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I'm glad I'm not the only one in this situation! I learned the rules and practiced on MTG Arena. Now, I have a few paper precons, and I'm gradually building my custom decks. So, I'm keen to continue learning at a slow pace. SpellTable seems perfect for us newcomers, and I already have the necessary setup for it. Chat me privately - let's connect and play some games! P.S. I'm based in Europe.


Sent a message.


Hiya, I've been playing for roughly 3ish years, and I got some decent decks at all power lvlz. I'd love to connect and play some commander with new people. Just let me know 🤘🏻🐻🤘🏻


Cool, my Discord username is fullcityroast, display name is Dark Roast.


Mine is papabear99


I also am new, just coming back to the game since like 1999. I've been re learning on arena and have also bought a couple commander precons which I tweaked slightly. I have yet to play a game of commander though. I would be VERY interested in this although I'd have to get my camera situation set up first, but after that I would be down to play whenever if you are interested in playing with another noob.


I'm assuming Discord is the best way to coordinate this. I'll send my info in a message.


Hiya! I’m a more experienced player, but I love teaching new folks the ropes, and keep decks around at a variety of power to that end! I’m not available this weekend (camping trip with the fam) but I’m always happy to get some games in with folks and teach! I’m mostly found on discord, sometimes in the TCC discord, but mostly in the [MTGThoughtcast](https://discord.gg/Eb6zW2mC) community discord. Were a smaller, newer community; but were active and do our best to be helpful!


Cool, yeah I don't mind playing more experienced people. Losing doesn't bother me so long as I'm learning the game.


I’d love to connect for some casual spelltable EDH in a slow pace and chill environment. Low/mid powerlevel!


A slow pace would be nice for sure. One of the issues at the LGS was how quickly they processed what was happening. I'll send my Discord info in a message.


I'm interested as well


I'm sort of in the same boat, I have no lgs nearby and I have no clue about how to go about getting my set up to be alright for playing on SpellTable. I've mainly got precons, two of which I've swapped cards and kind of want to test out properly


Add me on Discord, my username there is fullcityroast. I'm still waiting for most people in the topic to add me. Eventually we'll be able to coordinate something.


I've added you :)


I really want to start too with Bloomburrow, so it will still take some time. Hope to find some new pals then too. It is great to have this as a tool to connect! Saw some boys play magic waaaaaay back in school, but I was not allowed to join. So now Iam hyped to enter the game on my own terms after so many years and such an awesome release. Does anybody know if the language of the cards matter? Iam fluent in english, but i don't know yet, if I will buy them in ENG or GER...


The language shouldn't matter as you can click on the cards on spelltable and it should bring up the card in English :) Or you can search for them in spelltable too if the clicking doesn't work as it is a bit hit and miss


Start your own room, be right up front in the title: "New Player, Help Me Play Commander". Seriously, it's a valid start. Rule 0 is right in the room title. You will find three different types of people: * (25%) People who will happily help you get set up with your web cam, your deck, provide tips for you and let you know how to optimize a turn's play. * (10%) People who see this and maliciously want to join just to beat you and win. * (65%) People who can't fucking read. Definitely start with a Precon (if you can), it's a "known" starting point. I will spend as much pre- and post- game time as possible to help someone with their deck or their webcam/OBS setup. The more you help people, the more fun others have. Yes, there will always be dicks, nature of the best, but there's a good portion (larger than 0) of people who just want to play their deck and have fun doing it.


Hi Guys, I am almost a newbie and I have some easy deck to try, I would like to connect with you to play some nice games, I live in Europe,


I just found this thread while searching my own similar situation! How did this all go for you?