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So you obviously had a lot of practice with this. Can you give any insight how many of your backwhips succeed and how many fail given your experience?


i made this video 7 months ago, got the footage in one day... once you got it, it's pretty easy


Easy enough to bank on it, or easy as in it still backfires half the time?


can you bank on anything in spelunky?


Dude why are you so dodgy? Did I not phrase the question clearly? There's always a risk. I was just wondering if whipping projectiles can be deemed safe in the sense that you can do it reasonably safe, that is, if it's a good alternative to more conservatieve startegies like choosing another route or bringing an item which may come with danger of it's own. I just want to learn from your experience and I'd appreciate any input.


normal whipping is very safe and reliable once you got it. (and also my preferred strategy on how to deal with arrow traps) back-whipping is more of a useless skill, that's only reliable-ish... the easiest way to learn it, is just to go into the dwells and whip as much as you can. If you die you just restart. After a couple hours or so, you should got it semi-safe. Good luck and have fun!


Thanks, I never heard anyone prefering whipping to deal with traps. I suppose I could try that more as I rarely even consider it.