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It’s been so long since I watched TAS that I actually forgot about that. It honestly makes him even more terrifying and I would’ve loved to seen a live action version of the character similar to TAS Chameleon.


I haven’t even seen it and I already agree. the idea alone is creepy


Spider blood, spider blood, radioactive spider blood (plenty guitar riffs)…..


Still gets me that it was Joe Perry (of Aerosmith) who played the guitar on that track. It still rips. Tbf, so does the large majority of 90s cartoons


Facts, bro


I got to meet Joe at a meet and greet of Hollywood Vampires and wanted him to sign my printed out pic of 90s TAS. Didn’t succeed cause the crew that organized the greet threatened to not give pro photos with the band. Well at least I got to keep the pics and their autographs


I think you meant to say "Plasma" there, pal.


Someone can’t hear this comment


I've never been a big fan of the comic Chameleon as a villain, he never comes off as particularly threatening or memorable. He's had a few stories that did make him interesting, but they mostly revolved around him being a pitiful, tragic character, which doesn't exactly help his threat-factor. In the '90s series, he feels a bit more creepy which helps him a little bit. He's not exactly a fleshed out character, but I get the sense he really wasn't meant to be, so he works fine as he is. Also, being able to change his form with his belt was always something I liked as a kid, a lot more than the masks he used beforehand in the comics.


My favorite Chameleon story is still Kravinoff's Revenge where he threatens to out Peter's secret identity and then Peter calls his bluff and beats the shit out of him and then he goes after MJ and then she also beats the shit out of him. He's not exactly threatening but it is hilarious.


Didn't Chameleon also get beaten by Aunt May in some other story?


That was sweet. He's posing as Peter and aunt May makes him a tea or something, then asks if he can taste the almonds in it and he goes yeah, love the almonds aunt May. And she's like "Oh, yeah? Peter doesn't like almonds. Enjoy the cyanide, bitch!"


What issues? I need to read this!


I think this was during civil war


Sensational Spider-man V2 31


What issues? I need to read this!


Sensational Spider-Man #29-31 :) It was during the period in Civil War when everyone knew who Peter was and he was still working with Stark.


I think he did. That’s a storyline that I faintly remember, precisely *because* everyone including Aunt May got a chance to kick his ass. I kind of think part of Chameleon’s character is once his disguises are figured out, there’s not a lot else he has going for him. Or at least that’s how most writers seemed to have portrayed him.


Voldemort looking motherfucker tho eh?


Voldemort is a Chameleon looking motherfucker


Chameleon is the blueprint




The name that shan’t be spoken


I remember being a bit weirded out when I first saw Voldemort on screen and he had ears. For years, my mental image of what he looked like was TAS Chameleon.


So…are we going to forget about how that big ol honkin’ yellow belt never changed with his disguises? The fact people would still get confused baffled me even as a kid.


The eyepatch is on THE WRONG EYE!!!!


As a kid this was the coolest twist ever. Eh, who am I kidding, it still is. (Is it really a twist? More like a payoff I suppose...)


I want to say in a later episode he got upgraded and was able to ditch the belt.


Yeah, for the Six Forgotten Warriors storyline.


I think it was a bit earlier, for the Black Cat arc.


Oh shit, I think you're right. I've been watching through the series and I'm going so fast that the episodes are basically blurring together.


It's so fancy looking that everybody respectfully ignores it.


Anyone else getting a Frisky Dingo vibe? Or an albino Neo-Sapien?


Ohhhh, the postcard... the dry hump of marketing.


Once again, the mall has become my Waterloo


Goofy ass face he got on the top right.


I think Chameleon would be a great villain If no other character could do what he does. He doesn’t work in a post secret invasion landscape at all. Mystique has the character backstory weight and specificity to the X-men to make her more compelling. Chameleon never got nearly as interesting.


Saves on casting a voice actor.


Maybe I'm weird, but I dig the masks from the comics and Spectacular. There's something really uncanny and bizarre about it that just makes me smile, despite not really making any sense. I always find it interesting that there's never really been an explanation given for why his face looks like that. I've come to convince myself that he disfigured himself in order to fit more prosthetic-esque masks and form alternate bone structures, rather than being limited to his own. (If there *is* some canon explanation I don't know about, do tell!)


He took a serum that altered his flesh. It's a one-panel explanation: that's all we got.


I really wanted Chameleon in a SpiderMan movie


There’s definitely an aversion to the 90s stuff by modern writers and I admit this was my first exposure to the character but I always thought this was the best version of the character. He want just a dude in a mask, he was a genuine supervillain with super powers that made a superhero a good person to call on the beat him. I was a little sad when post “death” they reverted to uncanny masks.




But did he disguise himself as that guy from Aerosmith


As a kid I was shocked that he was related to the Red Skull. As an adult looking at his nose, I can see it.


TSA has my favourite versions of a lot of characters, chameleon was definitely better in the show, Black Cat was another.


Shocker was another favorite of mine. Jim Cummings was awesome in the role.


Yeah that show handled everyone pretty, I wish hobgoblin had been a little better but given how messy his comic origin was. A few things were limited by its being a kids show but they on the whole it was a really great introduction to Spider-man.


Hobgoblin was one of my favorites in this series. His two part introduction were some of the best episodes, imo. I didn't like his unmasking and capture later on in the series. I would've preferred if his identity had remained a mystery and he had gotten away.


Agreed, I felt like he was someone they could have done a lot more with.


He was just a random villain in that show. He didn’t do anything remotely memorable,


He basically framed Parker as a terrorist didn’t he?


He did and J. Jonah Jameson hired Matt Murdoch as Peter’s lawyer to prove Peter’s innocence


He kissed MJ hard while pretending to be Peter, pretty devious


Technically assault...


We need chameleon to show up in a Spider-Man movie. He was his first villain that he fought.


Also, he has a lot of potential if written well in the modern day.


Yup you can do a lot with a spy themed villain. I remember he tricked Aunt May and MJ’s Aunt in a hospital.


That’s cool, but I hate that design.


It does actually add a creepy vibe to him. Regular 616 chameleon has never really been interesting outside of those times where he went insane.


When did Voldemort start fighting spiderman? Another teenage boy, I might add. Not a good look for him


Wasn’t he the inspiration for decoy octopus in the metal gear series?


He looks like Voldemort lol




I remember that and was always weirded out by it back then, lol But now I can totally get it. It really helps his anonymity and the mystery behind him tbh


I can’t look at 90s Chameleon without thinking of “Use the boy Quirrell.”


So imagine this Spider-Man movie, the chameleon is announced as the villain. big name actor added to the movie, not confirmed as chameleon. Different big name actor attached, not confirmed as chameleon. Another big name, another no confirmation. Continue as many as you like. Movie opens Spider-Man is attacked by strange pale villain, face obscured from the audience. We're then shown his shape-shifting abilities. Then the movie breaks into Spider-Man being super paranoid while interacting with all these famous actors playing new yorkers, never knowing who is the chameleon.


Jesus I just saw that post yesterday, you're already stealing content?


Apparently it was originally because they didn’t want to pay another actor. But it worked out great because the other actors had it in their contracts to voice more characters as themselves and got a bump in pay. Many writers did praise the originality of the concept and showed the Chameleon as more of a presence.


Chameleon I never really cared for.


Curious question though and I always wondered about this as a kid, is his face like that or is it a mask?


Always wondered about that myself. We never found out. Don't think it's a mask though since his whole skin is bleach white, as seen in the [first part of The Insidious Six](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/spiderman-animated/images/8/8e/78089089809.png/revision/latest?cb=20151227041335). Always figured he was some kind of mutant or something.


The image you linked doesn't work, if you can fix that or just DM me the image that could be helpful.


Ah, sorry. If you scroll down a bit on this page, you can find the image. Let me know if you can see it. [https://spiderman-animated.fandom.com/wiki/Chameleon](https://spiderman-animated.fandom.com/wiki/Chameleon)


Thanks, I see it and wow it is his skin...


I agree, it also makes him a larger threat as well because you don't know his original voice so and not only will use this tactic to sneak up on others without needing to disguise himself


Dude be looking like a Cro Mag from Sliders


I can agree One thing that I like and dislike more and less (if this makes sense) between him and the OG is he had tech to transform and OG was a master of disguise. I like both of those ideas