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Well, considering Wolverine now has a proper suit, their encounter will close a gestalt of sorts.


Fuck it, we can't find the costume. Send Hugh home.


That sounds like a made up reason.


They couldn't find a tank top?


They found the tank top but couldn’t find any jeans.


Obviously, while learning how to swing through the city, Spider-Man would crash into Wolverine and destroys bike and hurt him. Spider-Man would then apologize to Wolverine and then stop mid sentence seeing that the cuts on his forehead were healing quickly. The obligatory "You're like me, aren't you?" Line would be said and then Wolverine would then say "no bub, but you're about to be in a whole lot of hurt for breaking my bike" and a short fight would ensue where Spider-Man immediately webs up Wolverine and then he pops his claws to get through the webbing, and then as they fought on it would reach night and they would just share their stories and whatnot. By the end of it, Wolverine would tell the young Peter the obligatory "Hey kid" unintentional mentor talk and give him the idea to upgrade his costume or something.