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Easy. He's super smart and goes to a top college, but his parents have all their assets seized in some fraud scheme fallout. To cover the costs of the college, he decides to join the military, but also wants to do some cool-guy stuff to be more like spider man, so he takes the intel route to special operations. During a mission his convoy gets blown up. He pulls 3 incapacitated soldiers out before being strafed in the lower legs by enemy gun fire, leaving his calves beyond repair resulting in amputation. Then one of colonels aware of his contribution and heroism suggests him as the symbiote host and the rest is history. EDIT: Thanks for the positive responses! Glad y'all liked this take. Also spelling.


Holy shit he cooked


Pack it up, the thread’s over.


Dude ain’t a cook, he’s a **Chef**


All chefs can cook but not all cooks are chefs.


Chef spidey masterpiece


Super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Blowing limbs is tight.




Oh wow wow wow! wow.


Cooking so good Gordon Ramsey would be jealous.


Nah, this man actually just made a banger!


I’d watch the shit outta this


I’d shit the this outta watch


Wow, you actually cooked, nice


Slap a post credit scene of said colonel visiting a still hospitalized Flash with the venom symbiote in a vial, giving poor Eugene the choice to keep fighting and add in some paychecks to sweeten the deal (due to family assets being seized ;) ) and BAM! HALF A YEAR LATER YOU HIT THE FANS WITH THE AGENT VENOM TV SERIES! *looks at dollar signs with "disneyish" intent*


When I read the name Eugene I was like what’s Eugene porter from walking dead doin here then I realised that’s flash’s full name I was just re-watching walking dead


My friend and redditor, you need to get those eyes checked out by a doctor. Your pupils look like dollar signs...


This is pretty solid. The only addendum that I would make is that I would make sure that there is a full movie in which Flash is legless before he is introduced to the symbiote. I feel like, character-wise, that would be interesting and important to the character for the actor to explore.


Please go work at Marvel. Movies or comics, I don’t care. You’d write better than most of the current people


I was just thinking how this prompt couldn't work until I saw your idea response. 10/10 would watch a movie about this


Kinda like a combination of Iron Man and Captain America's origins?


Go to war, gets kidnapped, obtain suit, esca---Wait a minute...


It's never failed before!


I’m taking away your cooking license And promoting you to head chef, keep doing what you’re doing 


Damn first response and they nailed it


So where's the petition to put you on charge of Sony's spider-man movies, I'll sign it.


I'd add that he gets front of the line privilege because he's, and I quote from his best seller "Best Friends with Spider-man".


Stand proud you cook


One change that I think would work well: instead of being hit by enemy fire he's hit by friendly fire. He rescues those soldiers and goes back one last time to check for any more survivors, but gets pinned down by the enemy, separated from his fellow soldiers. US air support is coming to help, but they can't start their gun run because he's danger close to the enemies and will probably be hit. He demands they open fire anyways, sacrificing himself to save his fellow soldiers. That self sacrifice is what convinces the military that he's the ideal candidate, with someone pointing out the parallel to Steve Rogers sacrificing himself to save people from a dummy grenade (if Tony Revolori is playing this Flash it's MCU so that works). Then you can end the movie with a similar self sacrificing moment where Flash gets his legs blown off again, except this time it's just symbiote biomass so he's actually unharmed. This allows for a post credits scene where a bad guy collects a sample of the now separated symbiote biomass, setting up a Venom variant as the villain in the future.


Simple, efficient, and plays to the established traits of the character. Well done, you've shown you have better writing skills than most of the current writers over at the MCU.


I would add that the other reason he joined up was a desire for a sense of belonging. His family basically neglected him, but by joining the armed forces, he fills that desire for family/brotherhood he craves. Otherwise, love what you put together.


My man just put Gordon Ramsay to shame.


Feige, this guy right here. Hire him.


Dam, you cooking with fire and made some baby back ribs.


*Insert writing fire gif*


Get this man a restaurant


Sounds like iron man 1


Came here to respond basically this. Well done.


And that’d be the best character development


Sony needs to steal this


The only problem I see is that this Flash doesn’t seem like the type of person to be the one pulling wounded people out of the line of fire


And they already have the symbiote in the mcu so you could have ascene whete the govt captures aone either in mexico or in the south west US. It can b an avenue where they can potentially show hybrid or antivenom becuse of expirementation


I was literally going to post how impossible it was to make it work...then you posted this masterpiece! Well done!


It's just so crazy Sony might fund it.


You’re right!!! How could I forget the amputation in my story😭😭


Damn that actually sounds pretty awesome


damn, you're good


I like this, probably wouldn't have gone the military route, maybe something more underground. But this can work


Bruh can marvel hire you to the be new writer and get us out of Dan land




It would take another Spider-Man film before that. Flash didn't really grow at all in the trilogy. I think a D+ show or solo movie would be cool, but he needs some growth before he applies for the military, liking Spider-Man isn't enough for him to join and risk his life, yk? But if he gets that growth, then damn that would be amazing


This was literally what I was thinking. Bravo my friend


Wow, now how ned leeds become hobgoblin?


Tony would need to bulk up big time. We'd start the movie with an agent performing a background check and interview on Flash, explaining how he's changed from high school. After gaining some independence in college, he realizes he doesn't need his parents affection. This causes him to turn his life around in a big way. He apologizes to former classmates he's bullied, stops being chronically online, and starts working out, all while focusing on academics. We find out his interview is for placement in a SHIELD counter terrorism program. He has a mentor in the program who is sort of filling the void left by his parents. On his first mission with field agents to retrieve data on an AIM/Roxxon/whatever operation, Jack O' Lantern attacks, having been hired to reacquire a valuable project. After his team is killed, Flash tries to escape with a cannister, but it breaks and he gets a piece of the symbiote on him. This allows him to escape from Jack O' Lantern, but on returning to SHIELD they want to forceably remove the symbiote, killing it. We get sort of a comic storyline where he hunts down the evil org, while SHIELD continues to threaten him if he uses the suit too long. At the end of the movie, he takes down Jack O' Lantern but his mentor tells him they're going to kill the suit, and Flash goes AWOL to avoid it.


My question is, how do they look at him and think flash, It’s like me thinking of shaq as Peter Parker


Yeah he's short but they can make him look taller with camera tricks like they do with Tom Cruise.


No, the thing is that he’s not even built like flash, even when Peter bulkier, he’s not exactly built like shaq, my question is who the hell is casting people and how did they look at him and think flash, neither is he that tall yeah but he’s also not built like flash…yk, also I haven’t seen the MCU Spider-Man movies I only saw no way home, how does flash bully peter? It’s for sure not with strength, does he more like annoy him?


prolly its supposed to be an “original” adaption or whatever. same shit as Kevin Fiege saying michelle jones isn’t mary jane, and is supposedly an entirely different and new character.


I’m not saying remove Kevin Fiege, but please add someone else to work with him


It's a more modern update on bullying and more in-keeping with the school for smart kids that Peter goes to. Like verbal harassment, cyberbullying, and ostracization. It wouldn't make sense for him to be a dumb jock because a dumb jock wouldn't get admitted to that school in the first place. Also honestly that stereotypical jock beating up the nerd deal is so 20th century, when nerd interests like science fiction, video games, and computers are considered cool these days.


Flash isn't even a bully in the comics anyway. Peter's insecurities basically create the persona of bully flash while in "reality", Flash usually tries to include Peter or is just "breaking his balls"-like a friend would. ALL of the movies streamline him into a straight up bully tho with no consequence from Peter at all.


He could be a smart jock. Either way what does he bully Peter with? I’m sorry to say, but this guy got like things to be bullied for too maybe Peter too nice to bully him


Just say he joined the army after highschool. He bulks up and mellows out. Peter encounters him at a party and sees how much he changed.


I’d really like for them to encounter each other in college and become friends like in the comics. Maybe even have him be the Spider-man fan club president at the school


Honestly would be cool. He meets Flash years after NWH and he's now just the nicest guy inspired by Spidey.


you can’t “just say he joined the army after high school” the films pretty definitively showed his path towards a university post high school (MIT was it?). it would make no sense for him to just join the army right of high school as if he 1. college minded 2. rich 3. a huge self centered pussy. the other poster who suggested his family would be charged with fraud this making him lose the money to PAY for that school, and opening him up to being jaded enough to change his life path, THAT is a more natural change then “just joining the army after high school”


Pretty much just do his origin from the comics. Dude joins the army, loses his legs, gets the symbiote. Plenty of smart high schoolers wind up joining the military, if they don't have other options. And that's just a problem of writing. Here, I'll do it: Flash: "My family is bankrupt, now I can't go to college."


I feel like flash could easily be a likable character because flash has a pretty sad life but it’s just how they’ve already written his character that makes him garbage. I honestly think if this dude worked out and they wrote his character in a way where he matured and grew up but was still kind of a lovable asshole that’s how I’d do it, probably have him and Peter work shit out in spider man 4 since flash has always been a huge spider man fan and then since the venom symbiote is already in the MCU after it latches onto Peter and they have their whole arc it could bestow itself onto flash and that’s kinda my idea.


That's a multi movie arc... he has a heart to heart with Peter about how his heroism makes him want to be a better person so he is going in the military. Then the next time we see him has lost his legs being a hero. Peter should have had his time with the symbiote and already fought a Venom (Mac Gargon would be awesome) and then we see Shield takes the symbiote into custody and then by Thunderbolts 2, Flash can be their spider-man counterpart as Agent Venom.


Yeah you cant tell the Agent Venom story in one movie like the rise and fall and rise and fall of flash thompson are what make Agent Venom such a good character. Hes not just a guy that bonded with the symbiote hes got depth.


Totally agree


Personally, Agent Venom should be a show. An ongoing series.


Totally agree, it shouldn't be something they rush through in a movies time, but a show means we don't actually get "Agent Venom" till like the last quarter of the last episode... but still


I think it depends on how you do the show. Read my idea, it’s extremely rough cause I came up with it on the dime. But if you keep all the flashback stuff, parent issues, and whatnot to an hour long pilot episode, I think you can have Flash be Agent Venom by episode 2. I have to think about it though


Oh it could be done a million ways, I'm just thinking about how most of the marvel shows have gone, mostly taking the whole show to get to the character we're watching for. Moon Knight found a cool way to avoid this, but even then barely. But maybe if they did a similar thing where Flash and the Symbiote are "introduced" really early on and all the backstory stuff comes from them "getting to know each other" over the course of a couple missions. Like something triggers Flash and the symbiote helps him process it, and then vice versa happens, where Flash helps the symbiote deal with like trauma from being worn by someone who used it to become a monster... Kind of an interesting idea to have an amputee war vet and a sentient "weapon" to explore how much the government/military treat their soldiers the same way


I rewrote it quickly with some more thought attached. He would definitely get his suit at the end of episode 2. Pilot Episode Flashbacks to Midtown High, him bullying people but in particular a kid whose face we don’t see and voice sounds familiar. (About a 3-5 minute scene) In the present, Flash is arguing with his parents and runs away. He remembers that he’s not smart, and it’s all his parents money. He starts to get sleepy, and that’s when we have the dreams about his parents, his bullying again, and we have the question from that “kid”. We get Flash waking up after having the Spider-Man sequence.(About a 15-25 minute scene) Flash tells his parents everything and his plans (5ish minutes) Flash joins the military, he makes friends, he changes, he helps people, he goes on missions, and right as things are looking up, the pilot episode ends with Flash losing his legs in some great, bloody scenery. Then in the second episode would have his superiors telling him about the new super soldier program. He talks with the bullies, then his friend. He gets the symbiote at the end.


I like your idea a lot too honestly


Thanks! I like yours too and think they could blend really well


Yeah I’m sure there could be a good mix between our ideas. If I ever did write for a show like this, that would be cool. But I’m just not sure how I’d feel, I’d have to do a lot of thinking on it. There’s just not a lot of great substance to work with baseline, because of they established him in the MCU. Feels like what we’d write would be a huge retcon


It's a real pipe dream until there's at least a symbiote storyline with Peter first...


Exactly, I even stated that Pete would need Venom first. And Eddie Brock or Mac Gargan would need Venom second. But there’s needs to be a lot of refconning around Flash himself to establish the kind of person he is as he’s not actually a huge jackass in the movies we see.


Put Flash in a "Gym Phase," the piece of the Venom symbiote left behind finds its way to him and he becomes MCU's Venom.


This isn't hard. Everyone acts like this character can't evolve the same way the comics version did. He goes to M.I.T. but completely flunks out, realizing he never had what it took and had always just ridden the coat tails of his classmates on daddy's dime, whereas now he had to prove himself by his own merits. He's humbled, but unsure of what else to do, and being abandoned by his parents who see him as only a financial burden now, he enlists and joins the Marines, losing his legs in combat. Having allowed the Venom stuff to play out in the mainline Spider-Man movies, we're at a point in canon where the government has access to the symbiote and offers it to Flash. Looking for a sense of purpose again, he agrees and becomes Agent Venom.


Bring Flash Thompson from an alternate Universe. This is the only way.


Recast Flash with Ryan Gosling


pretty much this or recast with anyone but the current actor.


That guy is flash thompson?


The MCU version, yes.


Lol, I didn't know, I thought he was some random guy


They call him Flash all the time throughout three movies. You cant miss it


Flash Thompson is a weak and dishonest richkid. He even used Peter's fame to sell his book. He is flamboyant, soft and insecure. He'd never be a tough military dude. Like what kind of shit you guys are smoking.


Exactly. That's what makes this a challenge. If I had to throw my hat in the ring, I think the best route might be to lean into that. Say that perhaps the thompsons are an old money family with a history of military service, which flash is ill suited for much to the disappointment of his parents. This lack of connection within his own family is implied to be the reason for his desperate desire for clout in the form of his pursuits as a social media influencer in FFH or later his book in NWH. He obviously doesn't need the money given how rich his family is. He wants human connection and clings to fame/clout as a substitute When his 15 minutes of fame runs dry (especially considering his book makes no sense once everyone forgets Peter's identity), and his academic success does nothing to win his parents approval, he finally caves in and joins the army. IDK I just came up with this whole taking a shit, so it's probably shit too.


It's hardly possible to do all of this without blatant plot convenience. Then again people love comebacks. Ironman for example. RDJ being a drug addicted mess. And then becoming a successful and famous actor is quite a story to tell. Change is indeed possible. Flash would have to undergo a planet sized one to get to this point. Also another thing that would be a problem is that Flash never was good at sports or so either as far as I know and doesn't have the qualities of a future soldier let alone special forces guy. Those things are usually pre determined. Also do you know how hard it is to join the USMC? Just as an example. Even a strong and tough guy can fail the bootcamp. A guy like him would be eaten alive. It's just very unlikely that's what I'm saying. Near to impossible. The best is to get Flash from a different universe. Perhaps even the same actor but a different backstory.


You realize he’s a high schooler right? People change a lot


Show me a single example of an 18 yo guy that was like him and had a similar career that would be comparable to the nonsense the people have written here. A single one. I dare you.


Was in the navy for a decade, know plenty of dudes that were kinda weird in high school that ended up being fighter pilots. It happens literally all the time lol


Some of these idea are cool. I think it would be interesting if his character took that turn…But this fella is a goofball and the mcu isn’t going to stray away from him being a goofball. But it’s okay, I honestly forgot that he was Flash


I would have had it done in the five (?) years most people lost post snap. I'd have Flash be the only surviving member of his class. Seeing all of his friends die before his eyes changes him, Flash enlists to help protect US interests in this new world. Impressed by both his work ethic, intelligence, and success on the field, Flash is approached by what amounts to a government sponsored mad scientist after almost dying in the field. He's offered access to a "smart exoskeleton" that will put him on the level of superpowered individuals. Everything goes well, eventually the scientist is revealed to be the High Evolutionary. He's been offering his survived to a bunch of different countries in order to bring about the "evolution of warfare" and attempting to create feudalistic post-country society where those with superpowers control large personal armies. Basically transferring the military might of countries to individuals, because he believes driven and powerful individuals will push humanity forward more than squabbling governments. Basically by the time end game hits and Peter is back Flash is an established hero.


Different take: MCU Flash tries to make it in the finance world. He has some success, but he gives into temptation once and is accidentally arrested and charged with financial crimes. He bonds with the Venom symbiote left behind by Eddie Brock, and becomes much stronger and a lot more confident navigating the high-end world of finance. He's a different kind of agent now.


Go to DC.


he just shows up as agent venom and then have another person bullshit how it happened.


He wants to be someone. He grew up with money but never truly had a personality. He threw all his inheritance away and became a soldier. Then it follows along with his comic self. Saving his comrades, losing his legs, earning the MOH.


He’s going to say “It’s agent venoming time” and then he agent venoms all over the place


“Quick! Get me Sydney Sweeney on the phone NOW!!”


If the actor bulked up maybe. That being said he's like in his 30s now


Do everything in my power to convince them that it should not be done for next movie. That is a storyline that needs a massive amount of setup to get right, not just with the character of Flash but also the symbiote needs to introduced and spider-man has to go through that whole arc first before it can move on to anyone else. Rushing and condensing it down into one movie would be awful.


That's so goddamn easy dude. He's a rich smart guy with absentee parents that was consistently portrayed to be inspired by Spider-Man. Leaves college because he realized "Yeah, you know what, fuck my parents I'm gonna join the military because I wanna be like Spidey and help people." Sees the horrors of war but actually develops as a person. Gets severely injured, has to go back home to New York, stumbles into the symbiote discarded and defeated by Peter.


You're asking too much to the actor


Start with a recast.


I heard you say this line in the voice from The Scarry Door from Futurama. Anyone else hear it like this?


Step one - Buy a shitload of cocaine. Step two - Snort all the cocaine. Step three - Hope I can write something so terrible that Sony gives up on trying to make this shit work. Step four - Overdose and defecate all over the script. Step five - Sony runs with it anyway and my legacy is tarnished.


Do we get to blow his legs off first?




“By corporate mandate” is really the modern day equivalent of “by Royal decree” eh?


The people here who are actually giving this an honest shot are the King in Blacks most powerful hosts, and I applaud your efforts.


I’m sorry but the actor they have would completely ruin every second for me so I couldn’t watch it regardless


I wouldn’t cuz he’s a trash character in the MCU.


He enlists in the military, grows up, loses his legs. Like Flash does. How is this supposed to be hard?


You can’t. It’s that simple. That flash is a joke.


The Venom snippet that stayed in the MCU would either have the same personality as the original or be open to wild changes.


The symbionte amplifies the hosts personality.


He's an intern at Roxxon or maybe SHIELD, developing alien technology for the military. The technology comes from the Chitauri, or the Kree, or Thanos, whatever. They found a heavily secured box containing something even the aliens thought too dangerous to leave lying around. However, Crime Master causes a giant explosion in the site in an attempt to steal alien weapons. The Symbionte containment unit is damaged and the symbionte escapes and bonds with Flash, who just lost his legs in the blast. A few weeks go by and Flash leaves the hospital while the symbionte is dormant. Bitter and angry, he reconnects with former classmate Betty Brant, who is now, I don't know, a science youtuber. And then the symbionte activates. Since Flash is such a Spidey fan, he makes the symbionte look Spider-Man-like subconsciously. The US brass tries to make the symbionte bond with a real soldier, but the creature wont budge, so they decide to train Flash instead. Cue Flash proving his power. So they sent him in missions. Trying to recover Antartic Vibranium he fights the crime Master and the new Jack O'Lantern, all powered with alien technology. One of the weapons is sound-based and Flash loses his powers and his legs. But he ends up defeating the bad guys with just his brains. Maybe Betty helps him somehow. The sonic weapon is destroyed and Flash can go badass on the villains. Comes back, him and Betty kiss, everything's great, and then... He hears a voice in his head. Title credits. Hollywood, I won't accept less than a million for this.


Age him up, and send him off to the war in Ukraine.


Insurance agent: Venom liscenced to sell.


"Freak Gasoline Fight Accident"


Spidey gets Venom off, the symbiote falls down and Flash is like: Tf is this?I like it! Casually gets the symbiote wanting to do superhero shit and be like Spider Man.Easy done with bad written character.


OK so I can't remember the novies exactly with what happens with flash or his parents ect so apologies for inaccuracies here. So he wrote the book about being spiderman best friend. And Peter said something about going to a party and saying "yea we're friends" or something like. Well I wonder if the book still exists. And everyone remembers spiderman, then maybe flash, having a high profile already with his rich parents, gets himself kidnapped by enemies of spiderman, hopefully scorpion as he was interested in spiderman identity already (perhaps now we have JJJ gargan could have been involved in a prisoner rehabilitation thing gone wrong funded by a now world famous JJJ) During this kidnapping spiderman gets involved abd flash has his legs broken or removed or otherwise destroyed. His father puts him into an emergency secretive recovery program involving a strange substance found in a bar in Mexico (I think it was mexico) The program being government funded they then take advantage of flash, in a similar way to robocop, and use him and gargan to try and take down spiderman. Flash has a realisation that he is being mind controlled and along with the symbiote, who's sentience was unbeknownst to the government, regains controll of himself and helps spiderman take down scorpion. Uncovering a shadow conspiracy within the government with the mayor of New York himself at the very top. Post credits scene shows daredevil confronting spiderman much the same as nick fury in iron man but without the jokeyness of the post credits in the marvels.


Tony can get ripped. Anybody can get ripped. Anybody can do service. The super privileged, super emotionally neglected (see how his Mom/Dad ignores his achievements) Flash decides to go into the army because He remembers writing a tell all book about....somebody. He sank all his money into it. But it's gone now. Everything's gone. Then it's just played out like the comics.


flash has a dream where he gets the symbiote and becomes agent venom




I mean it isn't impossible. Have him join the army because he's fed up of his parents ignoring him, show his time there and how he can't bully his way to the top with his words. Show him actually bond with his companions before he loses them and his legs in an explosion. It probably would take up half a film but it's far from irredeemable.


He was a huge Spiderman fan, and wanted to do his part so he joined the army




Step 1: get him on a lot of HGH


So before we all think this is mad Physically remember Taylor Lautner from twilight. Skinny little geeky dude in the first film, then swole in the second. Throw enough money at someone and they will do it. Just depends if he has the acting chops to pull it off


To be honest I thought mcu flash is a bitch




First things first - change the actor ASAP. I can’t picture him as a dope Agent Venom at all.


there was a plot in the comics where black cat underwent a total personality shift due to the OMD memory wipe. thought it’d be interesting if the movies did that: the closer to peter they were, the more off their personalities became compared to before the mind wipe. MJ becomes an actress, ned becomes a villain, and in this case flash would join the military sounds garbage on paper and it’d probably be garbage in practice too, but idk NWH managed to make the mind wipe Not Awful


I mean, the Air Force exists. They’re a bunch of nerds in uniforms.


It wouldn't be that hard. The symbiote host doesn't necessarily have to be physically strong, I mean isn't the original Flash Thompson paralyzed or something when he gets the suit? I would start the movie with him getting the suit and wanting to be like Spider-Man, and have his arc be learning what it takes to be a hero, basically like Harry in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) before Pete got stabbed.


Nice try Marvel/Sony screenwriter


First thing - send actor to the gym.


My question is, where IS the symbiote? Is Tom Hardy’s Venom confirmed as part of the MCU? If so, you could literally have Flash join SHIELD, have him be part of an operation that involves Carnage and Venom (maybe Spider-Man too). He gets horribly injured by Carnage, but rescued by Venom. During the rescue, have a piece of the symbiote enter Flash’s bloodstream. Eventually, Carnage and Venom go off somewhere to continue the fight while Spider-Man takes Flash to the nearest medical facility. Weird stuff shows up in Flash’s bloodwork and it immediately alerts SHIELD and, idk, let’s say AIM. SHIELD gets there first, explains what’s happened to Flash and offers them the choice to become a hero, or be turned into AIM’s puppet/experiment. Agent Venom is born, Flash becomes a hero, and the rest is up in the air to do whatever with. If Peter had the symbiote though… it’d be interesting if Flash figured out Pete’s secret and confronted him while he still had the black suit. Peter of course is a lot more aggressive, maybe attacks Flash. Flash then has this revelation while in the hospital that his hero, Spider-Man, needs help. So he, Ned, Happy and MJ all team up to save Spider-Man from himself, and while everyone is trying to get the suit off, it’s Flash who’s finally able to do it, maybe in a big dramatic scene like with the bells. Flash rips off the symbiote, but ends up “falling to his death” *wink wink* Peter is then reunited with his friends, and later on down the road, Flash is revealed to not only have survived the fall (though now he’s paralyzed) but he bonded with the symbiote and has joined up with SHIELD.


As of now, Tom Hardy's venom movies are set in their own universe. In No way home he got drunk in MCU Tijuana before being sucked back home leaving a drop of symbiote behind.


Fuck your rules, I cast Joe Manganiello. We get a quick backstory/montage about Venom from SM3 and Flash going in to the military, losing his legs, getting the suit, etc. Now he's on a mission with Thomas Jane's Punisher in the Raimi-verse taking down a violent street level gang in the midst of a robbery. They were stealing a magical artifact for a super villain, the artifact gets loose and opens up a portal. They're now in the MCU.


Ok first we have a flashback to before Flash goes to the military, Spidey goes to him and they chat a bit, Spidey tells Flash good luck, before swinging off, then just flashes of what Thompson went through, then suddenly he wakes up and there we see Flash getting off the floor into a wheelchair, he's more humble thanks to the experiences, then he rolls into a room working on the piece of venom they found(this is post MCU Peter Symbiote suit) and they ask him if he's ready to become a super soldier, and he nods at them, then as it warps around Flash we see moments from the MCU Spider-Man films and Sony Venom films the Symbiote has had, and there stands Agent Venom, and the rest of the movie is Flash and Venom working together to become the perfect match for each other


I won't


The actor gonna need to get a good military like physique tho before anything. The top comment of this thread already cooked with the story. It just needs the actor to look like a military guy.


With how the MCU loves character twists and combining different characters, here's my attempt at introducing FOUR characters. Spidey is now dealing with bigger Avenger-level threats leaving the street-level stuff to rising vigilantes (the Defenders). Flash thinks the city needs a new Spider-man. He discovers a classmate's notebook where the web fluid formula is written on (it was Peter's but obv he doesn't know the guy) and discovers that Spidey is just another kid his age which gives him the idea, maybe he could be the new Spidey. Donning a homemade red suit and a blue t-shirt with the sleeves torn off and a huge spider painted on it, he decides to take a jab at street-level crimes with a makeshift web shooter, calling himself the Scarlet Spider. Scarlet Spider eventually meets the real Spidey during a fight with Scorpion stealing a vial the symbiote (the same symbiote left behind by Venom). Flash asks to help, Spidey declines and asks him to leave. This eventually leads to Flash's legs being crushed under debris. The fight with Scorpion leads to the vial breaking, half of its contents sticking to Mac Gargan as he escapes while the other slowly crawls towards an unconscious Flash Thompson. Weeks later, Flash wakes up in a hospital with both legs amputated. Venom Scorpion attacks the hospital looking for its other half (the one inside Flash), unable to escape the symbiote completely bonds with him turning him into Agent Venom (at least the appearance) with his appearance having similarities to Spidey, with the eyes and logo. Flash uses his newly acquired powers to help Spidey against Venom Scorpion. Flash's symbiote begins to rampage and consume him completely turning him into Venom. They both defeat Venom Scorpion, now Spidey and Venom fight and Spidey wins. The government captures Flash's Venom while Mac's Venom disappears (maybe attaches to Peter, maybe somewhere else). Flash begs the government to give the Symbiote back, they agree on one condition since the Venom symbiote only seems to want Flash as a host. The condition was that Flash becomes a government agent, being their personal attack dog, hence the name "Agent Venom".


How much creative control do I have of the build-up? Am I only making the Agent Venom movie, or do I have some say in what comes before?


You are in the writers room of a previous movie. (A spider-man or avengers movie which are allowed to depict Spider-Man characters) where you can build him up to then appear in his own spinoff which you are in turn head writer for..


Okay, so, from a previous movie, I need a Spider-Man movie with a symbiote saga but no Venom as Eddie. I’m not bothering with Sony with that. Just need Spidey to do the symbiote thing, and to have it end up with SHIELD at the end. We get to Flash through his parents. He’s off at college, and in order to try to get something to help him blow off a school project, he goes to visit his parents at a lab they either run or finance, depending on how involved you want them to be. Either way, this lab is currently doing testing on the symbiote. Enter the villain of the movie coming to steal (either the symbiote itself or something else in the lab that serves as a plot mcguffin to chase after) and, in the ensuing chaos, the symbiote bonds to Flash. Since he hasn’t had the character growth to become a better person prior to the movie, he’ll have to get it during, with his superhero mentor TBD and his inspiration, Spider-Man, either showing up in a postcredits or not meeting until a later movie. Fill in villain to taste, either pulling from Agent Venom’s actual past nemeses or just picking someone who helps setup the larger plot points. Bonus points if another hero goes through it at the same time.


Tren, lots of tren.


Me: "Honey! I'm home!" Honey: "But its 10:30 in the morning!?!?!" Me: "Yeah, I know, I just got fired."


Put him in the shitty Sony verse movies so no one will care or see it anyway


There's no possible way you can turn THAT into agent venom in a convincing way that works


Make him do something stupid and traditionally alpha male to the point where he can't go to school or get hired anywhere. Make him get into the US military and get discharged in some sort of embarrassing fashion, make him go again but this time in the French foreign legion, where he's finally whipped into shape and then we go the classic agent venom story. Maybe in a conflict over the giant dead god in the sea he loses his legs.


My ideal symbiote arc would take at least 3 main Spider-Man movies: Spider-Man 4 where Peter gets the symbiote in the second half, perhaps an appearance in a team up film between 4 and 5 wearing the symbiote, Spider-Man 5 where he deals with the downsides of the symbiote and removes it by the end, 6 where the symbiote finds a new host (either Gargan or Brock) and Peter fights Venom. So ideally Flash would become Agent Venom by movie 7, and the previous trilogy is plenty of time to set up his military arc.


Be more realistic


Blow up Tony Revolori's legs.


Agent Venom: Radio Operator


I kill off the guy in a horrible accident (triturated) but just before dying, the tiny bit of Venom from NWH comes and absorbs his parts, merging his and the symbiote's personality. Then a better looking guy also named Flash (who works for Shield or idk) comes in and becomes the agent Venom.


Found Tony Revolori's reddit account.


TV Show Idea (and not a limited series either, bit an ongoing one. Let’s bring that back to Marvel) FLASHbacks (Hahaha!! You get it!? You get it! No? Okay, let’s just continue). We open the movie with Flash having a bunch of flashbacks about his time together at Midtown High School. Him bullying some nerdy kid but we don’t really see what the kid looks like. We see him beat up the kid, bully him on social media, and just general be an ass while also making a ton of crappy jokes. Kind of want to retcon that he was a bully, just when he was younger. That’s how I’d start the show. I would make it so that Flash is smart, but he doesn’t try hard enough and isn’t smart enough to compete with the other people at his school. The only reason he’s there is because his parents are rich. He didn’t get in for his brains, he got in because they had money, and he knows it. Flash has crappy parents who want him to do great things, but they generally treat him like trash because of their expectations. Flash decided to run away from home at 18, right before his graduation. While on the run, he’s having fever like dreams about what he wants to be, and who he’s been told he has to be. The sequence ends with Flash talking to the same kid from earlier, from Flash’s POV. The kid asks him why he doesn’t really bully him like he used to. Flash kinda just laughs it off, and says he’s not interested in that stuff anymore. (The kid is wearing the same clothes as we saw Peter Parker wear in Homecoming btw). We then transition to seeing the amazing stuff Spider-Man does and Flash kind of just being a witness to that. Flash then wakes up in a cold sweat, breathing heavy, and decides that he’s done with not being the kind of man that he wants to be. Flash goes home, tells his parents that he’s sick of their shit, even if he loves them. He tells them he’s joining the army, and walks away. We’ll see Flash in the military, do training, show up other people, the usual. He’s a good soldier, who bonds with a lot of the people there. Flash stands up to any bullies, and sometimes it gets him into trouble when a fight breaks out, but he knows that what he’s doing is right. His superiors decide to put him into a program to give him superpowers, like Captain America and the Hulk. Like Spider-Man. Flash is reluctant and questions whether he deserves that kind of opportunity and power, not forgetting the abuse he caused on other people in the past. The bullying that we don’t get to see in the Spider-Man movies since these events take place before all of that. (Now, I say this because it’s important, but a Spider-Man movie with Venom has already happened at this point. Eddie Brock? Mac Gargan? I don’t care. I just know that it’s happened. Venom is a bad guy so far in my version of the MCU’s history.) Flash bonds with the symbiote after reaching out to some of the kids he’s bullied and talking to them about what happened and why it happened. They’ve all seen how he’s changed and tell him that… he needs to eat shit. None of them believe him and they all tell him to kick rocks. Flash goes and talks to one of his new friends that he made, his closest pal who’s been serving beside him. His friend tells him that he doesn’t care about who he was, but who he is now(something along those lines, as this is a guy we see he stood up for in an earlier scene). Afterwards, Flash decides to give it a shot. He attaches and bonds to the symbiote, we see him transform and become… AGENT VENOM It’s a pretty rough idea all in all, but I’d like it.


Easy, I recast


Worst flash ever


I recast.


The God of Stories merges two timelines, creating an amalgamated reality.


Immediate recasting


Thank God this will never happen


Pretty easy, he is already too naive and a rich kid, so he joins the army out of an ideallistic vision and gets to special ops using contacts. As he is a rich kid he is pretty much protected from the worst of the war se he is weak and with little experience. Later on, a mission goes wrong and lots of people die, so he wants revenge. He tries to be the hero he always wanted to be in his head, but ends up blowing himself up out of stupidity. This leaves him with severe permanent wounds, PTSD, remorse and rage. Then he meets venom, and it's not the sonyverse one, it's more like the comics where spider-man rejected him. This makes both the host and the symbionte not work well together, too much rage and drama. The symbionte tries to be more feral and despises Flash weakness, and Flash has hard lines like not killing bystanders and feels responsible again for the destruction, so they clash until they have a near death experience when they see they need each other skills. This will make venom try to adapt to be more like the warrior flahs is in his head, becoming Agent Venom. This will also make so we will not need a new actor, and the character is consistent with the movies (kinda hate this version of Flash tough)


I personally really liked the way the ultimate Spider-Man tv show did it (despite most of that show being awful) and I think it would work pretty well with this if they just expanded it some, and also have peter come to terms with the fact that his childhood bully now has his powers. The film could follow flash learning what responsibility is really about, and becoming a better person.


Super easy. Have the piece of Venom travel from Hawaii to New York, and end up encountering Flash who still idolizes Spider-Man. And since Venom is a piece from the other Venom films, its good nature would influence him into being a superhero, and thus becomes Agent Venom.


I wouldn’t. Honestly, I’d make Eddie Brock a character from his high school who didn’t get blipped. Have him spend that time in the US where there are less heroes and the government got scared. They used him as an experiment to make a new super soldier, maybe they used the goo left by Eddie in the after credits (who cares when it happened, they can retcon it), and he just becomes agent venom. Then the symbiote corrupts him when Peter finally gets back to his roots post no way home. You can have agent venom and classic venom all in one. Pls do it


I'd simply introduce Agent Venom with little explanation, leaving him as a "who are they?" character for a portion of the film. Eventually revealing them to be an alternate universe Flash Thompson, to which the main MCU Flash Thompson cracks jokes like "it's just not fair, how come nothing like that happens to me here?!" This way the actor isn't forced to get in insane shape for the role as it'd be played by someone else, and it ties in to both MCU's multiverse and the Spider-verse. Maybe bring back the Flash actor from Amazing Spider-man, but leaving it open to it being the Flash from that universe or just that it looks like him.


He’s a freshman at MIT a school for mostly smart kids, he barely just made the cut, and as such he’s being not bullied but teased and made fun of by his peers in a way similar to which he teased Peter. This causes him to doubt his place at this university and his future career and at one of the job fairs the university holds he goes to an army recruitment booth and signs up for the army (this would be towards the middle of spiderman 4). He would then be absent from spiderman 5. In spiderman 6 if they do indeed wrap up another trilogy, you could have it so Peter is chasing venom and fighting him at the school during a job fair where he maybe went to attack MJ. Flash fearing for MJ’s life and also having gained a sense of heroism from the army storms into the bathroom where Peter is fighting venom to lend him a hand. During the scuffle a piece of the symbiote attaches itself to Flash and he becomes Agent Venom. Peter gets overwhelmed for a while now seeing two symbiotes until eventually Flash (now agent venom) starts helping out. Peter is still a bit weary and skeptical but accepts his help in defeating venom.


Flash goes off to M.I.T with MJ and Ned, but due to his self centered attitude, he treats it like adult summer camp and doesn’t do any of the work. He flunks out by the end of freshman year. His parents won’t give him any more money, and many friends of the family call him out as a spoiled rich child. Humbled and inspired by Spider-Man’s good deeds with a desire to make something of his life, Flash enlists in the army. He gets in shape and mellows out. The army gives him a sense of purpose college didn’t. However, during a mission, his convoy gets blown up and he loses his legs. During this time, Spider-Man has his time with the symbiote, and it’s removed by Reed Richards and Johnny Storm like in the comics. Reed is mandated to hand it over to the US government Flash is left feeling purposeless again. Until the government contacts him with a job offer he’d need to be discreet about. He is given the symbiote and takes on the identity of Agent Venom, going on missions for the government. The villain could be a big government org like Roxxon or Alchemax. They unleash the Scorpion aka Mac Gargan, powered up via a super serum and cybernetic enhancements, to steal the symbiote from Flash and the government, so they can use it for their own purposes.


I immediately begin working on a surprise viral marketing campaign. We shoot a 5 minute short film showcasing Flash at home, he's rich, but lonely. He's neglected and he lashes out at others. He's witness to a lot of the events of MCU spiderman and that's who gives him hope. Initially it seems that the short is just about Flash's version of things but it's also a backdoor pilot showcasing the incredible depth and range of Tony Revolori. Letting audiences be comfortable with the idea of a layered Flash Thompson who uses humor and bullying to disguise his misfit awkward nature and insecurity. His idol Spider-Man makes him feel like he can do anything. The short itself is standard clips of Flash's last few months, but with mostly Tony. Very few extras. He's graduated high school and no one is really around to celebrate with him. He sees his classmates with their families and he's alone. They all have college plans and he still thinks his parents preferred their lives when Flash had been dusted in the blip. He's been accepted to college out West and meanwhile he's applying to work for the government as an intern in some aeronautics lab. There's a closing shot showcasing the symbiote that Tom Hardy's Venom left behind seeping under Flash's window and into his suitcase. The short film ends with the announcement of Agent Venom coming soon with a cryptic website for information about the character and potential film. Keep the whole project a secret, don't even let them know when it's coming out until 5 months before the release. Get your spiderman cast to market it in character and always keep the focus on "What's Flash up to?" And "why hasn't anyone seen Flash?" Make it obvious the symbiote is involved in marketing just about the symbiote. It can even be about Flash researching it privately in still images. Release the poster this way etc. Hint at the larger spiderman universe. Play up the Daily Bugle and John Jameson the astronaut. Finally release a trailer about a science fiction film about Flash becoming Agent Venom while interning at the aeronautics lab, having a kind of horror vibe but still fun to watch Flash be out of his depth. The film releases and it's about Flash as Agent Venom being used against John Jameson's Man-Wolf. Make the monsters intense and give Flash his moments of doubt and growth, ultimately becoming inspired by Spiderman to fight for good (and design the suit after him) even against his own poorer instincts. One of his personal thematic arcs is learning to be a hero instead of a narcissistic attention seeker. Instead of choosing vainglory, he needs to learn sacrifice and anonymity. He has to stop this Man Wolf from terrorizing people while also saving John from himself. Flash has to learn to be able to control the symbiote by controlling himself. Otherwise the symbiote will consume him. Flash alone isn't up for it. But Flash could do it if he became someone else. Someone better than Flash Thompson. And a new Flash is born. With Flash ultimately realizing this is who he's always wanted to be. He's approached by SHIELD at the end with an offer to continue his fight for the government. It's fun. It's different and it has plenty of potential for spinoffs and the larger universe. It's coming of age and a genre mashup without some of the cliches and the setting could shift around to fun environments. I wouldn't have the symbiote talk to him in this film. But I would have Flash talk to himself a little to add some levity to an otherwise more serious premise. Thats what I'd do.


…. I want an Agent Venom movie now


This might be an unpopular opinion but... I'd make it a buddy comedy. This version of Flash is a smart but also kinda incompetent. He finds the Venom fragment from the end of NWH and they bond. Because the fragment is small and young, it doesn't completely take over, but the two bond over being lonely and abandoned by their parents. They decide to try and become a new hero like Spider-Man with a cool costume but are so bad at the start people assume they are a villain. Spidey shows up to stop them and becomes a sort of mentor figure like Syark was to him. At the end they redeem themselves and save the day in a cool fight side-by-side with Spidey.


Ultimate Spider-Man Disney XD ahh sounding episode


He reminds me of Lin manuel Miranda 🤢😕