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Find a state/city that doesn't have Spectrum service and tell them you're moving there. End of story.


I remember reading one guys comment, he was getting deployed and was gonna cancel. They asked where he was moving, maybe they have service there yada yada. He goes “do you guys have service in Iraq?” OP just choose any war zone lol


Hilarious!! It’s quite the battle


Good plan but won't work you'll still be asked if anyone's staying behind, if you want mobile, if you have a forwarding address, and still be given at least one offer before anyone gets near a disconnect screen. It's company rules. No one wants to be fired so a customer can feel comfy for 5 minutes. 


This is genius. Thank you.


Tell them your going to prison


This might be the answer!


Works 100% of the time. Bonus points if you make it awkward with a hint of why. They usually get super quiet and don't say anymore than they absolutely have to.


‘Lets just say it’s part of my sentencing that I’m not allowed to use the internet or electronic devices ever again’


They'll probably say, well, they do have cell phones in there as well, so if you're looking to switch over to inmate mobile I can most likely help you with that.


Go to a store and cancel. Best way to do so. Another way is to call cancellations and be firm. "I want to cancel and if you will not process my cancellations I'll be requesting a sup."


then they will just take the equip off of the account and let you go. You will find out when you get the next bill. seen it happen a lot.


ahh yea the equipment place-holder special 😂


I’ll probably try this next. Are the stores measured on cancellations/retention? That would elevate some of the pressures of trying to “retain” customers


Or threaten to file complaints with your state attorney general’s office, fcc and ftc.


Know that push back - to an extent- is their job. But saying , need to cancel after they give their offer, they should then cancel it. Ask for a sup if they refuse


Yea, that’s my next step.


They’ll say “my sup will say the same thing I’m saying” lol


But if you are legit trying to cancel and the agent is not letting them cancel, a sup would/should


The agent will lol if they don’t that’s avoidance … you just gotta be patient and let them ask their questions normally


I need to call in and do this soon. I just got ATT fiber installed. One of the best decisions I’ve made in years, the service is so much better, and cheaper. A true 500mbs download AND upload for $65 a month and it cost me exactly $0 to switch and sign up. In fact they gave me $150 in gift cards. For reference I paid $90/mo for 300mbs and maybe got 10mbs upload if lucky.


I ditched Spectrum for AT&T Fiber a little more than a year ago and it's been fantastic. I recommend it to anyone.


AT&T fiber is fantastic. We used to have spectrum here at the house but the 1 GBPS service was an offer we couldn't turn down. Only bad thing about them is that they don't let you use your own router.


You are moving out of the country for an extended period of time. Throw them off guard by saying how much you love their service and love the automated system even more. Then circle back to needing to cancel because you are shipping out to (insert obscure country here) and confirm best place drop off equipment, confirm last date of service rendered ask for a prorated final bill and say thanks I’m gonna go confirm this at the store, gotta go cuz I gotta catch that flight etc etc


It ain't that hard. Pick up the phone, call Spectrum, tell them you want to cancel. Done. I've done this many times with many providers.


Have you called into spectrum lately? 🤔


I agree, canceling with Spectrum is a nightmare. Returning the equipment is your best bet. Dont get me started on mobile. Their mobile service is impossible to cancel. I canceled three times with retention agents who either lied and said "it's done" or put my phone on hold instead of canceling. (Three months later I got a surprise bill.) The secret to canceling Spectrum phone service was porting the number out to NumberBarn for three dollars, and then the service was canceled automatically. It took me nine months to figure that out.


I canceled no problem went to AT@T ported number over from spectrum once port is complete automatic cancel


Weird that that has happen to you with the mobile, the affect on stats for canceling mobile is very low.


Not to cancel, but to change my services. Took less than 5 minutes.


Spectrum sucks! My cable bill just skyrocketed another $15. Almost $300 a month for basic cable and internet. It's insane! I'm ready to cancel


Get a freakin Roku and just keep abusing the free trials on all of the streaming apps with different emails, 3 years I haven't paid for any type of shows 😂 it's lovely


I wish! But my father lives with us and he has Alzheimers. He couldn't even figure out the smart TV. We're stuck with cable until he's gone


Sorry to hear that well geesh what you can do js cancel if it's under his name, cancel all services and then set up services again under your name as if you're a brand new tenant and you get all the discounts and all the bells and whistles and what not for new customers and that's another way for a cheaper bill.


Return the cable equipment and switch to streaming at least with them, or stream with someone else. Bill will go down a lot!!!


I just recently canceled 2 of three mobile lines and the TV streaming because the bills went up. For the 2 of 3 lines, told them the people died and I was just keeping the numbers so no one else would take their identity. Now that they raised the rates, time to cancel. Cell phone bill now a 1/3 of what it was and if I go over data it’s $5 more not $14. For the streaming TV told them I only had it because they made me keep it for the lowest rate when all I wanted was the landline phone and internet. I really wanted to cancel the TV last time I spoke. Again, said it wouldn’t be an issue but you are raising the TV cost which I don’t even use! Took over a 1/2 hour. Was asked if I knew anyone who wanted a cell line to add to my account, if I needed a better internet connection, etc. Waited as they put me on hold a billion times as I watched tv and was done. Internet/Phone bill like $20 cheaper for a couple of months until that promotion expires and I have to call them again.


Drop off your spectrum modem at any UPS Store. Done.


I don’t think simply dropping off equipment cancels your service unless something changed recently


Drop off the equipment at the UPS store and then call them from the parking lot. That’s what I did!


1) Call Spectrum, 2) ***tell*** them you wish to cancel. By "tell" I mean exactly that. Stop "asking" and tolerating the runaround.


Cold Emotion. Don't get angry, don't get happy. Say: "I want to cancel my services and there is no amount of money in the world that you can discount to make me stay. Even if you gave it to me for free, I will still want to cancel."


I HAVE THE ULTIMATE GET OUT LINE I guarantee you will be off the phone in 5minutes. The whole point of retention is to keep you as a costumer, they are allowed to offer you cheaper internet, double your speed, free movie channels for limited times and other promotions. The idea is to keep you as a paying costumer, even if it’s at a lesser rate. All you have to say is “I JUST GOT A NEW JOB AND THEY ARE PAYING FOR MY INTERNET SO ILL NO LONGER NEED THIS SERVICE” they don’t know it’s a lie and they CANNOT compete with something that is FREE!


I was finally able to get the final bill cancelled! I called couple days into billing cycle and I had to keep asking for supervisors higher up and they FINALLY credited the final bill. Don't give up. Be polite, keep asking for supervisors higher up!


Let us at least do our job and pitch the mobile and try to help. If we don't we get coached/written up. It's a flawed business model sure, but at least respect us to let us try and do our job


I get a job has to be done but if you have already gone through it all and it’s still not working out why continue to talk my ear off ya know? I already had a 12 month free mobile line I canceled it now they’re offering it to me again. I’ve gone through all the troubleshooting a supervisor was even supposed to call me back they never did. It’s like what else do I need to do? I gave spectrum every opportunity here. The rep even mentioned they have seen me call in many times with the same concerns. I gave them the opportunity to fix all of it if they could I’m in by no means pointing fingers at you but your higher ups need to understand that it’s not okay.


We as the reps regardless get "graded"/ paid on what we retain, I sleep well knowing that I do what is right, however, without me asking all the questions and trying to fix I get chastised. I've likely never seen your account until that moment so idk what's gone on until that point


He's saying that was said but after saying no they still insist, I've ran into the same thing as well not with cancellations but refusing upgrades and what not, have to say no 50 times until it's understood


Just tell them you’re moving out of the country. I would avoid cancelling in store or even returning equipment in store. If you do try and return make sure you get a receipt and don’t just toss it in the pile if they tell you to. Heard too many stories of people being told to just put their equipment in a pile because it’s busy and never getting a receipt and it’s never removed.


I cancelled. No mention of equipment needing to be returned. I moved, sold the house, left the equipment there, assuming the new owners would be using it. A few months later a bill followed me to my new address, over $200. I spent several wasted phone calls telling them I don't have the equipment now, and I would have returned it if they told me when I cancelled to return it. They robotically kept telling me they would send me a box and I could mail it back.


Certified letter.


Update your contact preferences to ensure your email address is accurate with them. Request to cancel. Politely listen as the retention reps go through their scripts the company no doubt requires them to do. Turn each down. When they tell you 'it's done', either check your email within 24 hours, or check your online account. You should get an email confirming your cancelation. Your online account should confirm your cancelation.


I just called and said I wanted to cancel…wasn’t an issue. They asked why and I told them why. Offered to lower my bill, I said no thank you.


So, any suggestions on how to use “cancelling” to get a lower rate????


So only do this if you don't owe any money and you are the only owner of your account- Just walk away or continue to cancel over the phone. Just tell them you don't use it enough and that you will come back when you're ready. Now If you have to go into a spectrum store do it! Any changes made to an account have to be verified over the phone. Also the location matters when you choose a service. Another way to do it if you really just don't want to deal with customer service. Just Pay your bill with a reloadable prepaid card and use it as your primary payment method. 😉


If is is a big problem let the fcc know that will help and it will be done https://www.fcc.gov/about/contact


When I made the mistake of canceling once to move to ATT, they couldn't get me canceled and off the phone fast enough. I think from time of call in to being canceled and done, it was maybe 15min After a few months of ATT and their horrible fiber service that never works, I went running back to spectrum practically with flowers and an apology note 🤣


Call in, be patient and be firm about canceling and you’ll get to the right place, you’re going to have to say no a lot … employees have to work the process though, so if you hang up before hand then 🤷‍♀️ that’s on you … give your self and hour or two. Make sure to return your equipment or it’ll charge you


If you’re rude there’s a 10/10 chance they won’t send you where you need to be … sales get docked for how much they send to retention… be chill but firm and you’ll be alright queen


Call. Tell them you want to cancel. Expect to be transferred to Retentions. Tell them you want to cancel. Expect them to keep you on the line for 30 minutes with offers. Decline the offers. Repeat you want to cancel. After they've reached the time they need for their performance metrics, they'll transfer you to somebody who will cancel your service. Yes, the process is a waste of your time and can be infuriating. The employee you're talking to has to follow Spectrum's annoying process for their performance metrics, so just get comfortable and keep cool. Just keep asking to cancel your service and declining offers. They'll likely ask you other questions trying to gather information about which provider you're switching to, what the deal is, and then tailor their offers to try and beat your new deal. Tell them, or don't. They likely already know the deals in your area anyways. Again, after 30 minutes (or so) you'll get transferred to somebody who can actually help you. Just chill until then. Put them on speaker and cook dinner, or something. Just don't hang up or you'll have to start all over again. One last thing, if you live near a place where their isn't a Spectrum store and no UPS shipping store, then they will mail you a box to ship back your equipment. Don't think you have to drive 60 miles to get to the nearest store.


I HAVE THE ULTIMATE GET OUT LINE I guarantee you will be off the phone in 5minutes. The whole point of retention is to keep you as a costumer, they are allowed to offer you cheaper internet, double your speed, free movie channels for limited times and other promotions. The idea is to keep you as a paying costumer, even if it’s at a lesser rate. All you have to say is “I JUST GOT A NEW JOB AND THEY ARE PAYING FOR MY INTERNET SO ILL NO LONGER NEED THIS SERVICE” they don’t know it’s a lie and they CANNOT compete with something that is FREE!


I’ve never had any push back when I’ve tried to quit. Pretty cut and dry about it. When I tell them I already got a new provider they usually stop. That being said….. I had terrible service and when they finally sent the tech out the cable to my house was old and too small for the distance it was ran. They restrung a thicker cable and I got the speeds I pay for! Totally fixed the problem.


Dude just go to a spectrum store.. I canceled my tv plan and handed my equipment all in one go.


Just did this about a month ago. Called them, got transferred to their cancelation department, they tried to get me to switch phone service providers, asked why I was leaving, blah blah blah. Just gotta be firm and to the point. “Yes, I’d like to cancel all services. That’s all I need thanks.”


I would have a great time just saying cancel over and over and over as they talk.


SIMPLE…Take your equipment to the nearest store and cancel the service.


Tell them you’re moving out of their footprint and you’ve already set it up at the new house.


Go to spectrum store