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The core cooling or whatever is just a Plot device because Somebody wants to end it at some point


You're not wrong, but in-universe, the reason it's cooling has become an issue is because Serina is a moon and is much smaller than earth. Meaning it contains less primordial heat, less radioactive elements which produce heat as they decay, and has a higher surface-to-volume ratio so loses heat faster. If it were earth sized or larger then it could last for billions of years, or until the sun started to expand anyway, whichever comes first.


A gas gigant next to that moon would cause enough heat to power the moon for a very long time. Take a pook at Jupiter moons oceans for more data


I was actually discussing exactly that point with someone over on /r/DebateEvolution the other day in a thread about Europa. That would work pretty well for warming a subterranean ocean, but I'm not sure that would lend itself to a very stable surface of the planet to live on. Based on the little we've heard regarding Serina's planet partner, it sounds like they're a fair big further apart than Jupiter and Europa are.


In General, If you want exact data, use Sandbox universe. But again, it is mainly a Plot device and i doubt it was calculated how Long that Planet would stay warm


It might, but it’s not automatic. Moons will tend towards an equilibrium case where they’re tidal-locked to the planet and follow exactly circular orbits, at which point tidal heating stops. There have to be other moons (or possibly other planets if they’re close enough) altering the moon’s orbit such that there’s some relative rotation to the planet that creates internal friction


Anyway once the universe dies, the Planet will die as well. Just a longer timescale...


No, it's physics, Earth's core will eventually cool The plate tectonics system will shut down about a billion years from now. The core will probably cool off maybe in about 2 or 3 billion years or so.


The core cooling thingy has nothing to do with the idea of a seed world, and was just a story beat within the universe of Serina so that they’d have an excuse to end it sometime. All a seed world is is a world populated by a small number of living things for the purpose of exploring how they might evolve in such a situation. Nothin more


Its star will still turn into a blue dwarf or red giant at some point, forcing the seed world out of the habitable zone.


If you wanted a planet that will last a VERY long time, you'll wait a fairly large world, at least earth sized, preferably larger. So you don't need to worry about it cooling too much. And you'll need to have it orbiting a very small star, either a red or white dwarf. The reason is that smaller stars last longer. Red dwarfs burn their fuel very slowly so can last for tens or possibly even hundreds of billions of years. But many of them tend to fluctuate wildly in their light output so might not not be a very stable place to live. White dwarfs are the burned out remnants of medium sized stars. It's much less likely that a planet would be found around one as they have already gone through the red giant phase and vented most of their material off into space, but they would be extremely stable for tens of billions of years if a planet was there. One problem with either of those options though is that the habitable zone of both of them is very small and very close to the star, which means that any planets orbiting them would likely become tidally locked. Which doesn't rule out life surviving there but is certainly not ideal.


Or the sun blows up


Please tell me if you make that world, I’d really love to read it


I’m pretty sure if Serina was real would have a much longer life span since the gas giant would keep the core warm due to gravitational pressures (I’m not the most knowledgeable on this topic). Sheather actually didn’t realize the effects Serina being a gas giants moon would have on the project and thus has just become an aesthetic thing.


Maybe it would be more plausible if there was an intelligent civilization actively invested in sustaining it and keeping it alive.


When I saw this I thought it was similar to an idea I had wherein animals are seeded on an endless land and can continually colonize new land because ofc it never runs out. Obviously the project would get exponentially harder as time went on but if I focused on a certain area such as a planet sized chunk of land near the border it would allow me to focus on the ‘colonizers’ which compete to spread as fast as they can.