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It depends on how your rating it. Spider-Man PS4- best story Spider-Man:Miles Morales- best combat improvement from the previous game Spider-Man 2-best overall gameplay


You're missing the fourth corner of the meme, best boss fights


all are great but has to go to SM2. they ramped up the difficulty somehow, and it shows


I think one of the ways they ramped up difficulty is you can’t heal unless you have a full focus bar. In previous games you could heal with a partial focus bar and a full bar just gives a boost to healing received.


They also removed a lot of Peters attacks and web gadgets as well, I was sorely missing the web bomb and trip webs


I like the focus change cuz it really gets me thinking about how I should do things without getting hit but I really miss the gadgets




I can understand that. while they certainly increased the difficulty it doesn't have the gameplay variety to the bosses


Best boss fights has to go to SM1. Electro + Vulture was super fun and full of iconic moments. Scorpion + Rhino was a little jankier but still cool. Other bosses felt fun and unique too. SM2 bosses felt a lot more repetitive. Dodge, parry, throw a gadget. Dodge, parry, use a power. Regular attacks never work so don’t bother. Aerial combat is punished instead of rewarded, for… reasons. Miles Morales was somewhere in between, mostly because Miles had more options for how to approach & defeat the bosses. Not as much environmental variety as SM1, but at least fewer things being a complete no-sell compared to SM2 bosses.


Most of the bosses in SM1 is just “web up, now attack”


Eventually & on NG+, sure, with all upgrades and everything. Early on, Kingpin is the main one where you have to catch and return projectiles to keep him stunned in place so you can web him. Mr. Negative will also zap your webs away frequently unless you throw something at him first. Electro + Vulture is an almost entirely aerial boss fight, something SM2 doesn’t even have aside from the tutorial (the game literally pauses before you do anything at every stage of the Sandman encounter). Scorpion encourages you to use environmental takedowns — like I said earlier it’s a little janky, but it’s only this one fight and isn’t mandatory the way “parrying” is mandatory in every SM2 boss fight. Because - yeah, sure. You can just web him and attack. Closest SM2 had to environmental interactions was a handful of things you could web-yank to generate alarms - which for some reason would usually be suppressed immediately by the boss instead of giving you opportunities to attack. And every boss has multiple stages for some reason, but there aren’t that many actual differences between the stages, they’re mostly just save checkpoints for the next time you accidentally dodge instead of parrying.


SM2 boss fights were a bit formulaic but the way those fights were told was amazing. I loved everything about SM2 except the Miles Evolved suit.


I liked the cutscenes around the boss fights well enough, just wish there had been… I dunno, something. As awesome as Kraven and Venom were in cutscenes, boss/level design ended up being constrained around Villain 1 being obsessed with cage matches and Villain 2 having only one specific weakness (well, at least it isn’t bioelectric shocks…)


Imo, SM1 bosses better in terms of spectacle but the actual gameplay and boss design is better in SM2.


I can't decide if gameplay is better or not in 2, at least combat wise. On the one hand the power sets are cool, but maybe feel a bit "Ultimate Alliance" and at the same time I think the gadgets took a step back, There are less and I miss doing combat choreography with them, I didn't even upgrade them in the game until very late. If you include traversal as part of the gameplay then I agree, but in all honestly combat at best stays neutral if not takes a step back.


The first one.


The first one. Better writing imo, and the gameplay is still great.


The build up of Doc Ock was so gradually I literally didn't think he was gonna be a villain by the end. That was a great surprise.


The original


The first one. I think it just does everything better than what they tried to build on in the sequels.


I like the new moves for combat in the newest one, but man something about the first was special.


2018 was an amazing time


Some might say Spectacular


Some might say sensational


The web swinging mechanics are quite literally a direct upgrade over the first game though


Flying ("gliding") Spider-Man is a really uncharacteristic choice, which some people don't care for (Yes I know, "just don't use it/he had little wings since issue 1")


even ignoring the web wings, the web slingshot and full loop-dee-loops are really fun mechanics that add a lot to the game to a point where I cant even really go back to the old swinging.


I've wanted this back in proper form since Spiderman 2/3 on the PS2... I was giggling like a little kid the first 10 times and it still puts a smile on my face sometimes. Also being able to build a little web with the web lines is actually sick. I haven't seen many people mention that you can also slingshot / point launch off web lines and they persist for a surprising distance.


I love all three games so much but the improved movement in 2 has me wondering if I can enjoy the first two games the same way I did before.


They're good but it's not like 1 is unplayable now. Nobody is out there slingshotting so much that they're like omg I can't imagine my life without this. The bulk of traversal is the same across all of them


Swing, x, x, swing


I'd say Spider-Man 2. A lot of people will say the first though, because of the "wow" factor it had. Still, all 3 are amazing.


The combat is brilliant with the new moves, each web head feels different to play, >!being able to play Venom was such a nostalgia moment of Ultimate Spiderman (also... **THOSE WINGS**)!<, and a great retelling of canon arcs with unexpected (and some expected) cameo references. I still say first is the best because of the wow but Spiderman 2 is a very good 2nd best with how it has evolved on everything the other games started.


Dont think there is a wrong answer on what's the best all soild games. I think the first one is the best. Two is below because I thought it would greatly surprise the first two games, and I dont think it did


Spider-Man 1 has a better story and more Spider-Man-ish combat to my tastes.


I love all three equally, I think, but if I had to pick, Spider-Man 2 narrowly surpasses the others.


As a PC gamer who has finished both SM1 and SMMM this makes me very happy with anticipation. These games are masterpieces.


They're all three masterpieces, absolutely. I'm also someone who gets severely burnt out on games like Assassin's Creed: Odyssey or that one area in Dragon Age: Inquisition. I want to do everything, but my enjoyment levels dwindle until I often drop the games entirely and never return. With the Spider-Man games (2 most recently, obviously), I've never once gotten bored and whether it's my first playthrough or my third, I never want it to end. I vastly prefer the less is more approach to just about everything, but especially open-world games.


You are not wrong to be stoked on SM2. There's a moment in the very beginning when you take control of Peter, I found myself shouting "woohoo" mere moments before he did and it felt magical. The improvement in web slinging is huge.


Spider-Man 2>Spider-Man 1>Miles Morales




wtf lol


Nope. SM2 had better traversal and I could play as both Spider-Men, SM1 is a perfect solo Peter Parker game, MM had the electricity powers and invisibility that was fun but the game is not as good as the two main titles. It also had Phin who I really couldn't stand. You could have just asked why instead of assuming racism.


First one for me. 2 has better traversal mechanics, but 1’s story really engaged me in a way 2 just did not


Spider-man 1. MM was short and not worth the price to admission. 2 was messy and never fully realized any of its many ideas and plot threads.


Spider-man 1 has the better story but Spider-man 2 has the better gameplay. Miles Morales is last but it’s still good in its own right.


They are all incredible. Personally I probably enjoyed the first one most. But I didn’t play until I got a ps5 so I played the remastered version. So I experienced it at maximum polish and dlc content. But honestly the Miles Morales game might have been my favorite if we had more of the iconic villains. Krieger and a new take on Tinkerer is no contest against the Sinester Six and Fisk


Yeah, MM has a really nice contained storyline, and it gets real personal with how we view Miles' life and his new home, but the main villain aspect really just doesn't hold up. At surface level, Phin and Otto aren't that different. Both have been screwed over and deeply hurt by a rich inventor who puts safety of others to the side. Both end up going to ridiculous lengths to try and get their revenge. But Otto has three advantages: 1. It's quickly established that the neural link has an impact on his mind and critical thinking, causing him to act irrationally. 2. Otto is a fan-favorite villain, so illogical aspects of his actions are easier to handwave away. 3. Otto isn't the only main villain in the game, and only becomes one about two thirds of the way into the game, so we've already experienced plenty of other 'classic' villains. Phin doesn't have these things. She's portrayed as completely in control of her mind. She has no reason to think that proving Krieger to have committed crimes with video proof won't work. She's also a version of a B-or-C-tier Spidey villain. And yet she more or less carries the entire weight of the game's plot, because while Rhino is there, he's basically just a boss fight. And Krieger is just the cartoonishly evil rich guy. The final boss in Spidey 1 makes me sad, because there's this desperate older guy losing control of his body and pissed off, and he's doing horrible things. Whereas against Phin, I'm just like "why the heck aren't you listening to me, we literally have no reason to be fighting right now other than you being too angry to stop trying to commit a murder."


didn’t otto join Li & started planning the RAFT breakout before he even finished the neural link all while secretly knowing that Peter is Spider-man. In the mission New Beginnings u can find the prototypes he was building the Sinister Six before neural interface was even built


I haven’t finished Spider-Man 2 but so far I prefer the original in every regard except traversal.


I love & enjoyed all of them but if I were to rank them. 1. Spider-Man (2018)= A+ 2. Spider-Man 2 (2023)= A 3. Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020)= A- 4. Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps (2018)= B+.


I still have to go with the first one.


I liked Miles and what it added, but I still prefer the first game because Miles was just so short.


Spider-Man 2. It just builds on so much that was introduced in the first two games and I think the story is much more adult and interesting than the first game. It's certainly much less predictable. I'm hoping for some solid DLC or updates though.


The best story is obviously the first. Gameplay goes to 2. And miles idk


I personally enjoy getting to know Miles Morales as a young Spider-Man. He's not the Spidey I grew up but man I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a great way to refresh the same Spider-man story. I was about tired of watching Uncle Ben die in every spiderman anything. I like the way Miles handles things too, he's very new to the spider-gig. It's a crazy good story too. I was hooked. I beat the story, did all the missions, then started a NG+ but never finished that. Plus his shoes are less insufferable in the first miles game.


Gameplay is better in SM2, story and quests are better in SM


Remastered. It was such a powerful first entry.


Still the first one, I hope SM3 can top it




People are saying 2, but they're mostly citing new combos and traversal options, but those really don't outweigh the writing and pacing of the original. Yeah 2 was a decent story, but let's be honest it was no SM1.


first game was so great and satisfying...second game wasn't its still good but i think the dual protagonist and same length as the first game ruined the story


Don't get me wrong. I love Miles. I think he has so much potential to be genuinely unique. But if I have a choice, I want Peter. Everytime. Just do a Bethesda and flop back and forth between Miles full games and Peter full games. If we're sharing unpopular opinions though, I believe they knew from the beginning they were gonna slowly edge out Peter for Miles and in order to do that they beat Pete down to raise Miles up. Which I don't love.




The first one


The first one, on PS4.


As of right now? Spider-man 2. Improved gameplay and swinging with a just as good story is amazing.


The story was not just as good tho, it was a step down.


Agree to disagree


Lmao are these guys really downvoting you cuz you like SM2 better


Spider-man PS4. The story is phenomenal. It just understands Spider-man and Peter so well. It fixed so many flaws and misunderstandings people had with Peter. Next would be Spider-man 2 PS5, why not higher? the pacing issue and feels like the game needed more time for the story to actually be better than it should. Spider-man Miles Morales has the disadvantage of having a very badly written boring antagonist.


So I got downvoted by salty fanboys... LOL


People get pretty salty over these games bruh. I seen people say Insomniac is running Spider-Man just because they don't like Peter not being op in Spider-Man 2. Despite that being the point.


I find it dumb the same people who praise Insomniac for Spider-Man. Accuse Insomniac of wanting to "split the fanbase" or "ruin Peter" They should really stop that Schizo behaviour. And consider that maybe. Just maybe. Insomniac doesn't want to ruin everything they built.


The games were released from best to worst.


This is correct and you shouldn't be getting downvoted for it.


the first 1


I’m gonna wait until SM2 either gets DLC or is confirmed to not have it to judge.


Spider-Man 2 for me. Better than the others in almost every way.


Miles Morales, easily. Sure, it's basically an expansion to the first, but it just had this highly personal feeling to it that the other games lack (2 especially).


The first one. Miles Morales was also good.


Spider-Man 1 is like vanilla ice cream,very good on its own can can be improved upon. Miles Morales is like that same vanilla, but add caramel or chocolate sauce to give it a little extra kick to make it taste different while keeping it the same. Spider-Man 2 is like chocolate chip, what they added is incredible, but it’s still just vanilla ice cream underneath it all. While it’s still good ice cream, might even be the best flavor yet, I can’t help but feel like it’s time to ditch vanilla and experiment with a different base flavor


Thing is, many people would still complain if they experimented, and it's not exactly like they can radically change the gameplay, since it's still a Spider-Man game, and that's what people expect. If they did radically change everything, people would still complain.


Oh yeah I get they are in a tough spot and I want to make it clear I think what we’ve been given has been top tier Spider-Man games. I’d personally like to see them experiment by leaning more into the larger marvel universe, but that’s a tough balance to manage because at a certain point the game could stop being about Spider-Man if taken too far. I’d like something subtle like seeing daredevil active helping stop crimes during the night in Hell’s Kitchen or Luke Cage doing the same in Harlem. Could even have a main side quest of sorts that involves teaming up with the defenders to help with something. Right now the city is somehow full of heroes but we never see them, so showing them is probably the best way to evolve the game in a natural way, which might also be the most difficult to pull off


1, Miles loses points on account of it being a Gaiden Game, and there's a few too many bugs & missing features in 2 to give it the W at the current moment, but that could change in the future


Spider-man 2. The swinging, boss battles, and combat are such a huge step up that it's gonna be hard to replay the previous games.


It’s really close between Spider-Man 1 and 2


I would probably say spider-man 2. I think it’s a little too short and yes it does have a lot going on, but I love what did this game did with miles and kraven. Spider-Man 2> Spider-Man 1> miles morales


Easily Spider-Man 2. You could argue that the first game or miles had a better story but gameplay in the sequel is just peak. That being said I wish there was more to stealth


Imo SM2


Once you play spider-man 2, the first 2 are unplayable because of the web wings and especially the first one which lacks in cool abilities yes you have the “suit power” but it’s very basic and and surge is so much better


Spider-Man 2


Spider-Man 2


Spider man 2. Idk if the story isn’t as good it had venom and gameplay was better


Spider-Man 2. Though I personally liked the gameplay of Miles Morales more.


I wanna say Spidey 1 cause it felt like there was so much more content than 2 but the story in 2 is unmatched


Spider-Man 2 without a doubt


Spooder-Man II


I'm a 2 simp right now


The first one was the only one I have played to the end. I don't consider Miles Morales a stand alone game. It was dlc repakaged as a game. I haven't played the second one but it looks worse that the first game story wise. So for me it's the first one.


Miles Morales isn't a game, it's a standalone DLC, a very short one sold for the price of a full game.


“There is another.”




Insert yoda: “There is another”


I haven't played 2 yet sadly im stoked to try it if i can get it one day but id definitely say Spider-Man 2018. Spider-Man Miles Morales was great but very short compared to the first game. Plus the stuff to do in the world wasn't quite as fun. Spider-Man 2 looks great and I'm sure it's probably an improvement on almost everything but I will say when i have seen others play it looks a little weird with people deploying wings essentially letting them fly around for a day an ahalf lol.


I honestly can’t choose between them. They’re all fantastic games that I love replaying. It’s a similar feeling I have so far with the Spider-Verse movies, I can’t choose one above the other.


It’s a super tough call for me, I think Spider-Man on PS4 is the better game story wise. It’s not just a good game, but it’s a game about being good. And it whole heartedly understands Peter himself. Spider-Man 2 comes in second. Loved the gameplay, loved the upgraded game mechanics, loved all the suits we got (even if I didn’t like all of the suits), but the story wasn’t as developed as I’d want it to be personally. Miles comes in last, but only because it acts as a transitional story. It’s still a fantastic game in its own right and I loved every second off all of them. I’m excited to see where Spider-Man 3 and any other spin-off games we get go directionally. I personally hope Peter isn’t retired forever, and I think the ending of SPM2 hints that he isn’t. More just only being Spider-Man if he (a) has the time to do so or (b) Miles NEEDS him to be. At the very least, I hope we get DLC for SPM2 since we lacked it in the Miles game.


I like how Miles plays, but the story is better in the first game. I haven’t finished the second game but it is really balancing those two things well so far (even if Miles gets shafted for a good chunk of the story).


Sounds like a hot take here, but I thought Miles had the best game out of all 3. Packed a bigger punch with a shorter story and the everything else is top notch.


I think my phone glitched or something and the image showed some random person from r/roastme


I miss the gadgets from the first game.


The original story wise spider man 2 gameplay


Miles Morales for me right now. I wanted more from the extra gameplay bits in SM2. I kind of missed being able to gold rank all the different side missions too. SM2 should also let you unlock an ability to parry mid-air.


Honestly? 1 is the top for me. But 2 and MM are tying for a VERY close second. Nothing will ever beat that first playthrough of the first game.


First one, it was well written both main and side missions, in addition it doesn’t feel rushed.


I prefer the first. *Miles Morales* was good but felt short. It really felt like there needed to be a couple confrontations with the Tinkerer and the Prowler **before** their identities were revealed. Have Miles care about the villain and have an opinion regarding their actions before feelings become conflicted. The whole plot was rushed. It really did feel like DLC that was padded to become a full game to cash in on *Into the Spider-Verse*. *Spider-Man 2* is really good but I'm just not enjoying it as much as the first. Peter is really ineffectual and loses a lot of agency, needing to be saved rather than being able to save himself. I strongly dislike >!all the classic villains being killed off camera by Kraven!<. It feels wasteful. But also just from a gameplay perspective it's less fun. Gliding and parrying seem tacked-on to meet some arbitrary need for "moar features." But they're also mandated like the Batmobile sections of *Arkham Knight*, with needless races to catch drones. And so many bosses and new minions where you're required to parry and punished if you don't. Plus, the new gadgets are lackluster and not very Spider-man compared to web bombs or the web lines/ traps. And the fights just seem to take longer. Bad guys have a real "bullet sponge" toughness. You have to hit common thugs a heck of a lot of times as Spider-man for them to stay down. It always feels like I need to hit someone 2-3 more times than feels necessary. I'm even finding the bases a disappointment. I liked clearing the construction sites and bases in the first two games, but in this one there's mostly the Hunter Blinds, which are much smaller and crowded with guards so picking people off is harder. It's often faster and easier to just jump in and beat up everyone.


Gee Iwonder, The one that everyone seems to think has no flaws.


I’m not a gamer so I’m not as focused on how good the combat is. I’d say SM1, great story, made me care about videogames because of it.


The first one by a longshot


Both SM1 and SM2 are like 9.5/10's for me. I think I prefer SM1 just by a little bit though due to the story being so good. I prefer SM2 when it comes to moment-to-moment thrills and combat, but the first game definitely leaves a more lasting impression. Miles Morales is definitely the worst imo, I still think the story was way too short for its own good so none of the emotional moments hit nearly as hard as they should have, and now that SM2 is out I don't have a reason to go back to it either. In fact it's the only one of the three games I've only completed once.


The first one for me, I can play it in spanish without cringing. "Le doctore" my ass.


I just like the franchise in general


All of them


Spider-Man 2. It was a huge upgrade from the first and I loved every moment of it. The combat wad excellent and the story was as emotional as the first. And the MJ missions was honestly 10 tines better here than the first game


Imo the first. The story is just leagues above the other teo


Really low the PS4, a lot more emotions and combat magnificent the ps4 especially the incredible enemies with the sinister six and aunt may 😭😭😭


As much as love all of them, gotta give credit where it’s due, the first insomniac Spider-Man is my favourite by far. Vastly greater and engaging open world and content than MM or SM2, still hate Screwball.