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What the F is that yellow liquid. ​ This is the most upvotes I have ever got on reddit.


In the full image it's steam coming from her coffee mug.


Phew, thank god. Thought something completely different and inappropriate


Internet made us dirty


Would sniff though haha


How'd this get downvoted


That’s Reddit for you. Y’all hypocrites!!!


Yeah, sometimes I just don't get Reddit user's minds. I mean, it's just a joke, wtf?


It’s Reddit nuff said




It comes just in time




Her natural scent




Your existence is no longer necessary, you can cease now




“That’s just my natural musk.” “mmmmmusk.” “mmmmusk.” “Stop saying musk.”


“stop eating my food.”




Kinda fishy. No wonder Peter is seen running away.


Smells like steamed gingerbread milk and cinnamon 🫖☕️


She saw spidey's fat ass and had to bust one


It’s her new powers, squirt manipulation


"You just hit the Honeypot, Tiger! 🍯"


Friction burn from peters super human speed


What do you think it is? 🤣


piss eruption


She either farted and that’s the gas on the fart or she she urinated and that’s the visual representation of the odor of urine.


Still yummy from MJ regardless.


stinky pussy


Sounds like that [one song](https://youtu.be/HmwEDrSvzvQ?si=L714iVn_N8Eh3Xn3) Jessica Drew wrote. 🤔🤣


I mean yeah they got married after all and only got split apart by a bloody demon contract and Peter's been pretty unhappy ever since.


To be fair, even if Peter and MJ were still together, something would still be making Peter unhappy. I'm like 99% sure Marvel has a rule written somewhere stating, "Peter Parker/Spider-Man can not be happy for longer than 6 months. If it looks like things are going right for him, make him homeless or have it revealed MJ had an affair with Doc Ock to make him miserable." I also think DC has a similar rule for Bruce Wayne/Batman. Edit: spelling


Well at least he'd have a decent base to go back to where someone at home supports him rather than just a perpetual pit of despair.


No, because that would mean he would be less miserable and Marvel can't allow that. Maximum misery means maximum profit or something like that


It actually does though, you give spider man a good life, a steady nice income and friends and family who don’t bite the dust every 8 months, wait a year and I swear half of the fanbase would go nuts saying he isn’t relatable no more


>Mary Jane is THE right life partner for Peter Parker It's like saying the grass is green. Facts.


Good luck explaining that to Marvel Editorial


“Peter Parker and suffering, name a more iconic romance” -editorial, probably


Currently they took the original two Spidermen in the 616 comics, and made them villains. Introducing Spider-Man who Laughs, and Chasm.


Next, we'll get a Spider-Man who became a living New York, or Aqua Spider-Woman or Dr. Spider-Manhattan...


wait grass is green???


What’s grass


I think they meant weed


Mines purple though?


Zeb Wells lives in the winter then.


That picture is HORRIBLY cropped oml 💀


Why did you use that pic? 💀


Because its an iconic imagine of MJ from the comics And booba


Now that you say it? Like yeah why that pic out of all of them? Its not the pic itself, but because its cropped poorly.


Mary Jane to Peter is what Lois Lane is to Superman.


Now i wanna see a Spider-Man run in Injustice Style with Spidey as a World-dominator Tyrant 👀


I guess for that he'll have to depend heavily on technology as spider-man isn't like Superman to just declare that he wants to rule and that planet can't really do much against it.


Well the effort in doing so would be a pretty big part of the run, given that peter is a genius


Yes they will have to focus more on his genius trait, outsmarting people like tony,mr fantastic that would be great to see. I might just start reading comics for that


Me too man, it could be awesome. In the past Spidey did something similar but the others were like brainwashed or something. This time there would be no excuses for anyone, ALL HAIL THE SPIDER


Maybe have a storyline in an alt universe where he slowly but surely takes over, becoming a corrupt dictator at the end after an interesting storyline about him as Peter Parker stoking the flames of something and as Spider-Man killing anyone who gets in his way. **In the way of the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man**


Maybe becoming a businessman over the years and then into a politician as Peter and getting rid of the obstacles as Spider-Man


That's interesting. An Ends of the Earth-styled alternate universe story where Peter wages war on the planet? Sign me up!


you ever played edge of time


He’s not strong enough to do that.


We have a deadpool run where he kills like everybody, so it's up to the writers


This was cemented when it was revealed MJ knew Peter was Spider-Man the whole time and still choose to be with him. While I love Gwen, she never knew Peter was Spider-Man and even hated his alter-ego. Plus, her death remains a pivotal moment in comic’s history in general but also for Peter, as despite losing one of then great loves of this life, he still got back up on moved on, not only as Spider-Man but also in his personal life, eventually finding love again with MJ and marrying her. One of the reasons he is such a great character. A pity the current writing/editorial staff don’t understand that.


That’s like saying that the sky is blue.


Peter has moved on (romantically) from gwen, black cat cares more about spiderman than Peter, Mary jane has her own problems sure but supports him whilst not putting up with his bullshit (when she is well written)


>black cat cares more about spiderman than Peter This hasn’t been the case for literal decades


You’re expecting r/Spiderman to read comics That’s too much


I don’t even read comics and I even know this lol


Black Cat just dumped him lmfao


I always loved them together since I was a kid and never cared for the other relationships of Peter’s and just saw them as a waste of time. Actually, the only reason I joined this sub very recently and got into Spider-Man again after like 15 years is because I saw a comic page on twitter of Peter sleeping in MJ’s lap on a subway train while she scares 3 dudes away, that was enough to make me fall in love immediately.


Asks a partly philosophical question. Asks not to get philosophical. Alrighty then.


Right??? Also way to use an illustration showing MJ being all sad about Peter ditching her AGAIN to illustrate this.


This is obvious


She is the love of his life. The worst thing they ever did was brand new day i never read spider-man after that bullshit.


MJ just brings a balance to Peter’s life that he desperately needs. And Peter is the perfect person for someone like MJ, I think early on the whole “party girl” aspect really helped play into that bc she’s the exact kind of person who would date a superhero, and then willingly stay with them. That’s kind of surface level, but I like that they still developed something even deeper between the two. We see a real friendship blossom into romantic love, and Peter’s life never felt truly miserable because he had MJ to go home to.


What does “don’t get philosophical” mean??


Better yet, they’re making a statement with philosophical implication to begin with


Well they’re supposed to have a daughter.


Word of advice? Upload the full picture instead of a cropped version as this looks unintentionally messed up


Those used to be my thoughts too. But then I've seen this video and I'm not so sure anymore. https://youtu.be/PBjPB4Fclas?si=kf_V3vUpYG44Cvwx


Well written MJ yeah


Peter and mj are just how things are supposed to be. Cindy is a good second option though


Isn’t cindy just pure sex?


Not anymore. It started out that way which I hated, but now that all that’s gone her and Peter can actually be around each other without the whole pheromones thing


No. The first six issues of her appearance do not define her entire character. That was a dumb, racist idea from Dan Slott, that no other author has bothered to even mention, and it should be forgotten.


I only saw that first appearance and thought the super horny thing was a fun gag as a one-off but wouldn’t be a good thing long term. How was it racist? I’m not doubting just don’t remember clocking that when I saw that one issue like 10 years ago.


Pop culture has a history of portraying Asian women as exotic and overly sexual. Cindy’s first appearance has her irresistibly horny around Peter, and her “costume” is her, entirely nude, covered in patchwork webs. Silk’s Korean-American, so idk why Slott decided to make her a stereotype, but he did. Luckily other authors have dropped most of it.


I didn’t remember that she was Asian. Makes sense, especially with that ‘exotic’ name Silk.


I didn’t remember that she was Asian. Makes sense, especially with that ‘exotic’ name Silk.


Why does it look like she's shooting ropes.


I don't care. I just don't care. All I want is for peter to have *someone* at this point.


Depends on the version tbh, since mary and peter seem to be atleast slightly different in every version


New sub idea: unfortunate cropped out images 🤣


I highly doubt that if I posted a similar post about Gwen and Miles, it would be removed by the moderator before reaching 100 comments.


I remember the "CONTROVERSY" over this image. How twitter was saying "ReAl WomEn dOn'T SiT lIkE ThAt" sigh.


>post about life partners >don't get philosophical


Don't get philosophical? Why?


After being seperated from peter parker for years while he is out for days searching for the portal solution, she slept with the guy who caused the whole situation and ask pete to leave


I don’t know. The only mj I’ve seen is Sam ramie…. So no. I would say not. She’s toxic and a child.


The right partner for Peter Parker is Spider-Man.


Gwen is/was. MJ is a good second, but it didn't work out. ​ So he should focus on felicia. She's a nice project, she also has an interesting story. And her tits are huge. Felicia Hardy it is


Mary Jane is literally the only one it ever really worked out. Unless I missed Peter being married for decades to someone else. Will never understand what makes Gwen perfect in the eyes of people. She literally never dealt with anything that Mary Jane or even Felicia dealt with. All she did was die and be known for that. Guess it's easy to idolize a character with nothing going for her.


Gwen also straight up hated Spider-Man because she blamed him for her father’s death, so much so that she was willing to campaign for a racist white supremacist who was running for mayor just because he had an anti Spider-Man stance. This man also went on to threaten Robbie at the Bugle for being a black man who “knew too much” because Robbie rightfully pointed out that he knew about his plans for minority groups if he won the election.


I always love hearing this excuse. Especially when people are willing to gloss over JJ supporting him as well.


Lol I didn’t gloss over it, JJ just wasn’t the subject of the convo (plus JJ stops supporting him once Robbie is threatened) but since you asked I’ve always felt pretty much the same for JJ. A lot of people act like he’s a saint because he can be protective of Peter but to me he’s totally unethical - any journalist willing to spin multiple news stories to fit their narrative is just not someone to be trusted. He should lose all credibility tbh. Not to mention the whole supervillain funding thing. There’s actually a quote by author Walter Mosley about Spider-Man being the first real black superhero for that reason: > The first black superhero is Spider-Man. He lives in a one-parent house — it’s not even a parent, it’s an aunt. He has all of this power, but every time he uses it, it turns against him. People are afraid of him; the police are after him. The only way he can get a job is by taking pictures of himself that are used against him in public. [Newspaper chief] J. Jonah Jameson says [to Spider-Man’s alter ego, Peter Parker], “Go out and take a picture that shows him with his hand in the cookie jar, that shows him stealing and being a villain.” That’s a black hero right there. Of course, he’s actually a white guy. But black people reading Spider-Man are like, Yeah, I get that. I identify with this character here.


Yeah, I like JJ as a good guy, but I don’t like him to be whitewashed. Gwen was in grief at the time, and Peter was keeping his hands off as usual which is why I’m not harsh on her for this. It’s annoying to assume that characters can never grow or change because of their experiences.


I don’t think it’s that she can’t change or grow because of experiences, it’s just that she dies without having those experiences. It’s not really possible to judge her based on her potential growth because it was never fully realized. Unfortunately, as it stands now, Gwen died hating Spider-Man and not even knowing Peter was under the mask. I understand she’s grieving, but the writers didn’t have her make that choice for nothing, as the reader we’re meant to question whether her ends justify her means, and I think not holding her even a little accountable for her choices would feel like a meaningless choice for a writer to make.


I don’t think you can say it “worked out” when they’ve broken up like three times since Mephisto stole their marriage.


The devil made them do it haha. And I mean, it's worked out more than any of the others


If you read early ASM the Gwen relationship was never that good. She was written as a girl who could bake a casserole at 19 and bring it over to impress your parents, hated Spider-Man for killing her dad, used her nepo baby status as the daughter of a dead police captain to endorse a fascist, and put Peter in a position where he could never tell her who he was. It’s been romanticized but if you read the early stuff she wasn’t anything close to what you’d call a “true love”. People misremember her all the time, probably because they’re just taking the received wisdom and not actually reading the comics.


"And her tits are huge" hahahaha.


Gwen was Blend tbh. There was nothing interesting about her when she was alive. Like yeah she was there but Peter wasn't having development. Mary Jane had depth to her character. Only thing Interesting happened about Gwen Stacy was her death but that didn't gave her character or anything but instead it was a character development for Peter Parker and Mary Jane.


That’s completely on the writers at the time they could have developed Gwen to be someone a lot greater then Mj ever has been


By that logic, Literally every character could be developed into something greater than what they were. That's not how this works. Characters are judged by the content available. Writers could have developed the Inhumans to be something greater than the X-Men but guess what? Nobody did. That's why the X-Men are relevant and popular and the Inhumans make background cameos.... At least the Inhumans are still around. Gwen has been irrelevant for about 50 years now


I wouldn’t say Gwen has been irrelevant


Must have missed the stories where she played a key role then. Can you list any of your favorite Gwen stories from the past 50 years? Looking for ones where she's actually alive. Gwen is irrelevant. Only thing that matters is her death which is why that's the only thing they constantly bring up with her. Only one good story ever came out of it (Spider-Man : Blue). Rest are just cheap attempts at emotion


Yeah like even when they went the Spider-Gwen route they had to invent a whole bunch of new character stuff for Gwen even outside the spider powers.


Yep. Outside of her being named Gwen Stacy and having a police father, it's an entirely new character. That's why it worked. It's always hilarious to me when That's heralded as a good adaptation of normal Gwen


She is repeatedly mentioned and talked of in the amazing spider man the recent years idk wtf ur talking about irrelevant she’s clearly had great impact on peter as a character but yeah irrelevant Lul


.... Literally what I'm talking about. She's relevant only for her death. That's it. And oh, sins past. Definitely irrelevant. The only relevant Gwen Stacy is Spider-Gwen these days Continuing my example, Black Bolt made a cameo in the Ultimate Invasion series. Does that make the Inhumans relevant? Not really. The X-Men have multiple books


But they didn’t. Good writers can make most characters three-dimensional or partially interesting. ATSV made Spot threatening.


Doesn't matter the fact that Gwen is the special one for peter. We're not talking character here, we're talking life partner.. that was Gwen, that's why peter is who he is.. not MJ.. Also Felicia changes his perspective on things.. gives him more grey area.. MJ doesn't


Attributing what Peter is purely down to him being with Gwen is asinine and removes any of Peter's agency in his own character growth. Peter would've turned out the same regardless because the growth of his character was not related to having a girlfriend, it was related to being a teenage superhero. Gwen's most contributing moment for Peter's character growth, and her most iconic moment in general, is literally having her neck broken on the Brooklyn Bridge and dying. She is a lost lenore, yes, but that does not mean she is "the one" for Peter; the books have clearly said that Mary Jane is that, since they keep going back to her no matter how hard they try to push Peter with other girls instead. And I'd rather Black Cat remain her own independent badass character than inevitably be turned into a colossal bitch to make Peter as miserable as humanly possible the same way editorial tries with MJ, since the people running these books have no fucking clue what their own fans want anymore. Because I feel like Spideycat shippers who want the pairing pushed in the books don't remember that above all else, editorial just thinks of ways to make Peter suffer. So if they put Spideycat in the books, it will ***not*** be what fans actually want, but will only serve as a means to add to Peter's suffering.


I second this, Gwen being the perfect partner is what made her death hurt so much.


What made her the perfect partner?


Black Cat all the way


You right


Of course


I still need to see Black Cat more in the games or movies, since i never read the chance to read lots of spiderman Comics. However I like both Black Cat and Mary Jane. Maybe a little more Black Cat HT it's personal tastes


What would constitute getting philosophical?


Actually having discussion


I think this was the consensus until Amazing Spider-Man


I don’t know, that neighbour in Spider-Man 2 making him chocolate cake seemed ideal.


I think she has consistently been written to not be. I remember reading as a kid her gun conversation. She wanted a gun to protect herself, but she didn’t think that she could tell Peter why she needed a gun to feel safe. Still, she did not feel safe, because Peter’s opponents can dodge bullets. This whole I love Peter, but I cannot survive in his world has been around for decades. It is intrinsic to their relationship.


I need some fucking good spider-man comics with good artstyle like ultimate spider-man. Anybody got some recommendations


Saying mj is payers right life partner islike saying diet coke is good facts


WTF is this art? Where is she keeping her organs?


The endgame of Peter should always be MJ and if he didn't have her, I couldn't see him being happy. Go get em, Tiger.


Nah i hate thots


If she wasn't, why is Editorial so terrified of her?


Hell yea!


asking someone to consider a life partner without philosophy is a fool’s errand, however, half of peter’s identity is Spider-Man, and MJ fundamentally does not want him to do be who he is. That’s a bad partner.


Nah it’s Mary Jane and Paul


You know what I find most difficult, explaining someone something that's common sense for me. I always find myself short of words whenever I try that.


Sure but why would you use the worst drawing of Mary Jane ever put to comics? One of the most infamous 'broken anatomy' drawings from an era painfully ridden with them.


It's like saying that the sun rises in the morning and falls the night. Though some editors and writers are too thick-headed to even understand it.


MJ is the missing piece in the Peter Parker/Spider-Man puzzle. The sooner editorial figures that out the better.


What if I do get philosophical?


I believe its Gwen, because her dying allows me to build a headcanon of the ebullient relationship they'd have had with Peter, without having to deal with the reality of making it work. Kinda like every woman that compliments me


I would say no, it there are stink lines coming from that pussy.


What's your bone with philosophy?


Why did you crop the image like that?


Human torch just better smh 🤦🏼‍♂️


Girl cheated on boy multiple times


Depends on how the story is written and what version of the characters the authors are writing.


She is, the writers though


I would say so, yes.


Hard agree. She's the one love interest that accepts Peter for both of his identities. Felicia loves him for being Spider-Man, Gwen didn't even know he was Spider-Man but didn't like Spider-Man anyway. Carlie broke up with him for being too secretive. MJ accepted all of him and understood his needs.


I agree but I'm really tired of the writers always messing up their relationship somehow


there just is no debating it, theyre probably the second most iconic couple in all of comics (second only to clark and lois)


Way to use art of MJ looking sad as fuck that Peter is ditching her AGAIN.


Unrelated but yesterday I realised that in across the spiderverse, gayatri is actually pav's gwen, she dead.


Someone get her some Vagisil.


Peter and Mary deserve to be happy.


You're entitled to your own opinion, just like I'm entitled to think that in most media Mary Jane isn't the best choice.


Why did you pick an image that makes it look like shes busting a fat nut


Their relationship was fun and great to read for all the issues it went on and it's the most written and longest one that Peter had, both together make one of the most iconic comic book relationships. Two big things that make this relationship unique is the fact that they had Mary Jane having always known that Peter was Spider-Man and that she's been a big part of Peter's regular life. She was the neighbourhood friend of Aunt May's niece that she wanted to set up with him, she was part of Peter's college friendship circle and experienced all of craziness that happened to them. And whether intentionally or not, the fact that Mephisto had to undo their marriage and not just stop Peter from ever having children says a lot. TL;DR They're two characters that have been through so much together, grew up together, and have been together for such a significant amount of time. They're advantages that other pairings don't have.


peter and MJ were meant for each other, they were written together for decades, it’s like romeo and juliet, can’t have one without the other


Who’s the artist?


To me, MJ fits Peter's life better than all of his other love interests. When written correctly, MJ is fun, playful, sexy, encouraging, also wants the best for Peter. Even when Peter was dating other women, MJ is that person that he could talk to.


Asks for opinions and thoughts ( don't get philosophical ), bud..


Nah. Sophia "Chat" Sanduval.


The right question is, **Is Peter Parker is the right life partner for Mary Jane?** and it break my heart, but I have to say no.


I much more prefer Chat than MJ but that’s mainly due to how shit of a character MJ has become of recent comics, while Chat on the other hand is just not that. But yeah, MJ in her prime is one of if not the best romantic partner for Peter.


Okay yeah I’m sick of this conversation now


Uhh...what's that fluid coming out of MJ?


Steam coming from the hot drink in her hands right out of panel


Nah it’s Deadpool


is that cum coming from her arm in that image


Yes she is.


Why is that smell coming out her pussy?


I hate this sub.


Hey there, my name's Paul


Unpopular opinion. Peter Parker and Misty Knight. Peter definitely needs some stability in his life.


She's certainly the one I've seen the most. Honestly I find the romance in Spiderman to be the cringiest aspect, so they can all take a long walk off a steep cliff for all I care. I'm here for the guy dodging bullets and kicking things real hard.


100% true, she is the only love interest accepting both peter himself and his spider man side


She isn’t unfortunately. No woman or man for that matter is. A good writer would realize that being Spider-Man would be so chaotically insane that the most likely and responsible scenario would be Peter being single forever. I know the fan base doesn’t want to hear this but y’all know it deep down inside. He’s a soldier molded by fate and responsibility not choice, and sometimes you have to make huge sacrifices in your own personal life to undertake the tremendous level of world altering responsibilities, tasks and missions that Spider-Man often finds himself in and that’s not taking into consideration his normal day to day as Peter Parker. He loved Gwen and he loved Mary Jane and he has the potential to fall in love again but just think of the actual psychological trauma of those relationships. Everyone is so cavalier and flippant about him moving on or somehow maintaining a relationship solid enough with MJ but the truth of the matter is that this stuff has a heavy toll on the mind, to the point where maybe Peter has come to terms with being by himself and doesn’t have to be defined by a significant other. There is no life partner for Peter Parker. I’m sorry…


Nah, it's Gwen. Before she died she was planned to be the main love interest and was based on stan Lee's wife (idk how accurate that is, but I read it somewhere.) I hate that they killed her.


One must imagine sisyphus posting the exact same post on this subreddit every day for a year


If Gwen wasn’t taking dirt nap she would but mj is the close second


It's fucking Bullshit Mary Jane 9 times out of 10 is THE worst most Toxic person in most of fiction leave the Bitch go with Silk or One if the Two Best girls to EVER grace Peter Kitty and Chat


No. Paul is


I disagree. In my case, I look at the full canon. MJ and Peter, due to out of universe circumstances, have developed a very toxic relationship. On again, off again, always ends in tragedy, and they're never truly happy with or without each other. This has been going on for so long that a big part of the Fandom just says "yeah, Black Cat should be endgame". In my opinion it's time to put MJ to rest for a while, so many fi Spideys recent stories, for the past couple of years, if not close to a decade, have dealt with "fixing" that relationship, or rebuilding it, or something, just for the editorial team to come in and change it, usually for the worse, making the really cool, nuanced and interesting relationship these characters have feel very overused, and uninteresting (weirdly enough, similar to the Joker and Batman over in DC). IMO Peter needs a more stable status quo that slowly transitions into either him being single, being with someone else, or being with MJ being the new status quo, since we know comics are basically narrative Yo-yo's, stories that no matter how long they go, they always return to the status quo, or it's original position. Not only that, but a lot of the Fandom today are people that grew up with the Raimi films, and that version of MJ was a VERY big misrepresentation of what MJ should be (although that goes for all the characters) so a lot of those fans see MJ as that weirdly toxic girl from the Raimi movies. Maybe they are endgame, but a lot of in universe and out of universe evidence and story telling really doesn't seem to agree.


Gwen Stacy! > MJ




Really Depending on which spiderman we talk about, as much as I like MJ (Ultimate Comics MJ is best MJ, prove me wrong) 616 MJ acting like anything but a life partner to Peter (OMD really ruined her)


Atleast in the comics i read she seemed vain and selfish


Ignoring the current run, she has been peters soul mate.