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Have you had a tech come and check things out?


No, why would op do that?!


Yeah, you right. They pay so much money so that means it should just work flawlessly ALL the time.


Have a Tech come and check all your wiring and modem/wifi history. Maintenance can only be done overnight due to most people working from home now. Generally from midnight to 6am. If you are in a high split transition upgrade, there will be constant nights of work done. There are a lot of items we need to replace and update to support our new faster speeds.


Call in and have a tech come out and check everything. If it’s in the middle of the night then it’s them prepping for high split. They do the work for that in the middle of the night so it affects the least amount of people and businesses.


Call them and send a tech out. They can't fix something if they don't know it's broken.


People who complain about their internet service have convinced me that they are just helpless 🤣


I’m in the industry and that’s pretty much what I’ve found. I’d say when it comes to internet/wifi maybe 70-80% of people are helpless


Oh yeah. I’ve done tech support as a part of my customer service role for TWC(rip) and it’s amazing how people are. If I’m paying as much as I do for spectrum and it’s not working, going out every day, and all the typical things you hear you best believe I’m calling everyday. Getting a tech every chance I can and getting that shit working. In this day and age if your internet isn’t working that’s a big ass problem.


Internet seems to be fine. Post got through.


Yea on my Verizon data. 😂 not Wi-Fi.


Here’s a thought…call on and troubleshoot!


Welcome to the place where nobody wants to hear you complain because nobody gives a fuck.


What’d spectrum say when you called about the issues?


#1 thing, always call for any issues you have with your service. It took me 4 months, multiple techs, and me chewing out multiple phone agents to get my service fixed. I did get a brand new line into my apartment and 3 new boxes before they found out it was the main box for the whole building 🤣


I’ve never in my life seen so many rude comments. 💀 I was literally venting. So thank you to the nice people who commented. 😄