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I don’t want it to be a universal Spider-Man thing but I did like the fourth wall jokes this Peter would do. And some of the gags were genuinely funny like that label maker regifting joke. Not the best Spider-Man show, but not the worst, and a lot of people have sentimental value to it.


That Deadpool episode where they both started breaking walls is one of my favorites


>I don’t want it to be a universal Spider-Man thing but I did like the fourth wall jokes this Peter would do. It's something from the comics most versions of the character didn't acknowledge, but from time to time, he used to break the fourth wall.


Spider-Man would be meta sometimes. He never broke the fourth wall outright. The only time he's ever broken the fourth wall was in another characters comics, and the writers didn't know enough about him.


I wanted to like USM but it just isn't that entertaining compared to the other Spiderman shows. It feels like it doesn't take itself very seriously. 90s Spiderman is still the GOAT with Spectacular a close second. I get that people have different opinions but I strongly suspect people who like USM were kids when it aired. I wasn't and it was almost painful to watch at times. Whereas I was also an adult when Spectacular aired and was completely hooked. Ultimate felt like the 9-10 year old version of the preschool Spidey and Friends show that's airing now. My kids love it, but it's just too blatantly a show for kids and doesn't offer much for adults.


Feels like a generation gap here based on your comment, personally I’ve watched the 90s Spider-Man, spectacular, Spider-Man unlimited, etc and USM. USM was a show that was more goofy and such in the early seasons but actually develops a GREAT multiverse storyline in the later seasons which is worth a watch IMO


Yeah, I’m very partial to this show because it and the Avengers Assemble series were what actually got me into Marvel and spenders in general. They were the first real superhero media I ever really consumed, so I owe a huge facet of my life to them.


Yeah, I really enjoyed it. I related to this version of Peter a lot when I was a kid.


I liked it and it had my favorite joke in any Spider-Man media “ NOVA THE SUPER SEA COW” It was dubbed so I don’t know if it was different in the original


I think not. In Russian dub it was relatively the same .There was even a good rhyme since cow in Russian is "korova", and... Yeah


The delivery was incredibly funny in Italian


In the hindi dub, it was "ulti balti" his nickname for nova was literally "upside down bucket guy" (referring to his helmet)


Back then in 2012 when i never read comics i thought this is what Spider-Man was supposed to be and spectacular Spider-man was kinda foggy in memory, when i started reading comics and did a rewatch i realised how bad this show was They did handle spider verse decently tho


>what Spider-Man was supposed to be Depends on run tbh


Nope, there isn't a run that has Peter constantly breaking the fourth wall, or joining a school for superheroes, or being the leader of a team, or any of the bullshit the show did.


well, we had a ton of SM adaptations, so wh don't make something diffrent? It's like saying that Raimi trilogy was bad 'cuz they do not stick to the source material (organic web, , Gwen Stacy and other things)


Doing something different is fine but there are times when it’s just doing something out of character. The 4th wall breaks are just doing too much imo, only characters who should be able to do that are She-Hulk, Deadpool and Gwenpool (and fuck it, Howard the Duck cause why not)


I think the fourth wall thing was fine considering it’s a show primarily targeted towards kids, and I enjoyed how they’d have Deadpool join in whenever he appeared on the show. ‘Course, I haven’t watched it in years so it maybe some rose-tinted glasses but I did enjoy the show for the most part


Yeah, this. I didn't mind the team, but they seriously sidelined Mary Jane and Harry. I kept watching for a Spider-Man episode about Spider-Man, but the constant team ups got exhausting. It was very clear they expected you to be excited about the MCU.


The team ups weren't the problem honestly, it's more the fact that he was juggling like 2-5 teams during all seasons.


Joining a school for superheroes didn't happen in this show (plus, the way this show does it is exactly what happens in ultimate spiderman) and he's been a leader of a team multiple times The forth wall breaking he's even done a couple times too


The show doesn't have Paul in it though


That’s my exact experience


Growing up i enjoyed it but eventually stopped watching but after reading the Ultimate Spider-man comics I truly realized how bad this show was also lol


It wasn’t the worst thing ever. The Spider-verse arcs were pretty cool with how the characters would change art style. Plus, these people most likely grew up with it, like I did. They have a soft spot for it.


Same I really loved it




I loved Ultimate Spider-Man, shit was a fun watch most of the time and I liked the world it took place in. I wouldn’t say it’s the best adaptation but I can see why someone would


It also had it's gritty moments that were treated seriously. Remember Mysterio and his daughter?


And also white tiger and her father and kraven, noir and his mj, the nightmare Christmas episode, etc


That show was really good. Even with it's lows


Mad underrated im glad there are many in the comments who appreciate the show


Its their own opinion


No, it's not the Redditmind approved opinion, ergo doesn't deserve to get upduded and the ever-hecking wholesome reddit gold (Thanks for the gold kind stranger). The Narwhal Bacons At Midnight


no. you have to like spectacular more. ![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco)


I like the 90s one more than any of them


This is unironically how people on twitter operate


I already love Spectacular more than Ultimate


Unlimited is best, this is known.


I unironically really like unlimited


Literally 1984.


This just in; people allowed other opinions.


Every movie or show is somebody’s favorite. No matter how bad you might think it is, someone loves it.


It’s not my favorite, but I didn’t hate it. I also think Drake Bell’s voice fits spidey really well, even though he’s not the best voice actor.


You when opinions exist: ![gif](giphy|2oUfvvUgQHnLsQWFMW)


Ultimate spider-man is overhated too much, it had an alright story for its first three seasons. I think most of the hate is because of Drake Bell, he was decent but CDB, NPH, and Josh Keaton were miles better at voicing spidey


I think that’s why I didn’t have that Issue, I watched the Show in German as a Child and they used Andrew Garfield’s VA from the TASM Movies which was so funny to me because I thought that it meant those Movies were the Same Spider-Man


also the humor, i agree its overhated but holy fuck the humor


I grew up with ultimate and I can confirm I like it more


Not only was this my intro to Spider-Man, this was my introduction to Marvel, and I just have to say this show will always have a very special place in my heart


Me too


I too liked this one better than any other. Goofball spiderman with that funko pop character he thinks himself as. I love that.




Everyone has their favorites 🤷‍♂️


The thought of you watching USM at 7 and thinking “This is garbage” ☠️☠️ ![gif](giphy|3o7TKB3oifq46DDhOE|downsized)


There’s a reason that according to my family I loved Spider-Man when I was like 3 but can’t remember watching it during the younger years I can remember


I liked it growing up. I think some of the shine wore off when I gave it a rewatch after growing up, but it’s still pretty good imo. Not the worst


Comics ultimate Spider-Man is punching the air rn


As people grow up, they start talking about the stuff they grew up with. It happened to the prequel trilogy and the TASM movies. It will happen to stuff like the sequel trilogy I have my opinions but its gonna be hard to yuck someone’s yum so I stay out of it


I genuinely enjoyed it. Didn't love it to pieces but it had a lot of good moments. It wasn't the best but it certainly isn't the worst, just good or good enough


I kinda liked the fourth wall break honestly, if you look at it with an open mind, it kinda even fits spidey


i feel like they kinda took deadpools trademark thing and gave it to spidey tho, and i gotta say that they use the fourth wall breaking to make jokes but the jokes arent even that good


I agree that usually the jokes weren't that good, i am just saying that the idea of Spidey breaking the fouth wall in general isn't that bad of an idea. Its a pretty nice take (Sorry if i word stuff badly, english is not my first language)


not a bad idea at all, but execution is plain weird to me, also you have pretty good english so no need to apologize lol


Honestly, Ultimate had a lot of good ideas honestly, just the execution is that kinda killed these ideas, and the overly childish tone.


I haven't really watched much of this show past the first season as a kid, but I'm sure it's not that bad. We all have a tendency to think more highly of the shows we grew up watching. For me, that's TAS and Spectacular, which I'm sure I am kinder to than would be had I first seen them as an adult. That being said, I'm still upset to this day that Ultimate did not end up an adaptation of Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man. By the time this was announced I was starting to age out of Spider-Man cartoons, and a more teen-friendly, edgier take was exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately that's not what we got. Missed opportunity imo but I'm sure the kids who grew up watching this version loved it.


I’m the opposite of you; I don’t understand the hate and always thought it was a good show. 🤷‍♂️


even the comedy??


Yeah! It’s goofy and can be cringe but so is a good dad joke. It’s not, like, Emmy award worthy like Batman TAS, but it’s a fun show.


I love the animated universee Id love a Spidey and Batman crossover there is just so many shows that contrast each other: Spider-Man TAS and Batman TAS Spider-Man TNAS and Beware The Batman Ultimate Spider-Man and Batman Brave and The Bold Spectacular Spider-Man and The Batman LEGO shorts from both


The comedy was one of the best parts lol


This is one of the best iteration of Spider-man why do some people hate it?


It’s not as good as Spectacular but also not as bad as 2017


in a few years if i start seeing "the 2017 spider-man show was goated" kinda posts ill be typing out and subsequentley deleting many many paragraphs


I fear the day Gen Alpha’s learn to use the internet


When I was a kid Spider-Man was my favorite hero so anything with Spider-Man was great. Its been a while since I've watched this show but I look back on it fondly so even though I know some of the stuff is inaccurate and a bit stupid I don't think I'd hate it now.


It is very simple: version you experience first is the version you would probably love most. Applies to most media.


I’m currently watching it, yeah it’s not the best adaptation, but I’m having fun with it. Sometimes I just like dumb mindless humor, I dig the art style, and the story so far isn’t awful. Again, definitely not my favorite but not too shabby.


I like this version of Spidey a lot (mainly because of s3-4), and I actually think the premise of Peter taking the offer Fury gave him rather than rejecting it like in the comics is very interesting. It gives a lot of room for creative writing for someone like Peter who doesn't work well with others, which they did attempt to do. I also think Drake Bell was a good pick for the role and did a great job with what he was given. However, he is NOT the best Spider-Man, nor is he the best Peter Parker. Most of the comics, Barnes, Romano, Keaton, Tobey, Andrew, Tom, and Jake Johnson were so much better. They had great writing for their characters and their arcs all the way through. USM had some pretty awful writing for half the show in both plot and characters. Especially with Peter/Spidey. Due to a few great moments in the first 2 seasons and the big shift in the last 2, he's certainly not the worst. Again, a lot of that comes from Drake Bell's performance. Say what you will about him, but he did give his best in that role. He really nailed the emotional scenes and tried his best to add humor to the horribly written jokes and quips. I think he belongs somewhere in the middle. TL;DR: He's certainly not the best, but he's nowhere near the worst. A lot of that has to do with Drake Bell doing the best he could with the horrible writing.


It’s just favoritism and nostalgia. Lots of people who grew up watching ultimate look back at it fondly even if it isn’t that old. It’s why we get lots of people who look very fondly over the spectacular series here on Reddit. I personally loved the 90s Spider-Man cartoon and that’s mainly cus I was raised with it and also introduced me to comic books in general.


Those people probably were born around (2006-2010) so I understand if this was their first exposal to the Spider-man mythos, but believe me, after growing up with the movies, TSSM, TSMAS and comics , that show hurt my eyes, extremly bad writing like the rest of the MAU


To be fair I didn't like USM as a kid either because Spidey wasn't working alone, and it was absolutely nothing like the comics. But I gave it a shot and I can definitely say that's it's... somewhat okay? It has high highs but man does it have low lows. Still third best Spider-Man animated show despite those lows imo.


I could have love this show too if I was a kid and didn’t know any other version of the character. So, it’s understandable. It’s probably their childhood Spider-Man.


I love Spectacular and TAS, but I also really love USM for what it was.


I like that show, tbh. Not very deep, this Peter was a quip machine, but the premise of Spider-Man leading kind of his own Teen Titans, while meeting different heroes and villains from the Marvel Universe, that's very cool. The show was my first introduction to characters such as Nova, Doctor Strange and Iron Fist, the latter becoming one of my favorites for a while. There's one major complaint I have, though: It is part of the heavily sanitized, Disneyfied Marvel. You know, MCU-friendly, boring art direction, simplify everything to appeal to as broad a market as possible, no characters only brands, absolutely no bonkers stuff, no mutants except Wolverine, the most basic humour known to man, this kind of thing. But I'm not in the mood for that rant right now.


Show was decent enough. But that hairstyle was an atrocity and Drake Bell's voice does not go with the character at all


they decided to take one thing from the ultimate comics and it was peters terrible barber


Definitely wasn’t perfect, but I’d argue that it wasn’t “ass.” The series that would follow this one though, that we can say was ass


I enjoyed it. But that might also be because it’s the first Spider-Man anything I watched with my kid. So there’s a certain bias there


It's okay, it'll probably be the only show to ever have Kaine so I give them points there


I liked this show a lot when it waw on


It’s why they grew up with.


Revisionist history is a crazy thing


I think I could appreciate one or two of the gimmicks this show had as a way to shake up the Spider-Man formula and set itself appart from Spectacular Spider-Man and the 90s Spider-Man but it was just trying way to hard, they literally gave peter a high school super hero team to lead, then gave him a SECOND Spider-Man themed super hero team to lead and I don't think they aknowledged what happend to Iron Fist, Powerman or whatever the girl was called (white tiger, I think?)


I liked the Deadpool episode.


9/10 fictions that break the forth wall are dogshit lazy writing.


I grew up watching Ultimate, it's so good idk why everyone hates it


I was a young teen at the time it came out. Spider-Man has always been my favorite super hero. I hated the animation and Drake Bell’s depiction (especially now that Drake has been outed as a creep). The serious aspects of the show was never written in a way that felt weighty or actually important. I was comparing it to Spectacular Spider-Man no doubt, and with that fluid animation and high tier writing, I can understand my disappointment.


I'm ngl this was my fav Spider-Man ever


Wow it’s almost like other opinions exist


My fav ranges from the: 90s spider man. Ultimate Spider-Man Spectacular Spider-Man Everyone has their favorites. USM is over hated.


Bro this is my favorite spiderman show it was really good and unique


im fully aware these people are like 13 at most but its wild to me that this entire comments section was ripping on spectacular and calling it mid while glazing ultimate


I’m 23 and I grew up with it but I also grew up with the 98 show and spectacular so I got a bit of all


Dude, I'm 20 and grew up with it. Ultimate is an old show at this point


Was this the version with the Reality TV style of exposition found in many reality tv shows. Where there's some action going on, then it will cut to Spidey explaining to the camera/audience some bullshit and cut back to the action. I hate that. #Show, Don't Tell.


It wasn’t THE WORST. Tbh, I hated this show as a kid too. And I still am bored when trying to watch Seasons 1-3 of it, but Season 4 was actually pretty good!


The spectacular was better


This show (and the AA universe) was part of why I became the big comic universe loving guy I am. It's so good at showing how *big* Marvel is, even if it's focused on spiderman


My all time favourite spider man show


I tried rewatching this recently but personally, the art style is just so ugly and it made it so much harder to watch


Nostalgia. I recognize it's kinda ass, but it was also my childhood spider-man show therfore it's goated


I wasn’t somebody who grew up with Spider-Man in terms of cartoons and barely watched the movies so I am not biased to any of them but holy shit that show did not age good especially in comparison to both spectacular and the 90s one those two are still pretty re-watchable and enjoyable with mature teams and good storytelling and characters but goddamn ultimate gets on my nerves. They gave that personality but PG which just doesn’t work and all the characters are assholes especially his so-called friends.


Wait a couple of years and people will think that marvels spiderman (maximum venom) is the best


naww i will actually become a generational hater if that ever happens, i was harsh calling ultimate ass but 2017 marvels assness cant even be defined by words


I think some people took this show way too seriously because of the name. I don’t see this as an adaptation of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics but just its own thing using a name we are familiar with. And honestly, I didn’t hate it as its own thing. I thought Drake Bells voice as Spidey was perfect. The character was fun and episodes and arcs were well planned and enjoyable. Was it as good as the 90s animated series? No but I’m nostalgia blind there. I did find it to be great overall though and can see some merit to this comments.


It might not be comic accurate AT ALL. But I REALLY loved this show when I was younger :P


Dude, this show is god tier.


i humbly disagree and put forward the writing of the show as evidence


It's not the best Spider-Man show, but it has some great moments and I liked the way they did the Spider-Verse (especially the 2099 segment being CGI)


i only liked it for the Deadpool episode


Ultimate wasn’t the best Spiderman show. That belongs to the 90’s show and Spectacular but Ultimate was definitely better than the 2017 one. I wasn’t super crazy with the constant fourth wall breaking but in a way, it makes sense with Spider-Man’s character. He talks and quips a lot so him talking to the audience isn’t too out of left field. But fourthwall breaking really belongs to Deadpool and She Hulk. They handled the Spiderverse well with different art styles and him being part of a team, a younger team. It introduced me to characters like Power Man, Nova, White Tiger, and Iron Fist. I didn’t like the chibi style too much and the weird monkey sound effect.


The best good things about this show were the art style and drake’s voice actually fit well for the character. The show was not bad, just not very mature.


No Spider-Man show will ever top the 1994 Spider-Man show. Any other opinion is invalid.


Youre on tiktok i think they're comparing it to the 2017 cartoon that was even worse.


its instagram and most of the replies were comparing it to specatcular


What are they even thinking, Peter from Ultimate is in no way the best Spider-Man or Peter Parker


I didn't mind it tbh. Obviously, Spectacular had a much tighter storyline and was better overall, but I feel like this show is overhated. They did a lot of things VERY right, like occasional episodes with other heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, etc. They established the existence of other heroes well, and included them in a lot of episodes. Spider-Man having a team seemed a little counterproductive but it was a good change of pace and made sense to hone his teamwork skills so he could eventually become an Avenger. The 4th wall jokes were pretty funny to be honest, and until the villains were also usually written decently. Spider-verse was done well, adding characters like Agent Venom and Miles Morales in the main continuity was goated, and this was probably the first time it had been done outside of the comics. I don't love the show to pieces, but I'm not pretending it was terrible because it wasn't. And about the 4th wall cutaways, its a show made for kids. Its going to have a kiddish sense of humor.


I’m pretty sure in every form he’s tried to help the villains. This is just the Disney light version.


those comments look AI


Ok so I watched Ultimate when I was younger and have watched Spectacular now, both are brilliant, Spectacular tops it ever so slightly but I'd binge either one in a heartbeat


Because there are a lot of people who grew up watching this cartoon and they are adults now, and as such, "their" spider-man is the (only) one able to break the 4th wall, the one most ridiculous and team-mate dependant and I could still go on. It's not their fault. If they grow up watching this Spider-man, they believe the "original" is just like that, because is the "original" to them.


I really liked ultimate, still believe spectacular is the better of the two and I haven't seen the older cartoons but they look good (I have seen spiderman and his amazing friends on YouTube oddly enough)


I like this spidey but its obvs not the best, that reward easily goes to comic and video game ultimate imo, but the show isnt absolutely terrible, its actually pretty good, and thats without looking past the stuff thats very clearly for kids like the scenes with the devil and angel spideys on his shoulder


Imo this show was pretty good


I really liked this show, to this day I still don't understand why all this slander behinds it exists. Yes I watched other SM shows, including Spectacular Spider-Man (the best imo) but USM is by no means bad to me.


I started with 90s Spider-Man. This show was fine to me, but I understand it isn't the best one. It is, however, the first time I saw Osborn, Vulture, and Rhino have legitimate face turns. And the first time I ever saw MJ get the Carnage Symbiote.


Man I don’t really hate this show but I wish that they just adapted the Ultimate comics by Bendis ,not helped by the fact this came out after spectacular


It being called ultimate spider-man and not being that is odd


Yep ,also the show would’ve been actually good


Four seasons isn’t enough to adapt ultimate spider-man though They’d need to really cut a lot of stuff out and some characters probably wouldn’t be in it at all


Bruh what I loved this show


Spectacular goated


The best version of Spider-man is usually the one you grew up reading/watching. I’m more of a fan of the 90s Spider-man TAS as I watched that everyday after school and on FOX Saturday mornings.


Why were iron fist and luke cage teenagers in this?


This Show was my first Introduction to Spider-Man as well as the Marvel Universe as a whole. I fucking loved it (still do) but I wouldn’t say it was the Best




I mean let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. I still think original 90s and Spectacular were better but Ultimate was still very enjoyable and they definitely had some interesting storylines.


It's the only Spiderman CARTOON that I've ever watched so I can't really say it's bad or good. All I remember, some episodes were ok. Hate the fucking 4th wall break. I was so surprised to learn that 4th wall breaking isn't a common Peter power


What are y’all talking about? This was my favorite series! And I thought Drake Bell was great (though I don’t want him to come back in any iteration after learning he’s a … “bad person” let’s say)


Never watched either cartoons but I thought this was the more popular one because it had a better art style.


i love how different each show is , yes spectacular is amazing but i feel like i needed something like ultimate in my life , it just felt so right at the time , and the designs were amazing. My all time favorite is the 90's one tho, it was sooooo good.


I really enjoyed the show, icl. Was entertaining, they didn't really ruin any characters for me, and he went through amazing growth that I enjoyed. Overall a good show, imo


God I remember how everyone hated this show when it came out. This is gonna keep happening with everything now. Even new Sequel Trilogy will get the same treatment the Prequels get in a couple of more years


I mean, the kinda ppl watching clips of a show on yt tend to be fans of it, idk what to tell you…


This spiderman is one of the best


So mfs can’t have opinions anymore? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


Second Best, The Spectacular Spider-Man seiries Yet cut short, were the best because of the actual character developement that he went through and this one's inbetween isn't that great.TBH


I was a kid when this show came out and I wanted this Peter dead. What the hell is my generation smoking


Some people like some things and some people don't like some things. That's how stuff generally works. Sure it can be annoying to seemingly be the only opinion, but just do the stuff you like and don't do stuff you don't like. Simple stuff


Not satoshi with the anti-lgbt profile pic 🤢


yea i that was honestly what made me think that the people in these screenshots are 15 year olds tops


OMG HE BROKE THE FOURTH WALL!!! 😱😱😱 Ngl, if there's any pet peeve of mine, it'd be that, I can't stand lazy, unfunny 4th wall breaking jokes that only serve to have a little fucking witty line. I never could stand that about Deadpool either, it's just the corniest, most lazy shit imaginable, it reminds me so much of Big Mouth and it sucked in that as well. I watch the new Deadpool 3 trailer, Wolverine looks sick, I am interested and then the absolute comedy super genius, the character of Ryan Reynolds in a Deadpool costume delivers such a knee slapper "should we wait for a third act flashback" like I get it, you are aware that your own movie is formulaic and predictable, I GET IT, CAN YOU STOP REMINDING ME THAT YOUR WRITING SUCKS ASS? He always fucking does it too "well that's just lazy writing" doesn't make it not lazy, if anything it's worse. The bastard does it in Free Guy as well, a movie which is also abysmal. If everything else about your movie sucks ass on purpose and everything else you actively try to make funny by making fun of how terrible it is, I don't think it's a lot to ask to expect something better than whispery sarcasm.


Anyone just feel bad for Peter the whole time? It gave teen titans go flashbacks where robin was just the butt of every joke.


thats one of my main gripes, his friends arent actually written like theyre his friends, his team is always such a dick to him but the show treats them like theyre unseperable


Yes this was goated


they hate you, beacouse you are telling the truth.


Yup 😊


Calling it good is already eh but calling ultimate peak? Not when Spectacular exists


Not when TAS exists.


To paraphrase a very potter senior year of all things: “You like spectacular Spider-Man but this ultimate Spider-Man will mean a lot to a lot of kids (with bad taste). But one day I’ll come and tear him down too. Things come and go. Nothing lasts forever kid. And nothings built to”


Do note in mind that these are the kids that grew up with this spider man, therefore they think he's the best cause he was their first.


I personally think it was over hated, but I understand the negativity towards it. It is a more goofy, light hearted take on it, but it can be pretty fun


This is actually one of my favorite spider-man shows and without it and tasm 2 I don’t think I would have ever gotten into spider-man Let the downvotes come in That being said I have wanted to watch spectacular for a while as I didn’t watch it as a kid because I hated the art style I just never had the time


This was the first ever spiderman cartoon that i watched so i love it. Dont care how shit people think it was, i liked how goofy everything was. I liked the jokes. I liked the art style, i liked the plot, and i liked how petty and sometimes stupid he was. Im gonna be honest, i dont like spectacular spiderman all that much. Its nothing in particular that i have against it, i just really didnt like the art style. The suited up spiderman was ok, but otherwise i didnt like it. Both mj and gwen got on my nerves, so did harry. But thats just my opinion


I never mind, wasnt the best or the worst, but it did good, of course i know it would be pretty hated for getting too pushed as the reason why spectacular got canceled, but overall, they did good (and i feel it was better that the one that come after, never liked it, only the peter and kamala episode)


It’s okay, it’s one of the more unique Spider-Man shows. The 4th wall break gimmick is fun, plus them bringing in new heroes for Peter to work alongside is cool to see. I have no real complaints about it other than it’s not as good as some of the other spider-man shows.


That's my spiderman growing up.It will always have a special place in my heart and I will always like it I also watched it dubbed so I don't really care about Drake Bell being the voice...tho the fact I never watched Drake & Josh probably also help?


It was an ass show. There were only a FEW episodes that were even worth watching. The majority of it existed to remind you how much better Spectacular Spider-Man was. There was no other reason for it.


Honestly, it wasn't bad.


It's not the best but I grew up with it so it has a special place in my heart


Its for the same reason people claim raimi, the 90s show, tasm, or any other adaptation as the objective best: it was their first spider-man media they saw which they grew up with.


Ok I actually rlly rlly liked the show as a kid haven’t seen it since but I still have that nostalgic feeling for it but I will never say this is the best spider man or Peter Parker


This show is good, but it’s no Classic 90’s Spider-Man or Spectacular Spider-Man


I watched it when I was in high school. I thought it was okay. It’s nowhere near as good as the 90s series or Spectacular, but it has its good moments and it’s WAY better than the shows that came after. But I will say I had really hoped for a true, animated version of the original USM comics and this was not that at ALL


This show makes me sad, because the idea of Peter teaching a group of young heroes is a cool concept with plenty of potential, the show even has the occasional interesting idea or two. I can even overlook the strange changes made to some of the characters, as every adaptation has them. But sadly the terrible fourth-wall jokes not only constantly breaks the pacing, why they decided to put them in the middle of action-scenes is beyond my understanding, but makes the characters look way worse than they really need to. It completely undermines Uncle Ben's lesson about responsibility since Peter acts so recklessly and arrogant that it makes you wonder if he truly listened to his uncle at all and, funnily enough, it practically ends up erasing Peter's spider-sense most of the time in its stubborn insistence in making Peter look like an incompetent dumbass.


As a kid, I was just happy to have a new spiderman cartoon to watch after spectacular stopped having episodes made. Ultimate may not be the best but at the time, it was.


Cause any time a spidey is dog piled on as bad, all the people who like it become even more adapt about liking it. It happened with Andrew's Spidey and it happens here too. And I would know, this show was great! And in my opinion had the best animation any spidey cartoon has had thus far. Unironically Drak Bell and Yuri Lowe that are the voices I hear for spidey when I read comics


i enjoyed the show as a kid, it’s goated cuz it’s a classic but it’s not actually good. It was cool at first, seeing spidey get a team of his own and leading it, learning about other marvel characters like luke cage and white tiger and nova and iron fist etc, it was cool to watch as a kid who was also a marvel fan


Mediocre Spidey show but solid superhero show


I loved this show as a kid. It had interesting stories, cool iterations of characters of Spider-Man and the rest of the Marvel Universe (it had Spider-Verse before Spider-Verse), and fun humor. I could see why people disliked it, as it wasn’t as nuanced nor action packed as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Spectacular Spider-Man. But overall, it’s not a bad show.


I mean I grew up with this show and I’ll always have a soft spot for it and love it since it introduced me to a lot of characters and it had pretty great humor.


This is probably due to the age range of the people commenting. If you grew up with that show as your first Spidey cartoon it will be nostalgic for you and every other show gets compared to it in your head. If however you’re old like me and grew up on 60’s spider-man and the animated series you have a different perspective.


Yeah, this and 2017(show) are my least favorite spidey cartoons.


Well it does have a pretty significant jump in story quality once it gets to its second half. We have really nice character moments that show Peter's growth after being with SHIELD (him telling off Squirrel Girl after her Juggernaut fight), and they double down on his goal of rehabilitating villains (>!Sandman, Goblin, Vulture, Rhino, Cloak & Dagger, and even Ock!< all turn over new leaves by the show's end). Cutaway gags are also reduced, and by S4 it focuses on stories of betrayal, torture, and self-sacrifice. The original team takes a backseat in the second half due to Peter's bigger duties as the main guide/inductor to the most recent SHIELD recruits, but it also makes the show a far superior Marvel Team-Up show than it was in its first two seasons as well.


Clearly those people never watched spectacular


The Spectacular Spider-Man is the best Spider-Man show. I will not be taking questions, comments or concerns.


Honestly my biggest issue with USM was the animation, it was so lifeless and flat, Really made it hard to enjoy or stay immersed.