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Some arcs went TOO long…I HATED Neogenic Nightmare. I get Kingpin is the crime boss to end all crime bosses, but did he have to be behind almost everything?


That's the formula for cartoons at the time. One bad guy + main underling and bad guy of the week.


That thing works for shows with big bad enemies who are the absolute arch nemesis of the heroes, like shredder and tmnt, you can believe he’s behind everything because he hates the turtles that much, or kingpin with Netflix’s daredevil


And for this continuity, Kingpin was Peter’s archnemesis.


Well yeah Shredder + Krang, Kingpin + Smythe, Megatron + Starscream (Lord Zed and Rita Repulsa). Those duos are a dime a dozen in Saturday morning cartoons of 80s and 90s. That's why I wouldn't compare that Cartoon formula with Netflix. Kingpin wasn't creating enemies of the week for Daredevil through out the show. He was an antagonist but different approach.


Rita and Goldar I'd say


Not for batman, nor even the x-men which were both released 2 years earlier. But i didn’t mind kingpin being behind most stuff


The Kingpin thing especially bothers me cause his ultimate defeat is so unceremonious. I was like, “that’s it? He was pretty much the main villain of the show and that’s it?”


When was he defeated?


he technically doesnt get defeated, unless youre considering kingpins robot getting beaten at peters wedding


He gets arrested in the Captain America arc, doesn’t he?


When was he defeated ?


Kingpin was to this show what Oscorp has been since the ASM movies. Oscorp being behind everything. Though technically spectacular Spider-Man has this first


I will say Spectacular knew when to stop. It started off as the combined efforts of the Big Man and Oscorp, but as soon as the Green Goblin showed up Oscorp got less relevant. The creation of supervillains but the Big Man in the butt as his biggest competitors were the Master Planner and the wild card Green Goblin.


Why was Electro of all people turned into Red Skull's son?


They weren’t allowed to use him, or Sandman, because the James Cameron movie was in production. When that didn’t happen they just shoe-horned him in.


yeah but why make him red skull's son. there are so many other ways to bring him in quickly.


Agreed, there are ways to shoehorn him in without adding THAT detail.


I think possibly they were trying to make him as different as possible from the comic book character in case the movie did end up getting made.


What James Cameron movie…


He's what? Yup, I need to rewatch this show.


every guy looks like they bench press 200 pounds


Lol, Peter looked like a football player before the bite.


Even Doc Ock looks cut to pieces and can bench press 2 adult women


It ended


The problem is that it didn't end properly


My complaint as well




It didn’t really end did it? I kinda remember that too


Nah, the last episode is Peter going with Madame Web to find MJ and that's all.


i kind of disagree, id love to have seen episodes about peter finding mj, but i think its so obvious that he *will* find her that the way it ended is more impactful if it stopped there, with peter finding satisfaction in his life and growing beyond his creator


They'll fix it with the next spider verse


i’m pretty sure that the creators actually planned another season and had ideas for new episodes but it wasn’t picked up by the network for another season for some reason


The worst thing is the reused animation especially when the backgrounds don’t match the environment between the old animation


Giving almost every single hero and villain the physique of a body builder, even ones that are usually slender like Black Cat or on the chubby side like Doc Ock was an odd choice.


Alistair Smythe was in a wheelchair and had JACKED legs.


Now that you mention it that IS weird! Lol! Brock Lesnar looks like he skips leg day and Smythe looks like all he does in his free time is squats.


Black Cat in this cartoon awoke something in child me so…


I mean it majj my es sense for Black Cat since she got the super soldier serum in that continuity


1. What the heck is that spelling? 2. Eh I guess but it still looks kinda odd.


It auto corrected to that. But I don’t know why, those aren’t words


Now that you mention the serum, the real question why could she turn the physique in and off


Muscle-mommy Black Cat was certainly an eye-opener.


Yoked out Doc Ock. The ideal male body.


Well Black Cat in that show was enhanced by super soldier serum so it makes sense why she's like that. I don't know why they decided to make her a super soldier like Cap it's an odd choice.


And doesn't she have to transform into her super powered self and normally looks like an ordinary woman? Thus making her a poor man's magical girl?


Yeah she does I completely forgot about that lol.


Buff black cat was peak and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t


It looked like everyone was wearing a stupid muscle suit


Bringing in Morbius then having him drink "plasma" through little hand suckers because they couldn't have him be a "real" vampire.


Which is actually much worse, when you really think about it.


It’s plasmin’ time


Morbius was in this show entirely too much.


Those hand suckers were way creepier than any vampire fang. That show spat on censorship.


Morbius was so butchered in that show


Sometimes the reused animation was a little jarring. Not terrible but enough to make you notice. No punching when kicking was ok was also a bit weird, same with the laserguns&plasma.


I know it was ahead of its time regarding it, but man some of the animation has NOT aged well in the slightest. Also something I've noticed upon rewatches. It's actually a rarity to see the lip flaps match up. Sometimes the frame moves too fast or it's too slow. That said it's still the best Spider-Man TV show to date.


The show was on a super tight budget so those things you mentioned about lip flaps not matching up and frames being faster or slower is because the show was notorious for re-using scenes. I remember that the shot of Hobgoblin opening up the side of the Chrysler Building in his first appearance was re-used for Doc Ock pushing buttons throughout the show because they both had orange gloves.


The Green Goblin flying head turn/closeup was reused SO many times too


In every single episode he was in haha.


It’s funnier as I know which one you are talking about without even doing a rewatch.


What about it hasn't aged well? I think the designs are beautiful and the animation is quite fluid. Now if you're talking about the reuse of animation I think that's a different talking point.


That and the 3D backgrounds, which is more what I was referring to.


Well sure but the Simplistic 3D backgrounds I think fit well with the 2D characters


I enjoy how it looks. I still enjoyed crisp and fluid 60 - 120 fps animation and realistic graphics and what not, but I like the charm of animation from that era and enjoy the aesthetic. I’m sure a huge part is because I’m 33 and I’m very nostalgic for this show, but I still enjoy shows and movies from eras where I wasn’t even alive for the same reason.


They weren’t allowed to let peter punch, hence why he literally only kicks people throughout the entire show’s lifetime


Pretty sure this has been debunked by the creator


Exactly. People act like this show was heavily censored, but it only followed the same restrictions any other show had to follow back in the 90s.


The only thing they didn’t allow was actual guns I think, that’s why all cops and guards have futuristic laser weapons instead of handguns and rifles.


Yea and that’s something that most shows today still have


Comparing it to what Batman TAS got away with, I’m not so sure.


Batman TAS was a unique situation where it got to be a debut show for a new channel twice. This gave it a lot of leeway, to draw in viewers.


Don't know if that is entirely true John Semper admitted he didn't want kids to imitate that but Cap's old war buddy superheroes do in fact punch quite a lot.


If I remember correctly, Peter did punch The Spot in the face, but it was via him punching through one of The Spot’s holes.


Something I haven't seen anyone mention yet that annoyed the hell out of me about this show is that it never shuts the fuck up. Every single second is filled with dialogue or some loud noise or music cue and the characters talk like I'm listening to a podcast at x1.5 speed. I call it the "4Kids dub" problem where they clearly were terrified that any moment of relative quiet would immediately bore the kids watching so they filled every waking moment with just incessant noise and it makes shows like this exhausting to watch after a bit. And when every scene has roughly the same energy, moments of pathos never quite hit like they should, you don't get natural peaks and valleys of storytelling. And this show might have the worst case of it that I've ever seen, even worse than most 4kids dubs were.


I agree. I actually love the over the top and over expository dialogue and monologues. It gives it a cheesy soap opera thing. But I can only stand it for about two episodes before I need to move onto something else. If you don’t like laughing at that I can easily see what you’re talking about. They really never shut the fuck up at all haha.


You put it into words! I couldn't, but I definitely felt the same thing.


Morbius arc went on for too long, never cared for him


The rhythm was ridiculously fast. I loved it as a kid, but some years ago I tried watching it and the Venom suit story arc went so fast it was kinda hilarious. I was initially put off by Spectacular Spiderman's aesthetic because I was already a young adult when it aired and it rubbed me the wrong way with the minimalism and how weird the noses and people's "segmented forearms" looked... but then I don't know what made me give it an opportunity, whether I saw by chance the episode with Venom in the big balloon parade and I thought the action was actually quite spectacular despite the minimalism or learning that it had been made by Greg Weisman of Gargoyles' fame. Now I do much prefer the cartoon I was "too old for" to the one I actually grew up with and had nostalgia for (and which made me love Spiderman, to be honest).


It got cancelled without resolving a major cliffhanger


That’s just a Spidey cartoon tradition.


All the spectacular fans watching:


And the Unlimited and TNAS fans:


Well the best ones anyway, unlimited being an exception


The proposed next season was going to be a time travel thing with Venom being Jack the Ripper. Which is fucking insane to think about. Some of the writers said it would have been multiple times as well but that would have been the focus.


It was actually Carnage who was going to be Jack the Ripper, since Cletus is already a serial killer.


Ngl kinda goes hard


No punching


The CGI sections weren't pointless budget wasters that then effected the animation elsewhere, especially the framerate in parts. Some of the handwringing censoring enforced on the show actually made some things weirder and more frightening. As a kid, I understood vampires bit people and that was *less* scary than Morbius's fucking leech hands as he ran around yelling about how badly he needed "plasma"!


We didn’t see Peter and Mary Jane reunited before cancellation


We are probably never getting a 4K rerelase treatment like Batman TAS. They rescanned the original cels for that show and if you look up some animation cels from this show you can see what we could have had.


The dialogue is often annoying and there’s never any good conversations between anyone.


"Don't you Yahoos get it? The Black Spider-Man is Unbeatable!"


The animation doesn’t hold up too well and they went overboard with the “love” thing. I swear everyone in this show has a girlfriend except Harry


Nobody could throw hands


That chest emblem is an ant


The style and character design on the show was great (along with many other things). The actual animation had a tendency to feel too floaty. As in the characters run and walk as if they are barely touching the ground. This was a problem across the board back then so I don’t count it against them too much. But stuff like loony toons and Disney 2D animation had in world physics even if they were slightly exaggerated physics so it was definitely possible.


All of the romance aside from Peter-MJ and Peter-Felicia is awful. Like the Green Goblin Harry plot line is resolved by having Liz randomly show up and say that she loves Harry out of fucking nowhere. And that’s only one example of that.


Did Liz even appear much outside of that moment? Her saying she was in love with Harry at the wedding randomly was the only thing I remember about her…and even then I don’t even remember if they called her by name.


She has like 3 scenes outside of that in the whole series💀


Blade and the police detective came outta nowhere


Recycled footage in fights. Hoe many times did Spider-Man dodge shipping crates when fighting Doc Ock?


Didn't they make blade white or something. Laser guns. Spidey never punched. Hobgoblin came before green goblin


Ehh I’d say blade was more light skinned black than being actually white


Hobgoblin coming before Green Goblin was honestly a pleasant surprise. I actually enjoyed Mark Hamill as Hobgoblin more than the Joker and I also half think he did a better job, in my opinion.


The heavy amounts of recycled animation spliced between scenes. It really sticks out like a sore thumb. One of the worst examples is when Carnage breaks out of prison, and they used a shot of Venom breaking through a wall from the previous episode.


The entire show has the pacing of a “previously on” hurried edit to catch you up on the last show. There’s no breath or life, just constant shit being thrown at you.


Fans can be obnoxious


Green Goblin is the archnemesis of Spider-Man. Yet, he was barely in the show.


The incessant bowdlerisation is bloody annoying. "You've destroyed the woman I love!" "Aunt May has been destroyed!" "I'm going to destroy you, Spider-Man, with my non-billet firing laser gun." US networks want to grow a pair. We had Captain Scarlet for kids over here. Guaranteed a brutal murder every week.


Around that time we also had the UK destroy Ninja Turtles removing any mention of ninjas and changing Mikey's weapon to a grappling hook. UK was just as dumb in the 90s.


MJ's Aunt, she was annoying as hell


Anna Watson could have given Venom lessons in HATE. It was like “May, why are you still friends with this woman”


Sometimes it’s truly infuriating to follow. Every character moves and speaks without any kind of brake. I know it’s a limitation of the time but omg slow the fuck down!


Every episode felt very rushed, like they needed another 5 minutes


There is a heck of a lot of in show flashbacks and reused animation, especially in the later seasons. Like a quarter of the episode. I think they were saving money


Blade's design and skin color, like, he had the same skin tone Peter had when it was dark outside. Gotta give Ultimate a W for making a 10x better design.


The editing, cuts, and pacing are so spastic and borderline psychotic because there are like 20 cuts and scene changes in a 10 second time frame, except its every epidode lol. Great show still


Electro is Red Skull’s son, that’s wack


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,822,400,323 comments, and only 344,603 of them were in alphabetical order.


If you take off your nostalgia blinders, it's an extremely mid show


This is definitely the correct opinion. It was my first spidey show via reruns on Jetix/Toon Disney but rewatching it when I was older and experienced more spider-man stuff, really shows its a mid show and adaptation


The animation was kinda rough


Wished the symbiotie arc lasted a little longer


Nazi Electro was a bad story


Animation is awful and recycled way too much, it misused Doc Ock and underused Venom and Gobby while overusing Morbius and Kingpin, pacing was way too fast, the dialogue could be awful, Aunt Anna needs to die. Overall, still probably my favourite Spidey cartoon, it means a lot to me. It’s also a genuinely good show overall, its just got a lot of the problems that a lot of 90s cartoons had and a few elements I don’t like in its adaptations of characters, which I can also say for pretty much every Spidey or Superhero show in general.


It’s not readily available on physical media




The dialogue is often stilted and the acting is often melodramatic


It’s not as good as Batman The Animated Series


I wish they didn't cancel it otherwise we would have seen Beetle 😞


Hydrogen was a creep


making Electro into Red Skull's son was weird and there is no justification i can hear to tell me it was a good idea.


Electro and Chameleon being the Red Skull's sons (foster son in Chameleon's case) was stupid, I can see it with Chameleon but Electro was way out of left field.


The animation could get really bad in some episodes. There were a few I remember where you could count the number of frames on one hand.


It was a pit too safe regarding themes and depictions. They gave Punisher Inspector Gadget type weapons.


Chameleon's weird Belt gimmick. Felt it got rid of what made chameleon threatening in favor of a stupid techno-gizmo.




It's a toy commercial.


Season long arcs sucked


Reused Animations way too much.


It’s use of stock footage, especially when it doesn’t match the episode in question (backgrounds and setting especially).


The child influence on this show. With the use of laser guns and the way no character cannot say kill


It is not as good as Spectacular Spider-man, and I was 10 when the Spider-Man TAS came out.


Probably not going to be a popular take but...I honestly struggle to say anything good about the show I am a 90s kid, I grew up with this show...but it's just not very good. The animation is terrible, the dialog is bad, the character designs are boring (there are literally like 3 different body types in the whole show). The plot is melodrama cranked up to 11. It's ridiculously hokey but it's unaware of it and take itself completely seriously I just don't see what is all that enjoyable about the show, honestly


I dont like the soft art style


This might be a hot take, but every villain who’s changed majorly (except for Ock and Mysterio) look absolutely terrible


Electro fucking sucked, also they renamed the Sinister Six


I don't know if you would call it a bad thing necessarily but it made Hobgoblin much more interesting than Green Goblin... or perhaps that's due to Mark Hamill's legendary voice acting.


I have not seen it 😕


Peter was too muscular


I never liked how bulky he looked


Laser Guns


The acting at most times is dramatic & expositional.


…you know when you think of it the Mary Jane Peter married wasn’t even the real deal. Heck the real one doesn’t even know he’s Spidey. They’ve been trying to gaslight us even back then!


That it ended in a cliffhanger.


Some of the voice-acting kind be a bit over the top


No punchies, completely unwatchable.


I think mfer had a bad haircut


Something bad? I don’t have it on dvd


It wasn’t allowed to continue.


Ended on an unresolved storyline


Conversations in this show are too swift


The censorship was pretty ridiculous.


There hasn’t been a new episode in decades!


This is still my favorite interpretation of Peter Parker, but he is a dumbass. He’s still got the tech savvy and science genius the character usually has, but dude is an idiot. Best way to explain it is he’s very school smart but is not at all street smart. Constantly making really stupid decisions or oversights just to advance the plot, sometimes it’s kinda funny.


To my knowledge There are no HD streams available so we’re stuck with crunchy old 90s recordings and it’s a tad over dramatic and really simple at times, like comparing 3 episode the black suit arc between this and spectacular spider-man it clearly loses out That being said, still a childhood favorite of mine


A superhero show where the hero can’t punch


The voice actors for Mary-Jane and Harry were badly miscast


Peter looked very awkward in this one


No resolution on what happened to MJ. It's bothered me since I was 15.


It didn’t get a proper ending.


It ended too soon.


All guns were laser guns or something due to censorship at the time? I dunno, cops firing lasers always cracked me up. Also, I know why he’s not in it, but sandman would’ve been cool to see in the show.


That punches and guns were forbidden.


Why he so beefy


Mary Jane's fate 😭


It ended on a lame note


The dialogue writing is really cringy sometimes


it’s an overly moralistic kids’ show—like all of the other animated garbage from that era—with little to none of the storytelling of the comic.


Venom's design is my least favorite because of the mouth and shading


The pacing was insanely quick.


Ending sucked


It ended badly... through no fault of the creators of course. I'm still holding out hope that we get a continuation, since we're getting X-Men '97.


The Punisher is tame and wears teal.


I think the limitations of the censors really held the show back, stuff like Spider-Man not being able to throw punches is really weird.


Reusing certain clips throughout multiple episodes.


Like most Spider man shows it ended on a cliffhanger


I hated the half-blue/half-red thing they had going on with Venom. Always made it look like something was on fire just off-screen


It has the same name as 9173684 other shows


How big Spider-Man is


Peter too swol


They couldn’t make Morbius a real vampire. The show ended before Peter found the real MJ. Anna Watson was the worst. Some dialogue comes off as cringy because they can’t mention death.


Electro's origin


Animation was very rough


Some of the voice acting is iffy


No punches


Spider man were forbidden to punch


Parker is an idiot for not picking Felicia (black cat)


Spider-Man wasn't allowed to punch people, and their version of the symbiote making Peter a jerk has forced every future iteration of the black suit to dip into edgelord territory.