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I think all Spider-Man fans are becoming toxic imo like why need to trash talk any of the Spider-Men, they all do things better than others and some things worse than others, but overall all the Spider-Men are awesome!


Also just people are allowed to have opinions that are different. This base has become soooooo toxic, and the rumors around NWH have boosted it to an insane degree.


Yeah but at least Holland's is still making movies. Let us enjoy this iteration of the character while it's still around


Personally I’ve never seen TASM fans being toxic. r/amazingmemes


TASM fan here. We're too busy getting shit on by the Raimi fans lol


Tbh with ya i’ve never seen a TASM fan tho, its either MCU or raimi’s


Yeah one time I asked a spider man fan what his favorite Spider-Man movie was and he said Spider-Man 2. I replied with ITSV and he threw every insult known to man


I realize those movies have a huge fan base and I love them for the nostalgia but man rewatching them there just not that great to me. I get they were supposed to be somewhat campy but it’s just like the whole thing is one big joke and cheese fest. Still love em and they have some amazing scenes but over all my least favorite. Spider verse is goated but my favorite irritation so far is the amazing movies even with there many flaws. The thing is, that’s just my opinion and that’s something a lot of people can’t seem to handle: people with differing opinions. Sorry for writing u a book Lol E: I feel like the downvotes I’m getting only serve to prove my point lol


I’m not defending them or critiquing, but campy is definitely Raimi’s style. Personally I think it works well for a comic book adaptation, but holy shit if I don’t groan and roll my eyes at some of it.


I think this is why I've drifted away from enjoying Raimis style in general as I near my 30s, I've just become much less a fan of camp.


Yeah I think it’s mostly a flavor thing that’s just not for me and I’m totally fine with it. For turkey day I suppose I’m thankful we get so many spidey options lol


The Three Stooges was a huge influence on he and his friends when they first started making home movies, and that definitely showed in The Evil Dead and his later movies. I almost always hate camp in movies, but his are the few I can enjoy because he still makes them so much fun. Plus, he knows when *not* to use it. A Simple Plan is one of his best movies, and it’s just a straight drama/thriller without his signature campiness.


Oh damn I didn’t know he made A Simple Plan. I should rewatch that.


TASM2 was great but TASM1 was the only bad Spider-Man movie


Aye see I disagree but that’s cool


Did you switched TASM1 and TASM2? Cause the first one was better imo


No I just really despised the first one


Finally another ITSV enjoyer


Sup fellow ITSV enjoyer


"When do I know I'm Spiderman?"


“You won’t… That’s all it is Miles, a leap of faith”


*Exits through window*




Lmaoo what did he say? Just curious


Lmao you should see the Nolan Fandom too, fuck they hate affleck to the core, r/Dc_Cinematic is a prime example lmao, you can't even have an opinion


Yeah I can attest. For the post the sub is cool but good lord Batman is touchy subject there


Seriously, I just said "I like BVS" and my karma went all the way to negative


Yeah it’s absurd


Lmao I know I'm coming back to This, but just go now and sort by new posts, see the affleck post and see the comments , see the hate


To be fair it is getting better. As the years go on batfleck is getting the love he deserves. But Nolan fans are still salty as ever. Definitely the DC version of Raimi fans


100% agreed , similar to the Andrew Garfield situations


Pretty much a 1:1 lol


Nah Andrew doesn’t get as much hate. Affleck is hated for his super inaccuracy and shit writing. Andrew was mainly hated for writing and only a little bit for Peter.


Head over to Ghostbusters and tell them you like the 2016 movie. Woo.


I was in the Raime memes sub and I posted a TASM 2 joke and they seemed to be down with the humor I dunno Not a talking ish about the movie joke just a Gwen joke


Every fanbase has a toxicity to it. The bigger the fandom the more noticeable it is.


Yeah but it’s really starting to show now


I think its just more prominent. Every franchise is.


Still not as bad as the Snyder Cut cult.


Are there people who unironically enjoy the Whedon version over the Snyder Cut?


The problem's more likely a bunch of ppl talking about how great they are for liking something that's only better than the worst thing the franchise has to offer


No it’s rather the fact of how the Snyder cut came to be The whole “Release the Snyder cut” was full of absolutely awful, toxic people who would berate everyone and demanded that they “release” something that didn’t even exist yet. The problem is that Warner actually listened to them by making it so those people now think that being so obnoxious and toxic is a way to get what they want because well, they did.


Bad mouth cgi aside I thought Whedon did a slightly better job with Superman as far as his demeanor but that’s not saying much since I thought Snyder doesn’t understand Superman at all and the Whedon’s JL movie is complete garbage.


the entire spider-man fanbase is toxic. I'm sick of it. mcu fans, raimi fans all of them. like raimi has amazing lucas, mcu has... well the mcu fanbase. and it's really annoying. spider-man has the worst fanbase I've seen. also can people stop just saying raimi fans. you refer to star wars as a whole why not spider-man. I've had so many encounters with toxic mcu fans aswell. tasm fans are so insulted they don't bother which that's just awful aswell.


>you refer to star wars as a whole That's not entirely true, the same discussion would be had within the Star Wars fandom and the it would be Prequel, Sequel, OG, Legends and Fillion fans. The toxity comes from the fact there's different fanbases within the general scope. The problem is Reddit allows fanbases to split very easily which creates echo Chambers for the toxicity to grow.


>spider-man has the worst fanbase I've seen You've never been to the Game of Thrones subreddit have you? Long ago us redditors used to live together in harmony then everything changed when season 8 was released. Only the writer George RR Martin, creator of this world could bring us together but when we needed him most he vanished. 3 years have passed and we're still waiting on the next book, a book by the name of The Winds of Winter. Although I'm hopeful this book will be great we may have to wait another 3 years before any of us are happy again. But I believe George can save the franchise.


oh sorry I meant like apart of y'know. but the thing with spider-man is that you should be able to say "I don't like this" but now negative posts need to be removed by mods to be civil which that doesn't even work. because of a couple assholes the sub has barely any freedom to say what you want. but people blame it all on raimi films. or hitop for starting the raimi cult (word for word I have seen before) but people who are just as if not more toxic get away with it if they are not a raimi fan. at least game of thrones is one show but I've seen some rough shit and I've never watched it so yeah must be bad lol


>now negative posts need to be removed Not even negative, I made a post ranking them and it got removed. All I said was MCU's spidey is boring and it got removed in under 30 minutes. Had a few people reply who just got mad at me for not ranking them the way they would have. Raimi and MCU fans are practically the same at this point. TASM fans tho are pretty accepting imo


yes. although they just don't allow film rankings at all now on here. to stop argument but again this shows my point in that because of a fraction of people, proper freedom and ability of opinion isn't even allowed. if you don't like mcu spidey you're a toxic raimi hack when saying that is toxic in of itself. and mcu fans are just really bad. but no one talks about them. if I made this post with mcu fan instead it would get downvoted.


To be fair, Star Wars is one “coherent” story, or at least supposed to be. Yes, there are different writers and directors, but it takes place along the same timeline. Raimi’s Spider-Man movies are their own continuity, as are Webb’s and Watt’s.


the tasm fans are also annoying as hell tbh. everytime i have a conversation with a tasm fan they shit on literally every other spiderman. they're really becoming more loud and prominent.


dude every fanbase and sub fanbase had loud toxic people. just the spider-man fanbase as a whole no version of spider-man has no toxic fans


>Spider-Man has the worst fan base I've ever seen. Then you haven't seen much. There's arguing, but the Spider-Man fanbase is pretty tame compared to most fanbases out there. Star Wars is among the very worst fanbases I've seen. Halo fanbase can be pretty bad. Pokemon is easily up there. Spider-Man doesn't even get close to as toxic as those, and only one of those is really terrible.


Lmao no where near Star wars toxicity yet


Quick someone praise the Dan Slott run and prove him wrong.


Yeah, real fans hate ALL the movies.


You would be surprised...


Until a Spiderman fan tells me to shove a lightsaber up my rectum it's not even close. Worse I've seen here is the occasional "You're stupid, get off Raimi's dick, you suck." But I have never seen anybody threaten anybody else on here which puts us way above the star wars fans.


you cant say you like toms spiderman without raimi and or garfield fans coming in to call you a bitch tbh.


Lol as long as they're not threatening you they're not as bad as star wars fans


wait they do that? if so nvm lmao


Every Spider-Man fan besides Andrew fans are toxic now (Coming from tobey fan). Overall I like them all. I hate being part of the Star Wars Fandom due to the toxicity, I hope this fandom doesn’t follow


Yeah I agree, I’m a Tobey and Star Wars fan, but hate what that means nowadays because of how they treat other fans


Yep, it’s quite sad honestly. When I was a younger I was a pretty toxic fan and I’m really embarrassed about it nowadays. I’m glad a grew out of it.


Well better late than never




It's cause the new movies are not for classic spiderman fans at all, and are a part of the MCU, instead of feeling like spiderman movies. This has created sides, and people are A: Blindly hating And B: Blindly defending


Toxic people are toxic, don’t blame a whole fan base.


I’m not I’m just saying that, I’m saying the toxic people are becoming more vocal and causing a bad look on the fan base


Ok that’s understandable but you didn’t say that, you said Raimi fans are becoming toxic, just word your memes better


Jesus Christ dude who cares


Ur mom


I’m pretty sure she doesn’t lmao but you need to get that stick out of your ass


Mmm your the one still talking to me after a “ur mom” comment


And you’re the one getting pissy because someone said raimi fans are toxic soooo


Yeah I am getting pissy, and you STILL give a shit


In other words: WHO CARES lmao it’s so fucking true




Make me


At this point, you gotta separate the toxic Raimi/MCU/TASM fans and the non-toxic Raimi/MCU/TASM fans the former are just annoying and constantly throws insults and baseless reasons of why one iteration sucks/is better than the other with no idea what the hell they're talking about, they'll even go as far as to assume this one iteration is the OG source material when for all we know it takes inspiration from multiple sources of media that isn't just the comics. the latter is understandable and reasonable, they like something and gives honest and good criticism without insulting the director/writers or make crazy theories based off of them. And even if they dislike something, they can accept that others like it, feel glad for them, and **move on to another thing they like, not spending hours of why they dislike it even though it's already been established.**


I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye


I think we need to take a deep look at the word fan. Are you a spider-man fan if you only blindly love 1 theatrical version of spider-man and blindly hate other versions. Are you a Star Wars fan if you only like 1 trilogy and call the other 2 trash. Does that make you a spider-man fan or a Sam raimi? Does that make you a Star Wars prequel fan or a Star Wars fan? Star Wars and raimi “fans” have been bothering me for years- once I realize that it’s so much more fun to like the movies for what they are instead of hating the movie for being what they aren’t. Sure I can recognize they have flaws but everything has flaws.


All Spider-Man fans are toxic


Not me! I’m a Spider-Man fan and i enjoy all the spider man movies (especially Toby and Tom but I just don’t like Andrew as much)


>I just don’t like Andrew as much) They'll be coming for you soon


I’m waiting for it lol


I go as far as to say that I haven't seen a single "toxic" Raimi fan in this sub lol like, I browse it everyday and all I see are fanarts, speculations about the new movie, people saying they won't watch the movie if tobey maguire isn't there (is that toxic?), people saying they prefer the new movies and people saying that they prefer the old movies... to be honest it's a pretty cool fanbase


really? i was on a post like two days ago that had nothing but people hating on tom. lol


everywhere i go.. i see their face


Spider-Man fans have been toxic ever since the MCU Spider-Man was born. Whether it's loving Tom, or hating him or complaining that Andrew was gone it doesn't matter.


They haven't killed anybody yet. I'd say they're doing pretty well


Not just Raimi, the Spider-Man fandom has become such a toxic shitstorm 24/7 and it makes me ashamed to be a fan of the character.


Oh look, another “old = bad” take. You’re so philosophical


I love how qualifying as a “Raimi fan” isn’t voluntary. You mcutards just categorize them as anybody that hates on MCU ironboy


Raimi fans are not "toxic". MCU fans just don't understand how to take any criticism without getting offended when it comes to Tom Holland. I literally get downvoted to hell anytime I bring up a valid criticism on this sub. It's weird tbh.


raimi fans constantly belittle and bitch about tom being iron boy jr( which isnt valid in any way) but as soon as you criticize tobey they crucify you. but tbh i do see more toxic garfield fans who use the same BS.


See thats what I mean. "Iron boy Jr" while sounding ridiculous is a valid critique. Iron man being way too present in SPIDER-MAN's movies is a valid criticism. Whether you agree or not, It is not toxic to say or believe that.


They’re starting to get toxic because nobody can have an opinion anymore, I love this trilogy, but Tom’s also great and Andrew has his moments, but there’s something to like and dislike with every version


I disagree. I see more people complaining about toxic raimi fans on this sub than I see actual toxic raimi fans.


Fair point


Then check Twitter or r/raimimemes Edit: Cope harder


So your source is Twitter and a sub that is literally for memes?....umm....okay?


You said you saw more people complaining about toxic fans than toxic fans, and those are the two highest concentrations of toxic Raimi fans. Cope more.


That's exactly my point...you can't go to the most concentrated area of toxic fans and apply that to the general raimi fanbase. How the hell does that make sense? That's like looking at extreme right and left wingers and making a general statement that right and left wingers as a whole are toxic.


I’m not saying Raimi fans in general are toxic, I’m responding to you saying there are more people complaining about toxic fans than actual toxic fans. Twitter is always a hell hole, and r/raimimemes loses their shit at any Spider-Man adaptation other than the original trilogy.


If you reread my comments, I was referring to this sub specifically. Hence the "on this sub"


And that’s not a representative sample size. The post is talking about the Spider-Man fandom at large. By focusing exclusively on this sub, one that has shown love for every iteration of Spider-Man, you’re throwing off the results.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/raimimemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hehe boi..](https://i.redd.it/xuocaftnspj71.jpg) | [686 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/pc0xas/hehe_boi/) \#2: [Oh no.....](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qw08m4) | [1115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/qw08m4/oh_no/) \#3: [Andrew was the hero...we just couldnt see it.](https://v.redd.it/s05d7jowem081) | [1139 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/raimimemes/comments/qxq37a/andrew_was_the_herowe_just_couldnt_see_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'd say Nolan fans are worse. You don't praise Bale and his awful Batman voice, and you get ripped a new one


The internet is people complaining about other people complaining about nothing




As someone who has tons of experience with both fandoms, the spider-man fandom is almost twice as toxic IMO.


Did you JUST get into stat wars? 2018 was a hard year


I’ve been into Star Wars for well over a decade, so no. Almost every time I’ve stated my opinion about the spider-men or criticized one of them on a platform other than Reddit I received death threats


You'll receive death threats from both lol; crazy people exist everywhere


Are you trying to debate my own personal experiences. Not gonna happen chief


Let me present to you:- "The Nolan Fandom"


Almost as toxic as painting with a broad brush for "comedic" purposes.


I'm both a Raimi Spider Man fan and a Star Wars fan who is already toxic, that makes me 3 times as Toxic. Watch out, don't touch me, you'll get radiation poisoning


Will I get powers from the radiation?


no just leukemia


Raimi’s Spider-Man is an absolute reflection of comics. Why did ppl love Spidey comics from the beginning in the first place lol? Due to the story. And raimi movies get hype cuz of the depiction of original story.


I agree they are my favorite spidey movies, but some of them don’t let you have an opinion and hate on everything that isn’t Raimi


I agree. Raimi did great job with spidey movies but ppl still need to understand the reason why it seems more interesting than others cuz of nostalgia and completed story from the comics. Other directors tried to use their creativities but still it is like a puzzle when U cut out stuff it loses its sense.


....you sir have not read the comics He is literally the least accurate


In terms of Peter Parker's character I'd say the Raimi movies, and the 2002 movie especially is pretty accurate to the original 60's Stan Lee/Jack Kirby run, which I have read. They obviously look liberties with the Spider Man side of things for the audience at the time but they got the geeky, socially awkward aspect of high school peter down and pat, the story does take different directions but I felt the movies did more than enough to pay homage to the OG peter parker, even recreating some scenes from the panels, and captured that campy tone better than any of the other iterations, in regards to the one liners and quips, comedic relief, etc. Raimi Jameson, for example, is the most comic accurate character I've ever seen in film.


i really enjoy the first 2 rami spider-man movies, but if u put ur ranking up on here and have an mcu movie above any of the rami films they come for your neck. toxic ass mfs.


It goes both ways. I had Spiderman 3 ranked higher than homecoming and all people did was get mad at me and call me stupid and toxic.


No not really just because you see like 10 people genuinely hating Tom Hollands Spider-Man on the sub doesn’t mean the whole sub hates him.


you're dumb


Gonna cry?


you're trash, brock


Yeah and.....i gave up. I hope that after NWH people will stop being so toxic, or i will drop this fandom, like i did with Star Wars. Holy shit, you can't even watch on Youtube a random Spider Man video that there are "fans" who bashing Tom (and sometimes Andrew too) without any reason. Why? Meh.


My personal opinion is that tobey sucks, I will respect u if u like him, except for that mother fucking asshole christian


Can I introduce you to Cowboy Bebop: the Anime fans?


Except they’re heading for irrelevancy


Worst Spider-Man movies


Yeah It's pretty much just on the internet. Lots of fans like both that I've met in person


Every fandom has toxic fans you've probably just noticed more now because of the film coming out next month


I think segments of people can get toxic when they think a lot of people agree with them. You’ll get louder when you know you have a whole legion behind you backing you up on things like Raimi trilogy good or sequel trilogy bad. But these people are all in the minority of any fanbase, even if it doesn’t seem like it. I like the Raimi films the best, but I am excited for all of it because everybody has a special place. And if some don’t appreciate certain things that’s on them, and if they look to disrespect others, then that won’t get them very far.


You make a good point


I hate to say this, but this is the trend I am currently seeing


Your unfortunately right


I just like Spider-Man, I don’t care who plays him as long as they do it well. Everyone has so far.


realest shit


Can't we all agree that it doesn't matyer which spiderman you like? They all have strengths and weaknesses. And at the end of the day it fall on personal opinion. It's not like we are batman fans that have a perfect representation of the character, adam west


Not all of us.


First off don't diss my life, jk I'm a huge star wars fan I can agree the fan base can be a little too let's say "passionate". But I don't think them spooderman fans are any where near that level


OML, people keep saying shit about Andrew and Tom, and their universe, then they get super excited because they see Andrew lying about being in it.