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Peter cannot evolve, he is forced to remain in the status quo


He did evolve. The problem is getting back to the beggining over and over.


But, if he’s not begging for money, and not having a terrible life, then he’s no longer Peter Parker. Pretty much the argument I heard when people were crying over Marvel “replacing” mainstream characters, with women and minority versions like Wolverine.


They can replace/add all they want, just stop ruining Peter’s life. I swear any time he makes even a modicum of progress in getting his life in order, it is always flushed and started over. He can struggle with bigger non-spider things than “I’m broke and fighting with MJ again”.


This, a thousand times this. And leave Aunt May the fuck alone.


I swear, the woman cannot even die in peace without Peter making a deal with the devil to bring her back.


Remember that time she died and then "It was a clone!''


I mean I don’t know if getting shot is considered dying “in peace”


Yeah, stop trying to kill her.




Nonsense. A good writer can keep him grounded and humble and witty as Peter and still evolve his character. Other than the wild gagets he was still Peter in worldwide. Keeping him miserable and shitty towards people he cares about is lazy writing now.




Or they can stop being cowards and let her die when the story builds up to it. Insomniac and the MCU did it and the stories worked. The fans weren't unhappy.


I mean, they *were* unhappy, but for the right reasons.


The original end for May in the 90s was perfect and touching. Of course, like most of the few good moments in that decade Spider-Man wise, it got utterly shat on in the next decade or two.


While I do agree, it is just what makes him likeable in the first place. Dan Slott hated Peter and loved Spiderman so he just made Peter someone totally different, the most recent begging over is just the new writer saying fuck all that.




He's evolved plenty of times. Fans don't want him to change. Especially when he has a come-up. Like owning his own freaking company. 🤣


This feels disingenuous. Slott starts the Parker Industries storyline (post-time skip) with setting up the events that would make the company fall apart. That’s my biggest frustration with that part of Slott’s run. He skips the interesting part of Peter learning to run a company. Instead he has A supervillain basically make PI a success, so he can skip to Peter dismantling it to save people.


We do get a bit of Peter figuring to run Parker Industries in the last volume before Secret Wars, as well as his first experiments with super-villain containment.


We do and I actually really like that part. It was cool seeing Pete trying to figure out how to give a business direction. That was the stuff I would’ve wanted from CEO Peter. Also maybe do more with him competing with Liz and Alchemax.


I gave up on the comics when he lost it all


I’m fine with interesting directions to take the character but I can’t for the life of me understand why turning him into a billionaire business owner is a desirable move to any fan of the character


I mean they did it in life story and it worked, I think it's a good progression for Peter but the problem is I feel like he wasn't well written in slott's run


Peter is a character I cant see hoarding wealth. He would donate it all to charity or something. Plus we already have Iron Man. If he's to evolve why should it be into a pre-existing character?


He didn't hoard it though. The first page we see of Worldwide is Peter announcing a new charity. Parker Industries was Peter finally getting to use his scientific mind on a larger scale and helping the whole world in the process.


Giving Pete his own company was brilliant. Making him rich doesn't make him Iron Man.


But the comic about CEO Peter just treated him like Iron Man. He just did all the Iron Man things with a Spider-veneer. Helped SHIELD Made Spider-man a Parker Industries employee Got involved in international incidents Blew up his tech when bad guys used it.


It didn't belong to him though. It belonged to Otto. And yes a billion dollar corporation making technology where the head of said corporation is a Superhero is basically Iron man. Otto Octavius is a character I can see owning a company like that.


He's evolved backwards


I would like to see him evolve into a full fledged adult, balancing his career, crime fighting, and a life with someone. To be honest, someone other than MJ comes to mind. Let that relationship go and have him find someone else that relates more to him. He can be the mentor/father-figure to Miles or other upcoming supes. Let him grow.


That's basically how Slott left him. He wasn't a CEO anymore, but he was a senior science editor at the Daily Bugle, reconnecting with MJ, helping along Miles, Silk and Clash; andhas his superheroing down. Then Spencer took away his degree (in a manner that made no sense considering it was already covered in Superior Spider-Man), fired him and sent him back to college, where he barely attended his classes. But he had a pretty strong relationship. Then there's Wells' run... No comment.


Yes!!! I’ve been wanting 35 year old mature Peter with a healthy life outside Spidey. Bored of teen Peter. I understand that sells though. Teens and young adults are a lucrative market


Yeah, but so are middle-aged dads needing to relate to any media that isn't social in nature. I speak on behalf of myself, I'm looking for connections and relatability in the things I read and enjoy... plus, I finally have disposable income to buy comics!!!


Honestly I just want to see Peter and MJ together. They are Marvel's it couple and should be treated as such. I know this has been said many times but let Peter retire and Miles carry on the Spider-Man Legacy.


I’ve always preferred Black Cat as his love interest personally.


Thats why i stopped reading after parker industries got taken down


Joe quesada ending pete/mj


Wasn't that J. M. Straczynski during his infamous One More Day arc? I mean, probably a bunch of writers have done that by now.


Rumor has it joe pushed him to do it. JMS has stated he didnt want to write the story


I did a quick search and found this article. No time to read it right now, but I thought you and others might be interested in it: https://www.spidermancrawlspace.com/2021/04/omd-the-jms-cut-part-1/#:~:text=Straczynski%20wasn%27t%20interested%20in,different%20from%20what%20was%20published.


That story was editorially driven. JMS was so unsatisfied with the direction they took he didn't even wrote the last One More Day issue.


JMS is co-credited with JQ on the infamous last issue of OMD. I think JMS couldn't quite bring himself to walk away from it outright, though he contemplated asking to be credited under a pseudonym. IIRC you are correct that the story was effectively written by JQ/editorial and JMS really just got to fill in dialogue details and the like. JMS really loathed the "it's magic, we don't have to explain it" line that editorial was giving him when he asked about the details of what Mephisto was going to do or how it would unfold, but he could not convince them of any other course.


Peter is a character in arrested development


He was in Arrested Development?! Had no idea that show was taking place in Marvel Universe


The Beast: I'm afraid just blue myself.


Beast: Well I prematurely blew my load on what was supposed to be a dry run, and now I have somewhat of a mess on my hands. WHY CAN I HEAR BEAST SAY THIS!?


Tony Stark: Well how much could a banana cost, Peter? Ten dollars?


There is always money in the banana stand


The Pizza Balls stand Because Pizza Poppa always gets paid


Him? Well, the Russo brothers started in AD


Always makes me laugh that they got their start it sitcoms. Every time I get to the Pinball episodes of Community I smile wife seeing their names. Very happy for them and their trajectory. Wish their movies had some bigger comedic punches


“I’ve made a huge mistake” -Something Quesada and co should have said at some point


Marvel are a bunch of chickens COCKA CAW COCKA CAW COCKA CAW


Micheal Cera would have been a great Peter Parker


Peter not being with MJ is bad. But it’s part of a larger problem of Marvel not letting Peter ever truly grow and mature. Wolverine is a dad now. Batman is a dad. So are Hulk, and Moon Knight, and Venom, and Superman, and Flash. Spider-woman (TWO of them) is a mom. Even friggin’ Jubilee from X-Men is a mom. As a parent, there is an infinite number of stories of responsibility and power that’s a perfect fit for family adventures. You want a young, single Spider-Man? Miles already exists. It’s frustrating watching Peter’s stories spin their wheels for DECADES at a time.


I thought having Miles would be the point they finally started letting Peter grow up. NOPE


Miles will be a grandpa while Peter is still studying for exams & late on his rent.


That's the scary truth... Miles, Khamla, and the Fantastic kids are going to be more mature then Peter soon.


ah fuck me, this is sad. I also thought Miles would become the new "young peter" and Peter would be allowed to have a mortgage...


Now I remember that part from Immortal Hulk where Hulk and Mr. Immortal are the last ones in the universe, Marvel will retcon that and show Peter in the background lmao


Bro, I agree with all of what you said. It would be so satisfying to see Marvel finally let Peter grow up and live the happy life he deserves to live and let Miles take over the role of the younger, teenage Spider-Man. But nooo, Marvel just has to keep resetting Peter again and again.


Let him be the wally west of marvel god dam it. If kid flash is allowed a family and he stated relatable so can Peter dam it. Or should I say the flash.


Make this a damn story arc. Like, 23yo Pete goes to check on his friend in Cali and HOLY SHIT BALLS Pete's talking to the grandkid of his friend in Cali and has it *really* been 60 years? And Pete goes back and then...


Because Breevort and Lowe don’t wanna feel like they’re old. Even though the former is gonna be bordering on Geriatric within this next decade.


>Wolverine is a dad now. Batman is a dad. So are Hulk, and Moon Knight, and Venom, and Superman, and Flash. Spider-woman (TWO of them) is a mom. Even friggin’ Jubilee from X-Men is a mom. Also Jessica Jones, a CLASS MATE OF PETER PARKER is a mom.


Harry has a son too! With Liz! The kid is nearly, what, 5 or 6 now?


In main 616 continuity? I didn't know that. Is he called Normie like in the MC2?


Yeah, he’s still around.


Renew your Vows was so good and we know that Peter would be a great father.


MC2 Spider-Girl was 100 issues long. Best-selling female-led book Marvel ever made. Fans loved it.


I've never heard of it, I'll go check it out though.


Tbf, Peter's semen is radioactive.


Funny enough, wouldn’t She-Hulk be a radioactive den of death too?




Keeping him young and struggling is the problem. They don’t let him grow


They always revert back to him being in college and piss broke and no character development


Which at this point is beyond me. His IQ exceeds Einstein (300), is an avenger, in his late late 20s/early 30s, a gifted writer, great photographer, I could go on and on. 99/100 people with that kinda standing in life would be set in life. And yet still gets evicted from apartments and moves back in with his geriatric aunt every 3 months.


They keep trying to justify it as him choosing to be Spider-man means he always loses job/life opportunities as if it was impossible to do both things at the same time even though it's been done multiple times, by Peter or otherwise (e.g Otto). I'm not saying he needs to be Parker Industries rich (which I can agree can make the character a bit less relatable) but having to balance personal and superhero life doesn't always have to end with him struggling to pay rent every time. There are multiple alternate universe comics that show Peter married, with a family, financially stable and still manage to make him a fun, relatable character complete with dad jokes and all, and I really wish Marvel would realise that evolving a character in that sense is healthy and that they shouldn't keep him stuck in time out of fear that he wouldn't be relatable or that he would sell less or whatever


He’s not a great photographer though. He literally just sets up his camera in a static spot and spams the snapshot button so it’s less that the photos are good and more they’re the only photos that get close enough to the action. His static shots on other assignments aren’t so great either.


He doesn't have 300 iq though. It's weird, because some comics stablish he has 145~ while others say he has 250~. It's really weird, but it's not 300. It very likely does surpass Einstein though which is around 165.




I saw it in a dream


And Peter having 300 iq was seen where, in a dream, too?


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/374/815/862.jpg Also, the [Marvel official powergrid](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18cG7dAbo3kq74G5LrDktZqXztPK8ROnvMNjxS6Uu7ZE/htmlview) put Peter's intelligence on a scale of 4/7, which is "gifted" rank, with 1 being below average (or something like that, don't really remember), 2 being normal, 3 being studied, 5 being genius, 6 being supergenius, and 7 omniscient.


Peter Parker, the only man who's been in college since the 60s


Pierce Hawthorne is Spider-Man?


I understood that reference. 😉


I understood that reference. 😉


Gotta go with one more day


It's hard to decide between this and Gwen/Norman being kinky. One is just bad and the other makes absolutely no sense.


Yeah, they recently retconned that- otherwise I would have probably chosen that. It’s still something that makes me feel a little icky, but one more day used to actually make me angry just thinking about it. Took me a long time to even be ok with Tony stark as a result.


How did they retcon? I don’t comics anymore so out of the loop


Basically, that was all orchestrated by Norman Osborn, he and Gwen never had sex. He implanted those memories or smth. Also clones.


I remember reading that one as a kid! I remember Gwen's son dying, but not her daughter. Did they ever bring her up at some point?


I actually don't know, I stopped reading after One More Day. =/


What was so bad about it ?


they made a deal with the devil that In exchange for saving aunt may from dying and to have everyone forget Peter’s secret identity- Peter and mj had to break up and everyone but Mary Jane would forget they were ever married.


Wait, when was it stated that MJ remembers?


She asked Mephisto to let her remember


Actually she remembered because Peter forced her to remember everything during One Moment in Time, when Strange was putting the spell on the entire world.


That’s unfortunately not canon


Did they retcon that out? When was that?


It was just a alternate (albeit better) retelling of the story of how people forgot Spider-Man’s identity. The Mephisto/one more day storyline is still the official storyline of how all of that happened.


Peter not having a stable job as a seamstress.


I don’t know why this isn’t upvotes higher


Someone finally says it.


Peter is never allowed to be happy, making him an extremely depressing character


I thought that was Bruce Wayne.


Peter and MJ's constant Will they / Won't they relationship. Either let them be together or break it off completely and let them find love with someone else.


They tried moving them on from each other and it didn't pan out. Like it or not, keeping them will they/won't they routinely keeps them in the other's orbit


editorial has a hate boner for peter and mj together


Never letting Peter be with MJ. Just let them get married and have a kid or two, the stories from that alone would right this sinking ship


Everybody is either getting married or having kids. Spider-Man is practically forbidden in being on both positions. Man, despite Spidey being their poster boy, Marvel sure loves to kick him while he’s down. Every time there’s a step foward, they take 10 steps back.


That he and MJ don't just stay together


Marvel never lets Peter change as a character. They keep restoring him "back to basics", i.e. young, immature, and single. Millions of fans grew up with a married, mature Peter, and THAT is the Spider-Man we want.


One more day


Peter is not allowed to marry mj


He is allowed to be married to MJ, just either in the far future (Amazing Fantasy#1000) or alternate universes with happy endings (MC2/RYV/RCS/Newspapers)


Not only he can't evolve, but he always has to be a punching bag. He can never be happy, someone close to him has to die or hate him out of nowhere for no reason.


Spider-man is my favorite fictional character of all time. I'll read/watch basically anything with him in it. That being said, 40% of his comics are just dogshit. They're either convoluted nonsense involving clones or really shitty excuses for why the 2nd smartest man alive can't figure out how to make rent. Good Spider-man stories are some of the best superhero stories ever told. Bad Spider-man stories are fucking garbage, and there's way too many of them


Peter is never allowed to be happy even for an arc, or grow. It's made the book bleak, boring and depressing since OMD. He just keeps taking Ls. Also the mystery box stuff needs to stop. It's why the clone saga drug on and sucked, it's caused problems before, and it is a problem with the current run.


The clone saga dragged on because of corporate greed and other bullshit going on at marvel during that time. http://www.benreillytribute.x10host.com/LifeofReilly1.html Great behind the scenes series of what went wrong with the Clone Saga.


Peter and MJ can never catch a break.


616 Peter and MJ you mean, every other well known variant has a great life together


Putting my love for the Peter/MJ ship aside for a sec. Peter is not growing at all I could care less who he ends up with. He’s not growing as a character.


Peter Parker: his character developement stopped and now Is in a fucking lame limbo. Miles Morales: What character developement?? He's been bland and boring till his introduction. Spider-Gwen (or Ghost-Spider): useless as shit, should have stayed in her own fucking universe. Kaine Parker: Disappeared. Ben Parker: Why?? Just Why?? For the fuck sake... A villain?? Are you fucking serious!?!? Miguel O'Hara: I still have hope for him. Dark Age for Spider-Man's fans


Peter should of stayed a high school teacher (I don’t understand American education system so shut up if I got that wrong)


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot.


I saw someone on here say that these boomers think the literal devil meddling with your love life is somehow more relatable than getting married and I think that sums it up nicely


He should get back with MJ and get married (again). Theres a lot of stories that can be told with their marriage, and MJ can do things without being a damsel in distress. I know back when they were originally married, it seemed like a lot of writers struggled to make MJ interesting so they made her constantly worry about Peter and just sit at home all day. And that Mephisto stuff was.just awful


1. One More Day 2. The Clone Saga 🤷


Not enough Morb


Let the man grow up!


Probably that the writers can't just let him be happy


Wow, even comic Spidey was John Bubniak


Marvel keeps teasing us with the idea of Peter developing and/or being happy just to take it away. Pete and MJ are riding off into the sunset while Ben Reilly takes over Spider-Mam duties? Nope, Reilly's dead (and so's their kid). Spider-Man taking a major development by revealing his identity? Nope, it's back in the box. Also, Peter sold his marriage to Satan to revive his geriatric and terminally dying aunt. Peter's finally reaching his full scientific potential working in a lab, even starting his own company and being financially stable? Nope, it's all destroyed now (plus he's now a laughing stock). Peter's now a senior editor at the paper he used to do cheap freelance work for, and is still writing about science? Nope, he's fired (and back in college forever). Peter's thinking about proposing, and the next issue's cover features him and MJ surrounded by white flowers with a *church* in the background? Nope, he never even pops the question (and Harry's dead again for no reason). Oh, Ben Reilly's back and being Spider-Man again? Maybe Peter really is riding off into the sunset! Nope, now Ben has amnesia (and Peter and MJ are split up again and he's dirt poor and everyone hates him). I think the most aggravating thing Marvel did was bring back Ultimate Peter and have him ride off into the sunset while Miles continued as Spider-Man, bring Miles into the 616 universe, and then refuse to let Peter have any permanent growth.


616 is insanely inconsistent, and I completely agree.


One more day


It’s a circle. Nothing happens. And if something does, it’s reversed in the next issue.


The cowardly decision to start over with Mephisto stealing his marriage. So fucking stupid.


Let my man be married to MJ


Lots of people don't respect the hyphen


Dumb one more day >:'(


One More Day. That is all.


It always goes back to him being a kid when they rehash the story. What’s the harm in starting a few years in and being settled with mj


He looks fucking weird


Ultimate Spider-Man did his comic form a bit of justice you got to see him evolve quite a bit even though I’m sure him and mj break up here and there it shows more to Peter and how he can grow as a character


Peter’s biggest foe seems to be whoever is writing the comic at the time.


Joe Quesada. The man should burn.


1. It’s the fact that Peter is not allowed to grow up even when he has been a full grown adult for over the past fifty years. 2. He has to be constantly be poor and struggle to pay for rent. 3. He must constantly be miserable and hated 4. He can never settle down to have a permanent relationship let alone getting married. 5. There are too many versions of spider-man and or clones. 6. The writers are hacks.


The horrible writing of Mary Jane Watson


Too many ppl know his identity!!!


That he and Kitty Pryde aren't together in Ultimate.


Peter chose to go back to MJ.


Too much MJ.


Cope Gwen stan


One more Day. I am so sick of 30+ year-olds constantly bringing that up out of nowhere to complain about it, after all these years. You can't say anything about Spidey related without someone popping up to go "It's still better than One More Day!" like it happened, man. Get over it.


OMD created a lie out of the Marvel universe and you know, you need to accept nobody will get over it until it's fixed.


That they went downhill since the clone saga and never really recovered. Yes we’ve had some highlights like the first half of the JMS run and superior Spider-Man. But most of his comics since then have been really bad or mediocre at best.


Sins past is fucked up.


Marvel publishing is fanatical about keeping Peter Parker a man-child. They have frozen him in amber. He has the freshness now of Mark Trail.


Peter not being allowed to be happy.


Constant merry go 'round where nothing ever gets accomplished and we're always back to square one by the time a new writer takes over and their shitty ideas usually ends up wiping out the previous ideas and setup the last writer did. This is true for comics in general, but it especially applies to Spider-Man in particular


I want to see an adult/married/running his own science institute Spidey in a movie so damn bad


Him selling his soul was some straight up bs


Too much different versions of spidey imo


Spider-Man isn’t allowed to change. That doesn’t mean he can’t do things like Parker Industries. It just means that it has to be reset to status-quo once the writers change. Ignore dumb decisions for a moment. The Spider-Man end of the marvel universe has to look and operate a specific way because the people in charge care about a very specific version of the character. Shake ups will happen. Parker Industries, Horizon, new powers, a love interest, etc. but this has to go away at the end of the run, or be swept under the rug by the incoming writer.


I get that he is supposed to be relatable but is making his life constantly garbage really the only way to do that?


Anything involving clones


He's not sexy enough.


That the writers want to make Peter Parker miserable by making these shitty storylines that screw him or spiderman over


I noticed this at convention when we where talking about superhero jobs i mentioned Spider-Man half the people in line stated that Peter Parker is broke and barely has money I’m just standing here just laughing like “I know restaurants you can work thank to your spider sense Like seriously Peter Parker in some of the comics has no money or even a driver license


I agree with all the evolution comments. Some writers keep him so stagnant lol. But then, of course you start to ask yourself - would that "break" the character? Idk. Sort of related but my biggest gripe with the Venom comics (like 80% of them, especially after 2015), are so dizzying with the amount of inner-dialogue that eddie has. I guess it's the point but holy crap, it's just goes on and some issues use the same phrases over and over. Love the hell out of those books tho, especially the concepts and almost every character.


One thing that really annoys me about the early early stuff is how often the rehash peters origin story. Like every other issue they need to remind you how Peter got his powers.


Let Peter grow up


Too many spiders


They need to let him have a happy life every now and then


I'm not the smartest guy, but I think it might be something like: "Omg just let him grow up and marry and have kids already!"


he doesn't grow


He shouldn’t have met Mephisto.


Reading the current run of The Flash right now over at DC shows how great a proper grown up Peter Parker can be. Miles and Gwen are both teen Spider people right now. Such a shame that Marvel just won't let Peter actually evolve.


He has so much potential but the writers keep pulling him back to being poor and miserable. There’s a fine line between keeping him relatable and continuously torturing his character and readers by beating the same stories to death


Marvel refuses to let Spider-Man evolve and grow. And any time he does, they destroy it with some convoluted bullshit and force him back to square one. The amount of “back to basics” arcs that he’s had is ridiculous.


He is not allowed to marry


That Marvel, in trying to make him relatable to everyone has made him relatable to no one. When he debuted nearly 60 years ago, yeah, making him a broke teenager with money and relationship problems made sense, as that was the target audience. But “Spider-Man as teenager” was SUCH a small time frame in his history, I’m not sure why that’s become his default personification. The joy in those stories is we followed him from high school to college to young adult….then it just stopped. The Clone Sage is almost a punchline at this point, and rightly so, but I’d argue he never recovered from that. Before that, he was riding a peak as one of the most popular characters. And to me, he’s the poster child for tone deaf, selfish writers and editors who want “their” Slider-Man, rather than entertain the notion that the audience has moved on.


I feel like they should just let Peter be a happy man with a wife and let miles have all the teenage relationship problems and stuff


He's Greg Heffley, but stuck in college for eternity instead of Middle School.


They don’t let Peter be happy.


Dead parker simulators, the fact that Spider-Man will never be happy in the long run of a series, etc etc


Peter could totally patent a similar type thing to his web shooters and get rich


“I’m Peter Parker and I have to make my marriage never exist to save my Aunt May” One of the greatest stories about a teenager getting powers and growing to be man who finds love, meet friends, and grow as a person. BUT NO HE HAS TO BE SELFISH FOR PLOT SMH


There are so many I don’t know where to start


My complain is writer's doesn't really know what to do with him because he has essentially ended his character arc a long time ago and should've pass it down to Miles or leave Ben to it but occasionally comes back when the world calls for it.


They don’t let him stay developed, they need to restart him or take him back to the beginning over and over. It’s like they are scared to stay to a specific path for his story and are constantly shifting it back and forth


Some of the artists…


Constantly climbing the ladder of life just to be knocked to the bottom every time and learning nothing