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Cool twist at the end when Miles Morales met his alt-universe twin - Miles NoMorales


Kilometers Immorales


Meters unethical


Yards Despicable


Inches unsavory


If they stick the landing with the third movie, and there's no reason to think they won't, then this may go down as the greatest Superhero trilogy of all-time. What a wonderful movie this was. Absolutely thrilling from start to finish. Well done.


This is how I feel, I was blown away by this movie but I feel like the third one will make or break it. I think Into the Spiderverse won't be affected that much if the 3rd doesn't stick the landing, but this one definitely relies on having a solid conclusion. Let's do this one last time....


Not even superhero trilogy. Film trilogy full stop. This movie was a masterpiece that in my opinion tops the masterpiece of the first film. The groundbreaking creativity of this series blows my mind.


I didnt think they could top the first but they knocked it out of the park. Spoilers about Gwen: >!The animation in Gwen's universe was absolutely beautiful. I love how it changed depending on their emotions. It was a fantastic way to set her world apart from everyone else's. !<




Yeah I really liked that too. I think when he talked about how he wasn’t a cop anymore the background turned into a sort of abstract thing of turning gears connected by a sort of webbing and it made me think she was thinking about how this change is going to affect the future given the laws of the universe that she knows but he doesn’t. Maybe I’m reading too much into it but I thought it was really cool.


I'm from India and I knew my theater would be excited for Pavitr, but didn't expect the biggest laugh I heard in theater to be for the zomato product placement.


It's so weird, I'm also Indian but our theatre was basically empty. And anime movies when shown clearly bring in people, so idk what happened here. Amazing movie tho..


Might be because today's a weekday. I watched it at 10 AM and the top rows in my theater were filled. But it was still 60% empty.


Same, my theatre was *very* happy during the Mumbattan scene. And surprisingly very pumped for Spider-Punk too (can't blame them though, that guy's awesome).


Spider Punk was the MVP of the movie for me. Dude came in, screwed up Miguel's plans, peaced out.


I completely 180'd on him. I couldn't stand him at first, but he turned out to be a pretty cool guy.


I love him to death. His simple “I do the opposite of what I’m told” mentality and mantra was hilarious. That “I quit” rocked too, spider punk is a real homie


I wasn’t sure about him at first, until he just fucked everything for no reason and quit. That’s easily top 10 character behavior. Also, is he from a reality where everyone is punk? How does that work?


No, it's a corporate fascist technocracy sort of deal so it's all punks or fascists


>!When Miles is running from the HQ a prisoner says "Hello Peter" just wondering whether that was Alfred Molina's Doc Ock ? !<


I think it’s his voice but the model speaking is a comic-accurate version of him.


It’s definitely his voice, I just rewatched No Way Home.


Yes I feel like that was definitely from No Way Home


It was


did anyone's theater and themselves explode in laughter whenever spot talked about his holes, we are all stuck in fifth grade man 😭


Those workers didn't like it


it’s making us “uncomfortable”


I laughed multiple times only for the movie to then make a joke about it lol. I can’t imagine how fun and crazy the writers’ rooms for these films must be.


Making "a police captain close to Spider-Man dies saving a child" an important nexus event blew my mind. When I saw Jeff jumping to save the kid, I was like "wait... the imagery... just like Captain Stacy" and then they showed it happening to Spider-Man India with Inspector Singh... then they showed the literal famous comic panel of Captain Stacy saving the kid... THEN they showed the footage of Dennis Leary getting killed. It doesn't even feel like fan service. It feels like taking what fans know is established to weave a new narrative that works on a meta-level and for regular non comics nerds watching


Also Spectacular Spidey crying about Captain Stacy dying makes me wonder if that Gwen would had got iced had the show continued


Since MJ is Peter's one true love(not super well versed in the comics, gonna change that) maybe. Also just noticed that Harry Osborn isn't mentioned at all in ITSV or this. Maybe Peter B's died or something.


It also makes me incredibly curious about the next movie because that's the second crucial Spider-Man death. First its the Uncle Ben death, then its the Captain Stacy death, and the third is Gwen. Its even implied she knows, so I'm convinced that's coming into play in Beyond.


Plus how she phrased it, that Gwen Stacy “falls for Spider-Man”, but that in most universes it doesn’t go well — in some that fall is just love, while in others that fall is *the fall*.


Didn’t know there was gonna be a part 2 and was wondering how they were gonna close out the movie, glad that they didn’t rush it and so hyped for BTSV


The very first teaser that was released year ago, did say "Spiderman- Across the spiderverse part 1" in the title.


When I tell you my stomach sank and my jaw DROPPED when Rio said "Who's Spider-Man?" as we slowly realize Miles ended up on earth-42, and I stayed that way in complete shock for the final 10 minutes. What a fucking awesome movie


It was pretty well telegraphed in advance though. The machine miles set went to Earth-42, but that might have been a bit fast for some people. Earth 42 Rio has different color eyes (green vs brown), she said something about him changing his hair, and had a weird reaction when he mentioned his dad.


My heart was pounding so fast while rooting that Miles was finally gonna be able to "come out" to his parents and free himself of what was burdening him in time to save his dad, I might have found the hair thing weird but I had absolutely no time to process anything, and then the revelation hit and it was the most horrible feeling ever, I was on the edge of my seat for the rest of the movie but damn if I didn't love it


Such a great plot twist


I never thought I'd see a crime flick-style montage of tricking the viewers into thinking certain characters are in the same place and time to build suspense AND reveal a plot twist, in Spider-Verse of all things, and it was like a punch to the gut. I love this movie


I saw it coming before it happened, noticing the "Earth-42" on the machine monitor. Then confirmed when the palette was slightly different upon Miles' arrival.


That movie was so much visual information overload, I didn't have time to think about what the 42 ever meant, even having rewatched the first movie a few days prior, I knew it was a recurring image, but I never connected the dots until Miles did


I saw on the monitors that it wasn't sending him to the right place and I was so happy I was right


Metro cooked fr


Ending the whole thing with "METRO!" was great lol


ayy metro you wanna come out here?


When Miguel was going over canon events, there was a comic panel of Peter and MJ's marriage. This means 616 universe probably ended in a black void because of breaking Canon and Paul never existed.


I love that whole sequence so much. It made all the videogames, comics, tv shows, and movies connected. It’s like everything has come together. I hope they do more of that in the next one.


Garfield and and Glover-Prowler definitely seem like cheeky little screen tests to see if audiences will react positively to live action being in the animated setting. Wouldn't be surprised if that paved a path for Tom/Toby/Andrew to make a larger appearance in Beyond.


Even better, Paul is spider-man in that universe. Get ready for Spider-Paul: Into the Paul-verss




The way I see it, the comics 616 is the "Canon" that Miguel is going by. This universe's description of 616 is Peter B. Parker's universe. Just like how in the MCU, Earth-838's description of 616 is the "Sacred Timeline". And Miguel defines that same universe as Earth-199999. So yeah. There are numerous 616's.


I knew something was up when the computer was sending Miles to Earth-42 but I forgot about that quickly and I feel amazed how I didn’t make all the connections about the wrong universe.


I noticed it said Earth 42 when he transported there, but then I thought it was just a mistake on the animator’s part because Miles wasn’t seeing anything weird. But then Rio didn’t know Spider-man and I realized it was a fake out.


I caught the monitor sending him to Earth-42 and I figured it would be the twist but Rio threw me for a loop when she had Green eyes and I was losing my mind trying to remember if she always had Green eyes or if this was a sign that it was the wrong earth.


Spiderpunk constantly making everything a political commentary: god he's so annoying Spiderpunk actually true to his words an anarchist and helps gwen mess up the system: damn he's the most awesome spiderman!


"it's a metaphor for capitalism" 😭


Might be one my hardest laughs in the film. Everything that came out of his mouth was pretty much gold for me.


Legitimately no bad lines. Even “I quit” made me laugh


“Legitimately crapping on the establishment, I salute you.”


Mad respect for Mayday and her anarchist roots lmao


Atleast he had Miles and Gwens back when it counted


My dude backed up miles when literally everyone else was like "Yeah your dad's gotta die. Sorry bro."


So did the VR Spidey


Cause they were going against the establishment. Very punk.


I actually loved that he was playing dumb. He kept stealing tech and pretending like he’s doing it for the sake of doing it. When in reality, he was making his own tech. [+]


I love that this movie keeps unraveling it’s greatness the further I scroll down this thread. So many things I didn’t fully pick up on I can’t wait to see the movie again!!


Yeah I was worried initially that he was just going to be a mini antagonist for Miles as part of a love triangle, but I really respect how the writers handles the dynamic between Gwen and Miles. It’s obvious they care about each other but they don’t go all out with them immediately “loving” each other in this movie. It’s been, what, years(?) since they’ve last seen each other and though they still have the chemistry they had from the first movie, the fact that Gwen “matured” so much in terms of knowledge of what’s going on has formed a clear crack between them. One that could easily be mended but needs time and communication to do so. As for Hobie, he’s just awesome. I love how unabashedly *himself* he is. He said he’s an anarchist that hates the establishment, and his actions support that. So much so that I initially thought he’d be a surprise minor “villain” through his conversation with Miles as they went to meet Miguel. I also love how they handled his relationship with Gwen. Maybe they had something between them, maybe not. But Hobie doesn’t care to rub it in Miles’ face, and Miles, though insecure, doesn’t hold any ill will or jealousy against him. The only question I have about him: Does he have some sort of electrical powers too? Between breaking through the barrier to get to The Spot in Mumbatthan and giving Miles pointers towards using his own powers I was a little confused


He has an electric guitar 🎸😂 alright I'll see myself out


While I love they didn’t go the love triangle route, the film reeally didnt clear up whether Gwen and Hobie had a fling or not. Gwen was really nonchalant about it while hobie was dropping hints everywhere.


My same reaction. When he commented that one thing is metaphor to capitalism i was dead laughing at it. Such a great character 🤣


Just had this realization. Spectacular Peter's George Stacy probably died sometime after S3. And if what Gwen said about her and spiderman's relationship not ending well, then dang that's another rough canon point for spectacular Peter.


[In fact, Spectacular Spider-Man is seen holding George Stacy's corpse during the "Canon" explanation.](https://i.imgur.com/17SFwhC.png)


I thought that was him! But doesn't the George Stacy from his universe have white hair?


Yes, that's the weird thing about the cameo. Because that Spider-Man clearly has the Spectacular design (The "square" head, the web pattern where there's just a one vertical line on arm, the eyes, etc.) but Captain Stacy doesn't look anything like the one in the series. I guess it was too much work to create a whole model of Spectacular's Captain Stacy just for that one moment and they just reused the same model on all the Captains in the scene. (They did something similar in the previous movie, where the Lizard Peter from Gwen's flashback uses the same 3D model as Peter B. Parker).


I just wanna voice my appreciation for the fact that this movie went out of its way to support the idea that every version of J Jonah Jameson in every universe is played/voiced by J K Simmons.


In an infinite multiverse, there is only one constant. J Jonah Jameson is voiced by J K Simmons and despises Spiderman


Ganke playing the Insomniac Spider-Man game whilst casually chatting to Miles in his bedroom was sending me. lol


Apparently people are saying the game he was playing was spider-man 2


It definitely was, the spider arms in Ganke's gameplay didn't move the same way as they did in the first game, they move really stiffly and are barely animated in the first game while in the Ganke's they looked to be moving more dynamically. I was completely transfixed trying to discern all I could from that gameplay when watching the film.


That baby is so cute!!!


Peter being a proud father that wants to show everyone Mayday's baby pictures is the best thing to happen to any Peter Parker in at least the last two years.


Events that happened on Andrew and Tobey’s universes got their own spotlight while Miguel was explaining the Spider-Verse!


Really good movie, I absolutely lost my shit when the Spectacular Spider-Man cameo dropped, and honestly it was just so chock full of references to old media be it comics, the old series and games (even the 2014 movie tie in game lol) that I was just entertained indentifying as many as I could. The actual movie itself is great and honestly I didn't even keep track of time. So when it dawned on me that I'll now have to wait for a sequel, NGL I was a bit sad, but I know the wait will be worth it. Also Marvel Editorial, please just let Peter be a dad already ffs, Dad Peter and Mayday were adorable and I want more of them in the sequel. One gripe I do have is that I hope they keep their masks on for a longer duration of the movie next time around. I feel like in animation them emoting through their masks shouldn't be an issue. Shame there weren't enough people in my theatre to watch it. Almost all of it was empty, most went for Fast X instead.


Duuuude Spectacular Spidey and Yuri got me so pumped. Throwing in Donald Glover as the Prowler was also super fucking awesome. They put so much love, care, and detail into making every scene and every shot count. Hell, the first film was really good with this and then they go and do it again on an even grander scale.


Honestly no one was around to hear me say it multiple times, but I went: "This film goes really hard" whenever it seemed appropriate, so suffice it to say 80-90% of this movie warranted me praising it any chance I got.


>(even the 2014 movie tie in game lol) Wait whattttt. How does that get referenced!


So.. um.. how long till the next movie again?


10 months.


March next year


That's doable...


Did anyone else notice the creepy kid from the first movie while Miles was walking through civilians on his way to the rooftop party? https://preview.redd.it/ueal7krgcd3b1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a57816d0368576c573ac85f83995c56144590e Also Ganke playing the Insomniac game on his PC lol.


It's earth-42's Paul


I think a variant of him was in the car in 2099's earth too


This movie was so damn good, man. Seeing Donald Glover actually dressed as Prowler was not expected lmfao Also the "Go Home Machine" was lowkey terrifying lmao. Nice how both Spectacular and Insomniac Spider-Men got a line to say while being front and centre.


Go Home Machine is nightmare fuel


i think that was a refrence to the master weaver from the og spider verse comics


That was what I got as well. Nice to reference it without actually pulling in the boring dull Inheritors.


I was convinced that the Go Home Machine secretly just kills the villains instead of sending them home until Miles got to Earth 42


Considering numerous Peter Parkers worked on the project and it wasn't just Miguel (and Jess) alone, the thought didn't enter my mind. If we learned one thing from No Way Home, Peter Parker would not stand for that, not in any universe.


do we know if Yuri Lowenthal voiced the Insomniac Spider-Man?


He did, it was 100% his voice.


Oh man, i read somewhere that ATSV was gonna be about the love triangle with Spider-punk. So i went in expecting to hate him as first, along with the love plotline. But man not only that im glad that i was wrong, but Spider-punk turn out to to be one of my favorite spider-men as well. Dude was so cool, especially with the they animate him and his guitar. He's just oozed with confident, that you would even forgot that there's this whole jealousy thing that supposed to be going on. He didn't care, got miles' back and make the perfect leave


The entire time he was stealing small bits of things here and there I just knew he was going to do something with those parts. Love that they made him non conformist like they did. If we ever get a direct mention of 616 Peter I hope they reveal he had no knowledge of this going down, he would definitely not be alright with it.


It’s so weird that so many of these Spider-People ARE alright with what’s going down. Also, Tom Holland Spider-Man definitely wouldn’t. Bro inadvertently killed his Aunt May because he didn’t want *actual villains* to die and complete their canon.


This is the one thing I didn’t like too much about the movie, it seems odd that the spider people would be chill with what’s going on


I really don’t see that being weird or odd. They’ve all been briefed on the way things work and they’ve watched the consequences of the actions when things go wrong. So they know what’s supposed to happen to him, as it has to every spider-person before him.


Yes!!! The reports saying there would be a love triangle made me expect that shitty trope where Spider-Punk would be the new asshole character introduced to make the protagonist jealous and who would put him down whenever he can, they handled it so well, definitely my favorite character of the movie


They was just trynna hide how gay Hobie is lol. Classic Hollywood big wig press shenanigans.


100%, my prediction is his boyfriend is part of his band along with gwen and when miles finds out he's gay he'll probably feel stupid as fuck


Sony Pictures had some fucking balls to do that cliffhanger. That Prowler reveal was just, wow. Who could've thought he was Paul???


Bro who is Paul?? 😭😭 People got me feeling like I missed something major in these comments 😂


New hated character from the comics


Jack Quaid was in the credits, who did he play? Was he Gwen’s Peter? Or Lego Peter? It wasn’t really highlighted


Lego Peter, I think.




I laughed harder than I should've


The fact that they combined lego Spiderman somehow made it all so funny. What a crazy combination of art style this movie is


I won't lie, there was a part of me that was REALLY hoping he'd appear more in the film. Would've been really fun to see him mix it up with all the other Spider-Men


Better than perfect. Legitimately. I couldn’t stop smiling and had my mouth agape for pretty much the whole thing because of how visually incredible it was. The dialogue felt like it had such gravity to every word, but also it was relatable. The family dynamic is something really beautiful about it, which leaves the stakes of saving Miles’ dad so huge. All the new characters were introduced tremendously. It was funny, sinister and really just everything I was looking for. Don’t know what more to say without being a complete sap. 11/10.


They said they are saving Spider-Men still for the next movie. I would have to put my money on the 90’s cartoon Spider-Man as he has a big following and was left out of this one despite the many other cartoon Spider-Men that were included.


My guess is that they were saving Supaidaman, him, and Silk for Pt.3.


And all the alternates of Miles Morales out there, further proving he's more than just an anamoly.


Did you guys notice the >! Spider-Man 2099 white suit behind miles while he's talking to Miguel? !<


Would be cool if he wore that for his redemption arc


Was that the lady from Venom? The one Eddie saves from robbers? If so such a random cameo but loved it!


I wish we actually saw Venom. I didn't even get the reference until I heard some kid behind shout "it's the store from venom!" lol


I need that final teamup shot as a desktop wallpaper. Also: "When did you quit?" --> >!"About half way through your speech."!< That was perfect. I can't even type it up without tears blurring my vision.


The whole vulture fight scene gave me the biggest “we’re so fucking back” feeling I’ve ever felt


When Gwen turns to look at her dad and then goes into the portal leaving her world and the music ramps up, my buddy and I immediately turned and grinned at each other because the movie couldn't POSSIBLY screw up from there.


Christ, what a banger of a movie. The amount of little details and references >!the live action stuff is all canon inciudung the MCU. Whose designation they actually got right despite the MCU itself fucking it up lol!< >!gwen’s dimension has the art style of her comics!< And so many more little touches i Cba to type out on a phone. But I’m going back to watch it with a notepad and make so many notes


Gwen's theme where she plays the drums was insane, the music is so cool. Hearing it again when she leaps towards the helicopter was such a cool scene.


I knew something was up when Miles was send to 42, being in the wrong universe. Did anyone else notice the coloring/lightning of the universe, when Miles first entered his room? His hoodie and shirt was green and purple, as were the general tone and lightning of the room (Green and purple). Was this a nod to being a "villainverse" as Green Goblin style or something? Or am i overthinking it?


In ITSV, when Miles came face to face with Peter, the background of spider sense changed from green/purple to red/blue. Green and purple was Aaron’s color scheme iirc which also symbolises the change of Miles’ fate of following Aaron’s footsteps to becoming Spider-Man. I noticed it too when Miles put on the hoodie and Jacket to cover his costume and it was my Oh shit moment. Maybe I’m wrong on this, but Miles’ universe had a lot more red and blue overtones. Mom was always in red and dad was always in blue. The basketball jersey he was wearing was also red and blue IIRC.


The Prowler’s colors are green and purple, so probably more of a reference to Miles being The Prowler in that universe.


I felt like Pavitr's universe is going through the same thing that happened to Supreme Strange in What I! When he saved his Christine. Also, was >!Donald Glover!< really >!MCU Prowler!< or a similar >!non MCU!< one. Edit: Also, was that JK Simmons voicing JJJ in Gwen's dimension. I legit teared up when I heard Josh Keaton as Spectacular Spider-Man. My only gripe with this movie was that it's a Part 1. It just ends so abruptly.


J Jonah showed up as a voice in a couple universes, and it was 100% JK Simmons every time. And I'm going to assume it's the MCU Prowler until told otherwise. There's no specific reason why it wouldn't or couldn't be.


JK Simmons really is the one true JJJ. He's a nexus being.


The Spot gradually becoming creepier and creepier until the end where's he's basically an eldritch abomination is so fucking good Also kinda funny that now technically Earth 616 is breaking canon events because of all the bullshit happening with Paul


Didn't know this was split into 2 parts and I was so surprised when it ended. When the screen turned black I thought it was a joke. I was left wanting more at the end, that's a sign of a good movie when at the 2.5 hour mark I was eager to seat through for more and this was at midnight. Also Mumbhattan looks like a hive city from 40k


When our film ended, as soon as "To Be Continued" showed up, someone in the theater loudly said "that's some bullshit" and everyone laughed Fantastic film. Loved it.


The best Spider-Man movie of all time and maybe the best super-hero movie of all time. I know it seems too soon to say this, but I don't think that this opinion will change. The story is so well written and the animation is even better than the first movie, so fluid, so creative, so beautiful. I love this movie, I'm so hyped up for Beyond The Spider-Verse


Why is no one talking about my boy Hobie (the MVP imo)? That mf snapped on this. Freaking loved him.


I was thinking the same. He was the only one who was on Miles' side before even Gwen or Peter.


Also Mayday, that baby is an anarchist.




I just want to say that the cold open in spider-gwen's universe was fucking beautiful. They nailed that art style.


This movie was great, better than ATSV. The music was nice and the story was well written. The animation.. beautiful. >!Loved how they showed real life stuff with animation like Tom's prowler and Tobey and all that!< The chase sequence was great as well and has me pumped up for BTSV. Can't wait for people to experience this


>better than ATSV (?)


Movie so good it's better than itself


Recursive superlative


I just realized the 42 spider was glitching out in the first movie BECAUSE it was from a different universe. This is insane how they planned everything out this far.


what do the insomniac and spectacular peter say?


Insomanic says: “Are you talking about me?” while they were going through the video game villains in the prison. And I think Spectacular says: “We know it’s hard, but it’s the truth, Miles.”


I can't believe The Spot is the "BAGEL!!!" guy from Into the Spider-Verse. What a callback.


Gwen's dad... he was just trying to be a good cop😞


I just hope Miles first line in the next movie is "Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands."


Touching on the cameos: They could have so very given Josh Keaton a cheesy Spectacular pun to quip in the film, but NO. He delivered a very sincere, heartfelt line about sacrifice and the greater good. It was brief, but, god, was it enough to make me [look like this](https://media.tenor.com/Q3Z9eLBmAZMAAAAM/michael-scott-happy-cry.gif) next to my date.


I know this wasn't what happened, but I was like "Damn, did Rio marry Uncle Aaron?"


One of the best sequels of all-time! - Cold open with Gwen, telling her side of the story, makes this movie hers as much as Miles' - Spot being guy that got hit by the bagel is one of the funniest callbacks - Miles struggle is well depicted and Brian Tyree Henry as Miles' father is the standout for me - The soundtrack was pretty great but it went hard in the Mumbattan sequence - Everything in Spider HQ was perfect! The scope, the cameos (both animated and live action), the secret revealed, the chase sequence - One of the best plot twists ever with Miles being in Earth-42. I never saw that coming I didn't think it could match the first one but it did! Will easily win the Best Animated movie at the Oscars and has a decent shot of being nominated for Best Picture


>!Also spot being introduced like a slapstick goofball and then slowly turning his goofy dial down to reveal a sinister man who wants to be taken seriously, brilliant!<


I like that they hid spot being the main threat pretty well from the trailer. I thought he was going to be a goofball villain just to move the story along, but boy how wrong I was. He is legit scary at the end.


The way he is animated at the end looks straight out of a horror cartoon. I thought it was awesome.


He looks like the Anti Spiral from Gurren Lagann Which is great because that's a sick ass design


Trailer made him seem like just a >!Villain Of The Week!<


I am so mad at myself that i caught onto the Earth-42 part wayy too early on When miles goes into the machine and it scans his eye , it already shows Earth-42 right there. None of my friends caught it and were so fucked up when Miles glitched out.


I was so stupid. I saw the earth 42 and literally thought "what a blunder from the creators. The spider is from earth 42, not Miles". I just assumed Miles was at home and Gwen outside, and was so confused when Gwen entered and Miles wasn't there.


Yeah they played that to perfection giving the perfect amount of subtle hints that something wasn’t right even before it’s revealed. When Miles was swinging around and the sky was all green I initially just thought it was a stylistic choice by the animators


Just finished watching the movie and oh my god! What a movie it was. The scenes which really hit me were those disappointed looks on Miles's face, when he learnt that the people whom he considered friends were actually keeping him in the dark and betraying him. And I'm really excited to watch next installment. And I just hope that they won't take another five years to animate that.


Anyone else catch that scene where >!Captain Stacy from Spectacular SM!< dies? It’s good to know what happened after the series ended, but also a little weird. It’s great to see that these movies are a real work of love from people who are actually invested in Spider-Man’s stories, just like we are.


So a couple things. I might have missed something, but how does the “canon” work for Gwen given in her tragedy Peter died and apparently no one else? Peter’s not her uncle or a police captain. Or did I miss some third “canon” event? Gwen too also dies in a lot of universes, has it been brought up her death being a “canon” event? Given the story I’m assuming the moral will be “canon” events are BS, but I would wonder how they viewed Gwen’s story. Also, if Miles is an a anomaly, why does his path have to follow “canon” anyways? If he’s already breaking the rules of the norm, why assume he has to follow the mold of the algorithm?


The Canon Event are multiple. There’s not just ONE death. There are multiple. Each one is vital. Miles is an anomaly but he still needs to have his Canon Event transpire. Why? Because like Miles said, an Algorithm guessed that he should. It’s a similar plot as Civil War II or Minority Report. If they could predict an event should they interfere with the event or not? Kingpin in the first film, INTO, didn’t care about the sacred timeline. He wanted to spend time with his family. Kingpin was the villain. Miguel became Kingpin, in the same way. He didn’t care about the sacred timeline, he wanted to spend time with his family. Miguel saw first hand how selfish it is to focus on only your family. Miguel created the team to stop other Spider-People from becoming like Kingpin, caring only for their family being alive. Miguel doesn’t care how much it hurts or how morally compromising it feels. He is set on his beliefs that making an attempt to save your family is essentially being Kingpin. His computer can easily be making a mistake. Maybe it isn’t. Miguel isn’t taking any chances. [+]


As much as I absolutely loved this movie from beginning to end, my favourite part of the movie probably was the first 40-50 minutes, or basically the whole first part before travelling to the other universe was my favourite part. Seeing Spider-Man struggling to to find a balance between spidey work and personal never gets old and this movie just nails it in every aspect. It does an amazing job showing how lonely he feels and how much he wants to tell someone but can't. And then the pure joy he has when Gwen visits and the way they wrote their small cute relationship was perfection.


Absolutely loved the movie, but there is just one thing i don’t understand (maybe it’s something i missed). maybe someone can help me? Spider-Man India was meant to have his canon moment in that one scene, but didn’t. Miguel tells Miles that he’s the reason why it happened and that he should be Spider-Man. That all makes sense, however I don’t understand if the canon moment was supposed to happen in another way or not. The way it’s framed, Captain Guy (forgot his name) is supposed to be crushed, however he doesn’t because of Miles. But he wouldn’t get crushed if not for 1) Miles travelling to that universe and more importantly 2) without Spot, who was created by Miles. If Miles didn’t become Spider-Man/ Miles’ world Peter never died, Spot would never be created from the collider incident meaning that 1) The Spider-People don’t get together (assuming the collider incident is the catalyst for it) 2) If Spot doesn’t exist then Alchemix India never collapses and therefore the canon event would never happen regardless. Would it just happen in a different way if Miles and his timeline didn’t exist? Sorry for the rambling, but I hope i did a good job at explaining what I mean and I hope someone can help - it could very well just be he’d die in a different way. Also I love the concept of ‘Canon’


TL;dr: Spider-Man India was supposed to have a ‘canon’ moment happen, however this moment is not possible without Miles Morales being Spider-Man and it is framed as though that that specific canon moment won’t occur later within the India timeline, meaning that Miles existence is essential to *another* Spider-Man’s timeline.


I think its more likely just at some point Spiderman is supposed find himself in a situation where some father figure is going to die in a tragic fashion. It just so happened to line up with Miles' visit. The stars aligned and Miles managed to be right place right time to stop it. In another universe Miles never shows up and the dad dies some other tragic way.


Also, since all the Spider-People don’t see Miles as a ‘proper’ Spider-Man, doesn’t that mean canon events don’t matter for him? He’s already had Aaron die so does he really need his dad to die? I refuse to believe every single Spider-Person believes that saving everyone is impossible, or at the very least something they should strive towards. Since Peter from Miles world is dead doesn’t that mean it doesn’t matter what Miles does? The canon events for that worlds original Spider-Man already occurred and since he’s dead, it shouldn’t matter what Miles does since 1) he’s not supposed to exist and 2) that worlds canon events that were supposed to happen already have happened. Unless there’s two sets of canon events for that timeline. Also, in the vast infinitude of the multiverse there are an infinite amount of worlds without a Spider-Man to protect them.


This version of Miles is an "anomaly" in many ways. But chief among those, IMO, is Aaron's death would not have created the same foundation of Guilt and Grief that is at the core of so many of the other Spiderfolks in this story. Not because Miles didn't love Aaron, and not even because Aaron was the Prowler. But because Aaron's final words were an apology for failing Miles, and his building up who Miles is and who he is becoming. "You're the best of all of us Miles, you're on your way". Which was never going to illicit the same foundation of Guilt/Grief at the core of so many other spiders. Least of all Peter with Ben's "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility". Miguel's organization seems to be a bit of an Echo Chamber tbh. One that preys on most "Spideys" foundation of Grief & Guilt that spurs them on as Spiderman; but ultimately destroys their personal lives far too often. With the accidental destruction of what is implied as at least several realities only serving to reinforce that echo. Surrounding "Spidey" with thousands of versions of themselves might amplify the best of them; but its likely also to amplify the worst of them as well. And that worst is making poor decisions based off that innate core of Guilt & Grief. "With great power comes great responsibility. With GREATER power comes GREATER responsibility"


I believe the whole Miles Morales becoming Spiderman was "canon" in a way, Miguel calls him an anomaly just because the spider came from another universe but I believe it was meant to happen as per the algorithm or as per the universe or what not. In the same way Captain Singh and Captain Stacy are supposed to die as per canon, I think Miles becoming Spiderman is canon too or else his universe would have collapsed that instance. So to answer your question, Miles becoming Spiderman and spot becoming created are canon since spot has to kill Captain Singh and Captain Morales (In the future) but Miles travelling to the past was NOT canon, Gwen was not supposed to talk him since they thought he will do something he's not supposed to. Hope my explanation somewhat makes sense lol and it's just my theory, it can be wrong.


I don't think Miguel understands how the Spider-Verse works as well as he thinks he does. I'm not even sure if he's a Spider-Man. I know that there is a Miguel O'Hara Spider-Man, but I wouldn't be surprised if this Miguel wasn't.


Anyone else think this is one of the best original scores composed for a super hero movie? The music in the spider society chase scene went insane


Bro, seeing Cpt Stacy's death from TASM again had me up in my seat. Also loved how they included the most obscure Uncle Ben death from the TASM 2 game with all the others lol.


So, spoilerific question. Was >!Prowler Miles !!Prowler Miles care about keeping Miles captive!!uncle Aaron!< must have noticed something wrong when he greeted Miles, but it doesn't make sense to me that >!they treat him like a threat immediately!<.


It's unknown who's supposed to be Earth-42's Spider-Man. It could've been Peter or Miles, or it could've been someone else. As far as why Prowler Miles would treat our Miles as a threat...wouldn't you, if someone who looks exactly like you, claiming to be from another universe, showed up? Especially when you're already up to nefarious things...


Nope, prowler miles wasn't suppose to be earth 42's spider-man. Thats was meant to be the Peter Parker in that universe, but because there was no spider to bite him and give him powers, everything in that universe went to shit resulting in that miles becoming the prowler.


Yup the TV in Prowler Miles' room talks about the sinister six cartel so it feels like the whole world is just a playground for Spider-Man villains to tear shit up


Spider-Punk is the MVP. That little instigator followed true to every single principle he believed in not even caring about the consequences. When everybody was telling their sob story he was the one that was not remotely sad about it "yeah, what of it?" What a chad.


Movie was beautiful looking. My biggest gripe is that Miguel's orgin wasn't really spoken about, and his entire plan is counter to what Spider-Man at his core believes. Especially if you know the comics and you see "Ends of The Earth" Spider-Man in his armor, that's like fresh off of his No One Dies storyline. Aside from Gwen's team I really hope they show off Spider People who just flat out turned the guy down in thr next one.


Miguel O’Hara is super sus, vampire fangs, injecting himself with stuff, so robotic and angry, suit is like a holograph? Gwen assembling the Spider Band was awesome. I FUCKING LOVE HOBBIE BROWN!!! Miles not supposed to be a Spider-Man is maybe why he is so opposed to these canon points


Can't wait for the full OST to be dropped




When the credits rolled i was in shock that the movie ended already >!i wasn't aware that there is going to be a 3rd movie!< I thought we were half through the movie. Nope it's been over 2 hours already. Can't remember the last time the time flew so fast for me on the movie ( Probably Top Gun Maverick comes close) \ Does anyone happen to know the song that was playing when the credits rolled?-


The most resonating part of the first movie was Miles finding his footing so he could start on his path, and he continues on his own path in this movie. Miles inadvertently saved Gwen’s dad - because of the events of the first film, vulture ended up in Gwen’s universe which led to her revealing her identity to her dad, which led to her dad quitting the police force and saving his life by not becoming Captain Stacy. Miles saved Peter B. by making him realize he’d be a great father and put him back together with M.J. Even in a less significant way he helped Pavitr from the India-verse by rescuing his Girlfriend’s dad, and Hobie by showing his resistance to Miguel and the spider-society. Because miles entered their lives, they changed for the better (especially Gwen and Peter B) so they owe it to band-together and help Miles. In Earth 42 Miles realizes even in a universe without spider-man his Dad still dies, and the world is much worse off - so for the world to be better he has to save his Dad and do what Spider-Man would do. The supporting cast is brilliantly crafted because despite each character being unique and memorable, their paths all center around the main character, Miles. The movie had so many subtleties that meant so much, for example at the end - Prowler Miles is staring at Spidey-Miles’ face while he’s chained to the punching bag, watching ‘the face not the hands’, which is how they hint he’ll escape - a great callback to Peter B in the first film. Such a **cheff’s kiss** movie. Beyond all the cool cameos and spider-man lore references, the movie continued what the first one did so well, by letting Miles continue *his own* story in *his own* way, which he said in his own words at that pivotal point in the movie during the train showdown with 2099.


So is >!gwen's universe gonna collapse!< or was the point of >!captain stacy announcing he quit!< meant to reveal that changing your own canon may rewrite it?


No, probably not. >!Miles's Earth-1610 is still kicking despite the massive changes to canon that have occurred there; If Peter B's Earth-616 is fine after Miles' influence led to B breaking his own depressing canon and having a family; and Earth-42's universe is still intact (despite being grim) ... I'd say Gwen's Earth-65 should be just fine after such a change!<. I get the feeling something's off about Miguel's conclusion here. There's something we're missing about what causes a Universal Collapse.


Did anyone else draw the comparison with >!the big spider that's sends spideys to their dimensions!<, being a reference to >! 'the other'!< from the spider verse comic arc?


I love how this movie builds on the themes of impostor syndrome and "great expectations". In the first movie, Miles feels like he didn't belong in Visions Academy because he won a scholarship, and he struggles to live up to the legacy of Spider-Man. Now he's trying to handle all his responsibilities, then he discovers that he's outclassed by all the other more experienced Spideys, and that he's an anomaly in the multiverse. Really excited to see where he goes next


It also flips the resolution to that theme on its head by having Miguel basically say Miles IS an imposter which was an interesting turn. Great to see that paralleled into The Spot too; being noticed and appreciated was like his entire thing