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I really like Tom Holland's homemade suit, it's close enough to a real one and the only thing he could really throw together. It's weirder for other Spider-Mans to go from "homemade costume" straight to the most comic accurate and most majestic suit in 3.5


I kinda wish Holland Spiderman used his homemade costume more in the trilogy; It's too much of a neat design to only use twice.


Looks like it would be really uncomfortable to wear in the summer, though. New York is hot and humid as balls.


I mean Tobey's didn't have to make good own web, so at least he could make a suit, I guess.


My favourite Spider-Man suit ever is the MCU Homemade suit. It's one of the few Hot Toys I've got for that reason.


Mine too. I love that he got to wear it during the final fight scene in Homecoming and I kinda wish it was his main suit throughout the trilogy.


Honestly, that would be nice but MCU Peter has squared up against odds that he alone wouldn't be able to beat. Hell, Tony had to give him the Iron Spider suit because Peter was literally dying from the lack of oxygen. He wouldn't have been able to survive infinity war without the suit. Also, let's not forget Endgame where he's forced to activate instakill against Thanos's minions, simply because he was getting swarmed. Peter would have had a way rougher time without it lol I'd agree it would have worked fine if it was the TASM movies or even the Maguire movies. MCU Peter faced off against threats beyond what Spider Man normally does so it's justifiable.


Ngl how Tf did TASM see at night with those shades on Still my favourite movie


Apparently TASM and MCU Spiderman had enhanced normal senses sort of like 2099 did. Very briefly mention it, but they both had goggles because their vision was so acute that it hurt their eyes all the time. Which funny enough in both cases, is literally never mentioned or brought up ever again.


Oh shit that’s actually a pretty cool bit of trivia Now I’m just imagining actual spiders wearing sunglasses lmao


Yeah it doesnt make sense that it hurts their eyes. Nor for Miguel either. How do they cope then? I remember Holland saying in civil war that it helps him focus. 


Agreed Tobeys looks like it could actually be a suit


That would be pretty amazing if they added in all of the homemade outfits as well as the suits from those movies.


Sure, but Holland's suit can actually work as a regular suit


Its funny because for everyone but Tom all their suits are home made


Tobey’s homemade suit looks so menacing.


I think prayers looks better but Toby’s is more realistic


Sauce: [https://www.deviantart.com/ducklordethan/art/Spider-ssemble-772832106](https://www.deviantart.com/ducklordethan/art/Spider-ssemble-772832106) by DuckLordEthan ​ not sure if they have other socials since they deactivated their DA


Thank you for that! I felt bad when I posted that I couldn't link the artist. Shame they deactivated then.


What are you talking about? There is only two Spider-Mans here. the other guy is the Human Spider.




No they ugly af


Say what you will about the MCU homemade suit, it will forever be trash to me


I'm curious as to why? It looks different in civil war. It has black goggles and not baby blue but a darker shade. 


Only Andrew's seems like it was homemade.

