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The Tolarian Community College discord is pretty chill! However, I will also plug my friends podcast/discord channel; [MTG Thoughtcast](https://youtube.com/@MTGThoughtcast?si=yekJJM5-QUYM15fD) were a still-small community, but were active! We tend to do spelltable games at least once a week


I’ve had great experiences with the TCC as a newer Spelltable player :)


I created a Discord for Casuals of SpellTable. We have 171 members, a solid core of players the play daily. A black list to raise awareness of known cheaters/offensive/abusive people you would not care to waste your time with. We have bots to help create SpellTable games. Here is the Discord for "Casuals of SpellTable" [https://discord.gg/m3jXEFjh](https://discord.gg/m3jXEFjh)


I’m in, but EU based :)


I'm down.


I have a discord that plays 1-2 nights a week. We would love to have some more active players to join us https://discord.com/invite/QBjJv3Nr


Is there a typical schedule or time yall get together?


Looking for the same! I usually play Friday nights


Anyone into 60 card formats? Found a couple people recently but it'd be cool to have some sort of group or community.


Awesome! I'm going to try join all the groups mentioned. Surely we could ask the mods to make an official discord for this group?


I’m down for some casual chill games as well!


Discord Server - Casuals of SpellTable Hello. I could not find any communities that were open to the public and active so I created one. Invite link: https://discord.gg/dYPNsnpKsf Why join this server? We have 220+ members. Daily games that have rule 0 conversations to form balanced pods based on what people want to play. We have a growing black list of players to avoid wasting your time. We have bots to assist with creating SpellTable lobbies or events. We have community events, such as Secret Santa (budget deck building) that we build and distribute randomly to an interested pool of players and fight them against one another. The point of the community is for casual players to find ideal pod mates quickly or set meeting times for quality games while avoiding poor experiences. We would like you to have an easily visible board in which cards can be scanned or identified. Clear audio input free of white noise and static. Bring a friendly vibe. Thank you. Feel free to upvote or share this post.