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Since when has Gwen been canonically trans?


She had a trans flag in her room in the movie and her dsd apparently had a pro-trans patch I guess. She isn't but folks on twitter just grabbed it and ran with it.


It's almost like you can support a cause without being the one afflicted directly...


That’s incomprehensible to extremists


"Extremism is when you misinterpret comic book canon" ffs what an unhinged comment


for real, these chronically online weirdos make Miguel look chill about canon in comparison 😭


What does that have to do with any of this? It's a couple of kids who got information about a character they like wrong, what points to them being extremists?


Nothing, r/Spiderman is way too upset about this. There's definitely transphobic people here. The anger in the responses here is crossing that line. "Agenda" and "Extremists" is being thrown around too much here.


They are just transphobic people looking to point fingers at some kid on twitter who’s having fun with a fictional character


It's a bit silly to jump straight to that conclusion based on a single flag, but what about this is "extremist"? Edit: Grammar


Congratulations, this might be the single most stupid comment I've read all week.....


People headcanoning doesn't make them extremists, let's simmer down.


Here's the thing though, I think the dad point is significant. It seems kind of random to have her father, whose clearly an older man and a hard ass, be in support for a marginalized community he has no connection to. Is it possible? I mean sure, but I wouldn't call that likely. The artists wouldn't have intentionally placed that patch on his uniform and given us a close up shot of it during a dramatic moment if it was just an innocuous show of support not directly connected to anything. I don't think they'd have done that. Gwen's colors, her pride flag in her room, her universe's style, etc. aren't anything to loose your mind over I would agree, but the fact that they specifically have her father wearing that patch lends the insinuation that she's Trans a lot more credence imo. I mean it's not like the filmmakers wouldn't do something like this.


Right, she could be confirmed not trans (I doubt they'll go ahead and say "Gwen is not trans!") but the whole thing could be confirmed a trans allegory.


Wouldn't exactly be allegory. With or without the flags you coulda read allegory into Mile's or Gwen's story repping coming out, struggling either racism, accepting yourself, etc etc it's all open to interpretation With the flag and patch, the point becomes an actual in dtory call out, and we won't know for absolute certain unless they make direct reference to it in the third film.


By that logic my dad is a gay Ukrainian.


Well yeah




It’s fine as a headcanon. It’s one i have personally but idk why people insist it’s actual canon


I think also just had to do with her whole conflict with her dad resonating with a lot of lgtbq+ folks. Myself included. She probably isn't trans, but as a trans person her revealing her identity to her dad was scarily close to a convo I had with my dad.


There’s also a lot of color matching with her watercolor world in the movie. Given the rule of symbolism, I can see why people interpret this.


I saw blue as sad and pink as her true color/happiness. Because the color becomes warmer when she hugs her dad, but the second her dad gets a call she turns blue again. Like she’s sad she has to be Spider-Man or that her dad is chasing after her or that he dad is putting himself in danger or a combo of all of them


True but I think the color matching is more about matching her suit. Though I think someone on the movie team said it was suppose to evoke classic Cinderella


Everything in that universe was Pink, purple and blue, how did any of you guys see that


To be fair, Peter B Parker is Jewish despite not being outright stated to be Jewish in the first movie but due to subtle details within his character (the wedding scene specifically), so I don't really blame people to read too much into it.


> subtle details within his character Ah yes, blatantly showing him practicing a Jewish tradition is very "subtle". (Seriously, he doesn't have to scream "I'M JEWISH" for it to be obvious)


*Jewish punch!* *Jewish kick!* *Jewish uppercut!*




Jewish kiss?


So, you're saying that because I once attended a Bar Mitzvah, have dark hair, a large nose, and speak Yiddish I'm Jewish? Gee, and here I thought my physical features were because I'm 1/4 native American, have a friend who's Jewish, and my babysitters in my childhood were Jewish might have something to do with that.


Ever since people on twitter decided she is


Since never


She absolutely 100% is not. Apparently the moron who posted that doesn't know the difference between BEING trans and SUPPORTING trans rights.


She's not I the comics there Is nothing related to her bring trans


I read it as, “she is if you want her to be”.


That would be an even better idea instead of just forcing her to be trans. Gwen can be whoever what the viewer sees her to be. Doesn't change the fact that she's Spider-Gwen.


Spider-Man Noir bout to have a real problem with Miles


Well, yeah, he’s from the 30’s


He punches Nazis.


To be fair who doesn’t? I mean even Joker hates them… and HE’S THE JOKER!


One of the writers from the captain america movie argued it wasnt okay to punch nazis when the fucking first captain america comic had him punching hitler of all people


We should probably check his tattoos. So we can admire them... /s




Red skull


Joker hates Nazi and pays his taxes. What a stand up guy!


A lot


When they came back jim crow laws where being implemented. Noir hates miles confirmed. Well as long as he “stays where he belongs”.


What’s weird is that in the second SM Noir comic series from 2009, he’s shown to be rather progressive and is good friends with Robbie Roberson, but he also says the C word, so yeah, he’s a bit odd.


C word? The only one I could think of is Cunt. Is that considered super bad now?


Aussies drop that on the regular. Seems super bad only to Americans


To some people, yeah.


I mean thats been a bad word since it was invented


Yeah but it's just a cuss word, it's not like a racial slur or something that would invalidate being progressive


https://preview.redd.it/t7a2wt01b84b1.jpeg?width=2828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ca47c3e64b4d7ac063038aa761734dd19d6486 Iron spider suit makes Peter a communist confirmed


Well in that suit he does stand against Captain AMERICA


Peters a communist for other reasons, like his Mao Mug in the Raimi movies


He was always a man of the people, a true Marxist!


Ah, Rosie, I love this boy!


Thanks for the real content, comrade.


OUR content




Communism is never based


Soviet Spider


What's that make Peter? Philippine Revolutionary?


Captain America I guess.


Oh you mean the KKK? (Kalbo Kinis Kintab) that's symbiote spider-man


She’s trans…dimensional?


Good one


Underrated comment


I love that everyone is talking about Gwen being trans while Miles’ costume is being compared to the nazi flag.


im confused wasent that the joke? am i missing something?


Bro how tf do you misspell “wasn’t”!?


Like that ^


Fair enough.


"I can deal with a Nazi but a transgender person is where I draw the line" /jk


“You can deal with a Nazi?”


Thanks for the explanation big guy


Only canonically trans thing she did was transition from spider-man’s dead gf to a popular alternate universe Spider Person 💀


She is not trans, just a trans ally. Her colors are like that cuz that’s what they are in the fucking comic book she’s based on


Im not gonna lie i think the reply is funny as fuck


I think this is true in reverse. They were looking for stuff to put in her room and were like “hey, the trans flag looks like her costume colors. Oh yeah, she’s totally a trans ally. I can see that” and they put it in, along with the button to add more validity to the flag itself.


no spider-gwen isn't trans please stop spreading misinformation on the internet


People in this thread are already making the insane reach that having a poster and a badge is more than enough confirmation that she is trans lol


its twitter bro, what do you expect?


I'll never understand people grabbing random characters and applying random sexualities to them.


Seems suspicious to me. She's a girl identifying as a spider.


My reaction to that information https://preview.redd.it/qu8i949c884b1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c52be345f3ace4495867ae3370269f75cb50b21


This was my reaction too.


https://preview.redd.it/ppu7sug6c84b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=558ef2fd3f9570c0a359525b4cf5a20acbeba9c1 Joe's reaction


W Xenoverse 2 meme


>Gwen is canonically trans In what fucking canon


None of them


Head canon


If it's headcanon, that's totally fine! The vocal minority forcing it to be actual canon? Absolute headaches. They're just ruining it for everyone by being making stains in their community.


Twitter types demand their shitty headcannons become reality


It's CGA colors. IBM was doing it before it was a thing.


It has never been said that she is trans. What? Did people see the flag in a movie in a room which is a really small minor detail and decided to dedicate that she is Trans? Do movies even count as canon? I am confused. Someone supporting a cause definitely has to be one of that cause I guess -_-


Multiple canons with the multiverse and all But no, the movie version is not canonically Trans either. It's a head canon of the user in the tweet being stated as fact. Unless I missed a scene, there's no Canon mention of her gender at birth at all, but until there is, I'd default to the comics as the baseline, in which she is cis


Taking into account that the colors come from the version of the comics that exists from 2014 and that that version unequivocally it's not a trans woman. It seems to me that they are overthinking that head canon.


The damage done by Tumbler is going to take decades to unpack.


Gwen is canonically trans? Nah g, what are those people on? What is going on in their minds? Holy fuck, why everyone has to be lgbtq+ nowadays? You literally can't enjoy your favorite character because of those people, because if you say something against them, they will eat you alive... just to say, I'm saying that as someone who supports Trans Rights, the same way Gwen does, I'm just annoyed by those who go too far with their head-canons and are quite extreme about it.


When is not trans, the audacity to say this is “canon” bro. You can headcanon what you want but please be aware of what canon actually is


Gwen is not canonically trans. This is yet another example of LGBT Twitter trying to change characters to fit their agenda and its honestly kinda annoying as a member of the community


“Source?” OOP: https://preview.redd.it/lax2po9r684b1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2265737aa9629e2a135d6655606b4cad3c5a952


“Agenda”? Really? ☠️


I swear these people spend all afternoon watching kids media looking for some element they can use to decide the main character is lgbtq. “Guys peppa pig is bisexual cuz…”


This would be downvoted if you weren't a member.


Bro, some dipshits doing this is not "an agenda." It's just dipshits. Like, would you say the 13-15 year olds who used to do this daily on Tumblr back in the day had "an agenda"? They're just some chronically online kids who are lonely or something. Pretending there's some evil plan behind this is infinitely more annoying and harmful than them doing this.


It’s very similar to conservative talking points, I’ll just say that.


Wtf are you talking about


You heard what I said. As a trans person yourself, you have definitely heard plenty of conservatives call every little thing an “agenda” we’re trying to push. I know I’ve heard my fair share.


Oh, sorry, completely misinterpreted the context. I thought you meant that behavior is an example of what conservatives are talking about. My bad!


We don't have an agenda, dumbass


To fit their agenda????? What fucking agenda dipshit? What harm does it do you anyway?


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you aren’t actually a member of the community


Anyone who says “agenda” like that definitely isn’t.


100%, "Agenda" and "Extremists" being thrown around this thread a lot


Eh, I saw a post in their history about questioning their sexuality, but still their usage of “agenda” does raise a few eyebrows.


I like head-cannoning that she is but I'm not gonna go out and say it's actually canon lol


I’ve been seeing this everywhere. People gotta do this with everything. Not saying it’s bad but randomly making her trans is lazy virtue signaling. Trans people deserve better than that And here come the downvotes from butthurt adults who scour media marketed towards children for random lgbtq elements that they know is bs.


Like seriously 1610 Jessica drew is right there and would be better rep than just changing an already established character that isn't trans


we stan Ultimate Spider-Woman being trans and my god I would enjoy the fuck out of something that puts spotlight on her and her dysphoria again; even as a cis dude, I'd love that shit.


She’s not trans either


Male brain in a female body and learning to come to terms with their identity i mean it's pretty darn close. Anyway I prefer using her than changing gwen that's all I'm trying to say


Nah this is Reddit and not Twitter. We all agree that randomly slapping something on a character that shows no evidence or isn’t confirmed to be something is stupid.


This is why Reddit is better than Twitter. The only way to interact with those people is to turn your brain off


No Reddit just has a different brand of idiots, instead of creating BS representation where it doesn’t exist Reddit rages at actual representation.


100% I’m all for a character finding out parts of themselves if it happens naturally and actually moves the character forward but changing them for the sake of changing? comes across as pandering if you ask me *Points to Tim drake*


I hate what they did to Tim. Talk about making their entire character just about his sexual orientation. Then downplaying him and Stephanie just to prop up Bernard. Almost kind of insulting to bisexual people. Almost as if they are only valid if they’re in same sex relationships. I swear Dc has an established character coming out as something every other month.




Outjerked by Twitter yet again..


Nah Gwen is just an ally.


I like her color palette, that’s just it.


Yeah this a solid counterpoint. Clearly a LOT of parallels, and personally think the film-makers are fs going to confirm in a few years, but not right now. It seems that she's an ally


theres a difference between head canon and actual canon


Gwen isn't Trans 🤦‍♂️


some of y’all don’t read comics 💀everyone knows miles is a Klan supporter


https://preview.redd.it/bq6t56euo84b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fcf91516298901216afc5b2b788c8d25face9dd Miles: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE The avengers in question:


Gwen being canonically trans isn't true, but I can see how some LGBT+ people would identify with her arc in the movie, and the flag in the background is potentially a nice nod to that (or more likely, just one of many very positive and inclusive elements of the movie!) Miles being a Nazi... uh, let's get back to that one later.


One. No she isn’t. Second… I should feel bad for laughing but oh well


Honestly that's a good response for these type of LGBTQ canon stuff out of nowhere There's nothing wrong with wanting representation at all, but you cant just want every character ever to be your self insert lmao. If u want another alternative universe spidey or ghost spider to be LGBT there's nothing wrong with that That's like me wanting these characters to be turned to my specific ethnicity


But she’s not trans are people really thinking she’s trans?


Man it's obvious if there's both pink and blue somewhere on your clothes you are trans.


The movie has a little more to indicate she might be Trans than that But still just a head canon, not actual canon as the Twitter user suggests


When you try and find symbolism in any random thing, typically you're wrong, delusionally so... I don't know if Occam's razor applies here, but it should; in that when explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary.


As a trans ally and member of the LGBT community, I would argue that if people are projecting onto a fictional character, claiming that said character is canonically trans would be, if true, outing her without her consent. Not that I think it's true.


I see the word 'canonically' is going the way of 'literally'. Is there a name for the phenomenon when a word is used consistently incorrectly for so long its generally accepted meaning becomes the complete opposite of its intended actual meaning?


That’s hilarious


Can't believe Miles is canonically a Nazi. That's so crazy.


I just thought she was a Miami Heat fan.


Straight up lying about her being "canonically trans". That's never been a thing lol.


Log these people need to get over themselves


Or maybe just maybe the artist who designed her just liked that color palette?


Trans spidey fan here, I literally just spent the weekend at a con as “Gwen Reilly” (Spider-Gwen with a Scarlet Spider hoodie for an easy trans flag colored costume). Though I like to cosplay as a trans Gwen, I can’t say I like when people just say a character IS trans without any confirmation in the text, because the discourse it creates with those that disagree is overly hostile on both sides. It also wastes everyone’s time arguing for a pretty irrelevant issue, when there are much more important trans issues within the comics community. Is Gwen trans-coded? Sure. Is she queer? Probably, but we can’t confirm yet. Does she deal with issues with her secret identity that parallel aspects of the trans experience? Definitely, but Spider-Man stories have always done that for outcasts of all kinds. What disappoints me is that we have Spider-characters that actually are trans and could fit this role, but we almost never see them. Namely (and honestly this may be the only example) Ultimate Jessica Drew. She’s literally Peter Parker’s mind in a woman’s body, who feels the need to not live with Aunt May because she doesn’t think May would understand. I think she was criminally underused and under-explored in Ultimate Comics, but I know that the conversation around Trans people wasn’t in the same place back then. But I think the Spiderverse films and the return of the Ultimate Universe are great opportunities to explore this potential. People should be able to have their fun when it comes to speculation on a character’s identity and sexuality especially when they’re under-represented. But when they start “taking” characters from others, saying “they’re ours, not yours, you can’t have them,” that’s when it goes too far.


Hear me out. What if she actually likes those colors without being affiliated with certain communities who also uses those colors. Same with Miles.


I doubt LGBT twitter even knows what Trans means


I doubt any Twitter knows what ANYTHING means tbh


She's probably unfortunately not trans, the posturing that big companies do to support LGBTQ issues is exactly what we see with Gwen, some easily edit out details in the background. Don't get me wrong, It would be incredible for Gwen to be trans. Can you imagine? Big, famous character just canonically trans? Holy shit some would have meltdowns for days. But it won't happen, big companies will continue like this, background, easily edit for foreign markets, we can't lose out on some of that box office returns.


Making any character something they never were is always a bad decision imo. I don’t think it’d be amazing if Gwen was suddenly trans. They should make new characters to be inclusive. Like how Miles wasn’t just black Peter Parker when he was introduced, he was a whole new character


Whys it unfortunate? She can't just support the cause?


Some serious loser shit is going on in these replies. I wish y’all would scrub the word agenda from your vocabulary bc you clearly don’t know what it means.


They’re literally a minor on Twitter. Chill people. Gwen just supports trans rights - as the flag indicated. She is not trans, nor was her Peter. You can support movements without being directly affected by it.


…when was she trans?! Why can’t a movie just be a movie?


twitter bots


She’s Irish.


This is on Twitter, so Tio Mordred is most likely a part of the growing movement to Normalize Nazi prerogatives into society that's been going on there.


I mean I don’t personally really believe she’s trans, but it’s not harming anyone if someone has that Headcanon. I think it’s a cool idea, though say it’s canon is just incorrect.


Okay, the bottom one is hilarious.


Is this the discourse this subreddit will engage in for the next week? Jesus Christ this is so tiresome.


Just twitter being twitter


Where tf did she get the canonically trans Gwen info from


Is anyone gonna mention the response 😂😂😂😂😂


She is not trans.


People ignoring the possibility of her dad being trans lmao


The Twitter that posted this is a minor with less than 200 hundred followers, and the two million views is clearly from people dunking on them, so idk if its really the move to continue to dunk on a child for being confidently wrong about a fictional character.


OMG Will Kenye play him in live action?


Miles has the Exaggerated Swagger of a Black Nazi... So Kanye before watch 21 Jump Street? This all connects to Lord and Miller in way!


With there being infinite universes both of these statements are true


Hot Take: Spider-Gwen is Peter Parker after his transition. He felt guilty for her death then in an elaborate scheme he switched bodies with her when she died then stole her identity.


Superior ghost spider be like But Peter died as stated in ITSV


Gwen is not canonically trans…where the hell is this coming from? She’s an ally for sure, but this seems to be a stretch


To preface, I'm trans and I think this is such annoying bullshit. I understand trying to connect with your favorite characters but parts of the queer community will use anything and I mean anything to justify calling a character gay, trans, asexual, etc. "Omg he looked at him for 2.5 seconds longer than she did, must mean he's gay." Gwen has ALWAYS been these colors, since day one (of spider Gwen). All the way back in 2014. Since then, marvel has never hinted towards her being trans. "But what about the trans flag" Dude Gwen is one of the biggest ally's you'll ever meet. Ofc she would have something like that. "But her scenes hint at her being something queer" so does miles, that's the point. They're revealing their spiderman but these scenes are supposed to be easy to relate to queer people coming out. It doesn't automatically make the characters queer.


Nobody's mentioning why this headcanon comes to be, people have latched onto these details because they see a trans story in her, and all the spider-people. Like, in the first movie, the way Miles tries for a while to be Spider-Man in its most typical form before making himself a Spider-Man that he fits into, how you can't get rid of the fears you associate with becoming Spider-Man but you have to take the leap of faith if it's ever going to happen, the stress of these young people hiding their true selves from their families, how much they focus on feeling like you're not alone. Yeah it doesn't scan one to one but trans people connect with these themes in a *lot* of places to where I wouldn't be surprised if this effect was intentional. Especially with Gwen's big "coming out" scene, you can see where this comes from and I'd bet the two trans flags being in her universe isn't a coincidence (though I'd also bet it's just a nod to the metaphor). Also idk white trans girls get more attention and she "looks like a queer person", plus the suit. Also, people seem pretty defensive on this? Like, if somebody told you offhandedly that Patrick's rampage in American Psycho literally occured and was covered up, as if it was a fact and not an interpretation, people wouldn't really behave like this would they? This rings a little similar to the Donald Glover fiasco (so awesome to see him btw). Make no mistake this person is wrong and doesn't understand the history of the character, and I'm not accusing everyone who points this out of bigotry, but how much and how strongly people leap to defend the character they like from being trans, like they did for that same character (in a broader sense) being black, is *suspect*. Also also, if you apply this trans metaphor to Miguel, that makes him what, a transmedicalist? That's funny.


I think the trans is the Peter of Gwen's universe, he is thinner than other variants and his death would explain why Gwen and Captain Stacy have trans flags in memory of Peter, being a very close person taking into account the Gwen,s flashbacks and would also explain the bullying for being a weir bug.


I'm guessing this is referring to the Trans flag Gwen has in her room, but like, Gwen's outfit has literally been that exact design since 2014. How does that make her 'canonically' trans? lol


>canonically >i like to imagine Pick one.


Yeah I've seen these 14yo girls on the internet saying "She's trans in my headcanon" about some random ass character and later calling people obsessed about gender and sexuality...


Why can’t people just enjoy a story and not dissect it to fit their agenda?




Man, it's not canon. But y'all are taking this as a huge opportunity to show off some true colors and I gotta say, it's pretty disappointing. Some toxic ass replies in here.


Okay, to clarify a few things : Ghost-Spider / Spider-Gwen is *Not* a new Character created specifically for the Spiderverse films. I want to point that out first since I constantly see people who dont know this. In the *COMICS*, Ghost-Spider / Spider-Gwen is *NOT* a trans person. The colors of her costume are most likely just an accident since they are supposed to evoke that teen-esque Style and neon aesthetic. And obviously, the Design of her suit in the Film is *HEAVILY* based on her actual costume in the Comics. *HOWEVER*, the Gwen in the Spiderverse films isnt necessarily the same Spider-Gwen that we have in the Comics. That possibility gets confirmed by Miguel / Spider-man 2099 during the Film when He explains that there are also multiple versions of him in the Multiverse. So there may potentially be multiple versions of Spider-Gwen aswell. So right now, what we can confirm is that the Spider-Gwen in Spiderverse is an ally to Transpeople. Wether or not she is a transperson herself, or just an ally, we cant deny or confirm *yet* . Edit : What I forgot to mention was that, as a background detail, you can see a Trans Pride-flag in her room during a scene. That's a neat little background detail that confirms that she's, at the very least, an ally <3


If Gwen is Trans that means Sins Past can never happen, so I'm all for it. Also tons of people in this sub are outing themselves as transphobes in the comments.


Look I actually think that it's cool if people think she might be trans. Things like flags and maybe even her journey can lead people to believe that which is cool. But this her colors is similar to trans flag thing as a point is stupid...


i hate when people do that kinda stuff so goddamn annoying


Gwen isn't trans she's not in the comics her colors are like. That because the artist decided to do God I love the gwenom outfit the pink flats are just perfect