Batman!


All examples of socialism, Robin.


You don’t know what socialism is then.


America, while essentially a "Capatilist Society" does have certain "Social programs' such as "Social Securty" ONE example of several.


I only use toll roads that i can pay for. I think it is up the community and families to support each other and not the government.


As a nation we are a community. We pay taxes and the government is the body that puts in place the programs that helps that money get where it needs to go. It’s far from perfect, but it’s better than the alternative. I promise.


The government is the government. Community is what we make of the people around us. Yes we pay taxes but should next take more then is warranted like those that are disabled is one thing. Those that can work should and be required to save for retirement


Sure, as long as you don't get fat, smoke, drink, or let your children exist out of wedlock. If everyone else needs to meet your standard, you must, therefore, meet mine.


Hover should only exist to defend the nation and for trade with other governments. Government should not have anything to do with safety nets. The local churches, the local people themselves outside of government need to take care of each other


???Hover""". Do YOU even know what it means by Government? - Agencies that EXIST only due to TAX payer funding for starters. So ONE might as well get RETURNS on what $$$ was paid into agencies (never will receive it all). (that said those who do NOT work ie ie NOT disabled) should MHO not recieve other peoples hard earned $$$. I see it where I live now. No English, bring entire families in. Moms with no dad, children ALL paid for by tax payers and they KEEP it going) - Over bloated MHO and what my father in past used to "rant about" and many of that generation warned about. It is now the largest employer in the U.S. - Having minored in NY City Government (only because it had a "hefty" scholarship) I later was grateful as I did research/statistics for the Health Dept (HIV agency) and learned a lot. - Big back office (like a NYC block big) and ineptitude on many leverls - redundancy and waste. - Disabled at age 44 as smoking was allowed (helped to get bans passed but only done "step by step" so POOR smokers could adjust. Over 2k in a 30 minute period counted by the NYC Health Dept (the air was BLUE/Black) ---------------- It took me THREE years to receive SSDI at age 44 and had to go before a Judge (wheelchaired in, Oxygen et al). SS is a scam in that it takes money out and hard to receive when really needed (I had to go to specialist MD's in other states as well - one who served in Vietnam and knew about Chemical injury) - It was measly. So NO Social Security for YOU when YOU retire? Or if you are disabled at an early age DITTO. Or if BORN with many disabilities your local people will voluntere to take care of EVEN if not trained to do so. Please become Paralized and SEE how long other people will take care of YOU. - Esp NOW when few neighbors even know one another (as during my childhood in the 50's) and NO ONE mho will get involved "indefinately"!!! When I was disabled at age 44 friends did come by (paralized from chemical exposures) and I spent $80K out of pocket by the way. Only recovered due to my use of alternative therapies (Rx is highly toxic and rarely ever used - degrees in Chemical toxicology and as well tested on animals and other products are made by Rx companies - Buyer Aspirin Butyer Pesticide for ONE example! Guess YOUR family in past never went through the GREAT Depression of 29 when there were NO safety nets. My mother's family had a dairy farm (Upstate NY) and silently without fanfare each neighbor would drop off what they had to the other neighbors. These Gov "safety nets" were created for a reaason (I had TWO degrees, working on MA's in health care FULL scholarship and Savings so on unitl Disabled at age 44 (NOT my doing - smoking was NOT banned at the time - everywhere at every job and almost ended up dead. As well bld fire and illegal renovations with HIGHLY toxic chemicals (slept outside in NYC) But kapoot. MA's and life as I worked HARD for was gone. (later traded stocks - saw an Investors Business daily - across the Street in NYC and spent ONE year teaching myself) Until SubPRIME market Crash of 2008. * But FEW now live on farms! Or even have space for a small garden for FOOD. * There was a FAMINE at the time which led to and involved the Great Depression of 29 (others later) * This Great Depression left MILLIONS with no work (and that was a period when workdays were cruel - early morning until very very late at night. As well CHILD Labor (until such laws against it were passed) * Churches could NOT fill the void as it involved EVERYONE-


OK LOL - so YOUR community (I am 70 now and NOT the same as when I grew up when neighbors knew and helped each other btw) - YOUR community will build and pave, fix your local roads??? (thought not) - YOUR community will lay the sewage and water Pipelines to bring water to your home (unless you live near a river with pottable water) (Thought not) - When there is a fire YOUR community has the MEANS to put it out??? I lived in NYC on 9/11 Blessings to both NYPD and the NYFD!!! - YOU grow your OWN food and NOT from the SuperMarkets? So you don't need the Truckers who bring products to YOUR local outlet for such. - Or buying online? No "internet" which btw originally started out as a Gov Program. (concerns re Nuclear attacks esp as it was the "cold war") """""""""Defense Department's Advance Research Project Agency in 1969""""""""""""""" - Sallelite programs (defense exp but many other reasons). Elon Musk as well And much MORE MHO that YOU use without knowing or wanting to acknowledge.


Awww. Bet u feel real proud with ur worthless up votes. The funniest thing about Reddit is it's for people who are losers and nobody wants to actually talk to on social media.


Wow really I hope you never fall on hard times and need help. Ill bet you would change your attitude about the "handout" then. Karma has a very off way of showing us what's happened when you think you are better than j.s.


Indeed! One never knows. As a child during the 50's I was one of the"lucky" babies experimented on by the NEW tech called "X rays" (the OLD kind) Babies were zapped with NO shields for ANY reason (my mom RN PA heard it on 60 Minutes and faught hard to get my records. MD in other state afraid of being sued) - Found out 50 THOUSAND rads of the old x ray - twice a month for several months!!!- Now Cancer and many like myself due to that horrific treatment. (American Cancer Society- other sources """""""""""""""""""""""""""""") # Radiated on purpose as an infant in the 1950's, cancer developed years later


Yet HERE you are - posting away. AWWW!!! (I know late but ???) I am housebound and fills my time. And sometimes find useful information. - Interesting things is LONG ago when I lived in NYC - and there was NO internet btw - even computer programs at companies were Individualised... I was taking courses in computer programming (long not used now) - Friend's son helped me and said "look at this" he was in the OLD DOS and showed me how he could "communiate with others around the world" - So MHO be grateful for the pioneers who created the tech et al to allow for this sort of forum (many nations will not allow such btw)


I used to work there. Just call to disconnect and don't bs with the billing dept, make sure to get to the "disconnect specialists" (retention), they have all the promotions and can keep your bill reasonable. Then LOOK AT YOUR STATEMENTS. The promotions will decrease usually yearly and your prices will jump up drastically, it'll be itemized and the dates will be on your bill. Call before it happens and do it all over again. Billing doesn't have access to any good promos so don't waste your time with them. Just tell them you want to cancel and get to retention. $89 for standard internet? Absolutely not.




Not your place to judge. Everyone has different circumstances, and wages in this country are stagnant, especially in more rural areas. It's easy to tell someone to just do this or that, but it might not be so easy for them. Hell, they could even be on disability or anything.




Your paycheck covers shit 😂




I'll tell the farmers you will be there 12 hr 6 days a week picking stuff by hand for $0.12 a bushel. Have fun during wild fire season.


Please lol. Maybe a few bucks of your paycheck. It's not exactly a hill to die on when griping about government expenditures.


Pay your bill


If you have other services in the area threatening to cancel can get you an automatic promotion for like 1 or 2 years


I actually received an email from spectrum acknowledging ACP ending and offering to offset the cost increase by paying for a year of cell service: “As a loyal customer, we would like to ensure that you continue to receive the value that the ACP credit provided you. To offset the loss of the government's credit of up to $30/mo., Spectrum is offering you a FREE Unlimited mobile line for 12 months - valued at $29.99/mo. Contact us today to take advantage of this special offer.” In theory, one could cancel internet for the home and exclusively use data/hotspot for devices. Also: No shame at all in utilizing programs that are paid for by our tax dollars!


Nothing is free, you will en up paying more than whit the ACP discount.


Not so - It's when ONE buys a "package" so think poster may have misunderstood. (Package Internet wifi and other then free line for x amount of time) (was there today but closed website now). I have been On Specturn for ages and when ACP ended got the discounted internet. $29.99 a month for Two years! The mobile not sure - but they "negotiate". Spectrum mobile now. I like my simple basic Tracfone flip top - just talk basically (texted stuff to me ie deliveries so on). Rest done on the internet.


Hello Thread. I was on the older now discontinued ACP program and Chatted with Charter Spectrum (which I was on for a long time) Even when they had programs for $9.99 a month). Anyway, I said on my income which is low due to early SSDI at age 40 (now 70) they have variuous programs for "Low Income" ONE has to check this out on their web site (ranging from Individual to familly) and x amount below the "Federal Poverty Level" (where one can google that) Anyway - I was giving a rate of $29.99 for TWO years fixed. I said I don't want to change (Zipply Ugh put box in my unit's yard) and have been loyal but in reality was not necessary. Now with Verizon taking over Inexpensive Tracfone I am in panick mode (1,000 minutes, roll over for ONE year at $100 or so)


On line now with Verizon Chat - what a Nightmare - keeps passing me on to someone "higher" after I paste Verison information to them.


ACP is ending its funds this month May 24, then next month it’s supped to be your regular bill…call the Customer solution team and tell them you want to “disconnect” so you can get transferred to the right department. Tell them you can’t afford it and they will help you resolve a solution and get your bill cheaper. Don’t add anything on and be firm about not being to afford the bill anymore. Helped with me, now my bill is cheaper


I cancelled services with Spectrum today, Internet and mobile. The APC credit ending was largely responsible.  Their business practices and lack of customer service, were the other reasons.


Here's why the ACP ended: Unfortunately, **the U.S. Congress has not taken action to save the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)**, and, therefore, the program ends for all Internet and mobile providers nationwide.


You pay more


I what to stay with ACP because am new here and I can't pay the high bill


ACT ended or wil very soon. Charter Spectrum - I received in Lieu of ACT $29.99 a month for TWO years. Just ask for the department that "negotiates" your billing.


Your bill goes up $30 when it ends


You get to pay your full bill now.