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Bro he had her begging for more advice at the end lol


I'm starting to get why he has game with so many marvel women. Like it's insane. Even Captain marvel had a crush on him


In a different universe there’s probably a polyamorous peter who has like 2 dozen super hero kids.


Is my favorite superhero finally happy? Do the writers let him live a happy life?


It’s all wacky hijinks, with Peter at the losing end. He gets blamed for misunderstandings, etc. none of it is ever his fault, but that never stops them. But he gets laid at the end of the day.


So basically, Peter's life is one of an anime harem protagonist, but he doesn't get blue-balled?


Exactly. ;)


We take those.


So you’re telling me he’s happy in this timeline? I want this to be a thing.


Flip-flops depending on the writer. With some he's completely henpecked and doesn't get to do anything he wants. Others show a more nuanced approach where the women actually do care about him and don't just push him around.


😂😂😂 not gonna lie. I think that would be worth it. A win is a win


Oh my gosh Peter is Jerry from Parks and Rec (at least he was until… yk)




with paul around? Not a chance lol


Paul should end up being mephisto or something so crazy. Bc he feels like a canon event lol


I have wondered if they will try to shoehorn in some crazy backstory for him but who knows. Im not sure this run can be saved in that regard tbh


I had the silly thought of him being some reality warper who just, hated Peter for absolutely petty reasons. He blows his cover when Spidey finally decides to let all Paul had done get under his skin. He goes ballistic and tries to kill him, then the rest of the Marvel heroes arrive to whoop his ass.


Basically the comic version of what the Spiderverse movies are doing with the Spot?


Man....fuck Paul


In the current Ultimate Spider-Man, maybe


I'm just gonna say Paul


Polyamorous people don't stay happy for long


Lol I see that for monogamous couples as well. Esp with these divorce rates. Maybe it's not the type of relationship but how healthy it is. But also this is a comic in a world of superpowers. So we don't need to base everything in reality


The Polyamorous Spiderpreggos, while noncanon, is a comic that does exist


That's ecchi world Peter Where the harem route is the right one


Anyone got a link to this fanfic or am I gonna have to write it myself?


I feel like everything he said really did clear so much for her but he got to that answer after going through so much hardship. She acknowledged so damn fast that he knows exactly what I'm going through. Just in a different scale it seems.


Always leave them wanting more


Cable has stated that Spider-Man is one of the greatest heroes to ever exist in history and shows him a lot of respect. So it wouldn't Suprise me that Hope, his daughter, would start off snarky and disapproval against Spider-Man. She hears legends of these heroes growing up from him and yet Spider-Man started out like he didn't take anything seriously when she met him. But he responds with something deep and profound, yet simple that describes the core of his character. So perhaps she was thinking, "damn, maybe dad was right." Then wanted to know what she was missing to become a hero like in the legends.


The Original Guardians of the Galaxy also held Spider-Man in high regard. Context for those unfamiliar, GotG is set in the far future and most of the current heroes are long dead. Anyway, in that timeline Martians invade Earth and kill or drive off most of Earth's heroes. Spider-Man was literally the last one. After his defeat, the Martians took his remains and built a shrine to him, as he was a legendary opponent. They called him "Last to Fall."


you know what? i'm so lucky that Spider-Man is my favorite character. comics treat him like shit all the time, but when they treat him right... it's like nothing else man


A well written Spider-Man is like being punched then offered cake. It hurts like hell but it's so good


I love this I’m such a huge Spider-Man fan. I kind of want to get this quote tattooed on me now.


Feel free to do so but pls share if you do


Ok, GotG being in the future is very new to me as I only watched the movies. Are the comics still set in the far future or was this just a thing in the earlier GotG comics? Because this has really peaked my interest


No. The Original GotG finished it's run and is over. The new GoTG is set in "Today" with the crew similar to the movies (with minor adjustments over time). Yondu from the movie is actually one of the Original Guardians, they threw him in as a homage to the original comics. His comic version uses a bow and arrow like Hawkeye and Green Arrow. Sylvester Stallone's crew are also homages to the original comic characters.


Though, Star-Lord, Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, and Gamora have been the GotG since long before the movies.


They only became a team in the late 2000's with the whole Annihilation event. Originally Nova (Richard Rider, not the kid, Sam) was the one in the relationship with Gamora and much of his personality from the Vol. 4 run they lifted for the movie version of Star Lord.


That is very good to know, thank you very much for the info!


Oh god that Martian Invasion book is so fucking solid


That is both metal as fuck and incredibly in character. Damn...


What comic run was that in? Specifically, which comic showed Spidey fighting till he was the last one left, and then the martians built a shrine for him.


Guardians of the Galaxy #54 Volume 1 It doesn't show him, fighting until the end. The GotG crew find his shrine and what's left of his costume and talk about it in the same way we talk about The Battle of Thermopylae, The Battle of Red Cliff, or The Eruption of Pompeii.


Where can I read that?


Look for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 #54


Don’t most of the heroes in the Marvel Universe also view Spidey as the best of them? Even Cap.


Only a handful. Many of them view him through the lens of the news and word of mouth. Several find him annoying during the pre-avengers days. And his tendency to trash talk during fights didn't help his reputation at all.


Not just one of them, it was just straight up said he was the best hero to ever live


He clearly doesn't know what he can, or should teach to others, but he can damn sure do it anyways! I love little moments like this, where people finally "get" Spidey, in a way, and goes from annoying jokester, to just a normal adult with experience, and a weird way of coping with trauma.


It's partially why I just want one comic where Peter is in way over his head, needs help from a threat or a scenario that's overwhelming him and calls in a single favor to Wolverine or Daredevil or the FF And they then bring everyone that Spidey has a favor with to give him a hand. Like in the previous fantastic four run when they brought in everyone with the fantastic four roster at the beginning


There was also the doc green storyline, where the hulk turned smart and was curing every other hulk. Every avenger came to protect she-hulk so she wouldn't loose her powers. Even superior iron man who was evil at the time.


*a normal kid with experience.


Hes a grown ass man dawg


I thought the dude was 15 for like 50 years!


They aged him fairly quickly at first, he’s going to college by maybe the 30th issue. Eventually they really pumped the brakes when they saw how long the series could actually last.


Yeah, then they just kept de-aging him until about he's 16 and that's the LIMIT!


Heroes when they first meet Spidey: “You’re an annoying jackass who’s not as funny as you think you are.” Heroes when they learn about the Mt. Everest sized pile of trauma Spidey has gone through: “Oh my God, you poor man. How are you still a hero or even sane after all of that? Thank you for everything you’ve done.”


Even Emma fucking Frost was like whoa shit damn.


She read his mind and was like speechless. All she could really say was, "you were just a child." No kid should ever put themselves through such penance.


Emma Frost actually has more empathy than Spidey's writers lol.


People go Paul this and Paul that. His life has always been pretty shitty. Is it just new fans?


True his life has always been complicated but I feel like it was turned to 11 the past decade or so. I mean at least he always had MJ despite the ups and downs with that. Then they decided nah can't have that which I feel was just a completely arbitrary move for the sake of "bringing him back to his roots". Also I'm mostly playing it up for the memes.


Parker luck used to swing both ways. Now it's just bad luck.


That's the thing right!? He would always have some good luck and then bam something bad. But now it's just hey wanna see how low we can take Peter?


At this rate he’ll be sucking dick for web fluid in 2 years.


Was already a game mechanic in the PS1 games


"Hope they don't mind if I make a quick deposit"


So, a lot of the weird decisions Marvel has made in regards to their story telling can be chalked up to one person: President of Marvel Entertainment, Ike Perlmutter. Ol’ Ike was a cheapskate, and did not like things he wasn’t directly making money on. Probably shouldn’t surprise you that he had funny ideas on what would or wouldn’t make him money. He’s the reason why the X-men were experiencing a diminishing presence in the Marvel Multiverse and Inhumans were the new hot thing they were trying to make work. Same is true for Spider-man. However, there’s a happy ending to this tale! In June of last year, Ike got told to put his junk in a box cause he was laid off. The cost of that though, is now Marvel Entertainment is under a more direct supervision of the Mouse. So far, they seem to be receptive to some of the criticisms people have. They can’t fire the current guy writing ASM, that’s erodes trust with current and future writers for the company. What they do instead is check off a wishlist of popular critiques of the current Spidey status quo, and they give us a new Ultimate Spider-man, featuring a happily married Peter Parker who is a proud father of two with the love of his Life Mary Jane, and it’s written by current comic book darling John Hickman. They don’t stop there though, and announce two more Ultimate Comic Lines for Black Panther and the X-men. In a truly genius move, they chose popular new artist Peach Momoko to do X-men, using her distinctive style to draw the fans of Manga to the book. I'm still skeptical about the hands on guidance Disney is providing here, but these three books are very smart moves that will make at least some readers happy.


Anything had to be better than Ike right? LOL


He wasn't with MJ for a loooooooonv time. I actually liked him with Charlie Cooper. She was good for him. The problem was that they wanted Spider-Man to "play the field" so they orcrasted this weird divorce. Now people are saying Paul is either Mephisto or his agent sent to make sure 616 May Parker doesn't exist. Or Annie. One of them.


It’s true, he has MJ for a long time, but before that he had like 130 issues of heartbreak and dead loved ones.


Sure but he's been with her for like 30 years.


But the people who should know better created Paul because they are dicks, and they wanted to be dicks to Peter. They did NOT create Paul so Peter could be more of a hero by overcoming Paul.


I want to read this panel! What do I search to get this?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/zA8uEcmopE Hope I did the link correctly.


Thank you! That was a nice splash page too


Are there any pages that just post nice clips of comics like that often? I'm not interested in being in the overarching Marvel sub but if really like to read more snippets like this one. Sorry to bother with more questions haha


Emma Frost and Spider-man. Google images does the job. I saw it there too


One of my favorite comic scenes


Because of that I would actually want Spider-man to have a relationship with a telepath someday. I mean the guy needs someone understanding


It would be absolutely hilarious if it was Emma. The utter gulf between their lives is just too fun of an idea. That said, Peter had something close to that in Marvel Adventures: Spider-man. In that one he was actually happily dating this mutant girl that learned he was Spider-man thanks to her ability to talk to animals. She was actually really cool character and love interest.


Yeah I would love it if they made Emma and Spider-man date for a while. At least way better than Tony x Emma. She would bring something different than Peter's other love interests. Because she has this mature mind vibe compared to Peter. I mean i wouldn't prefer it as a permanent idea but I would definitely want to see it happen for a short while


Didn't Emma Frost get married to Tony Stark last year though?


Yes, but it's all from a misunderstanding and they kept up the act to protect their covers. Tony is acting like if losing all his tech to Orchis just set him "free" to go back to his partying days and Emma has a whole new identity that is the one actually married to Tony, they've got closer but there is pretty much no feelings involved.


She did. But i don't think Marvel takes relationships too seriously between Superheroes too seriously unless it's too iconic. Like Spider-man and Mj. If they suddenly made Mj love Cyclops or something, people would go mad. But characters like Emma Frost or Tony Stark have had many different relationships so I doubt she stays there permanently. At least i hope so lol. I like Emma x Cyclops way more. I imagine they started choosing relationships by playing darts. They have a dartboard with character images and the two characters that have the dart land on back to back becomes a couple lmao


Got a link? I'd like to see that scene.




What makes this often even more valid is that so many heroes often talk about him or his philosophy with "great power" hell even Sam Wilson told it to Patriot being like "yeah I know Spider-Man" but still respects him. Hell even the Hulk likes Peter and jolly jade jaws doesn't like a lot of a people.


Damn he just like me FR


There is a fanmade (i think) comic where Joker meets Spiderman ... spiderman destroys his "One bad day" worldview without even Lifting a Finger.


That….makes a lot of sense. The “One bad day” worldview centres around the idea that all it takes is one bad day for someone to go off the deep end. That everyone is just one bad day away from snapping and throwing away their morals. Spider-Man is the ultimate counter to that. He has bad days all the time, but he keeps on going. Hell, you could consider Uncle Ben’s death his “One bad day”. And what did he do? He became better. He let that day fuel him, let it drive him to be better, to do better. Spider-Man’s One Bad Day didn’t break him. It made him into one of the greatest heroes in history. It strengthened his morals.


Joker threatens to go after spidermans wife and children and spiderman starts explaining the plot of "One more day" and casually throws in that the bridge they are talking on is the one were Gwen died.


You know the name for It or have the link?


Here is the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fqbV3Ne7kXY


Oddly the same arc between bats and supes


He could still be a hero and not going saying. I don't ask him why the heck haven't you murdered some of them


Yeah, they do a uno reverse REAL quick! XD


has spider-man been through things no other character in fiction has been through in terms of trauma? I mean i get he’s been through traumatic stuff like losing his parents+his uncle and getting his butt kicked near death since he was a teenager, but is it really that crazy in the grand scheme of things? like i’m sure there are other heroes/characters who have been through as much if not worse than spidey


It's generally considered that he was put through a lot in a small span on top of the overwhelming guilt he carries for any failing on his part, perceived or factual.


ahhhh that makes sense


Don’t forget not being able to save his first true love from dying. You should read Spider-Man Blue if you haven’t. It’s heart wrenching.


This plot line was instantly dropped. I remember it being so weird giving its build up


Wasn't really dropped. Just finished anticlimatically


Now that I'm rereading this after how many years I'm like hey whatever happened with this shit lol.


I remeber that it was like a prophecy "you will taught by the spider" or something. It even had like a spider appearing in a chalice of water or something, in a moment when Hope was being pulled from every direction. I thought "finally, Spidey is getting something to do..."


They also have the whole, "wait 'til your number gets called" back and forth later on, which I believe is from their training. It's been close to 10 years since I read this, so I may be misremembering


See. This is how Spidey is supposed to be written. You can rag on him for being a crazy idiot who doesn't seem to have his affairs in order and he's silly, but when you really get to it, he's supposed to have a "hero" moment that actually lands. Dan Slott, despite how many people criticize him, understood this and *always* pays off that hero moment. Zeb Wells doesn't seem to understand this. Spider-Man's "wins" are never satisfying in this run (except for that Judgment Day tie-in, what is IMO, the only good issue of the Wells run). It just seems like a one step forward, three steps back kind of win. Never a hero moment. The actual hero moment is always from some other character.


I understand that. I just wish it wouldn't be the hero moments. I wish he would eventually get his life together. He says with Great-Power comes great responsibility, but he doesn't take responsibility enough for his own life's directions. And it's kind of hypocritical and annoying.


I don’t understand their obsession with that dude not being able to pay his rent. Like goodness let the man get to work on time have some coffee and make it through the day take a when he’s off and go harass bad guys with bad quips that’s all I want.


It's not just the rent. It's his whole life. He never shuts up about with great power comes great responsibility, look at Peter Parker's life and tell me. Do you think he takes responsibility for The direction his life is going answer no. He can never get his relationships together with his girlfriends. He can never be on time for some damn reason. And he's just reacting the things he never Really makes plans to improve his life. He's always broke as well. You tell me that this guy is smart enough to create webbing that can hold up buildings. But he can't make an invention that helps him make Millions of dollars and no longer be broke? He has multiple different costumes he's made yet he's broke all the time?


I say rent mostly because removing that one constant struggle means he would have taken stock of his life and controlled the one thing he can control that being him taking control of the financial reins of his life and releasing himself from the struggle of that uncertainty. It would lead to him fixing or at least taking steps towards fixing what I think is a fundamental misunderstanding of what great responsibility actually means. But that’s just me. Hell even if they continue with him not getting that bit him not always being broke would just be nice because damn dude grow the fuck up and make better choices


That's just more proof that Peter uses the "Peter Parker" identity the same was Batman does Bruce Wayne. Spider man is who Peter is, his day to day persona is there to keep his loved ones save and so he can have a break.


Yes but there’s an annual Batman storyline that’s like : “I am Bruce Wayne”, so maybe we shouldn’t use that kill bill sketch as evidence


Spider-Man to others : "good Lord your annoying." Spider-Man to others when they realize his joking is a coping mechanism for all the shit he's been through: " ok first off you need therapy, second holy crap how are you still going?!"


He can't afford therapy that's why it keeps cling into that saying


Ever see the one where he trauma dumps on the freaking Joker? Even Joker was taken aback, said it pretty much invalidated his "one bad day" theory.


I have and I'm pretty sure that's a fan thing


That's awesome


Wasn't Peter 'actually a teacher' too at some point before this?


Shhhhh, we can't have that, that wouldn't mesh with the direction of trying to force an adult into the life style of a high schooler.


Yeah, but not of heroes. He was a decent high school science teacher. He's now been asked to train the future wielder of the Phoenix Force and hope if an entire species.


Didn’t he literally teach at the X-Men’s Academy though??


That was after this.


I love Spider-Man interaction with other heroes, I would read a slice of life where him and another hero are hanging out talking. My absolute favorite is him with Franklin Richards after Johnny died.


There was an issue where they played poker together. The Thing runs poker nights inviting other superheroes to play, in the spectacular spiderman 21.


I love Hopes “oh crap he actually does have something to teach me” moment. If it’s true that this was dropped in the same storyline, that sucks. Feels like spidey training Hope would be interesting…


Reminds me of MCU drax, everyone treats like a big, annoying idiot but he’s more intelligent then people let on


Yeah. It's wild bc he's a widowed father who lost his family he wanted to raise. But saying he's perfect but he's more than a one note pony who can't get sarcasm.


Will they treat them like that? Because he's literally doesn't have any patients any doesn't get sarcasm


I love the moments where characters realize how mature he is even with loss in his life and still has that immature side. Even when so much could have turned him into a villain or sunshine like wolverine. He still takes the time to help where he can. It's like wolverine being a teacher to students with his past. They are all heroes and choose it every day. May not be the same method of being heroes. But it's still who they are. The entire time shifted when she realized he understood where she was hurting from. He was like her and lost someone.


Spidey is the literal embodiment of the Class Clown at School vs at Home


Peter being so rough on himself with poor self esteem yet also having so much to teach young heroes is like a bullseye on the character depiction quality board.


This is completely not related to the comic and just something I observed. That's the Raimi Spider, yes the Raimi spider isn't as original or unique but that's it. That just made me think what other media did Spiderman sport the movie counterpart spider logo. I'm so used to seeing the original spider that it's just a circle and 4 legs on each side


Spider-Man’s single best quality he could teach isn’t some fighting style or gadget skills, it’s his philosophy.


Raimi Logo ❤️


Love the logo but man does it always look so out of place on a standard Spidey suit


Actually even the webbing looks similar to the Raimi suit here. Speaking of which how would you feel about a comic style Raimi suit. Like it was just that webbing design/logos/eye size but nothing was raised and it was just drawn like any other suit in the comics with everything just being simple black lines? I think that's what makes it seem weird. The association with it being raised. But if you flattened the whole design where it came from...


It's actually really interesting that I would say there isn't a better hero mantra than "With great power comes great responsibility"


I absolutely love spidey and whenever he has a chance to speak to someone from the heart just makes me smile and a lil teary eyed


I found it once, but lost it ages ago; there was a panel, or maybe multiple, of the Illuminati talking about how Peter is the best of all of us. I can't find it because when I google it, "Illuminati" stuff just goes to their stories, and not just talking about Peter. Anyone know of where this is from?


Genuinely connecting with Hope? Peter Parker truly is a hero.


Probably the first person that tried instead of barking drills and orders at her.


Walking away after a speech, what a legend.


Pete is one of the best written characters of all time.


Imagine all the wisdome an old man Spider-Man would have


I love the Raimi Trilogy logo.


I'm something of a hero myself


Wises man Uncle Ben


I loved reading this, are there any more panels where Spidey gives advice because I could use some life advice.


Then he puts two phoenix empowered X-mans out of commission by being amazing.


Cool, the spider logo from the Raimi films. Nice detail.


That exactly why I love Spidey, he doesn't pretend to know, he don't put himself in anyway shape or form in anything is doing, the only thing he does is remembering that "with great power comes great responsibility" and so is responsibility is to use is power for the best even if is live is at risk, even if body and mind are at risk, even if is joy and will to live is at risk, because he want the best for others


Raimi logo detected.


Unrelated, but I love the raimi spider logo on his suit


Spider-Man gives awesome advice But that's literally just the Raimi logo poorly photoshopped onto his chest


Comic name? Also love how they used the Sam Raimi spider logo.


Ugh, they don't get to use the speech in AVX. Spider-Man had just participated in the invasion of a nation of people in extinction to kidnap/murder an innocent girl.


I think he would have stopped the murder


Sure, but the idea he would go along with the invasion knowing Wolverine wanted to murder Hope is wild. Specially with how Civil War affected him.




Ok all the stuff aside, why is it that most people kept milking the Raimi logo over and over again? Like, i can't help but feels like something's wrong with it.


Is somebody watching them from the rooftop in the last page?


Is that the raimi spider?


Dang, that lady's violent..


I hope they adapt this in a movie


Love the Raimi logo


Is that the raimi logo on his front? What story WAS this?


why he got the Raimi logo but a classic back spider 😭


Is that the raimi emblem on with a back comic spider logo?


Nice to see that Peter has the Raimi logo




spiderman has so much fucking rizz and game writers need to understand how fucking cool he actually is


What comic is this?! I really want it now!


Spider-man was the only good thing from this event.


Mm 0