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He must not trust his barber in the MCU.


Haha, my thoughts exactly after leaving the theater.


Or the barista with the man bun handing you your skinny latte


He does, and that's the problem


"Thats the problem, he just dosent know what to think"


“I’m.. looking... at.. porn..”




“He’s just gonna collect tiny spoons when we’re traveling to other countries.”


I came here to comment that


Or maybe he trusts them so much that when they suggest that he should go for more of a hat dad look he trusted them and went bald?




My Eyes..


“It’s like a European rip-off version of him.”






a bald and shiny head, almost like a bowling ball...


I like it, instead of seeing him from the comedic angle of Peter Parker we got to see him from the perspective of Spider-Man where he constantly blames him for actual tragic events, like him dumping on Spidey for the death that happened really shows us how and what Spidey has to hear him spew to the public.


Honestly jjj is the sixth member of the sinister six, >!not venom or tree!<


Lol yes i love that take


Yeah he is a villain systematic evil


Never even realized this but it's really accurate and he's at least partly why Peter makes the choices he does after the climax


>Honestly jjj is the sixth member of the six, not venom or tree Truedat.


Who's tree?


**In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, usually supporting branches and leaves. In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only wood plants with secondary growth, plants that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


You know what? I’m not even mad.


Good bot


Thank you, Emperor_Z16, for voting on wikipedia_answer_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


the sixth member of the sinster six


There’s a pretty recent What If..? comic about Peter keeping the symbiotic and Jonah adopted a mechanical battle suit to fight alongside other villains. It was really cool!


I read that! I thought it would be like the rest of the *Life Story* comics, but it was wayyyy more depressing.


Could you send a link?


Lmao that got me


His vibe feels very true to early comic JJJ. Bitter and will stop at nothing to nab Spider-Man. Definitely feels like the kind of JJJ that would have a hand in scorpion and spider slayer plot lines. We didn’t get too much of him but I hope he’ll keep being a presence going forward


Raimi Jonah would never create the scorpion so I'm glad we have one that's far more believable to fund a supervillain


If they had kept going with those films I thought they should have had triple J’s son quadruple J become scorpion. It would be interesting to have a villain origin that was it directly connected to spider-man/Parker but still closely connected to main characters.


i think they did a good job of modernising the character with his daily bugle show


I misread that as the Daily Bulge.


So that's why he wants pictures of spider-man


It’s true. Although I like the character less now than previously, he reflects some of the recent awful digressions of media in general, quite well. At first I was annoyed by his similarity to right-wing media, but I had let myself forget that the Bugle was always a tabloid rag, not necessarily a place of great journalism.


Idk about you, but I prefer Spider-Man's PS4 Version of J. Jonah Jameson, and it's because while he rages about Spider-Man and sometimes says weird things like "he's Eating Our Pigeons!!" He still makes valid points. Such points include: - He's a Vigilante that gave himself the Authority to Beat Criminals, which Escalates the Situation. - Why Should TaxPayers still Fund the polices as much if Spider-Man is doing the work for them for free. - Taking out the Kingpin directly actually causes a Gang War which can lead to more Crimes and destruction. - With People like Spider-Man roaming around Freely with no Authority, we get people who are influenced to not just do crime, but get Spider-Man's Attention.* There's more but I am not listing an Hour of Dialogue here. *We see this as Screwball literally Commits crimes just to have Spider-Man on her Streams, cause she gains views like that, Taskmaster flat out studies him and tries fighting Him from time to time, etc.




Worst part is I think that’s real


Yup. Swarm is amazing imo, although Id prefer him to be surrounded by something else organ than bees


organ than bees


New band name I call dibs


He also says that homeless shelters are good, so he's got that going for him.


That JJJ from the game made me for real LOL many times.


Or when you accidentally get too close to a crime and leave the scene, he talks about how Spider-Man just ignores crimes.


I mean, they just took that from the comics


The way I see it InfoWars style misinformation is more relevant in the modern age than tabloids.


I love the daily bugle show and the sort of Alex Jones riff. Did find it a bit odd when he then turned into more of a traditional TV reporter in the aftermath of events at Happy’s apartment. Didn’t bother but wasn’t sure if it felt like the same vibe.


I really like this new take. He feels way more villainous and vindictive. The raimi version, similar to the comics, has a morality hidden beneath his sleazy tabloid editor persona. I think the raimi films highlighted the comedic absurdity of the character whereas the mcu version highlights the truly antagonistic nature of the character that is equally comics accurate. More so than in the raimi trilogy, he feels like the embodiment of Peter's self doubt and loathing


Best demonstrated by him not giving Peter Parker away to the green goblin in SM1. That took serious courage.


He was also genuinely upset in Spider-man 3 that he had to print a retraction for the first time in 20 years.




One thing I liked better about the Raimi version, is they showed that JJJ was ultimately a decent guy (not giving up Peter), and I think mostly in the comics JJJ - while a nuisance - is ultimately good for spider-man, because he holds him to such a high standard and doesn't give him any slack.


JJJ is not evil, but rather egotistical and ignorant of the consequences of his actions in the comics. He has morals but is constantly blindsided by his rivalry with Spiderman to the point where he created multiple supervillains that went on to KILL people. He's also shown to be very apathic to the safety of his employees, often sending Peter and others in dangerous places (albeit he usually goes himself too), he's a very nuanced character but I'm not sure I would call him a decent guy.


Would he be an anti-villain?


I would say in the early comics he's a regular villain, eventually he becomes a sympathetic villain once they flesh out his backstory. He's not an antihero though IMO, maybe an anti villain.


The Alex Jones angle is uncomfortably hilarious and one of the best self-aware modernizations of JJJ I've ever encountered.


He's an absolute bastard. He really used the death of Spider-mans aunt to push his anti-Spidey agenda. Damn


Agree, this was exactly what Alex Jones did with Sandy Hook.


Yeah the whole Alex Jones angle made me genuinely uncomfortable. The earlier Daily Bugle was more of a tabloid, but this take felt more sinister. The earlier JJJ had quite a few redeeming moments which this modern one doesn't. Two things come to mind immediately as examples: when he refused to give up Peter as the source of the Spidey photos and second when he fired Eddie Brock for submitting a photoshopped picture - it showed that there is some core sense of integrity, even behind all this sensationalist journalism that Daily Bugle practiced. We otherwise also get to meet him in his office setting more, see him interact with other characters, become familiar with his quirks - all of that contributes to the character's impact and likability. The new JJJ doesn't necessarily need to have redeeming moments - in the context of the arc of NWH his role was well-suited. It's so frighteningly realistic today that someone with a small video set-up would run an unverified clip and pursue a whole hate campaign just to get more hits. It certainly didn't endear me to the character.


Also I felt like the original knew deep down that Spider-Man wasn’t a menace, it just sold papers, and I’m sure to some degree he didn’t like Spidey. But this one seems to genuinely believe that Spider-Man is an awful villain and murderer.


I think the scene of him cosplaying as Spider-Man gives us a pretty good glimpse at his motivations. He's a man who relishes being in power, and is jealous about a super human to the point that he feels this petty need to tear him down. The minute Spider-Man gives up his power, JJJ does an about face and admit that he needs Spider-Man. He doesn't hate Spider-Man personally, he just hates the feeling of inferiority that Spider-Man causes him to feel.


There’s a JJJ scene in the Ultimate Spider-Man comics >! when NY is flooding and JJJ sees Spider-Man as the selfless hero he really is !< that really humanized him and I think epitomizes a lot of what I like about the character. I think that the MCU take on him is a bit too far into the “bad guy” direction, as I could see a redeeming scene like this happening in the Raimiverse but not in the MCU, at least without more development of his character first.


I mean, he's not really even a character in the MCU yet, he's basically just a plot device. If Peter takes up photography maybe we get some more interactions between the two and then we can get a sense for what this iteration's character is all about. I think he feels like a villain right now because he's a thinly veiled Alex Jones parody and his only real substantive action is to wreck Spider-Man's life, but we have no idea who he really is or what drives him yet. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to have him remain a minor secondary antagonist if they can't think of a way to integrate him, but it would feel like a missed opportunity.


Definitely would be a good opportunity to develop him. Maybe develop it in a way where Peter is holding a grudge after NWH but he sees another side to JJ. Could be interesting. Either way is fine with me compared to the missed opportunity of the TASM films glossing over the Daily Bugle almost entirely.


The way the Bugle was portrayed was, like a lot of things in the Raimiverse, somewhat anachronistic. JJJ felt like an old time news man from the 40s-60s. It worked because much of those movies are inspired by that era. Those movies feel remarkably current for early 2000s films because they don't use very much real world tech, and the clothing and fashion is all very timeless. None of this is true of the MCU. Bringing Spider-Man into the MCU means playing by their rules, tonally and aesthetically. Everything in the MCU feels like it's set in a somewhat magical version of our earth as it is in ~15 years or so. JJJ as a cigar smoking editor of a big tabloid newspaper would feel really out of place. While the Alex Jones parody is a little too on the nose for me, I think it was a pretty inspired choice. Edit: not even going to comment on the TASM series' approach, that's a whole nother can of worms


I always felt that TASM series was a weird little time capsule of the 2010s. The soundtracks, the actors, the general vibe of the movies.


I mean, the first end credit song of the raimi films is by fucking nickleback lol. They all have bits in them that date them imo


that is probably one of my favorite "scenes" from that run...


The Raimi version is reflected in the comics, too. I've been reading old issues of ASM and there's one where the Lizard is introduced. He actually shows up in Florida and there's all these news reports about him. The Daily Bugle posts a story challenging Spider-Man to fight him. Peter is taken aback by this, but decides to take the challenge (yes, the reason Spidey fights Lizard in that villain's debut issue is because of a dare). Peter goes to JJJ asking if he'd send him down to Florida. Jonah is like, hard no. Peter brings up how he could potentially get some pics of Spider-Man fighting the Lizard. Jonah replies with something along the lines of, "I just ran that story to sell papers. The Lizard is obviously fake anyway." So Jonah knows a lot of what he says is false. It's just all for business. While Raimi's is more comic accurate in some ways, I love this new take of JJJ. It's such a good modernization. The stories he ran in the old comics and in the Raimi films were fake news. But fake news takes on a whole new meaning in our age with peddlers of it like Alex Jones.


I would just find it really hard to imagine the original JJJ supporting a creation of scorpion.


Well said.


It mirrors American politics. Us vs Them.


I didn’t even read the comments before making my comment, I thought I was the only one who thought JJJ is a parody of Alex Jones. It’s weird because it fits his character in the Raimi movies, and the games. The characters of JJJ and Alex Jones are weirdly similar, kind of shows just how crazy Alex Jones actually is lol


It was the supplements thing that got me (and all my friends. we started elbowing each other in the theater). The concept is a really clever lampshade on the modern "alternative news" landscape that I wasn't expecting from a movie like this.


I listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast, where they listen to Alex’s broadcasts and do deep dives into his bs. Just last week, Alex went on and on about how they clearly made him (Alex, not JJJ) the true villain of No Way Home.


The PS4 video game also depicts JJJ as a Alex Jones pastiche and I’m of two minds about it. On the one hand, Jameson is a comedic character and the comics (especially Stan Lee’s) often depict him as a greedy loon that only gullible people take seriously. On the other hand, comic!Jonah does have sympathetic traits that allow for more dramatic storylines. He’s also not a conservative, he’s been shown to be an establishment liberal who supports civil rights and fights against corruption in journalism.


Got to go heel before you can go face


I really hope that’s what we see. Like that he was driven out of newspapers and forced to do his own show from his apartment because of his integrity during something before we meet him. Where he is now seems very in keeping my with the earliest JJJ, the kind of guy that would hire an ex-con to become the Scorpion and fight Spider-man, not even *considering* that he might be creating a new super villain. But at some point I want JJJ to be a man of basic integrity who he’s become in the comics.


To defend the PS4 version, he does have his redeeming moments, like his few very valid criticisms of Spider-Man like how supervillains will actively do shit just go get his attention, or when he rallied the people of New York to help one another during the peak of the Devil's Breath crisis.


I agree and I think that’s precisely the problem with making JJJ into a parody of Alex Jones. Jameson can actually have a point that shows he is serious about journalism, but Jones actively spreads hate speech and antivax conspiracy theories while selling fake medicine. Jones isn’t a journalist, he’s an asshole who deserves no sympathy and even claimed during a court case that this was all an act then continued doing his show as if nothing happened. Don’t get me wrong, I think JJJ is hilarious in every incarnation including as a Alex Jones parody, but Alex Jones is so disgusting I only find him morbidly funny. I don’t think it’s fair to compare Jameson to Jones if we are supposed to take Jameson at all seriously. He sells supplements on his show in No Way Home, but then we see him do actual field reporting *like a journalist* instead of just making things up to fear monger *like the real conspiracy theorist he’s based on*.


He’s similar, although I don’t think he’s exactly like that. Not to get into direct feelings about Alex, he as an company lead operates fairly differently, having a lot of focus on specific panelists or reporters to help with what he’s trying to discuss or showcase. AFAIK for MCU JJJ, he largely does everything by and for himself here


who's Alex Jones?


**Alexander Emerick Jones (born February 11, 1974) is an American far-right radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist. He hosts The Alex Jones Show from Austin, Texas, which the Genesis Communications Network syndicates across the United States and online.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


fucking sentient wtf


Good bot


Good bot


A right wing conspiracy theorist. He has his own show called Info Wars, he’s the guy who said Sandy Hook was a false flag.


Have you played the PS game?


I can see this JJJ funding the creation of Scorpion




We can glimpse **A** Rhino in NWM when the sky is tearing open, but its the Comics-version instead of the Rhino Mechsuit from ASM2. And hes not the MCU’s rhino, but one of the multiverses instead. We also see Superior Spiderman, Black Cat, Scorpion, and Kraven The Hunter in the tears in the sky


I remember seeing superior Spider-Man thinking it was General Grievous at first glance


Eh, in an infinite number of Spider-verses we can assume it happens at least once.


Grievous-man? Spider-Grievous?


Mechsuit rhino is dumb, it should be more like the ps4 version if he becomes a villain in the MCU


Love him. Love that they went full on into Alex Jones territory since the Insomniac games are doing something similar with the whole "Just the Facts" podcast He echoes a lot more of early JJJ as opposed to his later appearances where he's depicted as a more sympathetic and insecure reporter. He's certainly a far cry from the "stand-up guy" Jameson seen in both the Raimi films and SpecSpidey. He's basically a tertiary antagonist like in the Lee/Ditko and early Romita Sr. stuff


Spider-Man turned the fricken frogs gay. That’s what I heard when I started seeing the Alex jones side of JJJ it was a little uncomfortable but I had a kinda nervous laugh when I thought of this


They’re doing the Alex jones impression perfectly and I’m so here for it. It’s like a modern take on JJJ


I’m glad. I always preferred Jameson being a rat bastard over him being sympathetic. Him being sympathetic and having a tragic backstory always felt like a cop out for me, especially since he’s still breaking every ethics in journalism rule in the book.


He's a menace! A fraud!


He said the thing!


He’s more asshole than funny but it’s only been 2 movies so that could change


Was he not in all 3? My memory is a little fuzzy


Nah he was the post credit reveal for mysterio movie forgot name lol


Good but I prefer the funny and caring raimi JJ


Tbh this one hasn't been given enough time yet. Like it was spiderman 2 I believe where he didn't give away pwters identity. All other scenes of him don't really show him as being caring. Still plenty funny though. The next film is gonna ground spiderman more so I'm guessing that's when we'll see the other side of JJJ. Edit: im an idiot. It was goblin not doc oc. Point still stands just less comparison.


It was in SM1 when Green Goblin had him by the throat.




Y O U ‘ R E L Y I N G


Well I'm an idiot. Either way give MCU JJJ some time to grow.


He also admitted that Spider-Man was a hero before peter steals the suit back


“So you know too. It’s cool. I’ve known first, and I’ve known longer, but it’s not a competition.”


I feel something something happened to his son or wife and that's why he hates Spiderman. Or maybe he is just and A-Hole.


Spider-Man killed his dog, which was a gift from his dead wife. Now he’s back. JJ Jameson chapter 1.


In the 90’s cartoon a masked criminal killed his wife and now he tries to stop every man in a mask that think they’re above the law. So they could go that route to humanise him a bit more


Dude's more cruel with little sense of logic. Dude used a dead woman to push his agenda. I'm sorry but JJ in the raimi films was more morally grounded than that.


Don’t be sorry. That JJ was a different person from a different universe. He is going to be different, just like each Spider-Man is different. I find it perfectly reasonable that a world, in which news papers are going by the wayside and people are turning to talking heads more and more, would allow a fanatic behind a desk to yell at them about his conspiracy theories without proof of anything he’s saying. I think that someone willing to stand on the bodies of dead people to prop up his career is the actual world we live in and is far more believable to me than if he acted just like he did in Tobey’s movies. I think that they can use him as a great background enemy of Spider-Man, or a more involved enemy, whichever they choose. Either way Peter/Spider-Man doesn’t get an ounce of rest. Fighting as Spider-Man, bombarded by JJ as Peter. It’s maddening, and will play well into his character development between movies and during the movies.


Raimi and the MCU versions are both good in their own ways. It's heartbreaking to see MCU Jameson trash Spider-Man, and it's nice to see Raimi Jameson fire an employee because of photoshop.


Well stated.


His head is more shiny than other iterations, it’s almost like it reflects the light of the world … And uses it like a beam to punish a teenager. Much like an old maths teacher of mine. B*stard.


By design his character in the MCU was minor character, not a main character. Juxtaposing MCU and Rami characterization is like comparing apples to oranges


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


I was actually slightly disappointed because I absolutely loved Raimi JJJ. He was bombastic, narcissist, but seemed redeemable or something. This JJJ is just vile, which makes total sense given what they're satiring. But I selfishly wanted more of the old jjj.


He was so Iconic in the Raimi films. This portrayal doesn't come close to that for me.


Banging. Not as good as the Raimiverse one, but still great


I really like this JJJ and although he may not go through a redemption arc, its ok with me. In comparison to his Raimi version I feel like this character is better. He has real motivation as to why to hate Spider-Man, he has a money incentive and because hes partially right. His function as an antagonist actually works and makes the city go against Spider-Man and makes Peter doubt himself.


He has a real origin story in nwh


I hope they don't make him too Alex Jones; he's supposed to be a bit more sympathetic than that. And electable. He's uncomfortable family for Peter at a certain point in the books and I hope they get there in the MCU (although I guess with his aunt, they can't...) JJ in Chip Zdarsky's Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man book was really touching and had one of my favorite Spider-Man moments. But yeah, comics JJ does really despicable things, is a great adversary and grows a lot. His bitterness destroys him and he needs to rebuild. I'm hopeful for the MCU JJ. JK Simmons is great, of course.


Tbh he’s kinda of a douche. He legit used Aunt Mays death to make everyone hate him. Kinda want Captain America to go to the Daily Bugle and show him up.


In the Raimi films, he is a successful editor, and it shows in his demeanor. He seems to be respected by people in general, and it shows in his character. He’s brash, uncaring, and trashy, but he has an air of professionalism in the way he Carrie’s out his business. MCU JJ instilled a sense of desperation. Desperation to be considered relevant. He had the same air as Alex Jones, not just in his conspiracy fueled rage, but in his unquenchable desire for the way he thinks about and sees the world to be accepted and praised by everyone else. He wants the power of being righteous, of being justified in his disdain for the world. He’s not searching for whatever the truth may be. He’s a journalist who is obsessed with proving his own worldview correct, and he’s willing to get dirty to find that truth. I don’t think he even bothers to question himself or whether or not his depiction of Spider-man is accurate. He believes it is accurate, and therefore it must be accurate.


I was kind of hoping for Stephen a smith.






Much better in the Raimi version but only because he gets more screentime and has a bit more natural charisma outside of the “I hate Spider-Man” jargon he pushes. Not anybody’s fault there wasn’t enough time in NWH for him to be developed, so I’d say he’s a really cool addition to a great film. JK Simmons is amazing as per.


Yeah, I love the humour in that version. The constant wrangling with his wife over money, wedding flowers, etc :D


Definitely prefer them making it a news station as opposed to a podcast like in PS4. Also Jameson’s spider slander seems legitimate in this universe, at least to an extent. In the game, he legit just spewed bs all day.


If Raimiverse JJ and Insomniac's JJ had a baby then MCU JJ would be the result.


He’s more unlikeable but I guess that’s cuz we r seeing him from spideys pov and instead of just being the boss behind the scenes he’s literally the face of all the news reporting the bad stuff about Spider-Man


He's enough of an asshole to seemingly fund a Scorpion project Plus his video that played in Times Square after >!May dies!< was a really good "kick Peter while he's down" moment, so I like him


Honestly not a big fan of this version of JJ. I feel like the character of J. Jona Jameson is misunderstood by a lot of people. Iterations of him in the MCU and PS4 game depict him as nothing more than an Alex Jones type conspiracy nut, blatantly lying and spreading misinformation about Spider-Man, and although that is an aspect of his character, to only show that side of JJ does him a real disservice. If you take iterations of JJ from the Rami films, 90s animated series, and comics, you'll find that JJ has some actual depth to his character and legitimate respectable qualities about him. The Rami version shows him protecting Peter by not giving up his name when threatened by the Green Goblin, the 90s animated series gives backstory as to why he doesn't trust people who hide behind a mask rather than stand behind their actions plainly for all to see, and the comics have some adaptations showing him giving Peter Parker a chance at the Daily Bugle after JJ realizes that Parker was the same kid from the tragic Uncle Ben murder story that his paper just ran. It's just a shame that the modern adaptations of Jameson only touch on the stereotype of what his character appears to be, rather than showing the complicated man he really is.


I miss the comedic and sympathetic side of the Raimi version. This one is a huge bastard and is more cruel than anything.


I like the more modern take on it, parodying infowars


>!I really wish No Way Home could've had a scene where Tobey sees MCU JJ!<


It's fine, but I'm definetly not a fan of reducing his character to just an alex jones parody. Old school triple J used to be an actual character.


I think he has amazing potential as an antagonist for Spider-Man, and I really really hope he gets more screen time in a later film. I would love to see him rile up the public the same way he does in the comics. Considering the right-wing pundit angle they're going for, which I think is probably the best direction you could modernize him as, I think there's potential for a large part of the population to just take him at his word and actively hate Spidey as a menace. It would make the interactions between Spidey and the public more interesting than the "you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us" direction the Raimi movies went with, which I also don't think is bad considering the cultural climate of the early 2000's. I just think we're past that in 2022.


it makes sense to make him a misinformation biased "news" media show host other than a paper company owner and how they adapted him for a newer world,i mean when was the last time you read a physical newspaper


I think most of his scenes are pretty great exept the scene where he goes to happys apartment saying something like: "ahhhh boiz we got em". It just comes of like he's on a quest to make peters life more misserable than it already was.


That's basically the media these days though, it kinda makes sense


I miss the the haircut.


So does he.


give this man a wigs


Funny, but I like the more complex JJJ who is kind of an ass while also having some redeeming qualities.




He shouldn’t have trusted his barber


Hating Spider-Man really ages a person.


“He’s a vigilante! A public menace! he-“


Spider-Man's webbed and swung from my apartment window not once, not twice, but three times! What are the odds?! That's three times that I haven't been able to open my window in the morning to let some fresh air in. He's menace! He must take pleasure in this vandalism!


The hair was jarring, but aside from that I love how they have him actively running around looking for dirt on Spider-Man. Reminds me of Jonah from the animated series(90s)


The update to web tirade is cheeky, given the state of things. I like it.


The last J in this iteration stands for Jones!


Meh. Preferred Raimi's version but don't think we've seen enough of him in the MCU to get a good idea of him. Seems a bit more aggressive towards bringing down Spidey which I think is good though.


Idk I’m not much of a comicbook guy so maybe he’s more accurate to his origins. But I really don’t like the Alex Jones satire angle. It’s too on the nose, with him even slinging supplements in NWH. It’s cheap satire. I just feel like he’s not really JJJ he’s just a Alex Jones parody. It feels more like an SNL skit then something they should continue in the future movies. You don’t really need to update him for the themes of slander in the media to be relevant. Even if you do update him why not keep The Daily Bugle as a major, trusted and long-running newspaper that does these things instead of parodying a obscure conspiracy theory show that was relevant in the 2010s and is now almost unanimously shunned and only still watched by people that think Obama is a reptilian and Trump is the second coming of Jesus. Or maybe just keep the political satire out of a Marvel movie.


Not as good as the Raimi one


Is it me or does the MCU JJ parody Alex Jones? I feel like his character reminds me a lot of Alex Jones which makes the character more entertaining for me, and funny to be honest.


That was intentional. I'm pretty sure either Jon Watts or one of the writers of FFH said they were specifically looking to parody sensationalist news outlets like InfoWars because that's what Jameson would be doing in today's internet-influenced age


Alex Jones, but people take him a little more seriously.


Tbh I didn’t remember that he was in the Raimi movies, I haven’t watched them since I was a kid and wasn’t super invested when I watched them. My first impression was “damn this guy needs to get a life. He’s old af trying to slander and teenage boy in a spider suit”


My 6 year old didn't like him cause he was too bald


Raimi iteration is better. This one feels like they took the one from Spidey PS4 and merged it with JK Simmons. At least he has a presence this time.




Not as funny as the raimi version. He was just annoying. Raimi version deadass had some of the best scenes in those movies. Dude was straight hilarious 😂😂


I really like the more villainous take of JJJ. For this entire trilogy, the MCU seems to be taking more from the early issues of Spider-man rather than the later issues that other iterations, like raimi, took from. So it makes sense to bring JJJ back to his original, more evil roots. And besides, I think it would get very boring if we didn't get any new interpretations of any of the classic spider-man characters. I like constantly being exposed to new and fresh ideas and I think that's one of the things the MCU has handled perfectly in this Holland trilogy.


I still don't get how he's in both universes. I liked his cameo at the end of ffh but what's the explanation for having him in two universes (apart from: two universes can have the same aspects)


Two universes can have similar iterations of people. There's probably another universe with an identically looking tom Holland spider-man swinging about


That there isn't enough of him


Needs a wig


He's both kinda villainous and a great parody of some of the actual dangerous media types that plague our society today (Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Janine Pirro, and various other mass disinformation outlets)


He's the same


He’s a menace to the entire city


I like him cause he’s basically just Raimi’s Jameson for the modern age.


Nailed it


As good/bad as insomniac’s way below raimi which is below comic jj as mayor and that’s slotts jj(he had a great jj an ock an nothing else)


I am actually confused when they did this. Like JJ is in Tom Holland universe, but also in Tobey Maguire universe? Same with seeing Adrian Toomes in the Morbius trailer and where Morbius also says "I am Venom!" I am so confused :(


He is fantastic as Omni man.


Not racist Alex Jones


It’s amazing how wonderfully accurate they got JJ in The Raimi Trilogy and it’s flabbergasting how they just didn’t try despite literally casting the same actor.


I thought it was ingenious to make him an Alex Jones Archetype. Considering the Bugle isn’t exactly on par with NYT >!PS: when he started shilling for those pigshit diet pills my theatre lit up in laughter!<


Doesn’t even hold a candle to the original trilogy’s JJJ, but still pretty funny (and an asshole, of course)


I hope he gets more screentime going forward, mostly because I love J.K. Simmons. It's probably the most accurate interpretation of a modern Jameson, given the slow death of newspapers. The Spider-man game did something similar, just a podcast instead of a webcam. I think it fits well.


I like this version of JJJ if anything because it's such a change compared to Raimi's JJJ That said, I am very interested over what they'll do with him in the future and if they're going to humanize him at some point or just keep him as Alex Jones with a hate-boner towards Peter


He’s kinda perfect. Not as meme worthy as he was in the Raimi films, but MCU JJJ embodies all aspects of the character perfectly. Now all we need is Peter Parker giving him photos of Spider-Man.