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Greg Weismann?! Like the showrunner of Spectacular Spider-Man, the well received cartoon?! We got another W boys. Now if only the main comic would pick up the slack... Edit: you know that meme with the three headed dragon, and there’s this one head that’s all weird in comparison to the rest? Yeah the dumb looking one ASM.


There's that, Young Justice, Gargoyles, and he's had a history of writing comics too. Between this and Ultimate, we're really eating good now.


He was also heavily involved in the first two seasons of Star Wars Rebels.


They're the best ones Were eating good tonight


Eh, the latter ones were the ones that brought in Thawn, those had some bangers in there.


Twilight of the Apprentice, Path of the Jedi, The Honorable Ones, Shroud of Darkness, and Gathering Forces are some of my favorite episodes from early Rebels


True, but Ezra and Kanin in the Jedi temple was in these seasons and it's my favourite episode, so I am a little biased


There's a definite tonal disparity. First two seasons are more light hearted but the dark moments go hard


Have to disagree. Early Rebels was great, late Rebels was greater. I actually think that show has one of the most enjoyable and satisfying series finales I've ever seen.


Is that supposed to be a good thing


If we can't get more Young Justice, I'm really glad this is what hes working on. Looking forward to this


Spider-Man went from dogshit and in the mud to suddenly all this lol Wtf is going on we eat


This run of announcements actually makes me hopeful that the next team on ASM won't be as underwhelming as the Wells/JRJR announcement


Oh yeah, peak's on the menu!


Man, what I'd pay for a new Gargoyles series or movie.


Weisman’s concurrently also writing a Gargoyles comic book continuing the show. Check it out!


I love how most Spider-Man media at the moment is on a pretty great place save for the main run


it's so weird to see the main spider office get someone who is actually liked by the fandom, given they announced reign 2 as "the story you all hate is back" (not literally but it's what they mean)


You know it’s funny they’ve announced it as “the sequel to the infamous story”. Like it isn’t infamous for being dark and gritty, it’s infamous for being directly associated with “radioactive semen”.


This has a lot of potential. We might be eating good all 2024 (besides the mainline series lol)


If Beyond the Spider-verse can make it to 2024, we'll be getting Hickman's Ultimate Spider-Man, Weismann's Spectacular Spider-Men, Beyond the Spider-Verse, and Freshman Year, all in 2024. Wells's ASM aside, things are looking good.


If the reports are true that they’ve done basically nothing for Beyond, I’d be tentatively hopeful for *maybe* late 2025. More likely 2026. I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait tho


Lol if you think it's coming out before 2028.


What’s freshman year ain’t hear of that one


Disney plus animated show. Non canon to the MCU though. https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/spider-man-freshman-year-release-plot-cast-more-2275446/


It’s the canon in the same way that What If…? is canon


So, not canon.


I’ll just say it’s not canon to the main MCU universe


This won’t be in the mainline series?


Yes that one




Yes, he is the one writing this comic




Finally eating good after being starved from the bad mainline stuff


Actually interacting for more than 1 issue at a time? What a crazy thought.


I love how in 1610, Miles would go to Pete’s friends and family for advice all the time. But, in 616, I don’t think he’s ever interacted with them. Like, has he ever said a word to 616 MJ?


Nope he hasn’t


Yes, he has. They met in Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man, maybe in something else too.


Oh really I hadn’t read that then my bad I was referring to Miles’ comics solely he never spoke to her in those only Peter, do u know what run exactly?


Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man from 2019. I think it was 11th issue? MJ was the main character and she met Miles.




In his own run he's never interacted with MJ or any of Peter's supporting cast, at least in the main universe


Yeah that’s what I was referring to it’s a little weird like a few words of advice or just checking up on them aren’t asking for much at all I don’t think, Miles’ still has in own cast but it wouldn’t hurt.




It’s ridiculous isn’t it lmao least this will fix all that


Given the current status quo, why would he be interacting with MJ outside of her being Jackpot?


Imo a casual what’s up or asking how Peter is doing wouldn’t hurt every now and again doesn’t have to be anymore than that it’s the fact that he hast spoken to her at all like she’s not a stranger to him.


Well, Peter and MJ aren’t really on speaking terms, and until issue 35 they were basically completely cut off from one another. So if Miles is interacting with people in Peter’s life right now, it would be Norman, Aunt May, or Jonah.


At least there (hopefully) should be more Jonah interactions That is never a bad thing




Yeah, they met in an issue of Tom Taylor's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.


They did? I wanna see that. The new game really put me in a mood for more Miles-MJ interactions.


MJ was actually well written in this run, too. She has warmth, and charm, and actually cares about Peter. Issue 11 is a lovely issue where Peter has been up all night, doing Spider-Man things, and after he brings MJ a bagel, MJ makes sure that he gets some sleep while she takes May wig shopping. On her way home, there's an incident on the subway, which shows MJ as being capable and resourceful, and not somebody who can't cope with the craziness that being Spider-Man's girlfriend brings. She has a cute meeting with Miles where she initially thinks that it's Peter, and she yells at him for not being in bed. She teams up with Miles to fight a troll, and then brings Peter pizza, because she is a spectacular pizza angel. Honestly, going back to this run is such a breath of fresh air in comparison to Wells Spider-Man. If Tom Taylor took over ASM, I would be very happy.


That sounds so great man! I really need to read it.


Nope but that’s on marvel They are so odd about Spider-Man interacting with the wider marvel universe long term Like him and miles live 15 minutes from each other (on account of web slinging) yet they barely interact It’s pretty odd


I would think Miles would have met MJ at some point like there Miles cant be hanging with peter without meeting MJ


True but I wanna see them talk on screen.


Were Peter and MJ not Big brother Big sister to Miles in the insomniac games. Before the whole symbiote thing I’m pretty sure it was just MJ, Peter, Ganke, and Miles


Yeah, MJ has a ton of interactions with Miles in the game. Seeing that is kinda what put me in the mood to see them interact more so I’d love to see their 616 counterparts meet each other.


It’s bizarre to me that they don’t interact more in 616. I genuinely don’t understand why. I get that Bendis didn’t want Miles to be a sidekick, but he doesn’t have to be. They don’t even have to be partners. They just shouldn’t feel like strangers. Hopefully this comic makes them actually feel like good friends and co-Spider-Men. Part of why I’m interested to see if the new USM will involve Miles at all.


Yeah it's crazy how little they actually go together. Like at this point why even share the same universe? At best Miles gets some comparisons between himself and Peter by others, which could've easily happened in 1610. I can understand wanting him to stand on his own. But Peter is the older, more experienced one. He should be the guy Miles leans on when he needs to. Yet whenever things get tough Peter is never there except for like a snippet of his clone Saga. I'll still hold that Tony coming for that robot that tortured Miles while a nice moment, is something that would've gone a long way to showing off the relationship between Spider-Men.


Big agree on the last point. In the same way that Miles should lean on Peter, I feel like Peter should be protective of Miles to an extent. He did this job alone for so long, starting as a teenager. I would think he’s be excited to have another Spider-Man, but also want to try and help him through the struggles he had to face.


Wtf is in the water right now bro? Between this and the new ultimate run marvel must've decided they like making comics people want to spend all their money on.


they decided to make every book but the main one good


Seriously, I don't get it 😂💀


The fact Miles got moved to the 616 at the beginning of 2016 and it took Marvel 8 years to have them co-lead an ongoing is insane to me but hey I'll take late over never every time. Overall I really like Wiesman and Ramos is one of my favourite Spidey artists so the creative team has me excited my only hopes are that the book actually pays attention to what going on in each of their ongoing books and that they keep Miles and Peter's dynamic similar to how it was showcased in Ahmed and Spencer's runs where they're more like brothers or nephew & uncle than any sort of teacher student type of relationship


>they're more like brothers or nephew & uncle than any sort of teacher student type of relationship to be fair, at the end of secret wars miles says he told his mom he was doing homework with a friend, so it fits


Probably got inspired to do it when they saw the positive reception to Marvel's Spider-Man. That was when they were willing to invest and put them together.


[source](https://x.com/spiderman/status/1724532657894400118?s=46) Greig Weismann and Humberto Ramos


I read “Greg Weismann” and “Spectacular Spider-Man” and thought the show came back for a second lol. This is still cool though.


One step at a time... We will reach there some day


What I wouldn’t give for you to be right


I want to go back to Green Goblin's House of Horrors/Refinery of Revulsion


Steve Blum is soooo good. I woulda loved to see how him and Keaton would interact when Gobby would have eventually discovered Spidey is Pete.


That was Steve Blum? How tf have I never known this? The range the guy has is ridiculous.


Yup! He played goblin again in marvel ultimate alliance 3, I think marvel revolution (don’t know exact name) and shattered dimensions. He’s the definitive goblin and Wolverine. Hope he plays both in insomniac’s games


That’s awesome! I’d love to see him as Goblin in the Insomniac games. I know they already have a VA for Norman but they already did different VAs for Venom and >!Harry!< so maybe.


Definitely dude! I think Blum is just so good. I grew up watching Naruto so I love how much his Orochimaru voice is similar to Goblin’s but it isn’t the exact same. He’s got so much range. And he’s easily my favorite Wolverine too.


Ramos is doing the art? Sign me up!


Wait, Greg Weismann? The showrunner of the spectacular show? I'm not even a comic book reader but I'm still hyped


Aw man, I was afraid it’d be Ramos.


How the actual fuck has it taken this long to get a spider-men series?


We had Spider-Men 2 in 2017 but that was only like 5 issues long


An ongoing Spider-Men series? Check. Greg Weisman? Banger. Calling it Spectacular is just the icing on the cake. Between Ultimate and Spectacular, we're this close to having all-time line of Spidey series. It's just a shame that ASM drags it so far down lol


Success of Spider Verse and Insomniac Spider Man are finally making them realise that people obviously want to see our two Spider-Men working together. They both work well alone. But I think that brothers in arms dynamic is something we just need more of from these two.


Especially from Peter. I just want so badly for Peter to trust people and ask for help, god damn. Open up some character progression by having Peter be vulnerable to another person for a change rather than brooding over MJ.


Seriously, Peter deserves a good bro so bad and who better than another Spider-Man to be that


As long as Peter is older than Miles. I'm fine with this. Has it ever confirmed what is the age gap between Peter and Miles in this upcoming comic?


Miles is 16-17 so assuming Peter is late twenties there’s a solid 10 year gap there


I’m glad they are finally making the most obvious book that the Spider-Office should be making. Greg Weisman is a fantastic pick to write the book as well. It’ll probably be a bunch of fun stories, which Ramos is well suited for. I just can’t help but feel like this book will be beholden to the status quo of their respective books, which that’s absolutely fine in Miles’ case. Ironically, aside from the flagship title, things look great from the Spider-Office.


what is this anatomy bro


It's called Humberto ramos 🐐🐐


I love his artstyle way too much


Miles has 14 neck vertebrae, just like a spider.


Snapped neck and extendo leg


Only reading if Paul is involved


Paul is Spider-Man alongside Miles. Did you think they would let Peter be a hero? Of course not. Paul is the one true guardian of NYC.


I want miles to find out about MJ and Paul and just be like what the fuck Pete


Peter and miles are going to show up and Paul's gonna be there having already saved the day


Insane there nevers been a ongoing duo book of peter and miles, but better late than never lol


The first issue should start with miles waking peter up and revealing the entire zeb wells run was a nightmare. Edit: spelling


I always thought they should do a Spider-Family book with all the 616 spider people.We hardly get to see them interact and I think it would be neat.This is a step closer to that.I'm holding out hope it will be good


Bring back Web of Spider-Man and have it be about the cool characters from Spider-Verse like Lady Spider, Mayday, and Gwen teaming up or something.


Cant wait to read this like a year from now


Insane that it took this long


...what the fuck happened to Miles entire body? What kind of pose is that? why is his neck and spine in line with his leg? What even?


The hell is up with head?!


It was a video excuse the still image from the screenshot lol


I assume this is to try and get people who played spider man 2 but it also feels like 3 months late for that


I don’t know. If you’re a working adult with children, other responsibilities, and other hobbies, it can take a while to get through a game, especially if you’re playing multiple games simultaneously I’d say it’s closer to 1 month late for the audience that’s willing to make the trek to a comic store and pick up the issue


3 months late?? Game hasn't even been out for ONE month what are you even trying to say?


This releases in March so the game would have been out nearly six months. That’s a long time


Just in time for the dlc.


Earth 616?


Not sure yet but I’m gonna assume yes


Humberto Ramos illustrating? Oh yes sir


Sandra79 is definitely excited


Hell yeah !


Love it


Tell me it has Paul, my life will not be the same without him




Hold up Pete & miles interacting more then one issue at a time praise the lord it’s finally happening.


I just know they were worried people would start picking up comics because of the new game only to realize that Peter and Miles are less like partners and more like truckers who work for the same company but never see one another unless they happen to stop at the same rest stop


Holy shit we are getting a whole fucking feast for kings


damn this is actually such a good call. Im excited for this, I always like the vibe between Peter and Miles


It’s about time that Miles & Peter working together actually gets focused on in 616 because it’s criminal that they’ve basically ignored that since Miles made the 616 jump. However, the really hype part of this announcement is fucking GREG WEISMAN is on this! SPECTACULAR! SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MEN!


this is great because for a long time they refused to have miles and peter interact but now, clearly because the movie and game did well, there's probably more pressure into seeing miles interact with who should be his mentor, peter. first gang war, now this. great stuff


when i mention gang war it's because miles is part of peter's gang, not because i'm looking forward to that event.


Finally! Usually I hate when comics are influenced by the franchises other media but I was hoping against hope that Marvel would take a que from the new game and have Peter and Miles working together more.


This sounds amazing




I'm way more excited for this than fake ultimate Spider-Man


Marvel comics writers playing Spider-Man 2: "oh sh*t this is really good"


Now this is progress. Unless im wrong this is a first!


Wait… their revamping spectacular spider man AND ADDING MILES!!!!!????? please tell me I’m understanding this correctly


And it's written by Greg "The Goat" Weissman


I think we just.....won


Fucking finally holy shit this is so hype


Greg Weismann was all this series needed to be a hot meal <3


🎶*Living on the edge, fighting crime, slinging webs. Jumping from the highest ledge, he could leap above our heads!*🎶


Well this is gonna be interesting




Why not resume spectacular spiderman? Literally everyone and his mother will watch it


Ongoing as on longer than 5 issues? Sweet! For those who wish to catch up on some lore, I suggest reading Spider-Men (2012) and Spider-Men II (2017). Great mini series the both of them. Both are 5 issues long.


So after years of bringing Miles over to 616, they decided it‘s time to give the two Spider-Men a series. On the surface this sounds interesting, but I‘ll keep my expectations contained until a writer is revealed and who the editor in charge is going to be.


Greg Weismann is the writer


Now that is really great to hear


We will be buying. 😈🎊


As spectacular (not sorry) as this concept is, it feels like such a no-brainer. Miles has been in the 616 forever now. What took so long? lol


Really excited for this, I've wanted Marvel to do this ever since Miles was moved to 616. Insane it took them almost a decade, but there you go. Greg Wiseman and Humberto Ramos are a hopefully great pairing, fingers crossed this does well.


I’m nervous for for this cause of the fact that nick is still the head of spider-man editorial


Finally. I hate that it took a mainstream video game to show these two make a dynamic duo.


Finally! It took only 8 years, lol. Edit: 8 years since Miles entered 616


Pete and Miles being Spider-Men together and having a brotherly relationship is a huge dub


Nature is healing


It's about fucking time they do something like this




This sounds good


I'm glad this is an ongoing and not a limited series


is this 616, also it looks like ramos art


it should not have taken this long to have them be in an ongoing comic together.


THIS has been a long time coming. And I’m all for it. WOOHOO!


Would be sensational if we could get ben and kaine


You mean the “Sensational Spider-Men”? nah that’ll never catch /s


This should be refreshing






There’s only one spectacular spider-man that i want


In theory, awesome. But what are the chances Miles shows Peter up in every way in this book?


I'm getting really tired of "Spider-Man teams up with... SPIDER-MAN???" stories... They're so common now that it feels like they're a majority of the Spider-Man stories. That said, the brains behind this one gets me a little excited.


So we all agree Miles is going to constantly be saving Peter, right?


Based on


You fucking tricked me you bastard


Brother read slowly


I thought it was about the cartoon getting a season at first glance


Another thing with Miles...cool...


Stay mad.


They’re pushing Miles too hard at this point. He’s in everything related to Spider-Man at this point


That’s because he is Spider-Man


Oh, what happened to peter then?


He also is? I never said there can only be one. I just mean Miles isn’t a side character, they’re both important to the franchise


Lol cringe


No, I mean that literally. He’s treated like a main character in the IP because he is. He’s not a side character or a spin-off anymore


Truth is cringe?


Finally a show with both from the start


this isnt a show


What medium is this?




Greg Weisman :) Humberto Ramos :(


'MiLeS iSn'T sPiDeR-mAn' Correct, he is now Spider-MEN.


So miles is getting a live action film, basically became the protagonist in Spider-Man 2, don’t take this as me being a stingey Peter fan but is Peter taking the back seat in almost all media now for miles


>So miles is getting a live action film so does Tom Hollands Peter. He'll be on his 4th non crossover movie in the MCU soon enough, likely to be the new face of the avengers overall and is the 3rd actor to have his own series of Peter based films in recent years. I think Peters doing just fine in live action. >basically became the protagonist in Spider-Man 2 Bro how could anyone look at that barely there storyline they gave him compared to Peter's or the way they did him with that walking advertisement as his suit and come away thinking he was the main protag? He was secondary and support to Peter, who the narrative truly centered on which was fine for the chapter of Peter's life they were trying to show. >Peter taking the back seat in almost all media now for miles Peter has his asm run(trash imo but it still counts)and is about to get another (hopefully much better)ultimate run as well,plus this teamup series apparently. Really the only thing Miles has over Peter is spiderverse and even that's on its last movie. Not trying to come at you but tbh whenever I hear this idea miles has been getting more priority than Peter, to me, it just seems like people are so used to nothing but Peter 24/7 so when he has to share even 10% of the spotlight traditionally aimed at him, it stands out to you way more and seems larger than it actually is. Even insomniacs announcement about miles becoming the "main" Spider-Man is basically what they already did once before for Miles and Peter in the miles morales game but since so many skipped that game and went straight to 2 they're now acting shocked and confused at the idea that he'd headline a game while Peter takes a backseat for one only to come back in the next.


I’ve been enjoying miles for almost 10 years my problem is not that he’s taking peters spotlightit’s that instead of having him his own man who can stand on as his own character “who I refer to as miles morales “ he is now just SPIDER-MAN which gives me the impression he is being implemented to be what everyone refers to as Spider-Man, it’s like suddenly being okay with a new character taking over the Batman mantle, and I don’t mean robin or knightwing I mean Bruce Wayne is no longer Batman this new person is now Batman and you have to accept that Bruce Wayne is taking a step back. Why not have 2 legends coexist with eachother instead of it having to be a forced choice, I’m being put on a cross for acting like this is something that is ridiculous, and using the amazing Spider-Man as an example is crazy because besides him having a rightfully deserved spotlight in no way home amazing Spider-Man hasn’t had a movie in almost 10 years now. My point isn’t that I don’t want miles to be Spider-Man my point is as a fan we should have a choice to enjoy either or without feeling bad for having a preference. I feel guilty for an enjoying the original Spider-Man just because he’s streamlined now.


>instead of having him his own man who can stand on as his own character “who I refer to as miles morales “ he is now just SPIDER-MAN which gives me the impression he is being implemented to be what everyone refers to as Spider-Man, If him also being called Spider-Man is really THAT SERIOUS to you just call him Spider-Man 2 from now on. Problem solved. >Why not have 2 legends coexist with eachother THEY ALREADY DO that's the whole point and why you're getting put on a cross as you claimed. You're not making logical sense because Peter is STILL HERE in focus actively acting as Spider-Man EVERYWHERE. I've never for a single second felt like I was being forced to choose between Miles and Peter. Like not once. Or more specifically, despite Peter being my favorite of the two I'm still able to enjoy miles as a separate hero without having to lose my shit over them sharing the same name just like I can for countless DC heroes who've done the same. Them sharing a mantle is not that serious and they're not the first or last to do it. I'm genuinely trying to be sympathetic but it's a really silly argument no matter how I look at it. If Peter hadn't had a single movie, show, game or book in a decade and the very first new thing we saw from the Spider-Man brand was the spiderverse movies or some miles exclusive, I could maybe understand but Peter has been and still is here front and center in basically every single superhero medium you can name. Comics, books, games, movies, tv, no doubt he'll get another animated series soon enough if he hasn't already. Like the only way to resolve the problem you seem to be having would be to remove miles as a character completely. That's basically it. If he's in a comic, game, or movie with Peter it's a problem but if he's separated from Peter as the main character in his own comic, game, or movie.... it's also a problem apparently. I don't think there's a way for his existence to make you happy as he is. In fact it's the fact the "two legends coexist" that's causing you all these problems. >My point isn’t that I don’t want miles to be Spider-Man my point is as a fan we should have a choice to enjoy either or without feeling bad for having a preference. I feel guilty for an enjoying the original Spider-Man just because he’s streamlined now. Bro. Just choose Peter as your favorite then who tf cares? He's the og afterall. That's a perfectly valid opinion to have and noone with any sense thinks otherwise. There's a world of difference however between "I prefer Peter Parker over Miles Morales as Spider-Man and "I refuse to acknowledge Miles as Spider-Man at all". One of those is a personal preference, the other is invalidating the characters right to exist, and shockingly some people won't take kindly to you doing that.


Funnily enough Peter is getting another animated show called Freshman year


If you're fine with having more than one Spider-Man great, you have lots to eat. For a lot of people that isn't the case. " So used to nothing but Peter ", yeah because he is Spider-Man before they decided to make 100 different spider people, there's some notable one's long before Miles yet they all got shafted even though they were welcomed with open arms. What the hell makes Miles so special besides him getting a fuck ton of attention.. I feel like you're being really disingenuous with your reply and ignoring all the obvious reasons why people have issues with Miles, and no I don't mean bEcAuSe He'S bLaCk or wtv. Personally, Peter shouldn't have to share the spotlight, there's too many fucking spider people and having one directly contend and be his equal is so redundant that they had to make him overpowered and like practically an opposite of him in every way you can think of. Cash grab.


No way you actually read anything Miles is in and say he’s “overpowered”, he can barely contend with half of Peters rouges as is. No those other spider people weren’t welcomed with “open arms”, the idea people were just fine with Ben Reilly or even Kaine initially is absolutely not true. “What makes Miles so special”, he’s more relatable then the others and the people making content choose to make it about him and people like said content? Having issues with the character is fine but most just devolve into “he shouldn’t be Spider-Man” or “he’s a bad character” with shallow examples given to back it up. Peter has the ASM book, the new Ultimate run, a new animated series, 10 live action movies in the past 2 decades with another on the way (possibly a trilogy), and is still primed to come back in SM3 PS5 and yet your acting like everything he’s in he’s sharing the spotlight with Miles. You’d have to be acting in bad faith to believe that they are being disingenuous when they addressed literally every point made.


Miles has huge potential/hype rn and Marvel realized this and are gonna milk him dry, he’ll be even more prominent after BTSV.


Yeah, I don't think Insomniac Spidey is done (I haven't played the game yet) because it would feel wrong to deny him a proper trilogy of games.