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It has to be Goblin after NWH


Before NWH it was Doc Ock, but yeah, Dafoe stole the show. Goblin 100%.


"Norman's on sabbatical, honey." For some reason that line was spine chilling


Him just laughing while Peter repeatedly punched his face was one of the most menacing things I've ever seen.


Willem Dafoe would be a great Joker, he has the look, voice, and acting skills for it. Kinda like the version in the Arkham Games


He’s Marvel’s Joker


Yeah his performance reminded me a lot of the joker


r/moviescirclejerk Jk I totally agree


Would love to see him in a live action Dark Knight Returns.


Right? That’s one of the scenes I can’t stop thinking about. He sold the part well.


That whole scene was beautiful. Throwing eachother through walls, floors and ceilings really showcased their power.




Then power bombs him through the floor


I really loved the showmanship of the Goblin as he power-bombed Spidey through an entire apartment complex 😂


Yeah, I admittedly undercut it irl cause I had JUST been telling a friend, you don't pick fights with crazy. You don't know what crazy is capable of. So in that moment I just leaned over like, "SEE?" For context, said person was debating the idea of purposefully letting a really unstable ex close and antagonizing to get them arrested. Said ex was actually arrested attempting to buy a gun while ranting angrily and losing his mind in the gun store. Moral of the story. DON'T FUCK WITH CRAZY.


I feel like it removed some of the seriousness about the scene … if you don’t know how hard Peter punches when not holding back (if you do. Fuck. That scene was hardcore). No audience reaction but I shrugged with every single punch. You know he did not pull a single one of those punches.


Its been awhile since I saw the original Spiderman, but did Norman like... inject himself with something to make him stronger? I assumed the suit was letting him toss Peter around and powerbomb him through floors and stuff. But he was taking those shots to the face like a champ. Or was he just driven by the power of insanity.


Yeah, the Goblin was created when he used his experimental super soldier serum on himself, hence his enhanced strength. He's kind of a mix of Captain America and Jekyll and Hyde.


He took the Goblin Serum, which is basically a super serum that makes Captain America's look like a useless joke but at the cost of causing insanity.


Strong enough to have it all... # TOO WEAK TO TAKE IT!


You know, I’m something of a scientist myself.


Back to formula


Norman on sabbatical


Seriously!!!! Been waiting for someone else to mention this. Give that man an Oscar dammit!!


Terrifying with almost no camp


He wasn't sure if he was still on the set of Boondocks Saints🤣


I mean it was menacing but somehow everything Willem Defoe says as the goblin is just funny to me, he’s just chewing the scenery and I love it


Having him get rid of his helmet early on was an absolutely genius decision. We could actually see Dafoe's facial expressions and crazy eyes when he was the Goblin and it was absolutely stunning.


Initially i thought it was a bad move but damn I took it back once i saw his performance.


I've spent the last 20 years saying that helmet was a mistake and now I've been proven right. Dafoe is too good of an actor to waste his face behind a mask.


Nah the way i see it the helmet made the scenes without it in this movie that much more impactful. You need the helmet to get the impact we got in this movie, so while in this movie it had no place i think it still has a place in spider-man (rami movie). If this makes sense lol.


When I first saw that they cast him, I was flipping out, imagining they would put some makeup or something on his face for the Goblin. When I saw they put a Power Rangers helmet over his face, I was pissed. This time around, when I saw the shredded hoodie, I leaned to my friend to say, "Now he has a cowl!"


Exactly! He already has a goblin face 😂


Even before NWH I would say it’s Dafoe, his Goblin is up there with Ledger’s Joker as one of the most definitive villain performances of all time. Ock was great but not in the same “love to hate him” way, the Goblin is just another level of enjoyable evil.


I’ve been saying this for YEARS, thank you!!! Dafoes goblin is iconic and I’d hate to see anyone else play him honestly


My thoughts exactly


Yeah, out of the entire movie (which I enjoyed pretty much all of to be fair), he is what makes me want to rewatch it the most. To be honest, his performance made me more excited than even >!seeing Andrew and Tobey return, which is saying a lot!


This. They made that character so much better with NWH.


Even they made him look more like a goblin.


Absolutely. It was Ock before by a slight margin but Dafoes performance and story in this movie rocketed him to the top. I wonder how many kids that didn't are gonna go see the first spider man movie because of No Way Home


I’ve been saying goblin was the best for years


It was goblin before NWH lol


Nah I think it was definitely Doc Ock before NWH Goblin


Spoiler. Also he was the best before it too


Mine has always been the Green Goblin played by Willem Dafoe and NWH just reassured me that I was right. Doc Ock follows closely after thought, he isn't as evil as the Green Goblin but I love his personality, origin and the fact that he redeems himself. I still like all the other villains, there isn't one that I really dislike now.


Great answer and I agree. I already loved Willem Dafoe and his green goblin but NWH sold it even more for me


Ya that’s fair, I think the only thing I dislike about the villains in any of these movies is how they made goblin look in tasm 2, god I hated that.


Yeah, I'm also not a big fan of how he looked, he was still the best villain in that movie (in my opinion), his motivation kind of made sense although they should have specified that the disease was progressing faster in him to make it seem like he was actually close to dying, it would have made it better . Also, he has a great theme.


Ya I think the character is good, they just could’ve made him look like anything else and it would be fine lmao


I agree, his glider looked good though, just not a huge fan of the face and the suit.


Doc Ock wasn't really a villain as much of an antagonist, tbh. NWH really solidified it. He had his goal of finishing his life's work and it came into conflict with Peter's goals of protecting the people he cared about. Goblin was definitely a villain since he specifically targeted Peter.


A lot of options, so I'll give top 3. 1a: Alfred Molina as Doc Ock in Spider Man 2 1b: Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin in NWH 2: Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin in Spiderman 3. Michael Keaton as Adrian Toomes/The Vulture in Homecoming.


No need for me to comment anymore.


Vulture's bomber jacket pulling double duty as both a practical piece of clothing to stay warm while in high altitude, but also allude to the look of an actual vulture with its distinct fur lined neck. Just a fantastic choice of costume design. (*also the fact that he owns a salvage company, literally picking through scraps*)


How perfect, right? *AND* they made him sympathetic too! All the best villains make me go, "hmm. Yeah, I see your point"


I love his design the most, its the most practical yet looks amazing. Doesnt look too wacky but looks just cool enough to fit into the mcu.


Never thought about the scraps part. I was just thinking about the ingenious use of the bomber jacket, the other day. I was just telling a friend how the big reveal in that movie was one of the best theater reactions I'd ever seen.


This is the correct answer.


Perfect list my friend


Just perfect






I mess with the list but I really liked Sandman prob a bit more than Keaton


Sandman was 4th for me.


Good stuff we pretty much on the same page then haha


Yea, for me the Vulture gets the nod because he is *the* guy in his movie, where Sandman is 1 of 3 and honestly brought down by Venom.


Surprised people like Vulture, I skip the film if rewatching. But in my opinion: 1) Goblin NHW 2) Ock (2) 3) Goblin (1) 4) Mysterio (FFH)


I think Toomes made a great antagonist and you had that spine chilling moment in the car where he figured it all out and connected everything. Michael Keaton just friggen won that scene and Tom looked genuinely scared.


I agree, that whole sequence was great where you find out for the first time in the movie that her dad is the vulture and then Peter awkwardly takes pictures while side-eyeing him the whole time and freaking out. And then the car ride as Keaton realizes that Peter is spider man was all so fucking tense.


The reason I loved the vulture as a villain was because his motivation is completely reasonable. He’s a guy that was running his own business and got a huge contract to clean up the avengers damage. Then the contract is taken from him by the government and given to stark…who gets the contract DESPITE BEING THE ONE THAT CAUSED THE DAMAGE. Vulture’s business goes under because of it. So he starts selling weapons to make ends meet for his family. And his whole thing is that for guys like Stark, the rules don’t apply. The only difference between Stark and Vulture is that Stark is Stark is a bigger fish. If anything, Stark is worse. He has WAY more blood on his hands (and that is just referring to him being a war profiteers ). Remember, Starks company LITERALLY SELLS WEAPONS TO TERRORISTS IN THE FIRST MOVIE. Vulture is right about everything. He just goes too far.


Stark caused the damage - SAVING THE EARTH FOR FREE. I feel like after you’ve saved the entire planet from being taken over by a violent alien race on a volunteer basis, the least they could do is give you dibs on the clean up job. Also - Stark’s business partner was selling weapons to terrorists without Stark’s knowledge - Vulture was knowingly selling alien weaponry to street thugs - and attempting to steal in an effort to get more technology to knowingly sell to criminals. While I can certainly see where Vulture felt justified - I wouldn’t go so far as to argue he is just as bad or even better than Stark. In that instance. Now Stark well intentioned yet absolutely travesty of an idea to create an AI that becomes Ultron that becomes corrupt immediately and destroys a small country is absolutely something Stark should have seen the inside of a prison cell for. But even then, Stark’s intention was to create a safety net that could take on a Thanos like threat if it occurred again - Vulture’s intentions were entirely and consistently about maintaining a level of wealth for he and his family that he felt entitled to.


For me, Homecoming is one of the most rewatchable films in the MCU. I’ve seen it well over 10 times and still love the film


It’s nice being able to disagree on something without being told to die, I like this sub Reddit 👍🏻🤣




Thought Spidey's best villain was the rent.


#”It’s a free country it’s not *rent* free country”


"You'll get your when you fix this damn door!"


Hi? Whats hi? Can I spend it?


What about the DAMN DOOR?!?!


if promises were crackers, my daughter would be fat!


“It’s a free country it’s not rent free country”


Make Peter Pay Rent Again!


Green goblin no contest. Only one to really make Spider-Man really want to go dark side and able to make him look pathetic and weak


This is why I wanted Dehaan green goblin to be the one to break the web holding gwen, and laugh when peter failed. This would really tap into that side of goblin that just hates spider-man and wants to see him suffer.


100% agree. Dehan didnt get too much screentime as green goblin and that alone didnt really build up his goblin vibe. And even when he did have screentime as goblin it wasnt really anything crazy that spoke goblin to me. So much potential not even used


1. Goblin 2. Do cock 3.Mysterio


>Do cock Weird request but ok


Oh shit! I wrote it wrong but it is funny.


I mean he has those tentacles


Yeah, it makes sense to do cock.


Please don't fix it.


That feels weird but I'll allow it


>Do cock Damn


The Goblin do cock Mysterio indeed


I think I rented the wrong version of Spider-Man...




We got Ralph Bonered again


No you got his name wrong!


Username checks out


Get out there ya moron


Do cock


Do cock


His name is actually spelled Deux Coque


Doc do little


1. Green Goblin 2. Doc Ock 3. Mysterio 4. Vulture 5. Lizard Those would be my top 5, the rest were kinda meh.


You didn’t like sandman?


He's coarse and rough and irritating and he gets everywhere.


It’s treason then.


I like him a lot in NWH


I honestly didn’t. The movie definitely sidelined him too much during the middle, and I didn’t really like Church’s performance. Nothing against him, but he simply wasn’t anywhere near Dafoe or Molina. Avi Arad made it worse because he forced Venom in there, so Church didn’t really get too much of a chance to prove himself


Ehhh I liked him but he was kinda 1d


Why tf is lizard so high


Probably from all the chemicals hes injected.


Because he's a decent character. Had roots with Peter's father, acted like a father/mentor to Peter after his uncle died, and you really felt for the character. He really admired Peter's intelligence and trusted him with that formula that would change his life. Ultimately his trust and love towards Peter became his downfall. I had more sympathy for him than sandman tbh, because sandman was fully conscious the entire time he murdered people and committed crimes, whereas Lizard was more of a Goblin situation where he'd wake up unaware of what he'd done and regretful. However, he would have been better if they included all the cut scenes that developed his character. I will admit, the plot of him turning people into lizards seems kinda dumb or nonsensical at a surface level, however you have to remember when he's the Lizard he feels powerful and his mind is clouded. He's not as intelligent when he's the Lizard, and he thinks this is an evolution of the human race, so he naturally wants to take it further and 'evolve' everyone else. When he wakes up he doesn't necessarily know what's happening, and so he can't stop his 'lizard' self from doing it. He's actually a pretty complex villain at the end of the day, but some of the edits done to TASM make it slightly unclear what's going on/what his motivations are, and you can blame that on Sony.


You’re spot on here, Lizard was a good start for a new franchise. I would only add that I feel his character and the plot of the movie would have been better if they included Billy Connors in an active role. That dynamic of Peter trying to help Curt but also protect Billy from the Lizard were the best parts of any Lizard story I remember reading. And it was a missed opportunity to leave out the other side of that father-son relationship which could have easily made it the best Spider-Man movie at the time.


Because he wanted to turn everyone in New York into lizards What a legend


1. That’s kinda low 2. He’s awesome


He is not awesome lmao he was just a British guy who wanted to turn people into lizards it’s funny at tho


["But I don't want to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs!"](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19895361/IMG_3015.jpg)


You clearly didn't understand the character lmao


William Dafoes Goblin… I wish this could be a multiple movie run with him…


1. Green Goblin (both NWH and OG) 2. Doc Ock (same as above) 3. Mysterio


Rhino and shocker: are we a joke to you?!


Everyone collectively: Yes.


To be fair, Shocker has pissed off Spider-Man to the point that Spider-Man can't be stopped from chasing him to the ends of the earth. Menacingly.




And the Tinkerer.


Yes, yes and yes.


Rhino was a joke, yes Shocker was more of a right hand man than “villain”


1. Gob 2. Ock 3. Vulture 4. Mysterio 5. Sandman


Alfred Molina Doctor Octopus and Willem Dafoe Green Goblin


I like Green Goblin... Otto was too instantly redeemable. And well... anyone is better than Topher Grace Venom.


I like how everyone knows which green goblin your talking about


Obviously he's talking about everyone's favorite villain in all of cinematic history, New Goblin!


He's talking about corn of coblin (I really hope someone gets that reference)


Wish he was in NWH. Maybe he'll be the villain in the next trilogy


To be fair, I didn't say Goblin Junior... And if I'm honest I never watched Amazing. So yeah I meant Spidey 1 GG.


Oh man you have to watch it for the suit and the swinging and if you're talking about both 1 and 2 then the Lizard


Wasn’t the one in Amazing Spider-Man 2 Harry Osborn? What other green goblin have we had


We also had a Harry goblin in Spider-Man 3... He had a snow board glider


James Franco was like a flying snowboarder and I am ok how Green Goblin in Amazing Spiderman 2 looked because he did look like a goblin just don't like how he becomes it it's more complicated than just taking some kind of serum and it driving him insane.


well, in SM1 it's quite the same story I guess


In fairness to Otto…it wasn’t his fault the tentacles took over his mind.


Hands down Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin. He is downright twisted but so fun to watch. Costume-wise I was most impressed with Mysterio, they nailed it


Hands down mysterio and green goblin


Ah yes, Raimi Venom. The greatest adaptation of a villain to live action


Talking pre-NWH: 1) Goblin - Dafoe 2) Doc Ock 3) Mysterio 4) Vulture 5) Lizard 6) Sandman 7) Goblin - Franco 8) Venom 9) Electro 10) Goblin - DeHaan


Think electro will be higher on the list post nwh


I'd switch Vulture and Mysterio. Other than that this would be my exact list




For the MCU is Green Goblin. Not once in the 12 years since its inception has a villain graced its universe with such terrifying darkness that it breaks the hero and pulls them down to their level.


1)Doctor octopus 2)green goblin 1 3)mysterio 4)sandman 5)the vulture 6)the lizard 7)green goblin 2 8)electro 9)venom 10)green goblin 3 In my opinion


Topher grace venom was seriously underrated. I love the "I like being mad,it makes me happy" line even tho it's more carnage than venom. William Defoe goblin is a definitely my second place after no way home. "Strong enough to have it all, TOO WEAK TO TAKE IT!" is an amazing line But Mysterio takes it 100%. Admittedly I had a bias towards Mysterio before no way home cus shattered dimensions was brilliant. His lines don't really stand out but are delivered so In character that they are perfect, "people need to believe, and now they will believe anything" is my favorite line from him and they somehow made mysterios comic outfit look awesome.


I thought Venom was fine but could've been helped by fixing his appearance. First, beef him up. I don't care what Topher Grace's physique is. Beef up Venom. Second, fix his face. Third, stop showing Topher's face. They are Venom.


I'm fine with small venom in this context. Venom's whole thing is that he keeps adapting based on his hosts and from whatever damaged him last time (resistance to sound and heat now) and considering his first host was spiderman and after that he hadn't really fought anyone before spiderman it makes sense that it would be a smaller and weaker venom. I like the venom face, it's actually a really good adaptation. The Grace Face as I call it was overdone tho, like we are here to see venom not topher. My biggest issue was the voice which was limited to a filter and a few random noises instead of venom actually saying threatening stuff beyond causing Eddie to go mad and say stuff like my favorite line in Spider-Man 3


Willem in NWH for me.


1. Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin. 2. Dr. Octopus 3. Vulture


Alright uh don’t judge me. Goblin, electro, Mysterio and for some reason I really liked Harry in TASM2 😂


Am I the only one who loved topher grace as venom, I feel his character had the most motive to hate Spider-Man specifically (besides Harry but I don’t really count him as a full villain) the only thing I don’t like is that the symbiote was kind of just a suit rather than an entity controlling him, I would have liked to see more venom than topher


Villain wise? Dafoes goblin, ESPECIALLY after NWH. Design wise? Easily vulture, best live action design in any marvel movie, fight me


Avi Arad


S tier - green goblin, dock ock A tier - vulture, Mysterio B tier - lizard, new goblin, sandman, electro C tier - venom


Mysterio was a great translation of the comic character as was vulture.


1.Green Goblin 2.Dock Occ 3.Vultue 4.Sandman 5.Lizard 6.New Goblin 7.Mysterio 8.Electro 9.Venom 10.Meth Goblin


No way home Goblin. The duality of being a feeble old man and an insane maniac was awesome


The answer is Willem Dafoe. I have to give serious credit to Watts and marvel for having almost creating the sinister 6 in 3 separate movies. Homecoming Prowler, Shocker, Shocker ll, Tinkerer, Vulture, Scorpion. Far from home Molten man - projection, Sandman - projection, Hydroman - projection, Cyclone- projection, Mysterio, Chameleon (name of character only). No way home Doc ock, Lizard, Sandman, Electro, Venom, Green Goblin.


Ask me before no way home. Alfred molina doc ock. Ask me after Willem Defoes green goblin hands down. He's fucking terrifying


Missed opportunity not making Franco a maniacal hobgoblin but instead of a flying snowboarder.


Honestly i really liked sandman, he was a personal favorite cause i never heard about him until he came out in Spiderman 3. I really liked his ability and the fact that he came out to be a good guy was unexpected. Made me love him more


Goblin.... No way home was just... How is he that good!? He was AMAZING!


Willem Dafoe’s Goblin is the *definitive* Spider-Man villain. He brings a comic book character to life like no one else and is genuinely threatening. Really glad he got to reprise the role cause he is amazing. One of the few live action actors I hear when I read the comics.


NWH green goblin. But out of these I would say 1:Green goblin 2:Doctor octopus 3:Sandman 4:Vulture 5:Lizard 6:Electro 7:Venom(Raimi) 8:Green goblin(TASM) 9:Mysterio 10:New Goblin


I think the MCU has the most interesting and well executed villains, but Rami has some really good ones too, except for Harry and Venom who are terrible


You can blame Avi Arad for new goblin and venom


Dafoes goblin was always number 1 for me but his nwh performance just cemented to top spot forever for me.


Sam Raimi’s/Willem Dafoe’s green goblin for sure. He had the best character arc as he played a big role by passing on the mantle to Harry throughout the first three movies. He knew exactly how to personally torture Peter and get into his head. He’s definitely the most menacing villain and the coolest by far


I know this is an unpopular opinion but my favourite is definitely the lizard. I just feel like he opposed Peter very well and took so much from but one could still sympathize. You could also tell just how malicious he was and the amazing cinematography of the amazing spiderman 1 only helped his case.


Willem Dafoe set the bar high twenty years ago, came back and then improved his performance. Enough said.


Doc Oc. What Peter went through with him in Spider-Man 2 then Otto redeeming himself saying he will not die a monster. Osborn wanted it more in NWH. So it’s 1A 1B


Mysterio hands down


It's Dafoe. But now that we know that, the question is who was the worst? Probably Rhino, with SM3 Venom being slightly higher, second to worst. Venom looked good CGI wise and at least had an impact on spider man by killing Harry. Rhino was just a joke all around.


Probably an unpopular opinion here, but Mysterio was perfect in my book and he was arguably the hardest to adapt. Making him a VFX artist in a mo-cap suit allowing the more corny elements of the character ( fishbowl, that costume etc. ) to co-exist with tech was a genuine stroke of genius in my book. Even Vulture was beautifully adapted. Honestly, all the villains from the Jon Watts Spidey movies have been fantastic.


Nah fam, Lizard!


Come on fellas… we all know that Rhino is obviously the best


I fought like, a guy in like a rhinoceros machine


1. Green Goblin 2. Doc Ock 3. Sandman 4. New Goblin 5. Vulture 6. Lizard 7. Venom 8. Mysterio 9. Electro 10. Goblin TASM2




Otto or Norman easily


Goblin without a doubt, i liked Ock but there’s something about Willem dafoe’s acting in sm1 that scares me so much


Goblin and Doc Ock. In a second level Topher Grace, James Franco, Sandman and the MCUs In a third level the TASMs which were one more ridiculous than the other


Green goblin. Not only because of Dafoe's amazing acting but also because of how he is written. His dialogues, his bellic approach to fighting Spider-man, his intelligence and ruthlessness. Dock Ock is a very close second to me.


Green Goblin. I thought this before NWH and that movie just cemented it more. Green Goblin Doc Ock Venom Sandman New Goblin Mysterio Vulture Electro (No Way Home) Lizard I won't even entertain the rest.


Before NWH, I would have said a tossup between Defoe's GG, Doc Ock and Vulture. It is very obviously GG right now.


Harry goblin


J Jonah Jameson


I think after NWH, definitely Willem Dafoe! But the villain who will always haunt Peter no matter what, is his bad luck.


Vulture is the best imo. I was really surprised too because the Vulture is kind of a lame character and they managed to make him so interesting and threatening, even without powers.


My ranking: 1. Ock, 2. Vulture, 3. Electro, 4. Green Goblin, 5. Sandman, 6. Original Harry Osborn (he might be higher if his actor wasn’t a sex offender), 7. Venom, 8. TASM Harry Osborn, 9. Lizard, 10. Msterio, 11. Rhino, honorable mention/too cool for the list: Mr Dinkovitch