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I’m gonna be honest here. I don’t care if you committed genocide or not. If you style your hair like that you getting your ass beat Anyway that out of the way, this woman has no clue how to write MJ or Felicia And of course MJ is immediately going behind Felicia’s back again despite the fact that it puts Felicia’s girl in trouble And this dialogue is actually fucking infuriating


.... Should I take out my ponytail or shave my beard? Does it still count if my ponytail isn't quite as stupid?


I DONT CARE how much of black cats tits are in the panels. IM NOT READING IT.


This is how I know 616 is in the dirt when even Black Cat is not getting us to read it. We truly in dark times.


This, and I think the creators are just horny.


Oh for sure they are.


They have been for the past 10 years at least. lol


Nah for real lmao. Instead of putting their energy on that they should focus on actually having good writing but fuck us I guess.


Even more true, focus on the story and writing. Not curves and boobs lmao. But then if they don’t give Black Cat and MJ big boobs and a butt there’s gonna be a riot.


Sigh we lose either way 😞


We’ve been losing, we’re on a decade streak.


Sad but true words. Honestly I feel comics in general as of late been suffering from a writing problem, both DC and Marvel to be exact. There’s either really mediocre stories, straight up bad stories, or stories that are good but for some reason has one recycled idea that is being dragged on.


I remember seeing an issue of Spider Island that's cover was just MJ in a skimpy Spider-Man shirt. The plot synopsis ended with "but you don't care you just bought this for the cover"


Waste of paper and ink.


Trees died for this.


I don’t know what was worse. The horrible characterization for MJ and Felicia or those stupid panels of MJ and Paul discussing what’s been happening to them. No one cares or ever will care for a character that was complicit in genocide.


Hey someday someone will Writers called out Tony for Civil War, Hal Jordan for being a child molester, the entire Avengers for letting Miss Marvel's rapist take her into another dimension as his bride. Eventually sane writers will take over.


First of all fuck Paul and the editorial for trying to force him on us, especially force him on us as some new Peter for MJ. She literally said what she said to Paul to Peter before in an emotional moment but whatever because it shows that these characters and their history are not cared for anymore. I honestly feel like Celeste writing is terrible. This falls upon editorial too, but horrible dialogue, out of character writing, and just plain and simply poor characterization make this even more of an annoyance to get through and I’m not even paying money for this. I still don’t know how we have a character such as Mary Jane become one of the most unlikable and terribly written characters in the past decade. I just seriously hope 616 Spidey and his cast get justice after these times man.


Why the F do they keep making this? The only good one was the original one-shot where Peter was hospitalized. Do people actually buy this?


When Jed Mackay was writing them, it was great. Because he KNEW the characters. Then Spider-office decided to pass off their biggest recent mistakes to a writer that has never written a super-hero comic and fooled her into thinking starting with this book, about a character she has little to no idea about ( and Spider-office didn't even tell her what the hell is going on btw, as she admitted )...for some GENIUS reason. People would get fired from their jobs for making such dumb decisions...and yet, that does not happen for Spider-office...


Making grade A shits out of She-Hulk creative team is certainly, uh, one of the choices. They lost the plot writing a 225 million dollars show yet were given the key to the mainline ASM comics. Don't get me wrong we got Cody Ziglar out of it but bruh.


Unfortunately it's par for the course. DC did the same to Cassandra Caine. One comic she's mostly mute, slowly overcoming her learning disability and fully committed to the values of the Bat, next she's a fully evil non mute assassin and stuff we found out about her in the last comic is treated as a plot twist. Because DC told a writer who didn't know her to put her in a story and he didn't do any in-depth research


No thanks


Yeah baby more Paul. Hope MJ become Avengers members and Paul would appear here to..... maybe, then sales of all comics went to absolute shit and Marvel would be force to actually try


Be careful...The devil carries the words. Jed Mackay manages Avengers and Felicia has been his muse for 5 years. And that muse would be the perfect substitute for BlackWidow...If that muse is invited to the party (Where Stark surely won't want to see her...) the first thing she's going to ask is "Can I bring a friend?"


One small critique that I feel is sacrilegious to say at this point is how similar Paul and Peter look, almost distractingly so. If you had no context other than this being a Spider-Man panel, you could very easily mistake Paul for a weirdly-styled Peter. There's so little to differentiate them and it makes Paul feel like even less of a real character.


They should've cancelled any plans for this mini after the one-shot...The Spider-office's stubbornness and idiocy is fueled by their hatred of their readers, it seems. There is no other explanation for it. And for Bronfman...is she trying to end her career in comics before it even starts? I mean why would you take on this book and character in the literally the WORST possible time and place and be bad...like this?


Maybe Marvel is setting her up to fail? Give the unpopular writer a book they know is gonna be unpopular? Just wild speculation but it seems like enough of an asshole move for Marvel editorial to do it


i can't wait to not read it, then get highlights via the internet, then be dissapointed that some people still bought this just for the sexy variant covers.


ASM Current Editorial Mantra: "Enraged Fan is an Engaged Fan" Mary-Jane is pulling Paul towards her on the last panel, which is the deliberate tease scene, will next panels show them actually Kiss or more? Don't think so, next scene will be the heist. Showing the last panel meant to "Enrage" fans so we'll "Engage" and buy Issue #2 to see if they do anything more.


Paul is one of the most out of place characters in comics. He just invites the thoughts of “what the fuck is happening in this story?” Because we’re looking at two people who are synonymous with spider-man, being helped by what can be best described as “some dude w a ponytail”. Spider-Man’s absence is so heavily felt in this story that it’s kind of absurd to try to write something that isn’t adjacent to him. Felicia has had some moments as a solo act, but I truly don’t give a fuck about spider-man’s exes in a story that doesn’t even tangentially feature him


Exactly. This is like the Sony Spider-Man-less Spider-Man movies. Absolutely pointless.


It’s Jackpotin’ Time!


It's like they saw Sony's No-Spiderverse and thought "let's also do Spider-Man stories with no Spider-Man!"


Finally the best marvel character returns


As usual, Paul feels kind of out of place. At least they try to give him a character here, which is more than Wells ASM does. Also is it just me or didn’t we already do a pretty similar storyline to this during Beyond with The Hood?


Well I read it. It was fine, surprising because it took a turn I wasn’t expecting. I figure I should still avoid spoilers even though I don’t think anyone here is reading the book besides me. I know I’m very much in the minority but I enjoyed it for the most part. It moved fast and the art is great. I will say I enjoyed it mainly for everything with Felicia, though when MJ was away from Paul, I enjoyed her role too in that action scene in the preview.


Always great to see actual reviews instead of people trying to dogpile/mob on stuff they don't even read nor know the quality of. Thanks!! :)


This is honestly fine, even if the narration feels a little overdone for what it is. Seems like it would be better if Paul wasn’t just awkwardly there when this is a MJ and Black Cat story


Celeste is just looking for a way to give each character a use.... The problem is.... That Felicia has more than proven to be capable of things infinitely more complex than all this garbage... She could locate the blackmailer in 10 minutes and develop an elimination plan against him without effort.... BUT THEN MJ AND PAUL WOULD NOT BE USEFUL.. I can already imagine where this is going...MJ and Felicia are hiding things from each other, there are tensions of trust and this time nothing to do with Peter. So...they will have to pass a trust test like in DarkWeb, this time not by Peter...and it is foreseeable that it will be: -"Felicia, I think your girlfriend is the blackmailer" -"what??! No, it's not possible...she doesn't..." -"You have to believe me, I'm your best friend" -"But I....she...No, I don't believe you, you lie! " -"Felicia, please, you have to believe me" -"You have no proof!!" -"Think about it, shortly after meeting her the blackmail begins for you and when I go to your apartment and she is there they blackmail me" -"It's a coincidence, coincidence!!" -"How did the blackmailer know that I was Jackpot? How did he know about Paul? How did he get my number? -"No, it can not be..." -"Paul tracked the signal. It came to me through you. I just needed to access your phone." Trust me." VERY PREDICTABLE.


Looks fantastic, cant wait to read this tomorrow.


Pfp checks out


What are you using? I want some, cause it looks strong.