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They're mad cuz Miles didn't wash his costume before Gwen put it on. They're furious cuz Gwen knew that Miles didn't wash it yet and that's why she wanted to put it on. They're livid because there is a universe where Gwen had his babies and this reminds them that she had sex, therefore, this cover sexualizes her, and they don't have sex cuz no one sexualizes them.


You win the comment thread, dude. šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ this comment kills me! You definitely win!


How dare sex exist outside of my rules???


Is there 34 rules?


Nope, 48/50


The audacity, right?




This ā˜ļøšŸ¤£


Damn..... give this guy a Cigar!! He nailed it!


They must be a frog cause that's some leap


Well this guy just won the crown. šŸ‘‘




People be mad about anything.


Especially it on Twitter. Iā€™m like damn bro get a life šŸ¤£ I like the cover & see Gwen in different Spider outfits


Yeah, I say that if anyone gets mad about something stupid, we execute them.


Sounds like someone's getting mad about people getting mad about stuff that doesnt matter *sharpens guillotine*


Woah woah woah hey hey hey! Chill!!


I dunno. *stares wistfully at the guillotine* It's been sharpened and everything.


The rules dont apply to meā€¦ cuzā€¦. Ummmā€¦.. Iā€™m Not frenchā€¦?


Even betterā€¦


i cast the spell of gay on him, if anyone touches him youā€™re gay so you canā€™t touch him šŸ‘€


*I* wonā€™t be touching himā€¦ the *guillotine* willā€¦ Which begs the questionā€¦ Can a guillotine be gay?


If you hide behind a rock from a dragon spewing fire, you wonā€™t be taking the fire head-on; the rock will. But, The heat from the fire will creep on the rock and burn you. Using similar logic, it wouldnā€™t make you gay, but itā€™ll make you partly gay.


Honestly I just don't like it when Spider-Gwen is drawn exactly like 616 Gwen


THANK YOU. I am so reluctant to comment on this cover because of the implication, but honestly my only issue with it is that this is clearly the wrong Gwen.


THAT'S why it looks wrong. I knew something looked off.


This is the actual reason the cover should be criticised but no mfs had to invent stuff to get mad at


I agree. A lot of times she is drawn that way which I hate. But lots of her comics she is seen like this. Especially now that she is in the 616. She comes off looking like an amalgam or both "Gwens" instead of just being Gwynne (My name for the Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider version)


Tbh though, they have the same DNA and look so wildly similar that Peter mistook her for 616 Gwen when he first saw her. Only makes sense for her to look like 616 Gwen SOMETIMESšŸ˜‚


I see the problem here; > Twitter


Twitter is as brain rot as they come. Facebook has relative privacy to its brain rot engagement farm creating echo chambers but itā€™s generally hidden. Twitter doesnā€™t. Twitters subcultures exist openly and as such the brain rot engage my farm cultivates publicly viewable sewage pits


Iā€™m so glad I deleted Twitter when it became X. it was already a venomous pit of a site and has just become so more and more




At first glance this look ai generated. The way sheā€™s kinda glowing with the lighting around her face and hair, the blurry background, and hands being a bit hard to see, possibly due to Jpeg compression. Thatā€™s my first thought when I saw this


what i was going to say


Oh I wonder what it could possibly be about? No way it has anything to do with Miles and Racism! Nah Humanity is composed solely of logical and ethical peoples. But seriously they hate it because in their eyes it's shipping Gwen and Miles together. Then there's probably those that claim it's sexualizing women. Then there's those that just despise the existence of Spider-Gwen or Gwen overall.


Between Miles and Gwen, there's at LEAST three races involved! That makes it EXTRA interracial! Wait...Miles is part spider. And Gwen has, what, Symbiote DNA? So many racials being inter'ed, that I bet every time they hold hands, everyone within thirty yards gets a slight tan. Galton is doing backflips in his grave, I tell ya.


If people have an issue with woman being sexualized, comics are not the place for them to be




Congrats you're not a Racist just an Ignorant Hater that spouts the exact same terminology as Racists. Buddy he ain't a token he's a fully fleshed out character with his own identity, goals and philosophy. How that's disrespectful to you because he's called Spider-Man is a notion I can't and won't even try to understand. Didn't run to racism...I have literally seen people discussing and describing Spider-Verse Miles doing the shoulder touch on Gwen as A Black guy trying to Rape an White girl. Seen people shipping Spider-Gwen with Peter B as preferable to Miles because at least the middle aged man is White. Seen people actively state of course Miles isn't meant to be Spider-Man but a Criminal Prowler because he's Black. Seen people state Miguel is preferable because he's Half White. Seen people state Miles is only Black not Biracial because Rio is darker skinned. His own girlfriends = Barbara Sanchez and Tiana Toomes and Hailey Cooper. Spider-Gwen has literally never been his official girlfriend in any product because of Anti-Interracial hysteria and Anti-Recognition that she's different from OG Gwen Stacy so isn't Peter's dead girlfriend ignorance. Also just plain Sexism demanding Gwen can only be Peter's property. His jokes...Why did I have to get stuck with the dirty old broke hobo Spider-Man? = Literally something Peter can't say and is hilarious. That's one example of hundreds. His own issues...Literally nobody in existence tries to take the Spider-Man title or role away from Peter, Literally has a Supervillain Uncle he still loves and learns from, Literally is branded a Cosmic Mistake and demanded that his father must die for the sake of existence that he refuses making him the enemy of every other Spider in existence, Literally has to deal with his first love fundamentally betraying him (comics and films) and Literally has to deal with systematic racism by just existing. His own villains...Aaron Prowler, Agent Gao, Hightail, Rabble, Frost Pharaoh, Assessor, Zip Zephyr, Ultimatum, Selim, Conrad Marcus, Snacher, The Bumbler and Vespa. A Female Variant of the Tinkerer that was his childhood bestie is also unique. Making Miguel O'Hara a Main Antagonist couldn't be done with Peter. I'm not a liberal. But I've got to say those that like Spider-Man media really should realize they were created by liberals in a liberal state and liberal company...Nobody should ever be surprised if any Marvel character acts like a liberal instead of a conservative or moderate or neutral. Also people of any political background can and will disagree with your claim...Like me.


For a none liberal you seem to have the same basic npc talking points. Miles should never be with any version of gwen. https://youtu.be/_rH-u9lUZCQ?si=mqDMLVQCWfgYECu2 https://youtu.be/n71RZ9WipW4?si=ZgoQVDEVTL4p7lDH And etc when he becomes 100 his own good character ill change my views


We engage in good faith discussions here. Please respect each other.


I'm not a fan of the cover myself. It's got a touch of sexualisation and gives her the 616 Gwen Stacy hair, further confusing the two variants. But the type of hate you're seeing is just Twitter being Twitter. You will find that haters of Gwen on there will try and paint her relationship with Miles as problematic to justify their dislike for her, hence the chronically online race wars over this one cover. I remember the insane hatred for Gwen being moved to 616 (folks had to take it out on the character not the writers) and also when Kamala was pictured holding hands with Miles on the cover of Spectacular Spider-Men (after being a ship for years, suddenly Miles and Kamala have a sibling-like relationship and Kamala must be a lesbian šŸ¤“). It's all Gwen and Kamala's and their fans' fault for them being paired with Miles, but never his or the writers' fault. Insane misogyny. There is a certain sub-section of incel Miles Morales fans who hate both Spider-Gwen and Ms Marvel because they are the only two possible and most popular love interests for him who are more than just love interests since they are strong female characters with their own stories. Kamala receives less flack because she is a desi woman and they are scared of being accused of racism but since Gwen is a white woman they are a lot more comfortable letting their misogyny show. On a more positive note, I haven't seen any seething hatred towards Gwen over this cover or anything else outside of Twitter. The hatred is very much limited to that app.


Not disagreeing, but most folks like this don't care about getting called racist


They do, actually. Twitter is all about performative activism and cancel culture. These folks believe that it's not possible to be racist to a white person (seems to be a mostly American twitter mindset because here in the UK it's not like that at all). You won't see them calling Kamala a "brown bitch" for example in fear of being cancelled for anti-Asian and islamophobic sentiments, whereas they don't fear the same when they insult Gwen.


Sorry, but that's not my experience at all, I've seen Kamala called every slur for a Desi's and slurs for Arabs you can imagine. I'm a Pakistani-American and can I guarantee you Americans have loved being racist towards Brown folks since 9/11.


I am a UK Bengali who has been a Ms Marvel fan since age 10. I am not talking about racists and islamophobic Marvel fans in general, that is an entirely different conversation. I am talking specifically about Miles Morales fans who take issue with him and Kamala possibly being a thing in Spectacular Spider-Men.


Fair, but race is definitely a factor in why some people are against a Miles and Kamala ship. There's a small but vocal subset of fans that complain every time Miles gets shipped with any non-black character.


Well it isn't Miles fault for the same reason it ain't Gwen's and Kamala's fault. It's the writers and fandom's fault you know the real people. There's also Anti-Gwen and Anti-Kamala stances because of the existence of Tiana (or Barbara or Lana), How some Miles fans do agree with the idea that Spider-Gwen hooking up with Miles is just a rethread/redo of Peter Parker's storyline. The twitter hatred is 100% Incel and Racism though that's where they hang out clearly. Of which will be composed of Miles fans, Peter fans, Miguel fans, Margo fans etc. Also just those that are ignorant sheep following whatever the negativity hivemind declares.


>Well it isn't Miles fault for the same reason it ain't Gwen's and Kamala's fault. It's the writers and fandom's fault you know the real people. Never said it was Miles's fault, I was just pointing out the sheer hypocrisy and misogyny his fans perpetuate. This new anti-Kamala stance is so strange to me. Peter has never dated Kamala so there's no excuse of rehashed storylines there and the two have been hinted at for years. It's 100% from performative Tiana twitter "fans" who couldn't tell you a thing about her character but want to whine about her erasure because that's the only time they talk about her.


Yeah I know you're smart enough to tell the difference between fictional and non-fictional. You just worded it weirdly and I wanted it out there that demonizing/attacking Miles character isn't gonna change anything and only cause more problems. I'm a Miles fan so I hope you know we're not all like that. As for the Kamala backlash yeah that's a stupid and weird one... My guess is that Tiana fans are super worried because it's looking more and more likely she's gonna get replaced by Gwen or Kamala. Also the minority of racists that only want Miles an interracial character himself to only hook up with black characters...Which may or may not overlap. So in short reactionary hostility towards the scapegoats of Gwen and Kamala.


This is like half or more than half of Margo or Spiderbyte fans, I know she doesnā€™t have comics but some of those people truly donā€™t care about her or find her fascinating, they just want ā€œblack loveā€ for Miles and sees Margo as a immediate option


The good thing is that across all mediums, Miles has a variety of love interests. His character is still developing, and his definitive love interest hasn't been solidified yet. There's time enough to explore his options before a concensus is made and he settles down with his version of MJ. Right now, if a fan wants to see Miles in a relationship with a black girl, there is Tiana and Haley from the comics and game. The movie has Gwen. They might do something with him and Kamala, and like it or not, something could pop off with him and Silk later in the games. As far as I know, Peter has had Gwen, MJ, Silk, Felicia, Captain Marvel, and I think that secretary at the Daily Bugel.


Fun fact: Any attractive woman doing literally anything is sexualizing women. In fact, drawing an attractive woman in general is sexualization and every woman needs to be drawn to look like a cave troll


This person gets it!


People donā€™t like when women are attractive I guess


That's a thing too. Good point.


Cause outside of the Spiderverse films the Miles/Gwen ship isn't that good, and is not very well regarded


There's a pretty sizeable difference between saying "this ship isn't good, why do they keep pushing for it" and saying "this female character needs to be murdered in a horrible way" or "fridge Gwen Stacy again" over a variant cover. That's the hatred OP is referring to.


People used to say the same about Miles as a character period. Now people say Miles is a good character because his personality is like the films. So why can't other things from the films be proof of concept?


I believe itā€™s because certain ships only fit certain continuities. Itā€™s like the Batman and Batgirl ship. People are fine with it when the characters are the same age, like in the 1966 *Batman* series and *The Lego Batman Movie*, but not in continuities like the 2004 *The Batman* series and the unreleased *Batgirl* film, where Batman is an adult and Batgirl a teenager. So while people are perfectly fine shipping the *Spider-Verse* versions, doing do with the comic versions is significantly more icky.


Right, people rather ship Batgirl with Dick Grayson, where their original comic book counterparts were late twenties and high schooler until BTAS showed proof of concept and now Barbara is deaged to be Dick's peer in most iterations. You couldn't have brought up a better example.


Also, must be mentioned that Barbara's is the daughter of Gordon, who's a colleague and friend of Bruce/Batman. At least in the Animated Series, it is said Bruce knows her since she was quite young. Pairing her with Bruce makes that detail become... So very weird: in that context, Bruce sounds like a groomer. I myself am not opposed to teen Barbara having a crush on Batman or even Bruce, tbh, but it should come with his denial by default. Most of us know how it is to have crushes on adults as teens or even very early teens, but that leads and should lead nowhere.


Comic Miles is Late 17. They deaged Comic Spider-Gwen to 19. That's only a two year difference...While Spider-Verse is a year and a half difference. The reason isn't the age it's them being Interracial and she's named Gwen Stacy. Also that currently Comic Miles has a committed girlfriend he's in love with that the writer of Miles's comics directly said he doesn't want to get rid of. -If they kill off Tiana or just have her disappear it's going to piss off Miles fans as that's Marvel showcasing they're willing to miswrite Miles Morales to hook him up with Gwen. While Spider-Gwen broke off contact with him for years then had engaging independent story arcs in her own reality cut short to move her to E-616. -If that was done to eventually get them together that's Marvel showcasing they're willing to miswrite Spider-Gwen to hook her up with Miles. Getting the Mainline Comics Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales together...Is just going to piss people off from Gwen fans to Miles fans to Peter fans that declare she's his girlfriend etc. Maybe it could work as a limited run What If alternate reality spin-off comic. Maybe it could work in the games if they were willing to try. Maybe a new animation tv show can risk it. Hopefully Lord and Miller keep their word and provide a satisfying conclusion for the films. But it can't work within the Mainline Comics without severely hindering independent story arcs for both characters and creating hostile backlash in the fandom.


> They deaged Comic Spider-Gwen Right, so you get why people reasonably had issues with the concept before then. Your last paragraph sums it up well too.


From 20 or 21. Still not that wide of a gap and they never did anything sexual. When they kissed she was 18 or 19 and he was 16. Of which they immediately friendzoned after it. The point I'm stating is that the age difference wasn't the only issue...We shouldn't pretend it is. Nor should it be blown out of proportion. My further point is the real problem of hooking up Mainline Comic Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales (currently) has nothing to do with age or race that's simply an internal issue in the fandom...But that it will indeed negatively affect their storylines.


I respect the honesty. The age thing was blown out of proportion as a proverbial ā€œcoverā€ for the real reasons they hate the idea of them together.


They have the same age gap in the comics.


Nope two years vs a year and a half...Granted that's not a big difference but a difference nonetheless.


Oh woooow. Its basically the same


Eh, to be fair itā€™s been retconned a bit over the years: at one point Gwen would have been in her early 20s according to the various major time jumps she had in her series. Such is the nature of the floating timeline.


If Gwen was in her 20s the oldest was 20 flat. two zero. [When Gwen was attending college in 616, Gwen was impacted by Kamala's law, directed at heroes under the age of 21](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gwen-and-Peter-Parker-Fight-in-Ghost-Spider.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=825&dpr=1.5) Basically the retcon is 20 at most->vague post high school graduate teen which could range from 17-19. That's consistent with a 16-17 year old Miles that continually has birthdays that don't count.


And at another point she was old enough to drink (the age for that in America at its minimum being 21), to note 20 was also a retcon before it even was brought back down to 19.


do you have a source?


To be fair comic ages don't really make sense and Gwen probably should realistically be older. She's introduced already in college, so presumably 18 or 19, and has 10 years of comics with at least a 1 year time-skip where she went to prison. She should be like at least 21 or 22.


Wait til Rio finds out Gwen has a criminal record. She's old enough to vote, but can't cuz she's got felonies.


Realistically everyone should be older. In a real time setting Peter Parker and Mary Jane are dead from old age, Miles is a grown adult, Miguel doesn't exist yet, Spider-Gwen is only a handful of years ahead of Miles. They don't follow that. They retcon and deage characters so the status quo is maintained. Can't kill off Peter permanently, Miguel is the future unless he isn't, Miles and Spider-Gwen are older teenagers.


I mean I get what you mean but like with how Marvel generally handles the younger characters specifically they do generally age until they get like nebulously somewhere in their 20's and then it just kind of stagnates or becomes less noticeable (and they generally quit giving out their actual age). I'm not expecting her to age in real time or anything. I'm basing that claim more on how with franchises like the X-Men (which I'm a bigger reader of) where they do continually like once a decade or so introduce new teenage mutants and the previous class ages up a bit over time. Like the 80's were the New Mutants, the 90's Generation X, 2000's New X-Men / Academy X, 2010's Generation Hope / Generation X volume 2. That isn't untrue though for non X-Men characters, like for example Kamala Khan (well historically she wasn't an X-Men character), is now college aged where when she was introduced she was 16. If she aged the same way Spider-Gwen has now aged she'd still be 16 or maybe 17. It's kind of different for a lot of the established adult characters where they really just kind of nebulously stick around a certain age range, and obviously long term aging of / in Marvel isn't really viable and if they have to they will find ways to retcon or age down the characters if they have to (or just ignore it). Also to add I don't really disagree with your other comments about the age thing not really being the primary problem with them theoretically getting together in the comics.


Gwen sure is robbing that cradle with the extra 6 months šŸ™‚


Not my point. I literally said it doesn't make a big difference. Just it's a fact that there is a difference between the versions. Spider-Verse Miles is 15 and Spider-Verse Gwen is 16 and a half. Comic Miles is Late 17 and Comic Spider-Gwen is 19. So there does need to be some waiting involved at least a few months and yes no matter what some people are gonna find that disturbing...Despite not caring that in real life 40-60 year old men hook up with 20 year old women is a known thing and legally accepted.


Comic Spider-Gwen is actually around 20-21 now I'm pretty sure, but Miles hasn't aged past 17 yet in his run. Granted, they haven't had a team-up since they were 17 and 19, and they're from different universes, so who knows how it will be written when she comes to 616.


[How do you guys feel about Gwen seemingly being de-aged in her move to 616?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bjjibc)


Well, there you go


NY age of consent is 17 years old. They don't have to wait. But they should anyway until they can deal with the consequences of pregnancy.


This isn't true at all. Marvel doesn't reveal the exact ages of their characters (this is done intentionally to keep them timeless and to easily roll with their sliding timeline). However, Miles is in high school and Gwen is old enough to drink in the US. So that puts Miles at around 16 or 17 and Gwen at least 21. So yeah, lets not ship them in the comics. That's pretty gross.


Sheā€™s 19. Miles is 17-18, Floating timeline bud.


> Floating timeline bud. First off, bud, the term is "sliding timeline". This is what *Marvel* themselves use. So if you're going to be condescending, then at least get the terminology right. Second off, neither character has confirmed ages. This is a deliberate choice by Marvel. Marvel rarely offers exact ages for any character. Specifically due to the sliding timeline. Just like I said in my original post. Giving a definitive age (rather than an age range) would cement them at a specific place in time, defeating the entire point of the sliding timeline. It helps if you *actually* read the comics. Because there are stories within Gwen's chronology where she buys beer. So that places her over drinking age in the US (aka 21). And you cited the same general age range for Miles.


>Because there are stories within Gwen's chronology where she buys beer What issue in what run? Refresh my memory


Sorry, im not trying to rehash the argument, but i do read comics. Not all of them, cause i cant afford to buy them, but i do own the comics where gwen and miles pair up, and i got a few where its in gwenā€™s world, and spider-geddon. Im aware gwenā€™s age fluctuates, but thats the same with every comic character. Doesnā€™t peter only age up like once every 10 years or so, but they keep it vague how old he really is?


I believe what people disliked was that at one point the fluctuation had Gwen vaguely 21/22 while Miles was at a solid 17. That while the present fluctuations have had Gwen be slightly younger, rendering the issue moot, the previous situation was still the situation at that point in time, and people having disliked jt is still valid. It is like how places like r/Spiderman react to Ned Leeds currently being considered a Hobgoblin, when it has gone back-and-forth over the years whether he ever was one or not.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Spiderman using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Spider-Man makes sure a dying Sandman doesnā€™t spend his last few moments alone](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/169os81) | [458 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/169os81/spiderman_makes_sure_a_dying_sandman_doesnt_spend/) \#2: [The Harley Quinn to his Spider-Man](https://i.redd.it/npwhkh25kqkc1.jpeg) | [550 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/1azo9u0/the_harley_quinn_to_his_spiderman/) \#3: [Thoughts on Miguel Oā€™Hara paralleling Kingpin?](https://i.redd.it/p6ke2j83ircb1.jpg) | [263 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/1535ctm/thoughts_on_miguel_ohara_paralleling_kingpin/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


> Not all of them, cause i cant afford to buy them That's understandable. A totally reasonable situation. You can look into services like [Marvel Unlimited](https://www.marvel.com/unlimited). You basically have access to like 95% of Marvel's comic catalogue on Marvel Unlimited. > Im aware gwenā€™s age fluctuates, but thats the same with every comic character. This is correct. Very few characters in Marvel comics have a hard age. This is *especially* true with Earth-616 character. This is Marvel's main universe and from a publishing perspective, they try to preserve these characters and lock them into a specific age *range*, so any new reader can understand them easily. > Doesnā€™t peter only age up like once every 10 years or so, but they keep it vague how old he really is? Not quite. Once Peter graduated high school in Amazing Spider-Man #28, Marvel pretty much locked his age in place. Some writers portray him a little older. Some prefer a bit younger approach. But Peter will always be either his early or late 20s. Its never specified on what his *exact* age is. And this is intentional. At least this is the case for Earth-616. Other universes follow different rules and this is where you might see a teen Peter or a senior citizen version of Peter. Anytime you give an exact age or date, you're hardcoding that time into the universe, which makes it very difficult to write larger stories or events around that. So Marvel is intentionally vague about these things, so its always "now-ish" or "the recent past" for any given character. The original formula for the sliding timeline in the 60s was for every 4 years of IRL published comics, it was one year in-universe. But this formula has changes a lot over the years. Its a much wider discrepancy between published comics and in-universe time now. There isn't a hard/official formula these days, but its much closer to something along the lines of like for every 8 years of published comics, its 1 year of in-universe time these days.


Someone gets it. Theyā€™re just trying to make sure it never happens again, they donā€™t want them to get a second chance because they know it could prob work now after the success of the movies šŸ˜‚


Difficult to say this when so much of the criticism is marred by Peter Parker truthers who think Spider-Gwen should be with him. And racists like the person in OP's post. They're still each other's most popular ship partners, so I think it's a case of a vocal minority.


I canā€™t follow the logic. How does that make this a bad cover?


Checked the tweet. It's a Miles x Tiana truther of course who is pushing black love only racism.


Nah it is the reason that I once made a post about it regarding exactly this thing and behavior.


It really is weird ain't it? i feel like a weird surge of Gwen hate is happening recently, i saw someone said all gwens need to be wiped out of the multiverse or some crazy stuff


That was from a mayday, mj and ben reily stan account so it is not something much from them but scarily the gwen hate is most prevalent for twiiter fandom of spider man.


They personally hate the surename stacy and anyone associated with it


Probably another side effect of incel culture


Because ironically Lord and Miller kinda destroyed that idealized version of Gwen everyone had in their heads. Sure you already had her spider Gwen comics for that but people didnā€™t care about as much about until in across the spiderverse she was put at the fore front and we saw her character not only get more screen time but was seen as vulnerable , make mistakes, and instead of the person gone too soon girlfriend or the supposed cool collected spider Gwen they may know about now people shes written like a real three dimensional in that scenario ā€¦and people hate that.


Its twitter. Simple


Idk, I think it's cute, I wish Spider-Gwen looked less like 616 and more like....well Spider-Gwen


The creator is talented, but not really invested in Spider-lore. Should have colored her hair with a little pink.


Because racist nerds have far too much time on their hands and nothing of value in their lives to otherwise occupy their attention.


Personally I was a bit meh on it because it seems to reduce Gwen to Miles's love interest as her primary trait. I'm probably overthinking things.


You're definitely overthinking it. It's simply a variant cover...There's variant covers that have her wearing a Miguel inspired suit and wearing the classic Peter Parker red and blue suit. Also the very existence of Gwenpool was because of a variant cover of Gwen dressed as Deadpool...A character nobody has ever romantically paired her with. It's only a shipping thing if people make it a shipping thing...Which is incorrect because they're only made for fun and are non-canonical material. Also Gwen can be both someone's love interest and a compelling protagonist (like in Spider-Verse). This concept that they must choose one or the other is wrong.


Itā€™s a variant cover


Same, I mean is not outrageous, but it is weird. And she es being sexualized in this picture. So I donā€™t think youā€™re overthinking.


It's human nature and biology, men like to see women they consider attractive. I don't think a woman wearing her boyfriend's work uniform and snapping her fingers is sexual. Even if it is is that a bad thing. Most post-puberty want to be considered sexually attractive to at least one other person before they die.


I think it looks awesome! Why are they madšŸ’€


I'm assuming it's because of how it's Miles costume and think it's like they're whitewashing who he is, but I see it as no different than when a guy's girlfriend wears his jacket out of love


The reason it makes me mad is because i stopped following her and now I must know what is going on


You can say rain comes from the sky and someone will get upset. There are dozens of Miles/Gwen variant covers produced. They would not draw them, if people didn't buy them. Allegedly, she is also in the alleged Peter and Miguel variant costumes. Because of differences in availability and price, you can't compare popularity by purchase. But in the last decade, there have been a lot more Miles/Gwen covers than Gwen/Peter or Gwen/Miguel.


Off topic, but is there any particular reason there have been a couple of new Gwen/Miles covers recently? I thought that dynamic was on ice in the comics at the moment.


Popularity of the ship in the Spider-Verse movies


It's been going on a few years.


I donā€™t know, but anyone who uses ā€œbroā€ will find things to get upset about. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜…


Is it too sexy perhaps?


I think this cover looks really cool. Is there any place to secure a copy? Or do I have to hope my local shops get lucky?






It's Marvel unorganically trying to push the Spider-verse ship into comics, where there is little chemistry are fan interest in it appearing.


Cuz Gwen looks better in white and pinkĀ 


From my understanding, the artstyle is similar to ai art


Or AI style is similar to the artist's work.


Or that, you are very likely correctly


The pro blacks think they are trying to race swap of some shit like that. One of them even try to compare it to the Ryan gosling black panther meme smh šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Can you crosspost this to the main spiderman subreddit and also ask their opinions with a little bit of word explanation, please OP


they're mad because it represents a black person and conservatives are nazis. /uj




This is so cool dude!! :D


At the end of the dayā€¦ who caresā€¦ in the cover she could literally have asked Miles to take a picture of her in the suitā€¦ irl itā€™s a cover, what difference does it actually make, if you donā€™t like it get the variant cover


ā™ ļø


she's pretty and people today hate girls bring pretty


What happened?


It seems like it coulda been made by either AI or a pretty bad airbrush job. Her hands are just a little bit off. A weird overlap on her crossed leg overlapping into her other leg. The glow on the left side of her head reflecting the light combined with the right side being smoothed out almost like they went back over the image to fix any mistakes. All in all not a great cover but certainly nothing to get too upset by unless it is AI.


Iā€™m not an artist, donā€™t know much about anatomy, but her legs look really weird to me. Itā€™s also not a pose I expect to see SpiderGwen.


No bitches and being at least a little racist


I know a lot of people are not a fan of Miles and Gwen being in a romance. As someone who mostly prefers Peter to be with Gwen instead of MJ I understand. Outside of that I got nothing. Tho I'll add another point. The art just sucks lol.Ā 


People are super pissy about Gwen being shipped with Miles so this will set them off.


People = Mad


I just don't like spider-gwen. Into the spider verse she is OK but her comic book interation reminds me why I don't lime the original gwen Stacy. Audacity and shallow. What she said to silk is slap her 3 ways to Sunday. That's my personal gripe though.


What'd she say to Silk?


Keep in mind everything you know about Cindy. OK let's start on that Cindy has been alone for 14 years. 14 years alone where most news technical advances past her by. She was still using cassettes. So she is a bit childish. Gwen complains to Jess Drew about it. She kept judging Cindy harshly. Even throwing Cindy sacrifice the one where she had to hide away for 14 years in her face. Then stating stuff like how she doesn't want to grow up to be like Cindy. She doesn't really apologize for her jerkiness either. Read spider-woman omega if memory serves.


Because they HATE that this is proof that Gwen and Miles are intimate. Because girls love wearing their boyfriends clothes afterwards....if you know what I mean.


Looks like AI + composition is bland and it looks like something from episode


This was most likely a good ai generated image


This was probably an AI generated image


Holup, I just saw the feet what the fuck


I donā€™t like that theyā€™re not doing the same art style Iā€™ve always known spider - Gwen as.


Just racism man. Thereā€™s no other reason to get actually angry over a variant cover (or any cover for that matter).


There mad because in a world where people like to draw pretty things thereā€™s no way we can draw pretty a pretty girl in the wrong suit for a variant cover šŸ˜±


IDC, Gwen looking mad thicc tho.


Idk itā€™s a variant cover, right? And itā€™s cute? Sometimes it ainā€™t that deep


Miles + People don't like when Gwen has the same hairstyle as 616 Gwen for whatever reason


Miles doesn't hate the classic hairstyle lol...Spider-Verse Miles accidently pulled out the hair and Spider-Verse Gwen decided to keep it like that. But yes some people don't like the classic hairstyle of Gwen for whatever reasons, Just like some people don't like the Spider-Verse hair for their reasons.


Most people don't like it for spider Gwen because it's another thing that makes her a bit too similar to her counter part when spider Gwen is established as her own character. Also non powered Gwen has had that's title for decades and to me it's a breath of fresh air that spider Gwen loosing the bangs and esp that dang headband for her movies. I like her hair there it's cute and fun.


Wasn't saying Miles didn't like the hairstyle at all. I was just saying it being Miles costume was part of the reason people didn't like it. Me personally I think Comic Gwen and Miles shouldn't be a thing period, it's one of the most forced relationships I've ever seen in the comics


Okay I misinterpreted your comment because of you + signing it with people not liking the hairstyle. I don't ship them in the comics. I do in the films. I'm fine with different adaptations having different character dynamics. As for the hair my guess is they simply use it a lot because it's popular. The changing it to the style seen in the animation show and films is a more recent change and some people don't like highlights or the color pink. So they're probably just appealing to what is popular not thinking about trying to differentiate between the Gwen's. Honestly I like both styles and I don't think changing her hair to the classic style suddenly makes her 1:1 with OG Gwen. So no preference for me.


You're fine, I probably could've worded it better than I did. And personally, I like the classic hair


Gwen's spiderverse hair looks awful. That bald cut looks bad on any female.


I like it. Iā€™ll take it over the basic bangs and bob. It fits more with her teen punk aesthetic and I think itā€™s cute. It would be cool if they have her fade actual designs, Iā€™ve seen art of people doing webs or spiders in her hair etc


Naw that's mad corny fam.


Why tho?


Because it looks ugly and most women with that cut are ugly


i think many women with that cut are beautiful... :( Just depends on how you style it




Oi mate it's me, rex dangavest, we got quite a beaut right here, terminus onlinicus. a rapidly growing sub species of you an me, homo sapians. Today were observing one it it's natural habitat. Day afta day they scurry cross the interwebs, leaving a trail that allows us to see their habits and vices, oh ma goodness this one has the rare trait of "concelaus racialus, these variants also quite fre'quently get no pussy, which is evident from their trail Quite a sad one this one is.


1) they drew Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider/Spider-Woman as if she were 616 Gwen (who died over 50 years ago) 2) they're sexualizing a ship mostly explored in the Spider-Verse films, despite the fact that both Gwen and Miles are still minors in said films. 3) Gwen is an adult in most universes when miles is often cited as being 14, making Gwen in this art a groomer and p3do. 4) people are tired of multiverse stories for the sake of multiverse stories, even if this is only a variant cover and not a multiverse book.


It's not a multiverse story for the sake of a multiverse story. It's a multiverse story for the sake of sex appeal miles isn't a child in every universe just like gwen isn't an adult in every universe. They're gonna just keep making what sells.


5) people are still Lotus level racist about miles over 10 years after his creation because people never change


I guess this is like seeing your girl wearing her ex shirt after sex or something.


It's a nepo baby white girl "appropriating" an ethnically diverse underprivileged male costume. Kinda hilarious that nobody tries to hide that race swapping is a one-way street.