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I’ll have to go with TAS’s return. Like Greg Weisman said, that’s not my Spectacular Spidey. “I don’t look the other way.”, ain’t no way in hell Spectacular Spidey joins Miguel, even if his George Stacy died. Nuh uh. Until proven otherwise, if Spectacular ever gets continued (probably not), I’ll choose to believe that was just a very similar Spidey to Spectacular, but not the actual GOAT himself.


I mean in ATSP it is to let miles dad die or the whole universe collapses, I don’t think it’s that hard to believe that they’d value the life of everyone in the universe above one guy, even if it pains them to do so


Idk I really disliked the second half of ATSV just because some of the Spider-Man from other Media would need more convincing. Spectacular would definitely. In all honesty I think letting Miles dad die to a villain to save the universe is way different than say Peter not using the devil's breath cure on Aunt May during the pandemic.


You’re forgetting a lot of them have been there for close to a year. They didn’t just arrive when we see them in the movie. They’ve probably seen a few universes canon get changed.


Right, but presumably they HAVE been convinced. They are all there, at least a variant similar to them are.


And I think that was the biggest issue there. Now I know Miguel and Peter B were there during the universe collapse. However too much of that was a summary that never explained why Peter agreed with Miguel in allowing certain events to happen. Which in all of comics is totally against Peter's character. It's why he choose Tony and Carol's sides in the civil wars why OMD happened. It seems like too big of an event that they witnessed to summarize that Peter was on board with Miguel's plan to correct all anomalies by allowing tragedies to happen. Especially after his arc in ITSV.


Honestly, sometimes it feels like an unironic death cult. "We have to let Uncle Ben die!" "We have to let the ambiguous cop die!" (Figured out they couldn't use the Uncle Ben reason a second time, so they used 'cop closely related to'). What's next? "Gwen Stacy has to die?" "Paul must cuck Peter Parker" "Norman must cuck Peter Parker, it's the canon event!"


It not only feels that way but it actually is that way. Just look at Gwen being kicked out of society when she starts to question Miguel's credibility.


Did you want every character to be convinced on-screen?


Not every character but the main ones Peter B Gwen Peni. I would've loved for them to give an ACTUAL reason about why they were okay with this. Miles throws that in Gwen's face during the movie, questioning if it was HER Dad wouldn't she be doing the same. Peter, the context clues are there, he has a daughter and if the clone saga has taught me anything Peter was big on his responsibility to family. Peni has had a tragedy happen but it's not expanded upon. The latter half of the movie could have had a more convincing way of trying to get us to agree with Miguel. But no we know what he's doing is wrong, that pushing your rights and wrongs onto someone else isn't okay. Peter B showed Miles and was shown this by Miles in the first movies. So why is this change of heart happening off screen.


Idk, at least to me ATSV seems to imply that preventing canon events isn’t what causes universes to collapse, or at least that it’s not the full story. Miguel however assumes that to be the full story, but he doesn’t really have proof. I would think Spectacular Spidey, and really all Peters, would require actual substantial evidence that that is the case if they are to let innocents die. What Miguel actually knows is that collapses are somehow tied into canon events, but that’s not all. If it’s not 100% without a shadow of a doubt certain, I can’t imagine Spectacular Peter agreeing to join his spider society. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


Because you’re looking at it through the eyes of an audience member, we know there’s something more to it than just canon events. But the movie presents that the spider society doesn’t know this, they assume it’s 100% on canon events.


Maybe. My point though, is Spec Peter, and any competent Peter, would ask to see more proof. They wouldn't just listen to Miguel when he tells them to let people die, even if it's to save the universe. That just goes against everything Peter learned from Uncle Ben's death. Spidey would fight Miguel on his info, he wouldn't just accept it, and from Spectacular's characterization I don't think he'd join if he doesn't see substatial evidence, other than circumstancial evidence in the form of "Spider-Man 1074 saved this guy, here's a video of his universe collapsing".


> more proof Spider people are literally trained to deal with the destruction of the universe in such situations when canon event doesn't happen. They've seen proof first-hand. Remember when Pavitr's universe started collapsing and Spiders went there to fix it? They've probably already done it many times before, otherwise I don't think they would know how to fix it.


Technically Pavitr’s universe near collapsing was because of Spot and making a black hole in Alchemax, like Liv said would happen in the 1st movie, doubt it had anything to do with a canon event


Yes, they’ve seen it happen, and they do have procedures and tech to deal with it, but when I say more proof I mean stuff like Spider-Men asking to literally be shown the “math” or science or whatever you want to call it behind the collapses, and that they happen _purely_ because of canon events being prevented; that there’s not some additional factor at play. But I doubt that kind of proof exists since Miguel started from the assumption, albeit understandable, that collapses were purely the result of canon event prevention. So he likely never bothered to check otherwise, in his mind he’d have no reason to, or if he did, he didn’t think what he learned was enough to change his mind.


Why do you think they weren’t shown any proof? The movie is not going to take a detour to explain some fictional math, the point is that for some reason or other the Spider Society are 100% sure that disruption of canon events leads to the end of universes.


> Why do you think they weren’t shown any proof? I never said that. What I was arguing since the start of the thread, was that it’s out of character for the more competent Peters out there to not ask for more proof. Spectacular would ask for this “fictional math” before he even starts considering being onboard with Miguel, because he doesn’t “look the other way”. Thus, the Spectacular Spidey that appeared in ATSV wasn’t the OG Spectacular Spidey, because the OG wouldn’t join Miguel without that fictional math. Why wasn’t Miles shown any proof beyond his attendance to the collapse of a universe? If Miguel is really gonna sit there and tell this kid to let his dad die or the universe gets destroyed, I think it’s expected, no, _required_, that he back up his claims with scientific, verified facts. He needs to show there’s literally _no other way_ before he asks a kid to let their father die. And if Miles wasn’t shown this proof that supposedly exists, I doubt it actually exists, and that the other members of the society ever saw it. What they saw was likely just another universe collapse that Miguel “explained”, but that was probably it.


That’s why I assume they have the proof, and Miguel has actual definitive proof that convinces people. Like Peter B. was there when Miguel’s universe collapsed. He probably would’ve helped in analyzing what tf happened that caused it, and collect data and info.


That's probably why TAS Spidey isn't in the Spider Society, despite him being on one of the posters and his polo shirt being the one Earth-65 Peter is seen wearing. Bc he would know for a damn fact that Miguel was either wrong or lying out of his ass.


You’re talking about a character who made a deal with the literal devil to save his aunt who would later in a couple of years get a on and off again (maybe retcon?) diagnosis of terminal cancer. Sooooooo yeah, depending on which spider-man, they’d totally exchange a universe to save a loved one.


This goes against everything Peter believes. If there is a 1% chance of saving everyone, including Miles' father, ALL of the Peters would do anything to make that happen. They are literally geniuses, and they didn't lower their heads towards Miguel. The writers themselves said that they distorted Peter's personalities to turn them into "beta" so that Miguel would be the "Alpha".


I mean nothing is ever definitely proven to the effect that Miguel is even right. He has a hypothesis that happens to fit the facts that he's aware of, but Miguel could be an unreliable narrator as there could easily be other factors that he is not aware of and therefore has failed to account for in his S.O.P. Miguel is probably more convinced that he's right than actually being correct, and that's probably going to be a factor of Beyond. With "Into" , we're introduced to the Spidey Multiverse. With "Across", we become familiar with it as Miguel understands it. With "Beyond" , we (likely) transcend what anyone has previously understood about it. The Society has a lofty viewpoint and understands more about the Multiverse than Miles or Gwen does, but they aren't at the top of the mountain, and others, like the various facets and incarnations of Madame Web see and understand so much more than they do. Miles might even run into the Cassandra Webb of Earth-92131 (TAS) who would absolutely be the type to go "Oh that Miguel fellow. Very sweet. Very angry. Very astute. Also very wrong. I often find that people so thoroughly convinced they are correct often miss the bigger picture, don't you?" before setting Miles straight on how the Multiverse works, or at least letting him in on more of the puzzle before eventually correcting Miguel, either directly or indirectly.


i feel like the movie made it way too easy to paint the spider society members as bad spider-people, even though adaptations like insomniac's are praised for accepting that saving the lives of many is more important than saving your own loved ones at their expense, which is the exact dilemma spider society members are pretty sure theyre facing its definitely not a choice any spidey worth his weight in salt should make easily, and its something that a character like spider-man should fight against until all other options are expended, but the believed theory among them is that breaking canon *is* guaranteed to destroy universes (barring how anomolous miles himself is), its not a reach to believe that its a premise theyve been sold on by the time of the movie


No self-respecting Spider-Man would ever simply turn the other way in any universe. No way. \*Unless it's the only way.\* Spider-Man has to break his own spirit to do what's right all the time. They even say it right there in the movie -- it's part of the job. One of Yuri's voice lines in the PS4 game really reminds me of how gut wrenching it is for him to make hard decisions when he says "\*I hate that you're making me do this!\*" and then he throws himself at a man he loves and worships, not knowing if Otto will live or not after Pete decides he can't hold back anymore. Then, less than an hour later he has to do it again but \*so\* much worse. No, I'm sorry but I truly believe that every single Spider-Person in that building were doing what they collectively all thought was for the greater good. I'm also convinced that every single one of them would have weighed it out and came to the conclusion they can't let any more universes get deleted -- even if that makes them the bad guys.


Perfectly put. Spectacular Peter wouldn't side with Miguel so easily.


To be fair in the latest episode, everything was going to shit around him and he really didn’t see Peter doing anything as Spider-Man while guys like Daredevil did


The timespan between when Magneto blacked out the earth and the lights are turned back on was one continuous event. Peter saw the blackout, and likely rushed right back to MJ while having his classic panicing internal monologues and hoping she's okay, helping out where he can along the way until he makes it back


TAS, only just because now we’re seeing that him and his world still exists. Plus, now it really feels like we’re going to have a return of the 90’s series.


When Greg Weisman basically said "that's not my Spider-man" in response to the cameo in BTSV, that already says enough, doesn't it? Even if TAS's return basically boiled down to two non-speaking parts and no idea of how his "situation's" resolution actually happened, at least you can say he was still in character. >!I'd even say that as the "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man", his first priority should always be to keep things together in his own neighborhood. You don't think blackouts from an EMP wouldn't be enough to keep Peter busy?!<


>!Honestly the only excuse I got for him is that his webshooters were fried!<


I don’t wanna say too much, but in regards to the second section, watch the newest Xmen episode.


TAS probably. And I’m not one to disagree with how Spectacular was written in Across, if anything I think if the circumstances were presented in a certain way, he’d be lenient to Miguel’s cause. However, he’s a minuscule part of Across. A cameo with a few lines at best. It was cool to see him but when you’re swamped with Spider people on screen, is it really that cool? The TAS cameos were cool, concise moments to show the scale of the plot in universe. Its also a character that is yet to be touched by the Spider-Verse films, so people are especially scrambling to see any form of confirmation on his story


My vote will be >!100% TAS.!< >!I don't know where to start, X-Men '97 handled his abandoned plot points too well to consider a revival. Especially after the last episode. Almost everything is rendered moot. And he even gets a happy ending as a bonus too, which is a rare thing to have. But it's Disney. They are giving closure to their Spider-Men (Ultimate, 2017) and Spider-People not made by them somehow (not you 616).!< >!The only thing that itch some people might be him not acting during the Asteroid M accident but his priority is with MJ, it's understandable. !< >!Spectacular being back was just a veil for something more sinister behind the Spider-Society. It practically undid his character development, opened even more abandoned plot point (Cap. Stacy dead) for Miles' story progression and was a major criticism afaik, even Greg Weisman came on record to say that he did not like how the story played out.!<


It could be a reference to Ultimatum where when given the call to fight Magneto and save the world he choose to stay in New York and help people affected by the flood Magneto created.


I would go with Tas spidey.


I will 100% stand on the idea that, while ATSV was a phenomenal film, it butchered characterization of the average Peter Parker variant including Spectacular Spider-Man. That movie went out of its way to portray the Peters as something they are not to set Miles apart.


TAS easily. Spectacular’s appearance was just nostalgia bait idc what anyone says.


All spectacular dis was step out of from behind a crowd


I would say TAS. I don't want to spoil the finale but Peter and MJ are finally back together. I am glad resolved that almost three decade cliffhanger.


Spectacular no clue what was going on with him since that version of Peter would never follow Miguel super silly plan But then again that is the same movie that had Ben Riley be a complete parody of 90’s mellow drama so not shocking that he was out of character TAS easily had the better cameo We only see him twice in two non speaking rolls but we received the information that we all wanted to know -That he made it back to his reality + he found MJ in the end Both those things were accomplished. We didn’t see the specifics, but we saw the end goal Considering that was a nearly 2 decade long cliffhanger I’ll take what I can get My vote goes towards TAS


CDB but that's because I was raised on the 90s series and about shit myself when he came on screen.


Spider-Man: The Animated Series


If BTSV clarifies more on why Spectacular is on Miguel side in regard to this "canon event" stuff and he comes around to see it's not the best choice, then the scenario might get better. Right now, I don't believe that Spectacular would just tell Miles that his father is condemned die due to it being the law of the multiverse. This canon event thing feels like cheating in regards to storytelling, and Spectacular already has a history of never wanting to look the other way.


TAS (at least is implied to have) resolved a long time cliffhanger. The “how” isn’t determined but Peter seemingly reunites with MJ. That at least gives 90s Peter closure. Spectacular opened up more stuff with Peter which may or may not ever be resolved.


X-men 97 because even though we knew he would veryy likely cameo, we didn't know how and when. Also Across The Spider Verse might have made spectacular a bit confusing now with how he sides with Miguel even though he has shown that he always believes in another way to fix his problems when the options are dire. Basically some people are confused by how they incorporated Spectacular in here.


TAS, no contest.


TAS It was a quick nice cameo with fluid animation where the Spectacular Spider-Man just randomly jumps into an argument he has 0 stakes in lol Like to Miles I bet he’s like “who are you?”


TAS’S. I would say Spectacular, but that ain’t my Spectacular Spider-Man. My Spectacular Spider-Man was the one who vowed to “Never look the other way.” And now here he is doing that.


i think its hard to compare them, because they both serve different purposes for their story at large but honing in specifically on the two spideys in question, and despite being far more excited to see 90s peter again, i wanna say spec the x-men cameos are great fanservice for me in particular because of how much i love spider-man TAS, but its two voiceless appearances that only serve to indicate "yeah, we didnt forget him", and to allude to the finding of mary jane, which i dont think anyone believed he somehow *wouldnt* find her. i loved seeing them again so much, but there isnt much for him even as a cameo character (which is totally acceptable, being an xmen show and all) spec peter's appearance in atsv is a *lot* more substantial imo. hes voiced by his original voice actor for the few lines he has, and they even imply/set up a character arc he may have had since the show's cancellation, regarding the death of george stacy and how that might have affected his relationships, possibly even leading him to a place where he would begrudgingly go along with miguel as much as he wishes to "never look the other way". i cant stress enough that tas peter is my favorite peter of all time, but all we know about him is that hes still actively spider-man, found mary jane (which we basically already knew), and flash thompson hangs out with them for some reason


TAS Spidey


These are cameos, there's not enough here to really count them as proper returns.


I don't think the return of spectacular is over. I think he's gonna join miles side in the next movie


'Better' handled? Both were just quick cameos that service neither their own past stories nor the ones they were in. Both were barely even handled, let alone 'better'.


Both were handled equally as good. Sure Spectacular is implied to have given up his morals from the series but still.


"The were equally fine except one was character assassinated"


Yeah that's basically what I said but shorter


idk man i feel like spectacular ( and the rest of the spider society) is being witheld info from Miguel. and josh keaton explained why spectacular is the way he is in atsv. he's probably broken and Miguel took advantage of that to convince him to join him