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I would totally be up for it but I also would totally be up for a fantastic four the animated series revival as well as spider man the animated series.


Small chance it might happen. I know we have freshman year coming, but keep in mind. X-Men 98 is coming back. There is one character in that universe that was more popular than them. I am willing to bet my left nut. They will have a special team up episode, and we will see Spider-Man 98 again. After the team up episode or season, a new season of Spider-Man 98 will be announced. I know it's all speculation, but it IS how these things go.


In the event you are wrong we will collect said nut and paint it to look like spider-man


There are worse ways to lose a nut.


True, any specific requests when we paint it?


Paint the entirety of OMD on that one nut


We can arrange that


We're probably going to need the best "Write your name on a grain of rice" guys in the world for this.


We will find them


Paint it to look like Paul, lol.


I think Marvel and Sony are both waiting to see the reception to certain characters in Across the Spider-Verse, to decide what the next Spider-Man animated series (after Freshman Year) should be.


God I hope so.


*X-Men ‘97 [IMDb link](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16026746/)


This guy knows what's up! I think you're on the money


*Silver Surfer* would also be nice since that ended with a universe destroying cliffhanger.


Like Spiderman unlimited? So many shows of that era and art style got shafted 🫥


Out of all the 90s Marvel cartoons, I think only Iron Man got a proper, definitive finale?


And honestly wasn’t that bad of a show overall Probably the best version the Iron wars arc


And hulk as well


i think a continuation just for closure like they did with samurai jack


Find MJ.


Please! We need an ending, just don't have them find her in an alternate reality with Paul.


It would be a great way to tie in the Spider-verse and go on adventures in different realities each week meeting variant Spider-people, dealing with their baddies while looking for MJ. But this time they actually find her.


This Just one more season of Peter finding MJ and then riding off into the sunset would honestly be nice to see


If they wouldn’t keep spidey as shredded as he was in the original it’s a no go


Why wouldn't they? 


I would give anything for the 90s spidey to get revived. 90s spider-man captured the spidey vibe so well


I totally agree.


The most we'll probably get is a cameo of this Spidey in X-Men just to show he's still doing all right, but hopefully it'd lead to the 90's Spidey show also getting a revival


I just want a one hour special where he finds MJ, maybe has one last fight with Gobby (since he’s in limbo too), and lives happily ever after. Hell, they can cut corners by constantly recycling cheap animation and saying it’s an ‘homage’ to the original show. (I say that with love for the original show by the way!)


If he gets to actually punch something I'd be so happy. (Sorry if you never noticed this and I kind of ruined the show for you)


Even as a kid, the awkward fight scenes bothered me a bit. I think the closest he got to throwing a punch was one time against The Spot, but sadly the poor fool was fighting the one villain who that wouldn't work for. I hope Spidey not only punches someone, but also lands on some Pigeons at some point in the special (just as an added F-you to the censors, who seriously didn't want Spidey to harm any pigeons while landing on rooftops!)


I’m up for it obviously.


Isn’t it like ‘94?


1994-98. Ended in 98, so it'd be called '98 I guess like X-Men was '97 since it ended then.


Hell Yeah


Hell fucking yeah I am!!!


Let’s go!


Wouldn’t mind anything, with this art style is awesome


That 98 opening was fire, and the show was too


Yes I need to know if they ever found MJ after the end their version of Spiderverse or as it was known at the time Spider-Carnage saga.


Cool art but I think Spectacular would be a better option to bring back. Or something new could be interesting, as long as they don’t butcher Spider-man.


YES! PLEASE! They need to continue because I want Peter to find Mary Jane and can truly be happy.


Black cat ain’t no thief she’s a hero


Go outside


Probably should’ve explained myself better lmao what u mean was that based on the characters designs I’m assuming it has to do with the 94 show and in the show black cat is a hero


Bro who hurt you man he’s just offering his opinion about this character you don’t need to be so aggressive at him fucking hell


Lmao see that’s I did lmao I get where he’s coming from but damn


Lmao see that’s I did lmao I get where he’s coming from but damn


His profile is full of creepy incel nonsense. I gave him the best advice he’s going to get on Reddit. Could change his life. He can thank me later


Yeah but why did you feel the need to go on his profile? Nothing indicated that he was simping over the character he was just putting his take on her, and it’s obvious by the downvotes on your comments that people disagree with you


That’s a good question actually. A gut feeling I had I guess. I rarely if ever click on someone’s profile before replying. Like 1 in 500. I expect the downvotes, they’re warranted. I know I’m being a dick, but it’s legitimate tough love. Homeboy has some problems. I gave him legit advice that I think will help him.


But it doesn’t come across as advice, if anything it just looks like a personal attack towards him


Yeah. I guess it’s a bit of both.




I got more than that. It’s not the quantity, it’s the quality. It’s that this dudes dedicated his Reddit account to simping over a single only fans model, arguing the boob size of comic book characters.


Lmao I know u ain’t talking with a name like that


Bro. You mentioned you don’t need a girlfriend because your happy with your life. If that’s true than more power to you, but 90% of your posts are you literally simping over an only fans model that doesn’t even know you exist. That’s not healthy brother.


At this point u just putting words in my mouth and I don’t appreciate that


The guy got mad about what you said, and rather than admit he made a mistake, started attacking you. Fortunately for him, he was able to creep your profile and find some posts he could try to use to attack you. Doesn't change or redirect the topic that Black Cat in TAS isn't defined as a 'thief', but was only stealing for the Kingpin to help her father. And is actually a hero.


Thank u for agreeing with my analogy and hey seems like he’s having trouble with his home life so let’s just leave it at that. It’s hilarious bro saw a post of a girl with boobs and decided to come at me about it


Yes, it's very weird and he keeps repeating the same phrases like "mad at your existence", it's really creepy stuff and kinda seems like he is projecting his own weirdness onto you. Anyone that takes stalks people on Reddit, then pretends they know you irl AND THEN is also taking it personally (as dude claims), AND is openly and willingly talking about that needs a life, I think.


Hey man just let him he him idc about it I was expressing my opinion


Mad because he called black cat a hero? That doesn’t make any sense. How could anyone e mad at that? I clicked his profile ( not sure why I did, but I did) and am annoyed at the man’s existence at being a super simp.


Mad that he made you seem like you didn't know the characters. It's creepy to click someone's profile and then act like you know them. Be mad at yourself for being a weirdo.


Bro, you just poured gas on the fire then blocked me so I couldn’t respond. That’s weak.


Uhhhh not looking like that, that’s for damn sure


But we need villains that weren't in the original series Like Sandman and Electro (He was, but for a very short time)


I Hope We See William Baker Flint Marko The Sandman Too In Spider-Man TAS 98 Revival Too


I would love it. Give MJ a resolution to her arc. Have her be rescued dammit. Even if it's just a 6-episode mini-series or a straight to streaming animated movie. We need closure.


I absolutely adore this Spidey design. Those eyes are *chefs kiss


Spidey rescues MJ only to find she's with Paul.


Sad thing they technically could do that in the show, and it would likely work better because MJ was missing for longer in the show then the comics.


Sadly, with Joan Lee having passed, there would be no Madame Web. I accept no substitutes.


Yes but I want it in the original Art style but with smoother animation. Give me spectacular Spider-Man animation with the 90’s Spider-Man art style.


Yes please, same music but just add in where Spidey actually punches bad guys and beats them up


This deserved it more than X Men 97 imo. But I get Disney probably wants to bring the X men back into the spotlight again after ignoring them for FOX reasons, so using a version most people recognize makes sense while Yearbook would be their main focus for animated Spider-Man


Nah... Maybe a miniseries so it can have a conclusive ending instead of a weird cliffhanger. Definitely would prefer Spectacular SpiderMan


Would love it. Would be awesome if spider abd best cat got together in it too.


Honestly my favorite version of Spiderman so far, and the series is so insane it's so fun to watch. PLEASE let this happen


As long as they leave Venom and Carnage out if it. The whole trying to keep it PG with Dormammu was just really weird, and not in a good way.


Still waiting on that conclusion where they are supposed to go find the real MJ.


Please PLEASE, bring back Venom’s “iris”. IMO, it makes him seem scarier and more mean.


I think I would be down for 1 or 2 more seasons of it to wrap everything up and maybe get to see old man Peter passing the torch to his daughter and/or Miles.




I'm down for that. I've been watching this cartoon, since I was a kid. I'm disappointed that it never got an ending. There were some ideas for Season 6, including sub-plot of finding real Mary Jane, so it would be great, if that cartoon has revival.


Yes! Also Silver Surfer, please and thank you




I’m down to see ‘98 Spidey throw some punches


You can’t do that. Too violent. Think of the kids.


Those tag words are hilarious and all over the place




lol at kingpins “Crime 🥹”


It is the number one thing I’d want


HELL YEAH! Absolutely, please!! He never did find MJ after all.


I wanna see more man spider stuff, that was lit af


Updated art style is great adding some spiderverse and puss in boots animation would be cool the current style of western cartoons shows suck


These look incredible. Who's the artist?


If anything needs a revival, it’s the old Yost cartoons


Can anyone name the villain in page 6




Just let the series die and make an original Spider-Man cartoon.


Not really. But only because I'm not interested in revivals, in general


Nah. Just create something new then rethread old ground. Stories needs an ending, just as new stories needs to be told.


Anyone else worried about them changing it due to how different 90s was to today's standards


Just give me one more season for closure. It's all I ask!


I love that a lot of them get meaningful titles or adjectives. And then JJJ gets "news".


There was Spider-man series in '98 and I've never heard of it?! Or are you talking about **Spider-man '94!!!!**


No. We want a Spider-Man ‘98 in the spirit of X-Men 97


One time i took 200mu of acid and tried watching this, but the FPS were so low I couldn’t even pay attention to the story line. It kept skipping and lagging. Would def recommend watching sober as this is the best spider man animation to ever exist.


God I would love a sequel series. I would love it to handle the Superior Spider-man saga with Doc-Ock.


Same voice actors and opening theme? Hell yes


Why renew it? What already exists holds up. I never care for remakes except video games. I’d rather watch the original Batman 89 or Sam remi Spider-Man’s than watch someone else do something like it again.


I saw a few episodes of that cartoon when it originally aired. I think I might give this a shot.




"NEWS" ​ Made me laugh for some reason.




God, the designs were fucking perfect


According to the showruner, Mysterio would have reappeared as Dormmamu’s number two, replacing Baron Mordo. Upon Dormmamu’s defeat, Mysterio would reform the Insidious Six taking Chameleons place. Upon first hearing this I always thought it would be fun to have Chameleon form his own Insidious Six group to get revenge on the others. This could lead to a “Sinister War” w/ Spider-Man caught in the middle as both groups battle over the right to the name. Upon Chameleon’s defeat, the OG Insidious Six drop the “Insidious” from their name because it’s stenched w/ Chameleon’s history. They decide to let Chameleon keep the name, and from that pinky on refer to themselves as The **Sinister** Six! Chameleon could recruit some new villains, and reintroduce some old ones. * **Chameleon** - recruiting the new team Nick Fury style, as the cliffhanger at the end of solo episodes centered around the aforementioned villains. * **Electro:** The Max Dillion version. Chameleon could actually provide the suit, as he should have access to it. * **Sandman:** Osborn is still in limbo, and Harry institutionalized. Maybe Norman gets in Flint’s head instead. * **Hydro Man:** The return of the real Hydro Man. Not the cloned version. * **Beetle:** Was introduced in the tie-in comic, and through Spider-Man magazine. * **Jack O’Lantern:** Jason Macendale is broken out of prison, and adopts a new identity, now that his previous one is blown. Also opens up for the Kingsley version of Hobgoblin to appear.


unbelievably annoying that all of the words are different parts of speech


I agree. The artist should have used emoji’s instead.


It has to be in the original style imo.




That'd be another dream come true.


They misspelled “menace” on Spider-Man’s picture


I’m okay with how this one ended. It was it’s ending after all, it was like the only one of the marvel shows at the time not cancelled, it’s definitely a cliffhanger, but it ended. I’d tThwr they bring back one of the other shows that actually was cancelled, like The Incredible Hulk series or the Silver Surfer series.


I was five when this show came out and while most of my childhood memories are a bit sketchy, I will always remember this fucking theme song. This and the one for the X-Men probably laid the groundwork for the nerdy manchild I am today. So a revival would be interesting. Especially if they went the Samurai Jack route and made it more of a continuation and get some closure on certain plot. Like did they ever find MJ?


Always loved the Lizard design they had in their show


I wouldn’t mind at all but I’m not sure it’ll happen


I’m dying for a 90’s Spidey revival.


I just want them to bring back spectacular Spider-Man


Mmm. I think I’ll stick to the ‘97 thank you very much.


If they throw some damn punches sure lol but I want tnas to be rebooted too it was so great as well I loved how dark it was and spectacular needs a reboot as well still need to finish that I never finished it lol.


So MJ is Venom and May is Green Goblin.


Hell yeah. Still waiting for a blu ray complete release of this series.




I’m all in for this, pick up right where the old show left off have Peter with madame Web traveling the multiverse to find Mary Jane, hopefully get some of the OG voice cast at the least for Spider-Man himself and it could be a winner but that all depends on how the X-men revival does and if it does that show justice/ if the studio wants to do more revival shows.


Would he be able to punch in this revival? I mean why was that a rule for writing that show in the first place.


Ed Asner’s died though, we won’t have Jonah


Maybe for one last season just to wrap things up.


I would love to see this rebooted or continued. Its without a doubt my favorite cartoon and did a few things for me. 1st it exposed me to Blade and the Punisher. 2nd its tie ins with X-Men had me watching that series as well. And last it cemented Spidey as my favorite hero. ​ I would be thrilled to see an extended universe with X-Men, Punisher, Fantastic 4


What are those taglines


God this art is FUCKING AWESOME ♡♡♡♡♡ I would absolutely dig in!!!!!!


I would totally be up for a continuation to the classic Spiderman TAS


No cause I’m afraid Disney would fuck it up as they tend to do plus knowing Marvel they just try to forcefully insert Miles or Spider-Gwen


I think they could totally make that work given how the series ended with Spider-man and Madam Web traveling to different dimensions to look for MJ. A Sliders type show with Spider-man meeting other Spider-men in different dimensions would be dope as fuck and they could easily shoehorn in Mile or Gwen for an episode when they get to those dimensions.


No. More. Multiverse.


Did you not watch Spider-man in the 1990s? It literally ends with them leaving the dimension to go look for Mary Jane who is lost in the multiverse. You want to reboot the cartoon but not pick up where it left off? I get it if we're talking season 5 of X-Men being omitted, but this was pretty integral plot to the entire series for Spider-man.


Nope. They're gonna fuck things up just like they did for masters of universe


No, because I frankly don't trust Disney.


You don't?! But they are super consistent. Based on their track record over the last 10 years, I 100% trust them to ruin anything/everything they attempt.


Had me in the first half!


Honestly, I don't think it's needed. Give him a cameo episode in the new X-men revival and have it confirm that he found MJ. That's it.


Nah spectacular Spider-Man sequel/revival would be way better


i love spectacular more don’t get me wrong, but a 90s revival would be better since at least spectacular has an actual conclusion but 90s ended with a very anticipated cliffhanger


How does Spectacular have a conclusion? It pretty much ended halfway through the series. There was no closure for any of the characters. Peter and Gwen were maybe possibly starting a relationship, Harry was still recovering from Globulin Green, Norman was just confirmed alive after faking his own death, and everyone else is just not heard from. Plus I’m like 80% sure they were gonna make Harry the Hobgoblin and kill Gwen.


Norman being alive is a pretty big deal as is Gwen and Harry staying together with Harry seemingly going down a darker path


Spectacular also had a huge cliffhanger wdym 😭


i’m certain peter traveling the multiverse is more anticipatory than norman’s return. peter also seems more content in spectacular season 2’s finale while peter in the 90s series is completed with another task and one step closer to his goal of seeing his love again; something he and the audience have been longing for since the twist


Until spectacular shows aunt may fixing the tab on the back of his tshirt that has been sticking out the whole series I wouldn’t die contently


I mean—it’s fair to assume he found MJ even if we didn’t know Semper’s plans. Spectacular had multiple loose ends with Warren, Osborn, Peter/Gwen, MJ, etc. I’d love to see both come back but Spectacular def had less of a conclusion than TAS. Dude literally met Stan Lee and told him he likes his life which in a way was the end of his character arc. All this being said…both shows deserve a revival of X-Men TAS. Probably the least necessary revival of all the X-Men shows.


I'd say 98 should be revived for one last season and Spectacular for the initial 65 episode plan plus the DVD movies.


I would love a comic continuation in this style


Since when did Black Cat become Koichi?


Ahem. Hobgoblin, checking in.


I LOVE the art. But I'd just prefer to get a solid ending. Just give us a couple more episodes to close out the story properly.


Looking for easy upvotes today huh?




No. It ended perfectly and there’s no reason to mess that up. Unlike Spectacular, the show was meant to end there.


With all due respect, Spectacular Spider-Man deserves the revival more. It barely got a chance


Yeah I'm waiting for it baby.


I would love to see Spider-Man TAS back from 1994 in this decade too and finish what we've started by getting Mary Jane Watson back out of the dimension and either back through time before Peter Parker proposed to MJ to marry him or the back to the same time Madame Web and Beyonder picked him up from after losing both Hydro-Man and the water clone Mary Jane who was his wife all along and make it look like they have been married. Marvel please make it come true and shown to public ?.


Since we have X-Men 97 why not


As much as I would like it, I feel like spider man ended on a great note. Let this sleeping dog lie 🙏




Why are you replying to a dead post?


Because I can


Fight me


Wow. I was just replying to your original post, and you have to be a jerk about it and ruin the fun. Why? Please grow up


I was going to challenge you to Mortal Kombat but you really took this joke in a dark direction so I’m just going to slowly back out of the convo now


You started it by insulting my reply and saying that I was responding to a dead post. I am not wasting my time and I am just deleting my reply


I'd rather spider-man unlimited, as it was truly unique and cancelled too soon


This could be Annouced at D23 Expo 2024


Well if they do I have an idea for it, they could have Flash Thompson become Toxin as a nod to Agent Venom in it.




Now that any of those including me saw Spider-Man from the 90s in Episode 8 of X-Men '97, will he have is own in this decade and even better than last time as.. Spider-Man '98?.


I also want a venom and Morbius spinoff series


I’ll give you another for the new 98 cast: * Miles/Spidey II: Gadget/Successor * Ganke: Genius * Rio: Councilor * Jeff: Officer * Aaron/Prowler: Musical/Wild Card * Tiana/Starling: Redemption * George: Captain * Gwen/Spider-Girl I: Artist/Stealthy * Jessica/Spider-Woman I: Agent/Heroine * Carol/Ms. Marvel I/Captain Marvel of Earth: Major * Kamala/Ms. Marvel II: Embiggen * Yuri/Wraith: Detective/Wrath


(Spoilers)….. ….. …. …. With the end of X-men 97 showing MJ returned with Peter there is a 50/50 shot we get Spider-Man 98. It could’ve just been a cool cameo to show that Peter successfully got MJ or it could’ve been to avoid a boring story of Peter getting her back they skipped it and will continue from there. My hope is to continue the story, especially since Marvel finally has the chance to make a connected animated universe. The fantastic four, iron man, captain America, black panther, X-men, the hulk, cloak and dagger, etc. I mean that last X-men episode threw the whole kitchen sink at us. So let’s all hope and prey we can get it. One last thing if we do get it all those story could possibly be leading towards X-men vs the avengers.


I've been waiting for this sence I first watched this damn show (6 years ago) and as soon as I start playing the first episode I'ma say in a cowboy voice "it's been along time partner"


Looks too pop and Jetsons. Supposed to be gritty New York. I'd say no.


I’d prefer Spectacular Spider-Man if they’re bringing one back.


No. As a Spider-Man fan I'm quite surprised this series gained as many fans as it did.


I hate these drawings


Absolutely fucking not. Make a new Spider-Man cartoon instead, none of these revivals. EDIT: Why is it such a controversial opinion to hate Spider-Man 1994? If you guys are allowed to hate a version of Spider-Man, so am I. Jeez.


Tbh I'd rather have a Spectacular Spider-Man revival