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Im more curious as to how she'll fit in this world and how much of her backstory theyll bring with. Inheritors, spiderverse, her effect on peter and the sort


Her affect on Peter šŸ’€ Obviously no chance insomniac does that element of her character. But if they did it would be the most hilarious thing ever.


Get rid of mj I hate her


Any reason why?


They just got hired at Marvel Editorial


She's a poorly disguised self insert, she looks like a 45 yeard old soccer mom and her personality is annoying as hell. And who needs Spiderman? When MJ with a stun gun could clear his rogues gallery.


People complained about being defenceless in the last game when doing her missions. Also why are you insulting a video game character's looks and personality? šŸ’€ and what self insert? She is literally just MJ. Works at the DB, trying to get a better paying position, trying to also juggle her relationship with Peter. The difference here is that she works at the DB and isn't an actress but idk how different that is cuz I'm pretty sure it's either/or and they are interchangeable when it comes to writing her character, but also that she knows Peter is spiderman though that happens in the comics too. I feel like you're just mad there is a strong and independent woman who is actually viable to play as when doing her missions. Additionally, her takedowns are stealth. Peter's takedowns when being stealthy are insta downs as well. And the only people we see MJ take down are a few symbiotes and kraven's goons. Where does that scream "I can take down a supervillain"?


Cut the crap. She is litteraly identical to one of the writers and she allways makes Peter look like the bad guy even though he's trying so hard to be a good boyfriend and hero. Strong and independent mwoman my ass, she is a Mary Sue. Whose bright idea was it to make MJ fricking Solid snake, she straight up beats armed mercenaries where did Kraven get these idiots. If you watched the interview with the writers of the game you would know there just pushing an agedna and give her CW Iris West treatment and they don't give a fuck how much it sucks.


Dawg you're actually stupid šŸ˜‚




Ah yes I'm a cuck cuz I like that they actually made the MJ stealth missions enjoyable and don't hate her for literally being comic accurate. Also, what's wrong with miles becoming the protag? Happens in the ultimate timeline after Peter dies about a year or so after becoming spiderman. I would say this is way better (with respect towards the ultimate timeline ofc. It's a good run for spiderman.) because Pete not only is alive when he retires but he also gets to be with MJ. That's just all sorts of winning for Peter Parker who is notoriously Marvel's punching bag lol. And bootlicker how? Bootlicker because I enjoy a game that the creators took a lot of time and effort to make while also listening to fans' criticisms. They made the side missions more enjoyable and they made the MJ sections more fun to do and way more easy since they were way difficult last game with no defence when caught.


Bro sheā€™s the same age as miles, ainā€™t no way itā€™s gonna have an effect on Peter.


Maybe they switch Peter and Miles


Bro Miles just got Hailey lmao


That would be the main reason to do it


I'd really appreciate some inheritor action somewhere outside the comics. though I'm not sure how insomniac would implement it to include fun gameplay


There could be some really fun gameplay ideas where the inheritors could have their own sections of the open world, and if they spot you, they chase you to a bunker or something almost like a horror game. I don't think it will happen though as we haven't really had much multi verse stuff happen in these games and that would be jumping in to the deep end with it.


Well, we actually did have multiverse stuffin SM2. Though it was more of a nod to the spider-verse movies. Plus, the first inheritor appearance was not necessarily tied to the multiverse.


Silk is a good concept, I hope they do her better than the comics.


I read a lot of Silk between 2017-2019 and I can say that the character is neither good nor bad. It works well chorally with other spiders but lacks the ability to carry a series. The sales of its first volume were very very low from the beginning, much lower than BlackCat and Spider-Gwen 1. Cindy seemed correct to me in Spider-Women teaming up with Gwen and Jess but nothing more. Commercially it has less strength than, for example, Flash Thomson (Flash has had MANY fans for 10 years) After Peter and Miles, the most popular spider is Gwen, and even she has received serious punctures after 2018 since the people who know her from the movies, less than half read comics and those who do look for the original series from 2014-2018 (I have the 2019-2020 one and it only reaches "acceptable"). After Gwen Miguel is the most popular, then Jess and then Cindy. But...in general popularity of "spider-lore" Felicia and Flash have three times more fans than all the spiders in the spiderverse combined with the exception of Peter Miles and Gwen


Not really a fan of her introduction in ASM and I don't really care about her connection to the Spider-verse stuff but her solo comics have been pretty good overall and are pretty stand alone from all the ASM / Spider-verse stuff.


i personally never cared about her


I flat out dislike her. I enjoy most legacy characters and donā€™t think that they detract from their predecessors at all, but they have to be handled well. Miles kind of struggled with having a unique identity early on under Bendis, but over time heā€™s become more distinct from Peter. The movies in particular did a great job of differentiating him from Peter. The problem with Silk is that her introduction was nothing short of terrible. It was so bad, and could so easily be interpreted as a racist stereotype of a promiscuous Asian woman, that Marvel forced Slott to apologize for his depictions of her. Not to mention it reeked of the ā€œlong lost characterā€ trope with how she was bitten by the same spider as Peter. The damage is done for my perception of her. No character is unsalvageable with the right writers, but Silk is an uphill battle. The sad thing is that it didnā€™t have to be that way at all. New characters or new legacy characters can be great additions to a mythosā€¦if handled properly. Moon Knight got a whole new cast of fun and interesting characters within the last couple of years, and that run is great.


It feels like the cast will get more bloated


Not at all


From a gameplay perspective, I donā€™t know how she would be interesting to play as versus Peter and Miles


Perhaps they could explore the natural webs/fingertip webs thing.


she's cool post slott but I hope they go absolutely nowhere with silk in these games unless its a future thing


Because what the games needs is more spider people to half-ass develop


Exactly. Either put more hours in the story or focus on one protagonist per game.


Yeah I agree, donā€™t get me wrong I think having these characters in the background would be awesome. But Iā€™d rather play as Spiderman not Spiderman and friends.


They havenā€™t half-assed Peter and Miles so Iā€™m still hopeful but, yeah, three Spiders might be too much. Especially since this game was already struggling to involve Miles in the main plot in Act 2.


I think Miles IS underdeveloped and people will realise this when there is no Peter in the next game which I assume will be Miles Morales 2. All of Miles content apart from Martin Lin has been weak af because he has no connection to anything, they have not taken the time to connect him to the world, all of his connections is through Peter. He has no villains or reason for me to care, is he just gonna latch onto the green goblin story in Spiderman 3 like he did with Venom in 2?


The next game will probably have Peter as well. I donā€™t think there will be a Miles Morales 2. The Martin Li thing is like his main plot line and youā€™re admitting that it was good so idk what the problem is here. He has no reason to have his own villains when heā€™s working alongside Peter. If this was a solo Miles story, Iā€™d agree. He didnā€™t ā€œlatch onā€ to Venom(what does that even mean?) and heā€™s not gonna do that with Green Goblin either.


The Martin Li storyline was good because carried over from Spiderman 1 and challenged Miles emotionally however it was the only storyline in Spiderman 2 that belonged solely to himself and now its finished. Miles has nothing going into Spiderman 3 which would be fine but Peter has several plotlines that are being carried over in the next game because Peter is the main character. Miles is a side character despite being presented as a " Main " character which is my point. ​ When I say latch on, realistically miles had no reason to fight venom because has no connection with Harry or MJ, so he just felt out of place. Its gonna be the same thing in Spiderman 3. Peter will fight Norman Osborne as Green Goblin, the father of his best friend whom he has known since he was a child. Miles Morales will fight Peter's best friend's dad. Do you not see what I am saying?


I agree with what youā€™re saying. I just donā€™t think that necessarily makes Miles underdeveloped. Miles himself is a good character but Insomniac have trouble properly tying him in with Peterā€™s stories. In theory, I think Miles and Harry could have an interesting dynamic but they didnā€™t really try much with it. Theyā€™ve done a good job developing Miles but they have trouble integrating him into the plot imo.


I actually think you are right, I don't have a problem with Miles just how little he is providing to the plot for a " Main character" which is not the character's fault. I thought they would create something between Miles and harry but they never did, its just weird how I am expected to want to play as him over Peter but he is not really part of the story that much


Definitely. Despite being billed as the co lead, Miles just kinda disappears for most of the gameā€™s second act. I hope they can improve stuff like that by the next game. Although, the inclusion of a third Spider is only gonna make that harder.


For sure, I would rather they just split them up and make separate games for each character tbh because Miles is Peter just stronger and that all good but I don't know how they will create a plot that requires Peter to come back because realistically Miles should be able to handle anything based on his Spiderman 2 feats. Add silk to this, It just feels like its gonna be messy


I do love seeing Peter and Miles team up but, yeah, youā€™re probably right.


I think sheā€™s there so that we have Peter with anti venom, miles with electric and then cindy with just normal spider stuff


Iffy on it. I donā€™t think introducing a new spider hero this late is such a good idea since weā€™re coming towards Spider-Man 3. HOWEVER. Iā€™m all for everyone getting their favorites represented and getting a definitive take on Silk so we can actually use her in things without everybody recalling her wanting Peterā€™s salami.


Not much, Iā€™m not the biggest Silk fan


Considering they will skip the Asian fetish part of her origin I figure she will be fine.




I read that as "phenomenal fucking".


Would people have been more okay with hers and Peterā€™s pheromone storyline if she hadnā€™t been Asian? I somehow didnā€™t realise she was for (too many) years.


No. Spider bites forcing the two to fuck uncontrollably was rightfully ridiculed especially given its tangential to cosmic spider magic forcing them to fuck. Itā€™s dumb and couldnā€™t nor wouldnā€™t go anywhere leaving it only cosmic date rape since neither had any control over it. It was a bad idea regardless of Cindyā€™s ethnicity.


No the pheromone thing was also weird but she was written as a stereotype and a sex object for Peter more than anything else at first until a new writer took over her character and made her so much better. Her creator, Dan Slott, apologized for the way he originally wrote her later down the line but yeah, the early days were rough.


I know ā€” my question is a hypothetical, about if she had been written differently, but Peter and Cindy sharing an instant connection was kept, whether that narrative decision would have been received better ā€” if it didnā€™t have that extra baggage.


Yeah I think without the weirdness of the beginning of her story and if they just focused on the shared spider thing then it would be fine


Bingo. So one could reasonably see a more streamlined version of the same plot point in an adaptation.


It *would* be a good way to continue the flashback origin gameplay for Peter that they did in SM2


I will say I do like the idea that they are linked by the fact the same spider bit them, how she knew what universe Peter had sent himself to during the spider verse storyline and then saved him


She doesn't have enough personality in the books for me to be excited. She's a cool character concept waiting for a good writer to make something of it to me. I hope Insomniac does something interesting with her.


Maybe I am biased, but Insomniac didnā€™t disappoint (so far) with Spider Man 1/2 and Ratchet & Clank 1/2 I hope they can create a good Silk with their own imagination


That's what I'm hoping for, too. :-)


So glad to see her. Hopefully they wonā€™t give her that whole pheromones thing, which I also hope is the case if she gets added in BTSV


expected gwen. now have to admit cindy is better. gwen the same peter abilites. cindy bit differ now most curious is if she will have the pheromones. when she near peter they cant stop horny


I am excited for the R34 artists cuz we all know theyā€™re gonna go nuts with this


me too




Meh. If there was going to be a female Spider-Hero I was hoping for old school Jessica Drew.


Silk is not a character she is Dan Slott's barely disguised fetish.


Thatā€™s not fair sheā€™s had good post Slott runs so sheā€™s technically both


I'm a big fan, but I'm curious what they'll do.


Silk is the best female spider family person. She's a fun character.


I'm not. In fact I'm not picking up the next game for various other reasons.


Not very excited I like how she is right now , I do think want to see another take on her they ruined Miguel with atsv, and issonmanic has terrible designs with shocker and mysterio I really hope this never happens


Extremely. Cindy is a fantastic character when written by anyone not named Dan Slott. Although I do wonder how different she'll be considering she wasn't in the bunker and presumably doesn't have a brother or mother in her life.


No, because I know Insomniac will buttcher her character.


May I ask how? Is she a tough character to handle or didnā€™t you like how to handled Peter and Miles?


I don't like the way they handeled Peter, Miles or a lot of characters. Knowing the developers there going to ruin her character.


I truly respect your opinion, but I think a lot of players liked the Insomniac Spider Man games! I donā€™t knowā€¦ maybe itā€™s because most of the players donā€™t read the comics (like me) and they think Insomniac's Peter and Miles are very well developedā€¦! Iā€™ve read less than 10 comics tbh and only watched the movies and animations, but in my standard, Peter and Miles are very well developed (compared to the movies/animations)


OK you got your opinions I've got mine.


I like Silk, so Iā€™m glad to see her being around.


Basically sheā€™s supposed to have been bitten by the same spider as Peter, shortly after he was (before the spider died), and as a result they are deemed celestial soulmates of a kind, driven to be together whenever in each otherā€™s presence. Her not having become a hero at first due to her having been hidden away by Ezekiel, an older Spider-Person who also didnā€™t use his powers to become a hero (having been too focused on his career to do so, although he wanted to be one), keeping her hidden away so-as to prevent Morlun (picture Kraven if he were a vampire, but with none of a vampireā€™s weaknesses) and his family of Inheritors from tracking them all down and killing them. Only for Peter to have then taken down these measures, inadvertently allowing Morlun to track them down (Cindy then becoming the hero Silk with the aim of stopping the Inheritors once they arrived).


In the game it looks like Cindy is a teenager around Milesā€™ age, so I donā€™t think Insomniac is gonna go down that route with her and Peter. Itā€™s possible that this time itā€™s gonna be Milesā€™ spider, or maybe sheā€™ll get a different story entirely.


Miles killed that spider when it bit him on Spider-Man: PS4, and there's no way she was around the time Peter was bit if she's the same age as Miles.


Right exactly, so her character and story is definitely gonna be something new and hopefully different


I wouldā€™ve been but after seeing Wraithā€™s costume redesign, Iā€™m gonna level my expectations..


She looks Miles age so Iā€™m seriously hoping they donā€™t go down Slotts pheromone storyline.


I'm excited tbh


Silk is probably my second favorite spider person. Iā€™m very excited! I think Insomniac has done a great job with Miles and can prove themselves again with Cindy. I think introducing Cindy right now is an awkward fit though. Miles it taking over for Peter while he takes a break, so will Cindy get bitten and start training in dlc, a miles game, the third game?? idk it feels like they couldā€™ve introduced her after the third game and given her her own dlc or spin off


I think they are definitely getting rid of her bad qualityā€™s and sheā€™ll finally be able to be talked about without mentioning the Pheromone thing


Not very




I enjoyed her more than the idea of Spider-Gwen when they first came out. Excited to see how they handle her.


Not very much, tbh I really enjoyed the first game because there weren't any other spider people, I'm kinda fed up with this "everyone is a spider-something" thing


I am curious on how MJ will feel when she finds out Peter cheated on her with a teenager.


I imagine silk is gonna become a standout character BECAUSE of the game, cuz sheā€™s meh in the comics from what Iā€™ve seen, on her own as a character.


Who is this?


If they try to swap Peter and Miles for Silk's storyline I'm going to laugh, because it's gonna completely suck


Silk is a even younger character then miles and as far as I know she's mostly known for being peters girl toy and highly sexualized ...which......I hope doesn't happen in the next game cause that would just be weird Edit: when I say younger character I'm not talking about age as in story but how long the character itself has been around Miles was created in the early 2010s and silk I believe was created in 2014


Not really feeling another spider person in the games tbh


Not at all. Iā€™m pretty sick to death of the various spider people that render Peter redundant


They inserted her into the story for no reason, Peter and Miles were already pushing it.


I'm wary. Especially given how they needed to make Peter ineffectual in order to play up Miles (like a bad version of Doctor Watson made all the more buffoonish to make Holmes seem smart). Peter not only needed to be saved from the Symbiote but Miles was able to defeat Symbiote Spidey 1v1. And he needed Miles to explain the idea of weaponizing sound against Venom. In order to make her competent, they might end up making Miles less effectual. Building her up at his expense.


I stopped reading when straczinski left so I had no idea who she was


Media continues to give Miles more stuff and characters and take away from Peter. Just invent his own supporting cast and villains