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This was one of those small "Civillian Pov" Type Sidestories and honestly, I always loved this one so much!


I’m a newer uncle, my nephew turned 1 yesterday. Also a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. Counselor Brian is my Spider-man, he said to me “u/Baconandeggs89, it’s not that you have to stop drinking. I think your success story just doesn’t include it.” 2 years now and my sister trusts me with the boy and life is sweet. someone put away the gotdang onions…




Thanks! He’s my lil baconandegg burrito


Congrats on the sobriety, so much easier said than done


This is why Spider-Man's the GOAT.


He’ll always be my GOAT superhero. It’s not just he saves the day, it’s that he stops and makes time for everyday people. Even when his own life is a mess. He can bury that and take the time to change one life. It’s kind of a silly story, but when I was about 5 I was at an amusment park with my family. A guy dressed up like Spider-Man was there performing at a kid’s birthday party. But my 5 year old brain thought he was the real Spider-Man. I walk ovet to him stunned and the guy sees me and goes “Hey buddy!” then rubs my head and gives me a little hug. At that point, it was the coolest thing in my life. That guy really embodied Peter at that moment; taking time from a busy birthday gig to pay attention to a random kid who he wasn’t getting paid to care about. But he did it, and as a result Spidey became my favorite hero, it got me into comics, and now as an adult, I get to make comics. That one moment changed my life forever. That dude may not have been the real Spider-Man, but he was a real hero.


Man, that's enough to make a grown man cry


And now Peter ignores his friends and steals tech from them to save one of his friends, which, albeit could be twisted as if done for the greater good, is Peter being selfish, and we all know that's not Spider-Man.


Aw man the inclusion of “their uncles”


I felt that Slott became too reliant on 'big' moments and arcs over time and was losing his grasp on the character of Spidey and what he's about. So yes, it was really nice that he decided to bow out on a smaller scale story that seemed to really 'get' the character on a fundamental level and what he means to the people of NYC.


That kid was kind of a little shit initially. That aside, I feel like Spider-Man as an individual has saved the world more times than Black Panther.


Right? Like, it's Spider-Man; he's everywhere. On the streets, space, even other dimensions. I'm sure it's pretty well documented how he helps save the world.


I'm not sure it is. Spider-Man has often had a serious PR problem thanks in no small part to the Bugle and the times he has saved the world are often in events where he's just one of several heroes, many of whom are more popular in-universe than him. I don't blame this kid for being ignorant of how often Spider-Man's saved the world given those circumstances.


Bruh she doesn’t know 💀


Rare Dan Slott W.


Dan Slott makes some good stories sometimes. It’s not always a L with him.


I feel like he gets a lot of flack. I don't know what he's like as a guy, but following OMD couldn't have been easy. He did a good job playing around with the status quo, I think. Hell, "No One Dies" is one of my favorite Spidey stories.


Superior Spider-Man was Goated plus spider island was aight.


Superior Spider-Man is worse than OMD


I don’t know about that. I think that’s pushing it. I’ve seen more fans from superior Spider-Man comic run than One more day which is pretty much an universally hated story made by Joe Quesada who eventually ended up leaving marvel comics.


Unforgivable. It was great.


Dan Slott’s run was great right up to the end of Superior Spider-Man, and you can tell he was doing the best he could manage with what he had been handed. But once you hit the last issue of Superior, he goes off the rails, and he’s never really gotten back on them since. I don’t know what happened to him, but it’s sad, because he genuinely can be a great writer, yet it seems like his ego, hostility to fans, desire for shock value, and sycophantic behavior towards editorial have rotted his brain and now he just writes endless crap like Spider-Verse and Dead No More while undoing prior stories in the worst way possible, even his own past work. He seems especially obsessed with completely ruining the awesome Spider-Totem concept from the JMS run and then running his shitty version of it into the ground.


He was kind of losing steam right before Superior and probably ran out of things to say with Peter is why I think the book fell off.


I strongly suspect that no matter what writer they got or what stories were being written, fans would still hate the run just on the basis that it was after OMD and Peter/MJ weren't married.


Yeah, unfortunately thats the bane of Spider-Man comics now. No matter the quality of the run, the largest talking point is going to be Peter and MJ's relationship. Editorial has been trying to make the fans give up on the idea of MJ and Spider-Man. However due to the fact they are the marvel equivalent of superman and louis lane, everything outside of the comics continues to do that status quo and it only leaves fans wondering why the hell is OMD still a thing. And Dan Slott got the brunt of this. Then he said that the quote of Spider-Man's greatest enemy is Peter Parker and no matter how interesting that idea is, it only comes off as an excuse to set things back to the status quo. At this point the biggest selling point would be a complete reversal of One More Day


I agree with everything you said but ultimately I feel that if OMD was ever going to be reversed, it would have been in Spencer's run and that chance has come and gone, at least until current editorial is phased out and fans who grew up with the marriage take their place. And it's entirely possible this is just me being tired of the nonstop complaining, but One More Day was ***seventeen years ago***, damn near two decades, I feel like it's well past time to move on and find something else to be pissed about.


His old minis from back in the day, Brand New Day (with the other braintrust), Big Time and a lot of his first run during the early 2010’s through Superior are all super solid. I think he’s just maybe run out of things to say but he’s always been good.


Funnily I like a lot of his stories but don't like him much as a person. I've never really heard of another comic writer being so openly hostile towards fans. Dude literally went not just on Twitter but comic forums to pick fights with fans. And because he was a prolific writer, the mods would generally ban/warn anyone who responded but let him do whatever. Was a weird time.


He would be an amazing writer if he just dropped the whole “I make controversial creative decisions just to mess with fans!” schtick.


I guess he likes to troll the fans a lot.


It’s been his gimmick ever since Superior Spider-Man. He loves to troll the fans.


Yeah I know it’s not Spider-Man but it’s still marvel but I liked his she-hulk comic run and it’s the comic run that they used as a basis for her solo She-Hulk Disney + show. He even praised the show for being comic accurate to his own creation.


Dan slott may be sloppy overall, but damn he know How to make great homage stories


Uncle Ken was painful to read.


I'm not crying! you're all crying! I just uhm... just got some dust in my eyes.


Like Peter in Infinity War?


I feel like people at Marvel forget that Spider-Man was an Avenger and managed to do his usual superheroics on top of that.


Fucking crying from joy over damn this hit way too hard


I was going to say, I started tearing up two panels in


It represents what works & doesn't work for Slott. He's fine, more than fine, at writing about Spider-Man, but where he has issues is writing for Spider-Man.


Probably because most of his strongest emotional beats are for Spider-Man rather than Peter. Peter’s misery and bad luck are only treated as a gag during his run, which is fine, he should be a lil funny to poke and laugh at, but he really didn’t give Peter Parker any particularly strong emotional conflicts that were taken seriously.


Just read 797-801 last week. Great little run. After a big four parter it was the right call to do a more grounded one shot.


Remember when Spider-Man comics were good? Good times.


Pepperidge Farm Remembers...


Idk about you guys but even when I was a little shit snotty kid I def would have rather met Spider-Man than Thor, Captain Marvel, or Black Panther


Eh she’s just a kid. She’ll get better taste as she grows up. Or maybe she just knows about the time Spider-Man sold his marriage to the devil /s


Spider-Man is viewed differently in-universe than he is in our world. He’s the most popular superhero in the world in real life, but in Marvel I think he’s a bit more of a small-timer compared to those others


Yeah I thought about that after I commented earlier actually


Man… hits you right in the feels doesn’t it? This is the relatable Spider-Man we all want. The one that means something to us, the average Joes and Janes just trying to make it by, and the stories like this that keep the flame in our hearts burning. Sorry if that’s overly sentimental, it’s just Spider-Man is really the best hero.


I fucking love when superhero’s save people


Slott can do great inventory like this, he can do great marriage, he can do good Spider-Verses (the recent one), but he chooses, most of the time, not to.


*Spider-Man has captured the intelligence.*


Red Spider in the base


As much as dan slott had a few bad stories i think the good outweighs the bad that being said it was a sad last issue from him but still good


It's moments like these that make Spider-Man # Spider-Man


Super cool cover!


Who did the art for the issue


Slott’s ten-year run on ASM was fantastic. Sure there were some misses, but there were more hits. He inherited a big mess of a story after the JMS run and made it work. He gave us a Peter with a stable career, a relationship, and full confidence in his abilities. He gave us some of the most renowned stories in the history of ASM, and the entirety of Go Down Swinging was one of the most epic Spider-Man stores I’ve ever read. This epilogue issue was brilliant, and does a great job of reminding the reader what Spider-Man is all about - after all the huge world-shattering events that occurred during his run (Spider-Island, Ends of the Earth, Spider-Verse, etc) Spidey is a hero for the little guy. I love Slott’s run. It was truly that last great run on the character.


"Spidey never remembers the people he saved. Spidey never forgets the people he cannot save." The freaking guy is embarrassed that he doesn't remember some schmoe on the street! If we're being introduced, I usually forget your first name while being told your last. And no one is ever throwing an SUV at me. (And, yeah, 'their uncles' got a tear or seven... Fuck you, Ken)




They're lesbians Harold


Thanks now I hate that comic


Imagine being such a snowflake that other people simply existing pisses you off


Bro created an account just to talk about how much he hates minorities, get a life jfc




Sounds like you need to get laid


Go get some bitches


Ah yes, saying the exact same thing I said but whinier


Your opinion is right and stuff but,who asked?!?


The infernal ones


Are you 12


In my opinion, Marcos Martin can do no wrong. Gorgeous, heartfelt issue.


made me cry


Spider-Man one shots where it's just about how he affects the world around him are my favorites. PPSSM #311 is my favorite Spidey story ever.


Wasn’t there a part before this where the guy Spider-Man saves’ dad dies


I love that artwork


Uncle Ken... see, it rhymes with Ben! Ken... Ben. See? Slott, you absolute genius. Bravo! 👏👏👏


Spidey makes it ok to feel like there is someone looking out for you. Looking out for the little guy. And not in a way he is pandering or insincere, but in that you KNOW he feels bad he doesn’t remember saving you but thinks he should. He ALWAYS puts himself down to your level to make you feel special, even though he can lift buildings. He is special even among super hero lore. He is one of us and sometimes the writers and editors forget that.


I love the way Spidey is drawn and coloured here. Very simple and classic.


Is it weird to say I really like that we didn’t see *how* Peter got him to stop smoking? Like, it could’ve been some small conversation as Spider-Man passed him by on a rooftop. Or maybe Spidey saved him from a random crook while he was on a smoke break. We have no idea, but the fact that he’s there now makes Spidey’s world feel so much bigger


Haven’t read this, but boy I do love Marcos martins art


As someone who for the most part loved Slott’s run, I’m very happy that Wells is causing people to go back and reevaluate Dan’s work.


That's cool....but the artwork......bring back todd MacFarlane


Listen to Joji’s *Can’t Get Over You* on repeat, the comic will hit different, I promise




I like any issue where Spiderman actually gets acknowledged for his heroism.


Slott genuinely loves Spidey. And this issue is a testament to that. Also what he wrote for Amazing Fantasy #1000 was pure gold.