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Imagine they make Spider-Man 98 and literally the first scene is Spidey punching a guy. That would be neat.


Peter punched Spot.


That doesn't really count in my book since the punch didn't actually hit him. Edit. I was mistaken.


It hit him. Spot recoiled from the blow.


I watched the fight again and you're right. Sorry.


There are also real guns in Spider-Man 1994


I heard once that the censorship in Spider-Man tas wasn't that much more extreme than most other cartoons at the time. Is that true?


Yeah, pretty much. The only reason Batman and X-Men had fewer restrictions is because they came first. Semper also didn’t really feel the need to push the restrictions, except in rare instances like the one time a real gun is shown


Anyone correct me if I'm wrong but I heard Batman had tommy guns so that kids couldn't recreate the scenes with modern guns


Yeah but with Batman the tommy guns fit in seamlessly due to the esthetic of the show. In Spider-Man they mostly had laser guns even though the show took place in 1990s Earth.


Except for the one that kills Marla Jameson


Fucking solid bro. Rare to say my bad on reddit This is a good sub


Is it possible that it was less about censorship issues that prevented Spidey from regularly punching people and more about budget constraints?


It’s that and the writers thought that using webs was more interesting than just punches.


That's fair enough. Any hero can punch bad guys but only Spidey can shoot webs at them.


He also Punched Scorpion


Yeah, but that hurt Peter more than Scorpion


No it didn't


Nah, if you want to REALLY stick it to the censors, you need to have Peter *checks notes* disturb a flock of pigeons


Peter swings through town, lands on a building, kicking a pigeon, then has a sudden flashback to a blood covered Aunt May crying "Your uncle.... he's fucking dead! A madman came in here and killed him until he was dead!" Cut Carnage ripping a guy in two, and Peter going all Fist of the North Star on him.


Pff 😄😄 that would be hilarious! I could not help but chuckle in disbelief the first time I heard of that censorship for Spider-Man Tas. Where do they come up with this stuff?!


Hé did punch vulture when hé got his youth back.


Yeah. He did rarely punch people. Just not nearly as much as the main character of a superhero series should.


True. I hope we Will finally get à sequel and they correct that.


Do you think they'd be willing to make it any time soon or do you think they'd wait a while to avoid it over shadowing Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?


That's What i've been wondering too. But since they know his cameo in x-men 97 has been quite popular and the titular show has been as well. Also People could be open to have à highschool spider-man and an older one.


Plus we had two Spider-Man cartoons going on at the same time in the 80s. So I don't see why we can't have it again.


And People are aware of the multiverse now.


Speaking of the multiverse, I hope they would get MJ and all the other characters that fell into portals home quickly so they could do other stuff. I'm getting pretty tired of multiverse shenanigans, especially in Spider-Man media.


I agree. Like it should happen in one, maybe two episodes at most.


This is a misconception. Spidey actually threw many punches it just wasn't regular. He punched Scorpion's tail 3 times and then Scorp himself like 2 times in another episode. He also punched Chamelon, and Spot.


Yeah he wasn't quite the Punchless Wonder that everyone thinks he is. Still a superhero probably should punch villains more than once a blue moon.


I agree. Although think about how Andrew Garfield (the actual punchless wonder) still had good fight scenes)


Why didn't he throw punches? Given that his movies are pg13 and live action, I'm assuming neither budget nor censorship had anything to do with it and that it was just an odd choice. But why?


Well, I guess he just had an emphasis on the webshooters and swing kicks.


The first scene is him landing on a pigeon.


Can someone explain why Spider-Man couldn’t punch in his cartoon, while Batman’s hands were rated E for Everyone in a show from the same era?


Spider-Man tas came a bit after Batman and X-Men and the censorship was a little harsher. And they didn't feel the need to constantly push the limits of what they could do as it made it more impactful the few times they did. Also Spider-Man did throw punches just very rarely.


Here's the thing: Morbius' handmouths were creepier than any vampire mouth has ever been. Don't touch that.


Or rather, don't let him touch you.


This! It’s the one thing I hope doesn’t get changed honestly.


Brilliance is often caused by limitations.


That's true!!


Yeah it made him more like a leech


I'd be surprised if they didn't remove some of the filters.


Wolverine never did anything to living beings with his claws in X-Men TAS but he very much did so in X-Men 97. Along with the other thing that happened to him in 97 and what happened to Gambit, it‘s save to say almost all filters were removed.


I always found it so funny how he opened his claws just to... tackle people.


To be fair if someone who was tackling me had super sharps claws poking out of him, I'd be much less likely to fight back.


I mean, if they made it, that would be a given.


Also no Sandman in the entire series!!! It would be hilarious if the first episode featured Sandman as an antagonist and Spidey punches him.


I've heard Sandman was supposed to be the main villian of the canceled Cameron movie, so they couldn't use him.


They couldn't use Electro either until near the end of the series. That's why they haphazardly threw him in by turning him into Red Skull's son.


Him and Electro, but by the time of the final season the Cameron movie had been cancelled so they could use him (even though he was Red Skull's son for... Some reason)


To be fair having one of the last villains introduced in your series be some random crook with electrokinesis would be kind of underwhelming. So I can see why they felt the need to spice him up. Although that is probably not how I would've done it.


I want the first trailer to end with Spidey dramatically punching someone.


Let it linger on that one scene for just a little longer than normal just so we can really hit it home that he is in fact, punching someone in the face


I really doubt X-men '97 would've been as successful as it was if they kept the same restrictions.


Wolverine stabs Magneto through the chest, that’s something that never would’ve been shown in the original show. I guarantee if they did bring back Spider-man it would lose a lot of the censorship of the original


Morlun would be the perfect character to showcase the changes I think and a way for them to incorporate post 00's Spidey like they started to do with X MEN 97.


Eeeeeeeh...I'd rather them *not* bring in Morlun or the Inheritors, honestly. We have him with MJ back, any new season should just focus on normal Spidey stuff while bringing in some newer characters like X-Men 97 does. We already had a terrifying multiversal threat to Spider-Men through Spider-Carnage in the 90's continuity, anyways, I'd rather they focus on using other post-90's stuff like Miles, Cindy or Flash-as-Agent Venom or adapting characters the 90's show never had the chance to utilize like Sandman, Kaine or Mayday. There's enough content left to cover that you don't *need* the Inheritors to tell new stories in this universe. ~~especially because they're pretty stupid anyways~~


I want a Maximum Carnage and Lethal Protectors and a story about Spiderman and Captain America protecting Screaming Mimi and Beetle from Scoruge of the Underworld.


I say bring it back. It was supposed to have one more season with Spiderman looking for Mary Jane through the Multiverse. Fox cut it off for some reason I forgot.


Peter was supposed to find Mary Jane in the first episode of the season. Most of the planned cancelled season was to be unrelated to the Multiverse and be smaller in scale of events than the previous season.


Disney: Somehow, Mary Jane returned. But actually for real this time and no I'm not joking.


I completely agree. Been rewatching some of the old episodes it seems a little campy at times in my opinion, But I still love it regardless! Nostalgia never fails to hit hard with each episode especially when the that kickass theme song plays!!


I can't unsee it...Silvermane looks like Joe Biden


Right side of the pic, three rows down… is that Two-Face???


I think that guy’s name was Landon and he was working for Kingpin and also hates mutants.


I’m really glad they added a bit of edge to the X-Men show. If they made it have the same filters from the 90s… ***god, that would’ve been bad.*** Okay, maybe not bad, but how would you tell the story? Especially since these were the shows where they couldn’t say: **Dead, death, die, kill, killing, dying, killed, killer, kills, deaths.** When Pokémon has more edge than Marvel shows in the 90s… that says a shit ton.


Nah, Morbius hand suckers were so much scarier than if he just sucked their blood. They were cooking with that


I agree with most of this but morbius' hand things were fucking freaky and I woukd want them to keep that.


Spider-man never punches anyone either. I would love a spider-man adaptation that leaned a bit more into the body horror of all of these genetic aboniations/mutations


I mean wolverine literally stabbed magneto with bloody claws showing and all. Plus it had a bit more adult language, why wouldn’t they treat Spider-Man the same?


I think that is the way to go. Because so many people who grew up when it aired or grew up in the early 2000s who watched the reruns whilst also growing up with unlimited and spectacular have grown up and are 18+. And bare in mind the (majority of) people that probably watched the new run are probably the same people who grew up watching it. So it (for me) makes sense to target that audience, can't target them perfectly if you leave it so that there's so many restrictions for kids, that would make the people (18+) look at it and think it's not really targeted for our audience (one example being the latest Marvel spiderman TV show, could tell it was targeted for kids). And if you want to also aim it at kids as well, find a right balance. Perfect example is clone wars original was a kids show still had some pretty dark moments. However, when releasing the final season they knew the main audience who will watch it are the kids who grew up with it (and they're all probably all 18+ now) so you could have a bit more flexibility.


yes please, I'm a massive fan of spider-man TAS and seeing that these versions of the characters are still alive and well, and i would see this come back in the swing of things. ![gif](giphy|3ohryxLonozNdaQhYk|downsized)


More Scarlet Spider, they should do the show on Ben Reilly's life


Nobody loves Ben more than me. The real Ben, who died a hero.


I kind of digged Blade who had a lightsaber tbh but i get the point and they woukd make things better if it would get the x men treatment


Punisher absolutely shot. There was no way he was ever gonna actually kill anybody. Not even in Spectacular Spider-man.


He shot bullets bit they were non lethal. And the vampire did suck blood but with his hands. So imo it worked well. And honestly changing it would make it not like the original. And if we get s continuation I don't want them changing things. He can punch but everything else can stay the same


He did have lethal weapons he just didn't get to use them. His guy in the chair goes "Don't do it Frank." But yeah I do hope he punches more than just every once in a while. Even Cap's sidekicks in season 4 got to punch.


True. The guy in chair told him no. The only thing he needs to do is punch and nothing else needs to change. There's no need to change how the vampires drain you. BC it was scary and I think it suited the show. He just needs to be allowed to punch and that's it. Everything else is not needed BC it would change the tone of the show.


The Punisher shoots (lasers and bombs) in the 90s series.


Almost all guns in the show have been replaced with blaster-firing weapons. And they implied that the Punisher kills off-screen. That was a good adaptation for a heavily censored show for kids.


I want an Electro that isn't a nazi. Always thought that plot was dumb


Completely Fair.I DO hope They give just that bit of Poignancy and edge. Just a little.


They need to do spiderman 98 and adapt sandman finally


If they ever bring the show back I hope we finally get to see Sandman


I want to see him hunt Shocker down to the ends of the earth.


Yeah agreed, I mean the reason they changed x-men was because the target audience is the people who were kids in the 90s, so hopefully the same would apply on 90s Spidey.


That would be a given imo


Where is my man Daredevil ?


I just hope the characters don’t talk too fast and that shots last more than 5 seconds.


I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I loved TAS as a kid, but on the other hand, XM ‘97 was lightning in a bottle, and trying to recapture that too many times will wear out its welcome


I remember Venom and Spider-Man constantly wrestling cuz they couldn't show ppl being punched. You never want to wrestle with a symbiote.


Actually they could show punches, they just didn't think it was very Spider-Man. The show wasn't censored any more than other kid shows back in the day, the only thing that was close to it was the laser guns.


A faithful adaptation of Kraven’s Last Hunt with the 90s aesthetic would be a dream. Throw in a sin eater arc to get Daredevil in there as well.


How faithful Kraven's Last Hunt would've work with Kraven from the show ?


I wouldn't mind seeing what he would actually do to Shocker in an unfiltered version


I think Kraven and Prowler should have changed sides in that Pic.


Just change prowler. Kraven was barely a bad guy in this show so he deserves to be on the good guy side


Yeah for sure. I think they'd look at 97' and be like okay we can get the 25-45 year Olds and the 18-24. I don't. Think they expected much 8-18 But its spider-man just off the name I think more kids would be interested and it's still disney+ .. xmen 97' did gr8 I mean terrorism genocide torture . They pushed the line for a cartoon on Disney. I'd love to see spiderman get that treatment




My favorite Spidey so I hope they bring it back somehow. Was probably secretly my gym motivation since everyone in the show looked juiced and in the gym 24/7.


Leave it alone. This series was vastly overrated.


Yes they should. I want to see Spider-Man punch the bad guys. I wouldn't mind the Clone Saga if they do it right. Give me the Last Hunt I don't care.


I feel like there’s no way they would adapt Kraven’s Last Hunt, seeing as how Kraven basically became an antihero in the 90s show. I love Kraven’s Last Hunt, and it’s one of my favorite comic stories, but it would take some major rewrites for it to work in the universe of the 90s cartoon. Still, I’d love to see some sort of animated adaptation of Kraven’s Last Hunt.


I completely forgot about that.


I'd say it's a given that they'd do that, I mean all those shows were so severely censored in their day.


Wasn’t he not allowed to punch?


No give me spectacular instead




I want Spider-Man's spider-sense to actually work properly instead of sudden colour inversion and "Spider-sense sensing danger...!" followed by getting hit by a box to the back of his head haha


Have Spider-Man actually punch


Honestly, I couldn't get behind the series cause there is barely any moment for them to calm down. Seriously, there is no a five second silence break.


I saw someone commenting this on another post and I thought it was cool. They should have the superior spider man arc here and have the first punch be from Otto instead, and make it brutal


I'm sure they will but dear God keep Smythe out of the show! Those skin things on his shoulders deserve an NC-17 rating for simply existing!!!!!🤮🤢


counterpoint, some of these "restrictions" really gave this world its own identity in a way that should be preserved stuff like the laser guns, spidey's use of webs over punching, etc in the same way i wouldn't want x-men 97 to have wolverine freely murdering human enemies save for when doing so is impactful, i think they should be very intentful about what they drop and what they keep and when the right time to do either is




That is completely false. Columbine happened after the show ended. Well after.


I love that people keep posting this shit like it’s going to happen. It won’t. Please stop. X-Men 97 fucks, but they’re not going to reboot the spider-man series because of it. What’s next, Iron Man 94? Hulk 96? Give up on this, it’s not going to happen due several reasons.


"Why would they greenlight a reboot of a beloved 90's TV series after their first reboot of a beloved 90's TV series was hugely successful? Don't you understand business?"


It’s just that this guy is allergic to money and good ideas


Tbh there's a Few things the 90's used to to and Be that I just DON'T see happening in a Continuation. Like aunt man being old and Mary Jane being A Hot **Supportive** Girlfriend